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患者出院准备度评估出院计划开展意义、 RHDS量表适用群体及项目内容患者从医院到家中或其他环境的延迟出院会导致患者预后较差, 并增加卫生系统的成本。另外,随着医药卫生体制改革的不断深入, 医保支付改革制度的推行,对医院及医护人员提出了更高的要求,要 真正以患者为中心,做价值医疗,在保障患者医疗质量的前提下,提 高效率。护士在医改中扮演着至关重要的角色,通过优质的护理服务 和有效的协作,可以为患者提供更好的医疗服务,同时也可以提高医 疗效率和质量,控制医疗费用的增长。出院准备度评估(出院计划)是国家卫生体系的一项常规工作, 由医护人员主导,患者参与常规开展此项工作,旨在减少延迟出院、 改善出院后服务的协调,并降低再入院风险,提高医疗质量,促进患 者康复,降低医疗负担。从患者需求、医改要求等方面看,医院开展 出院准备评估工作是势在必行的。出院准备度量表是开展出院评估的主要工具。它是一种用于评估 患者出院准备程度的工具,包括身体、心理和社会方面的因素。DRS 评估可帮助医务人员确定患者是否准备好出院,是否需要更多的康复 和护理支持,以及是否需要延长住院时间。出院准备量表衡量患者在急性护理住院后从医院回家的准备情 况。它在出院当天完成,通常在出院前4小时内完成评估。RHDS量表主要适用于三种患者群体:成人内外科患者,住院儿 童的父母,孕产妇。RHDS表格可作为患者填写的患者自我报告工具,也可作为出院 护士填写的护士评估工具。长表21-29个项目不等。简短表格包含8个项目。READINESS FOR HOSPITAL DISCHARGE S( ALE - ADULT FORM CPlease fill in the circle next to your answer. The answers are on a !0-point scale from 0 to 10. The words below the number indicate what the 0 or the 10 means. Pick the number between 0 and 10 that best describes how you feel. For example, circling number 7 means you feel more like the description of number 10 than number 0 bul not completely.1. How physically ready are you to go home?012345678910Not readyTotally ready2. How would you describe your energy today?012345678910Low energyHigh energy3. How much do you know about problems to watch for after you go home?012345678910Know nothing at allKnow all4. How much do you kno、about restrictions (what you are allowed and not allowed to do) after you go home?012345678910Know nothing at allKnow all5. How well will you be able to handle the demands of life at home?012345678910Not at allExtremely well6. How well will you be able to perform your personal care (for example, hygiene, bathing, toileting, eating) at home?012345678910Not at allExtremely well7. How much help will you have if needed with your personal care after you go home?012345678910NoneA great deal8. How much help will you have if needed with your medical care needs (treatments, medications) after you go home?012345678910NoneA great deal患者自评简表READINESS FOR HOSPITAL DISCHARGE SCALE - ADULT - RN ASSESSMENT SHORT FORM ©You are being asked to assess the readiness for discharge of your hospitalized patient. Please complete the fbrm within the 4 hours before the patient leaves your unit.Please fill in the circle next to your answer. The answers are on a 10-point scale from 0 to 10. The words belou the number indicate what the 0 or the 10 means. Pick the number between 0 and 10 that best describes how you feel. For example, circling number 7 means you feci more like the description of number 10 than number 0 but not completely.1. How physically ready is your patient to go home?012345678910Not readyTotally ready2. How would you describe your patient's energy today?012345678910Low energyHigh energy3. How much does your patient know about problems to watch for after going home?012345678910Know nothing at allKnow al!4. How much does your patient kno、about restrictions (what he/she is allowed and not allowed to do) after going home?012345678910Know nothing at allKnow all5. How well will your patient be able to handle the demands of life at home?012345678910Not at allExtremely well6. How well will your patient be able to perform his/her personal care (for example, hygiene, bathing, toileting, eating) at home?012345678910Not at allExtremely well7. How much help will your patient have if needed with his/her personal care after going home?012345678910NoneA great deal8. How much help will your patient have if needed with his/her medical care needs (treatments, medicaHons)?012345678910NoneA great deal护士评估简表用于成人内外科的RHDS表格PT-RHDS长格式西-英语(患者自我报告)PT-RHDS简表西-英语(患者自我报告)FAM-RHDS长格式ffi -英语(成人患者的家庭照顾者)RN-RHDS长格式e-英语(护士评估)RN-RHDS简表由-英语(护士评估)MD-RHDS简表国-英语(医师评估)住院儿童(包括新生儿重症监护病房)父母的PedRHDS表格PedRHDS长格式©-英语(患者自我报告)PedRHDS简表由-英语(患者自我报告)PedRN-RHDS长格式齿-英语(护士评估)PedRN-RHDS简表-E 英语(护±1(5)产后母亲的ObRHDS表格ObRHDS长格式ffi -英语(患者自我报告)ObRHDS简表西-英语(患者自我报告)ObRN-RHDS长格式由-英语(护士评估)ObRNWHDS简表-英语(护士评估)ffiDRS在临床应用中得到广泛的关注和应用,DRS能够帮助医务人 员更好地评估患者的出院准备程度,从而提高患者的康复和减少再入 院率。