市场营销专业英语课程教学大纲课程编号:n03042130课程名称 :Global Marketing学时:72 (含课外学时)学分:4适用专业:市场营销开课学期:5开课部门:经济与管理学院先修课程:市场营销原理、国际市场营销考核要求:考试使用教材及主要参考书:沃伦J基根,马克C.格林著,傅慧芬改编,全球营销(英文版,第6版)中国人民大 学出版社,2012年国际营销:以决策为导向的方法(英文影印版第5版)(丹)斯文德霍伦森著,北 京大学出版社,2016年国际市场营销学(第3版)甘碧群、曾伏娥主编,高等教育出版社,2014年国际营销(英文版)第16版,(美)凯特奥拉等著,中国人民出版社,2012年 一、课程的性质和任务专业英语全球营销是市场营销专业主干课程,作为与市场营销其他 专业基础课程密切相关联的主干课程,该课程在整个专业教育中具有特殊的意义。 该课程有助于培养学生全球视角理解市场营销,全面了解全球营销,结合当下新 兴市场快速发展趋势,全面提升市场营销专业学生的全球营销能力。二' 教学目的与要求通过本课程学习,使学生充分掌握现代国际营销基本原理,具备国际市场研 究以及国际市场营销和策划能力。制定国际经营战略,结合企业实践,运用产品、 定价、促销、渠道等营销组合进行国际市场营销。提高处理和分析国际市场营销 问题的综合实践能力。由于本课程将采用双语教学,对学生英语要求较高,因此,具体教学过程中, 要求学生课前做好充分预习。教学过程中应当充分利用英语思维理解营销理论在 现实企业案例中的运用。全面了解国际市场营销的经济、政治、社会文化等环境 变化及其发展趋势,理解这些动态环境变化将对当地消费者行为、偏好以及消费 心理所产生的影响,以逐步培养和提高学生准确分析和解决在国际营销中所遇到 问题的能力。三、学时分配Intermediaries章节课程内容学时4.教学建议讲授法与案例分析、讨论相结合Chapter 12 GIobaI Market i ng Commun i cat i ons Dec i s i ons I:Advert i s i ng and Pub I i c Re I at i ons.基本内容Global AdvertisingAdvetising Agencies: Organizations and BrandsCreating Global AdvertisingGlobal Media DecisionsPublic Relations and Publicity.教学基本要求了解全球广告、广告代理等概念;如何策划全球广告,并作出全球媒体决 策;理解公共关系和宣传的重要性。1 .教学重点难点(1)教学重点Global Advert i s i ng;Advet i sing Agencies: Organizations and Brands;Creating Global Advertising;Global Media Decisions;Public Relations and Publicity(2)教学难点Global Advert i s i ng;Great i ng Global Advertising;Global Media Decisions;Public Relations and Publicity 4.教学建议讲授法与案例分析、讨论相结合Chapter 13 GIobaI Marketing Communications Decisions II : Sa Ies Promot i on, Persona I SeI I i ng, Spec i a I Forms ofMarket i ng Commun i cat i on.基本内容Sales PromotionPersonal SellingSpecial Forms of Marketing Communications:Direct Marketing, Support Media, Event Spinsorship and Product Placement.教学基本要求了解并掌握促销、个人销售以及其他如直接营销、媒体支持、主办事件等市 场营销沟通的特殊方式。1 .教学重点难点(1)教学重点Sales Promotion ; Personal Selling ; Special Forms of Marketing Communications:Direct Marketing, Support Media, Event Spinsorship and Product Placement(2)教学难点Sales Promotion ; Personal Selling.教学建议讲授法与案例分析、讨论相结合Chapter 14 GIobaI Market i ng and the Digital Revo Iut i on.基本内容The Digital Revolution: A Brief HistoryConvergenceValue Networks and Disruptive TechnologiesGlobal E-CommerceWeb Site Design and ImplementationNew Products and Services.教学基本要求了解数字变革对全球营销带来的影响;理解价值网络和颠覆性技术的重要作 用;理解网页设计制作和执行。1 .教学重点难点(1)教学重点Convergence ; Value Networks and Disruptive Technologies ; Global E- Commerce ; Web Site Design and Implementation(2)教学难点Convergence ; Value Networks and Disruptive Technologies ; Global E- Commerce ; 4.教学建议讲授法与案例分析、讨论相结合1Introduction to Global Marketing42The Global Economic Environment43Social and Cultural Environments44The Political, Legal and Regulatory Environments45Global Information Systems and Market Research66Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning67Global Market Entry Strategies: Licensing, nvestment andStrategic Alliances68Strategic Elements of Competitive Advantage49Brand and Product Decisions in Global Marketing810Pricing Decisions811Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution612Global Marketing Communications Decisions I: Advertising andPublic Relations413Chapter 13 Global Marketing Communications Decisions 11 : Sales Promotion, Personal Selling and Special Forms of Marketing Communication414Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution4合计72四、教学中应注意的问题教学中应结合授课班级学生英语基础,进行内容和进度的针对性调整,使学 生能够快速适应双语教学模式。注重理论与实践的相互结合,理论及相关概念介 绍清楚后,应当以现实中的企业案例进行进一步深入的分析与讨论,使学生更好 的理解和掌握。五' 教学内容Chap.1: Introduct i on to GIobaI Market i n1 .基本内容Introduction and OverviewPrinciples of Marketing: A ReviewGlobal Marketing: What It is and What It Isn, tThe Importance of Global MarketingManagement OrientationsForces Affenting Global Integration and Global Marketing.教学基本要求通过学习,让学生了解市场、市场营销、国际市场营销等基本概念。理解跨 国经营时国际市场营销的重要性,并充分掌握几种重要的国际经营管理导向,了 解并掌握影响全球整合和全球市场营销的驱动因素以及阻碍因素。2 .教学重点难点(1)教学重点Principles of Marketing: A Review ; Global Marketing: What It is and What It Isn, t ; The Importance of Global Marketing(2)教学难点Management Orientations ; Forces Affenting Global Integration and Global Marketing.教学建议讲授法与案例分析、讨论相结合Chap. 2: The GIobaI Economic Envi ronment1 .基本内容The World Economy-An OverviewEconomic SystemsStages of Market DevelopmentBalance of PaymentsTrade in Merchandise and ServicesOverview of International Finance.教学基本要求了解全球经济环境对企业国际化经营的重要影响作用,理解各国尤其是东道 国的经济体制;了解市场发展的不同阶段,理解国际收支平衡对于一国经济发展 的重要性;了解国际贸易与国际金融等相关基础知识。2 .教学重点难点(1)教学重点The World Economy-An Overview ; Balance of Payments ; Trade in Merchandise and Services ; Overview of International Financeo(2)教学难点Stages of Market Development ; Balance of Payments ;.教学建议本章计划由学生自行分组后,准备素材,然后进行课堂演讲,最后进行总结。Chap. 3: Soc i a I and CuIturaI Env i ronments.基本内容Society, Culture and Global Consumer CultureHigh- and Low-Context CulturesHofstede, s Cultural TypologyThe Self-Reference Criterion and PerceptionDiffusion TheoryMarketing Implications of Social and Cultural Environments.教学基本要求介绍社会、文化以及全球消费文化;了解高语境和低语境文化;介绍霍夫斯 泰德文化维度理论;了解自我参照标准和知觉;充分理解罗杰斯的创新扩散理论; 理解社会和文化环境对市场营销的启示。1 .教学重点难点(1)教学重点Society, Culture and Global Consumer Culture ;High- and Low-Context Cultures ; Marketing Implications of Social and Cultural Environments(2)教学难点Hofstede, s Cultural Typology ; The Self-Reference Criterion and Perception ; Diffusion Theory ;o.教学建议本章计划由学生自行分组后,准备素材,然后进行课堂演讲,最后进行总 结。Chapter 4 The Pol i t i caI, Lega I and ReguIatory Env i ronments.基本内容The Political EnvironmentInternational LawSidestepping Legal Problems: Important Business IssuesConflict Resolution, Dispute Settlement and LitigationThe Regulatory Environment.教学基本要求了解全球尤其是东道国的政治环境,理解国际法,了解进行国际经营时应当 回避的法律问题,如管辖权、知识产权、反垄断法等;理解并掌握冲突管理及诉 讼等相关事宜;了解国际管理环境。1 .教学重点难点(1)教学重点The Political Environment;International Law;The Regulatory Environmento(2)教学难点Sidestepping Legal Problems: Important Business IssuesjConflict Resolution, Dispute Settlement and Litigation; 4.教学建议本章计划由学生自行分组后,准备素材,然后进行课堂演讲,最后进行总 结。Chapter 5 GIobaI Informat ion Systems and Market Research.基本内容Information Technology and Business Intelligence for Global MarketingSources of Market InformationFormal Market ResearchHeadquarters Control of Market ResearchThe Marketing Information System as a Strategic Asset.教学基本要求理解信息系统对市场研究的重要作用;了解信息技术和商业智能对全球营销 的影响;重点掌握市场信息的主要来源;理解正式市场研究;理解市场营销信息 系统是一个企业重要的战略性资源。1 .教学重点难点(1)教学重点Information Technology and Business Intelligence for Global Marketing;Sources of Market Information;Formal Market Research;Headquarters Control of Market ResearchThe Marketing Information System as a Strategic Asset(2)教学难点Sources of Market Information;Formal Market Research;Headquarters Control of Market Research 4.教学建议讲授法与案例分析、讨论相结合Chapter 6 Segmentat i on, Target i ng and Pos i t i on i ngGlobal Market SegmentationAssessing Market Potential and Choosing Target Markets or SegmentsProduct-Market DecisionsTarget Market Strategy OptionsPositioning.教学基本要求了解全球市场细分;掌握如何进行评估市场潜能以及选择目标市场;理解产 品市场决策、目标市场战略选择、市场定位等。2 .教学重点难点(1)教学重点Global Market SegmentationjAssessing Market Potential and Choosing Target Markets or Segments;Product-Market Decisions;Target Market Strategy Options;Positioning(2)教学难点Assessing Market Potential and Choosing Target Markets or Segments;Product-Market Decisions;Target Market Strategy Options.教学建议讲授法与案例分析、讨论相结合Chapter 7 Global Market Entry Strategies: Licensing, investment and Strategic Alliances1 .基本内容LicensingInvestmentGlobal Strategic PartnershipsThe Nature of Global Strategic PartnershipsSuccess FactorsInternational Partnerships in Developing CountriesCooperative Strategies in Japan: KeiretsuCooperative Strategies in South Korea: ChaebolTwenty-First Century Cooperative Strategies: Targeting the DigitalFutureMarket Expansion Strategies.教学基本要求熟悉进入全球市场的几个主要方式:许可证、投资、战略联盟;理解全球战 略伙伴的本质以及成功因素;了解发展中国家的全球伙伴;理解21世纪面对数 字化未来的合作战略;理解市场入侵战略。2 .教学重点难点(1)教学重点Licensing investment fThe Nature of Global Strategic Partnerships ; Success Factors ; International Partnerships in Developing Countries ; Twenty-First Century Cooperative Strategies: Targeting the Digital Future;Market Expansion Strategies(2)教学难点Licensing investment Twenty-First Century Cooperative Strategies: Targeting the Digital Future;Market Expansion Strategies 4.教学建议讲授法与案例分析、讨论相结合Chapter 8 Strategic EIements of Compelitive Advantage.基本内容Industry Analysis: Forces Influencing CompetitionCompetitive AdvantageGlobal Competition and National Competitive AdvantageCurrent Issues In Competitive Advantage1 .教学基本要求理解一个行业中影响竞争的主要因素;掌握竞争优势理论,理解全球竞争以 及国家竞争优势理论;了解竞争优势目前存在的问题。2 .教学重点难点(1)教学重点Industry Analysis: Forces Influencing Competition; Competitive Advantage;Global Competition and National Competitive AdvantagejCurrent Issues In Competitive Advantageo(2)教学难点Competitive Advantage;Global Competition and National Competitive Advantage;Current Issues In Competitive Advantageo 4.教学建议讲授法与案例分析、讨论相结合Chapter 9 Brand and Product Dec i s i ons i n GIobaI Market i ng.基本内容Basic Product Concepts"Country of Origin" as Brand ElementPackagingProduct WarrantiesExtend, Adapt, Create: Strategic Alternatives in Global MarketingNew Products in Global Marketing.教学基本要求了解基本的产品概念;理解将“原产地”作为品牌因素;理解并掌握产品包 装、产品保证。理解拓展、适应、创造等全球营销的战略选择。1 .教学重点难点(1)教学重点Basic Product Concepts ; "Country of Origin” as Brand Element ; Packaging ; Product Warranties ; Extend, Adapt, Create: Strategic Alternatives in Global Marketing ; New Products in Global Marketing (2)教学难点"Country of Origin" as Brand Element Packaging ;Product Warranties ; Extend, Adapt, Create: Strategic Alternatives in Global Marketing2 .教学建议讲授法与案例分析、讨论相结合Pricing Dec i s i ons1 .基本内容Basic Pricing ConceptsGlobal Pricing Objectives and StrategiesEnvironmental Influences on Pricing DecisionsGlobal Pricing: Three Policy AlternativesGray Market GoodsDumpingPrice FixingTransfer PricingCountertrade.教学基本要求了解并理解基本的定价概念;理解并掌握全球定价目标和战略;理解影响定 价策略的环境因素;理解并掌握倾销、价格垄断、转移价格以及对销贸易等基本 概念。2 .教学重点难点(1)教学重点Global Pricing Objectives and Strategies;Environmental Influences on Pricing Decisions;Global Pricing: Three Poliocy Alternatives;Gray Market Goods;Dumping;Price FixingjTransfer Pricing;Countertrade(2)教学难点Environmental Influences on Pricing Decisions;Global Pricing: Three Poliocy Alternatives;Gray Market Goods;Dumping;Price FixingjTransfer Pricing 4.教学建议讲授法与案例分析、讨论相结合GIobaI Market i ng ChanneIs and Phys icaI D i str i but i on1.基本内容Channel ObjectivesDistribution Channels: Terminology and StructureEstablishing Channels and Working with Channel IntermediariesGlobal RetailingPhysical Distribution, Supply Chains and Logistics Management 2.教学基本要求理解渠道目标;掌握分销渠道术语和结构;理解如何建立渠道以及如何跟渠 道中间商共事;理解全球零售及其与供应链和物流管理之间的关系。3.教学重点难点(1)教学重点Channel Objectives;Distribution Channels: Terminology and Structure;Establishing Channels and Working with Channel Intermediaries;Global Retailing;Physical Distribution, Supply Chains and Logistics Management(2)教学难点Channel Objectives;Distribution Channels: Terminology and Structure;Estab1i shingChannels and Working with Channel