2023年sat作文经典题目(5篇) 每个人都曾试图在平淡的学习、工作和生活中写一篇文章。写作是培育人的视察、联想、想象、思维和记忆的重要手段。范文怎么写才能发挥它最大的作用呢?下面我给大家整理了一些优秀范文,希望能够帮助到大家,我们一起来看一看吧。 sat作文经典题目篇一 is the opinion of the majority-in government or in any other circumstances-a poor guide? is creativity need more than ever in the world today? are people better at making observations, discoveries, and decisions if they remain neutral and impartial? is a person responsible, through the example he or she sets, for the behavior of other people? is success in life earned or do people succeed because they are lucky? is societys admirations for famous people beneficial or harmful? should people make more of an effort to keep some things private? are all important discoveries the result of focusing on one subject? do people accomplish more when they are allowed to do things in their own way? ls it necessary to make mistakes, even when doing so has negative consequences for other people? can any obstacle or disadvantage be turned into something good? are we free to make our own decisions or are we limited in the choices we can make? would the world be a better place if everyone always told the complete truth? does the success of a community-whether it is a class, a team, a family, a nation, or any other group depend upon peoples willingness to limit their personal interests? does the truth change depending on how people look at things? do people achieve more success by cooperation than by competition? is it important to question the ideas and decisions of people in positions of authority? does true learning only occur when we experience difficulties? can deception-pretending that something is true when it is not-sometimes have good results? should people take more responsibility for solving problems that affect their communities or the nation in general? is it more important to do work that one finds fulfilling or work that pays well? is it better to change ones attitude than to change ones circumstances? should modern society be criticized for being materialistic? can knowledge be a burden rather than a benefit? is it always best to determine ones own views of right or wrong, or can we benefit from the crowd? do circumstances determine whether or not we should tell the truth? is using humor the best way to approach difficult situations and problems? does everyone, even people who choose to live alone, need a network or family? do books, newspapers, and other media focus too much on bad news? is it better for people to know everything they can about something before taking actions,or should they get more information later? sat作文经典题目篇二 胜利失败 do people truly benefit from hardship and misfortune? does true learning only occur when we experience difficulties? is the effort involved in pursuing any goal valuable, even if the goal is not reached? do people learn more from losing than from winning? is it better to change one's attitude than to change one's circumstances? should people let their feelings guide them when they make important decisions? are we free to make our own decisions or are we limited in the choices we can make? should people change their decisions when circumstances change, or is it best for them to stick with their decisions? are decisions made quickly just as good as decisions made slowly and carefully? do people achieve more success by cooperation than by competition? is it necessary for people to combine their efforts with those of others in order to be most effective? does fame bring happiness, or are people who are not famous more likely to be happy? are people more likely to be happy if they focus on goals other than their own happiness? is happiness something over which people have no control, or can people choose to be happy? is it sometimes better to take risks than to follow a more reasonable course of action? can people achieve success only if they aim to be perfect? can a group of people function effectively without someone being in charge?(apple) is persistence more important than ability in determining a person's success? can people have too much enthusiasm? does being ethical make it hard to be successful? do highly accomplished people achieve more than others mainly because they expect more of themselves? is striving to achieve a goal always the best course of action, or should people give up if they are not making progress? should we limit our use of the term “courage” to acts in which people risk their own well-being for the sake of others or to uphold a value? is it better for people to be realistic or optimistic? is identity something people are born with or given, or is it something people create for themselves? are all important discoveries the result of focusing on one subject? do success and happiness depend on the choices people make rather than on factors beyond their control? is compromise always the best way to resolve a conflict? is it sometimes necessary to be impolite? do we benefit from learning about the flaws of people we admire and respect? is it best for people to accept who they are and what they have, or should people always strive to better themselves? is it more important to do work that one finds fulfilling or work that pays well? do people achieve greatness only by finding out what they are especially good at and developing that attribute above all else? is criticismjudging or finding fault with the ideas and actions of othersessential for personal well-being and social progress? 创新 is creativity needed more than ever in the world today? is it always better to be original than to imitate or use the ideas of others? does planning interfere with creativity? can people ever be truly original? is it always necessary to find new solutions to problems? do people put too much emphasis on learning practical skills? do people need to “unlearn,” or reject, many of their assumptions and ideas? 真话假话eron, the great gatsby should people always be loyal? would the world be a better place if everyone always told the complete truth? does the truth change depending on how people look at things? can deceptionpretending that something is true when it is notsometimes have good results? do circumstances determine whether or not we should tell the truth? is acting an essential part of everyday life? 个人集体 does the success of a community-whether it is a class,a team,a family,a nation,or any other group-depend upon people's willingness to limit their personal interests?(golden rush,ml金)are organizations or groups most successful when their members pursue inspanidual wishes and goals?(golden rush, ml金) should people take more responsibility for solving problems that affect their communities or the nation in general? do we tend to accept the opinions of others instead of developing our own independent ideas? is it important to question the ideas and decisions of people in positions of authority? is it better for a society when people act as inspaniduals rather than copying the ideas and opinions of others? are widely held views often wrong, or are such views more likely to be correct? are people more likely to be productive and successful when they ignore the opinions of others? is it always best to determine one's own views of right and wrong, or can we benefit from following the crowd? e.g: conflicts between generations is a positive force.技术进步 does a strong commitment to technological progress cause a society to neglect other values, such as education and the protection of the environment? is the most important purpose of technology today different from what it was in the past? have modern advancements truly improved the quality of people's lives? can knowledge be a burden rather than a benefit? e.g: no progress is possible without sacrifice.道德(道德缺失)enron are established rules too limited to guide people in real-life situations? should schools help students understand moral choices and social issues? should modern society be criticized for being materialistic? 英雄 should we admire heroes but not celebrities? is there a value in celebrating certain inspaniduals as heroes? do we put too much value on the ideas or actions of inspanidual people? 信息(暴力) do media determine what is important to most people?s should society limit people's exposure to some kinds of information or forms of expression? can books and stories about characters and events that are not real teach us anything useful?(hamletromeo and juliet) do memories hinder or help people in their effort to learn from the past and succeed in the present?(9.1 1do all established traditions deserve to remain in existence?(the articles of confederation)do images and impressions have too much of an effect on people? should we pay more attention to people who are older and more experienced than we are? has today's abundance of information only made it more difficult for us to understand the world around us? do people need to compare themselves with others in order to appreciate what they have? is education primarily the result of influences other than school? is it important to try to understand people's motivations before judging their actions? does having a large number of options to choose from make people happy? is the main value of the arts to teach us about the world around us? should people choose one of two opposing sides of an issue, or is the truth usually found “in the middle”? 胜利失败类 sat常把“胜利”的概念定义为英雄、华蜜、成就、专家等等,对于此类肯定要找出共性,胜利的要素特别多,可以是坚持不懈、英勇坚韧、诚恳可信,也可以是在逆境中奋勉图强;与此相对,失败的因素也许多,可以是缺乏毅力、迟疑不决、拖延、鲁莽等等。 1)do you believe, with michelangelo,that it is better to risk failing in the attempt to do something too ambitious, or to succeed at something you were already sure you could do? 接受挑战还是做有把握的事情? 2)if you want to become an expert in a certain field , do you need to have more talent or more motivation? 成为专家须要更多的天分还是动机? 3)do you agree with the idea that people can exercise control over their fear,or does fear control people?战胜恐惊篇 4)it is true that the most memorable day of our lives re those in which we underwent some personal transformation or awakening? 追求志向真理类 抽象性的话题很受sat的青睐,对于真理、真相和志向的追求,也常常被考到。 1)do people have to be highly competitive in order to success? 2)do you agree with walter cronkite that ir is necessary to see both sides of an issue in order todiscover the truth? 发觉真理是否要看到事物的两面 3)are people motivated to achieve by personal satisfaction rather that by money or fame? 学习和学问类 学习类主题是sat常考的话题,因为这跟我们同学们的生活最贴近,但与toefl详细的问题不同的是,sat考题特别抽象,如: 1)do you think that teaching something to another person can help you to learn or master a subject or process? 2)do you believe that fantasy and imagination is more important than knowledge? 想象力比学问更重要? 善恶美丑类 1)it is true that one can always find opportunity ,even in trouble? 2)does weird behavior indicate an ordinary or an extraordinary persons? 3)do you agree with the idea that the strong do what they wish? 4)it is true that there are no ugly things? 人生观类(个人与他人、与社会的关系) 对于人生观的理解,是sat考察的另一个重点。如“who you are”“what is your choice”,个人是否须要了解自我来发展自我,个人是否须要经验磨难,是否须要他人的帮助等等。 1)do we ourselves cause changes in our lives by making certain decisions, or are we acted upon by events that happen around us? 2)do you agree that it is important not to take things for granted? 世界观类 1)do you agree with the idea that war is never justified? 2)what motivates people to change? 3)is conscience a more powerful motivator than money? 4)do changes that make our lives easier not nessarily make them better? thomas edison had over 1000 “failures”before he fanally succeeded in inventing the electric bulb。 第一题:should heroes be defined as people who say what they think when we ourselves lack the courage to say it? 英雄是否应当定义为这样一种人:当我们缺乏志气表达自己内心想法的时候,他们却勇于说出自己的真实想法? 解题:这道题算是比较简洁,同学们一般会联想到的论据是马丁·路德·金、甘地、曼德拉、哥白尼、伽利略、布鲁诺、达尔文等等。由此,我们引出第一类论据:人物论据。事实上,人物论据是我们在解决sat题目时运用最多的一类论据,大约可以应用于大约60%以上的题目。同学们在备考过程应当找35个名人,把他们探讨透彻,用到文章里面去。这些名人应当具备以下一些品质:英勇、坚毅、乐观、追求卓越、百折不挠、逆境成才、勇于挑战权威、主动服务他人等等。 其次题:do you think that ease does not challenge us and that we need adversity to help us discover who we are? 顺境不足以挑战我们,我们须要逆境来了解自己,是否同意? 解题:人物论据。 第三题:is conscience a more powerful motivator than money, fame, or power? 良知是不是一种比金钱、荣誉、权利更为强大的驱动力? 解题:人物论据。 第四题:do we need other people in order to understand ourselves? 我们是否须要他人以了解自己? 解题:此题引出两类论据: 一、个人经验; 二、企业论据。个人经验比较简洁,写一个发生在自己身上或身边的故事即可。企业论据可以写企业通过视察竞争对手,发觉自己身上存在的不足。比如肯德基和麦当劳,诺基亚和索尼爱立信,波音和空中客车等等。 第五题:is the world changing for the better? 世界是不是越来越好? 解题:此题引出两类论据: 一、科技发展的好处; 二、科技发展的坏处,主要体现在环境污染方面。科技发展的好处许多,可以写医学的进步延长寿命、农业的进步养活人口、家用电器便利人类生活。环境污染可以分类绽开:水污染、大气污染、土壤污染、噪音污染、固体废物污染,等等。 第六题:can success be disastrous? 胜利会不会带来灾难? 解题:同上题。假如写不会带来灾难,则写科技发展的好处。假如写会带来灾难,则写科技进步导致环境污染。 第七题:do changes that make our lives easier not necessarily make them better? 让我们生活变得更加简洁的那些改变,是否让我们的生活变得更好? 解题:同上题。写科技发展的好处,或者写科技发展造成环境污染。 第八题:is there always another explanation or another point of view? 是不是总存在另外一种观点? 解题:同意。科技进步的确便利了我们的生活;但是从一个角度来看,也污染了我们的生存环境。 第九题:what motivates people to change? 什么促使人们变更? 解题:这类题目要求考生自主定义。我们戏称之为“爽歪歪”题型,缘由是只要把我们之前写过的题目中的关键词填在这里就可以了。比如说,假如我们写过第一题,我们就可以说courage motivates people to change.假如我们写过其次题,我们就可以说adversity motivates people to change.同理,假如我们写过第三题,我们就可以说conscience motivates people to change.(或者money, fame and power motivate people to change.) 第十题:is deception ever justified? 谎言是否正确? 解题:这道题除了可以写自己生活中的谎言,也可以来自于文学作品和斗争历史中的white lie(善意的谎言)。比如,了不得的盖茨比中的男主子公,为了获得真爱,不得不欺瞒自己的爱人。再比如,南北斗争中,南方军队为了保存实力、避开伤亡,利用战术蒙骗了北方军队。我们可以写谎言不好,比如结合时事,有些企业欺瞒消费者,由此带来巨大损害。 sat作文经典题目篇三 sat作文题目汇总sat essay questions collection 1.(2023.3)is the opinion of the majority in government or in any other circumstances a poor guide? 2.(2023.3)is creativity needed more than ever in the world today? 3.(2023.3)are people better at making observations, discoveries, and decisions if they remain neutral and impartial? 4.(2023.3)is a person responsible, through the example he or she sets, for the behavior of other people? 5.(2023.5)do