幼儿园周计划Theme: Ready for school: At schoolClass: Mickey Class Date: 14-18 March 2022 Week:5DayMondayTuesdayMorningMath:- Measure different items in our classroom- Give feedback- MacMillan bookwork and games- Read the story社会活动:珍惜时间美术活动: 书包 (绘画)AfternoonWelcome and introduction. Speak about our holidaysReview units 1-2 words and sentence Introduce Unit 3Welcome and introduction. Introduce Unit 3 “orWords:horse, corn, storm, sports Sentences:The horse ate all the corn that was in the bucket.The sports team was playing in a storm.CornerGames1 .美工区:新增卡纸、照片纸、镜子等,- 可让幼儿自制时钟;提供纸袋、无纺布、: 习用品;2 .数学区:新增文具图片、场景图、尺孑二 钟、操作单、场景图,可让幼儿了解小学白 幼儿可根据提示进行还原拼图;3,科学区:新增铝邕、甯刀、橡皮擦等,- 的纸屑、记录表,幼儿通过实验进行摩擦d 实验并记录;4 .语言区:新增幼儿自制作息时间表、话1 同作息时间;提供幼儿自制小人书、手偶、 时间、地点、人物、事件的骰子等,可让/ 5.建构区:新增纸杯、纸箱、旺仔牛胡罐二 幼儿可拼搭花朵、树木、小草等绿化校园; 搭建;Outdoor1、体育游戏:人检虎、抢椅子、卷白菜、贴烧 2、自选材料:大龟背、降落伞、木梯组合、飞ZWednesdayThursdayFridayScience class:- Toilet paper pull- Walking water- Food coloring and toiletpaper experiment- Hair dryer and ping pong ball- Oil and water experiment (Shot glasses, oil, food coloring- Film plastic- MacMillan bookwork and games - Review the unit- Prepare questions and answers to discuss with the South African kids.- Practice our chants- Talk about etiquette and rules for the video call activity语言活动:红色的鸟窝健康活动:认识田字格数学活动:二等分、四等分Welcome and introduction.Unit 3Find the letters and sounds Write the wordsWelcome and introduction. Write and the sounds and words.Make new sentences with our new words.Video call with SouthAfrican grade 1 class可让幼儿同毕业悔士照;提供盘子、蜡笔、毛根等, 牙膏盒等材料,可让幼儿自制创作书包、铅笔盒等学等,可让幼儿根据提示进行二等分和四等分;提供时1勺一日作息时间安排;提供二项式、三项式、木块等,可让幼儿探索磁力的传造;提供各种文具、不同材质 坦电;提供天平、文具、祛码等,幼儿根据轻重进行筒、播报台等,幼儿两两讨论并讲述幼儿园和小学不、场景图等,幼儿两两进行情景表演;提供幼儿自制 幼儿有序连贯清楚讲述一件事;等,幼儿可搭建教学楼;提供花片、积塑、木块等, 提供鹅卵石、纸板、牙膏盒等,幼儿可进行马路的:饼、放鞭炮等 笈、呼啦圈。Activity3、早操活动:在做新操节动作时标准有力。Habit FormationStudents must know how to measure objects, and perform easy science experiments on their own. They have to report on their findings. Students will experience different school culture and learn to respect people/s differencesHome ConnectionPlease talk to children about different cultures, and how people in other countries might look different from us, and that we must respect each others differences.