英语听力入门 2 0 0 0Unit 2听力入门2000Unit5Unit 3Unit 4Unit 1 Happy New Millennium!Part I:Warming up Part 11:The time ball Part III:Word of the millenniumPart IV:Short talks on listening skills Focus on the Main IdeaoPart I Warming up(I)The world has entered the 21st century.Here are some brief reports of Happy New Millennium celebrations.Now listen and enjoy.Supply the missing words.1.The world is greeting the year 2000 with m uch celebration.The first nation to celebrate was Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean.2.I n China,President Jiang Zem in lit a fire to represent thousands of years of Chinese civilization.The traditional Chinese New Year begins in February.3.Russia covering two continents will have the worlds longest New Year celebrations.4.Form er South African President Nelson Mandela says he is hoping for a safer and more caring world in the next century.The former President also said science has given the world new ways to m eet the needs of the world population.5.Welcom e from London.Welcom e from the BBC World Service to the 21 st century.The year 2000 has arrived in Britain when the chim es of Londons Big Ben signaled midnight.Huge crow ds cheered as spectacular fireworks displays went along several kilom eters of the Tham es.6.Welcom e to the Pacific,w elcom e to Millennium I sland.Very shortly We and the tiny Republic of Kiribati will take the worlds,very first step into the year 2000.Part I Warming up(II)7.New Zealand is greeting the new millennium with fireworks and parties.As the clock struck midnight,thousands of people braved rain showers to attend midnight celebration,fireworks and concerts.8.In Australia a firework display lit up the sky over Sydneys famous harbor at the stroke of midnight.Earlier,the new century began its 24-hour march around the globe in the tiny South Pacific island nation of Kiribati.9.Joyous celebrations took place across Asia to celebrate the turn of the century and the start of the new millennium.In Hongkong,tens of thousands of people started the New Year at the race track,where a horse race began just after midnight.1 0.More than 3,500 people lined Singapores Orchard Road to cheer the new century while hundreds of balloons were released into the sky.11.In Vietnam,hundreds of thousands of people crowded the streets of Hanoi and Huzhiming City.Part I Warming up(III)12.Two thousand couples from around the world gathered in Thailand today to mark the New Year with a mass wedding.The day-long ceremony began in the morning with grooms meeting their prospective brides and exchanging gifts in the convention center in the capital of Bangkok.13.South Korean President announced the birth of the first South Korean baby of the millennium.14.In Japan,millions of people wished for good fortune in the Year of the Dragon.In Tokyos waterfront area,1 0,000 people enjoyed a gala countdown to the New Year.1 5.People across the world are welcoming the year 2000 with fanfare and celebration.The spectacular dusk-to-dawn light show is marking the beginning of the new century at the Pyramids in Egypi.1 6.Just over an hour ago,millions of people in western and central Europe welcomed the New Year with fireworks and open air parties.Part 11 Thetime ball A BAListen to some statements about the time ball.Fill in the blanks with what you hear on the tape.1.The time ball was originally used as a marine time-keeper.2.The Greenwich time ball is said to be the worlds first public time signal.3.The ball is autom atically raised halfway up the m ast at 12:55 p.m.to the top at 1 2:58 p.m and drops at 1.00 p.m.4.Around 1 50 public time balls are known or reported to have been installed around the world after that at Greenwichin 1 833.5.The U.S.Naval Observatory dropped the first time hall in the United States in 1 844.6.Tim e balls w ere used in many cities around the U.S.during the 19th century.7.At the turn of the 20th century dozens of time balls were being dropped around the world.8.A few time balls are still cerem onially dropped around the world,ranging from New Zealand to the Old Royal Observatory inGreenw ich.BListen to a news report about the towering of the time ball.Answer the questions with key words.1.Why is it said that many places around the world will mark the start of the New Year in an old-fashioned way?time ball dropping/19th century raval tradition2.How many places in the world will observe the naval tradition?20 sites/6 continents3.What was the real function of the time balls in the past?visual time signals/give the time4.Who dropped the first time hall and when?British Navy/1 8295.What is the difference between the time ball dropping this year and the usual practice?normally at noon/this year midnight6.What were the first time balls made of?wood&leatherWhen is the real start of the new millennium according to Steven Dick?year 2001V C(l)公 Now listen to a faster presentation of the material.Check your answers.In this age of ultra-high technology,many places around the world will mark the start of the New Year in an old-fashioned way.They will revive a 1 9th century naval tradition by dropping time balls when 2000 arrives.I Twenty sites on six continents will observe a tradition best exemplified by the lowering of the lighted time ball in New YorkAs the New Year sweeps around the world,beginning at the international Date Line,we are going to have the time balls dropping.f Steven Dick is a historian at the U.S.Naval Observatory,the institution that maintains the U.S.master clock.Everyone is familiar with the time ball in New Yorks TimesSquare,but they had a real function in the past.In the 19th century these were visual time signals which were used to givethe time.1Mr.Dick says the British Navy dropped the first time ball in Portsmouth,England in 1829.The first U.S.time ball fell in Washington in i844.C(ll)&This remained a viable signaling method through much of the 19th century.They were dropped well into the 20th century.At the turn of the century 100 years ago there were approximately two dozen in the United States that were still in use.Time balls normally fell at noon local time in the United States and at 1:00 p.m.in Europe,the beginning of the fall marking the exact time.But this year would see them drop at midnight locally.The first time balls,about one and half meters in diameter,were made of wood and leather and hoisted manually by rope to drop by gravity.Eventually in several instances,electrical motors or mechanism using water or air pressure were employed.And in some time,materials changed.The Greenwich ball is now aluminum.For this New Year some time balls will have a local flavor.Miami will be raising an orange.I understand Atlanta will drop a peach.,Steven Dick said San Francisco is to join the event next year when the U.S.Naval Observatory again sponsors an international time ball drop to signal what he says is the real start of the new millennium.Part 111 Word of the millennium A BA Listen to a report about the word of the millennium.List some of thereasons why the word was chosen.Fill in the blanks.Word of the m illennium:Internetja.becoming part of peoples lives so quickly and having had such an impactb,giving birth to so many new words and phrasesc.representing an era in social historyd.becoming the most significant word of the century in less than a decade1TelephoneInternetTime when the word was established in the dictionary18981998Significan cebringing massive social change and reshaping the way people did businessSpecial featuresa.bringing new words and phrases into popular usageExamples:busy signals,wrong numbers,voice mail,cell phones b.giving the U.S.its standard greeting:Helloa.giving birth to many new words and phrases examples:netizen,chat-room,home pageb.borrowing words from older technologies and giving them new meaningexamples:copy,browser,bookmarkB Tapescript Ask John Morse,publisher of Merriam-Webster Dictionaries,to name the word that defines the close of the millennium and he doesnt hesitate:Internet.No other word has become part of peoples lives so quickly or has had such an impact,he says.The Internet has swept into the American vocabulary and given birth to so many new words and phrases netizen,chat-room and home page,among them-that it has come to represent an era in social history.And remarkably,Internet has managed to become the most significant word of the century in less than a decade.At Merriam,new words earn a place in the dictionary simply by repeated use in the popular press.Merriams lexicographers spend a large part of their day reading newspapers,magazines and now Internet publications.We first started seeing a number of citations in 1994,and by 1998 it Was established in the dictionary,Morse says.It was just astounding.Just a century ago,another form of communication swept into the language.In the 1898 edition of Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary,the hot new word was telephone.It brought massive social change and reshaped the way people did business,just as the Internet is doing today.Telephone was no easy linguistic act to follow.It helped bring into popular 3e a wide range of new words and phrases-busy signals,wrong numbers,voice,cell phones.It also gave the United States its standard greeting:Hello.But Internet is holding its own,in part by borrowing words from older technologies and giving them new meaning,such as bookmark,copy and browser.Indeed,Internet has created a new vocabulary that has come to represent a historical era of change.Part IV Short talks on listening skills Focus on the Main IdeaListening and reading require many skills in common.Finding the main idea in a paragraph is just one of these skills.The purpose of this talk is to discuss what a main idea is and how to recognize the main idea.Perhaps the best way to understand the main idea is to think of it as J the central idea,or the most important idea which gives the paragraph and direction.That is to say,when you are trying to find the main idea,you are actually thinking about the uurDpse of the given paragraph:Is it to inform you about something,to explain,to narrate?Or is it to compare,to argue,to persuade,etc.?When you get the right answer for yourself,you are likely to have got the main idea.The main idea of a paragraph is usually stated in what is called a topic sentence.More often than not,the topic sentence is the first sentence of a paragraph.It is followed by other sentences,containing supporting details.When a difficult idea is discussed or when the of the paragraph is to persuade and convince,the topic sentence is sometimes placed at the end of the paragraph.If a paragraph has an implied main idea,it does not have a stated topic sentence.The main idea is hinted at by the sentences in the paragraph as a whole.Unit 2 Net Changes Life(I)Part I:A/arm ing up Part I I:Network Part III:Online Shopping Part I V:Short talks on listening 飞 kills Part V:Some usefulabbreviations and symbols Ck notetakingPart I:Warm ing up A BA(I)Youre going to hear some important dates in email history.Supply the missing dates and words.Great bat es i n Emai l Hi s t o ry bate:Oct o ber 1969 Leo nard K ei nro ck,a UCLA co mput er s ci ence pro fes s o r,s ends t he fi rs t emai mes s age t o a co lleague at St anfo rd.The co mput er pro mpt ly cras hes.bate:March 1972 Ray To mli ns o n,aut ho r o f t he fi rs t emai l s o ft ware,cho o s es t he fo r addres s es:I go t t here fi rs t,s o I go t t o cho o s e any punct uat i o n I wanfed.,bate:February 1976 Queen Eli zabet h II beco mes t he fi rs t head o f s t at e t o s end an emai l mes s age.A(II)bate:Fall 1976 Ji mmy Cart er and Walt er Mo ndale us e emai l every day duri ng t hei r campai gn t o co o rdi nat e t hei r t ravel s chedules.A s i ngle mes s age co s t s US$4 t o s end.bate:S-pt ember-1983 Co lby Co llege i n Wat ervi lle,Mai ne,beco mes o ne o f t he fi rs t i ns t i t ut i o ns o f hi gher educat i o n t o as s i gn emai l acco unt s t o all i t s s t udent s.bate:Decamber 1994 A wi dely ci rculat ed emai l ho ax appears,warni ng t hat readi ng an emai l ent i t led Go o d Ti mes wi ll eras e yo ur hard dri ve and des t ro y yo ur pro ces s o r.bat e:D-cambar 1998 In t he mo vi e Yo uve Go t Mai l,a celebrat i o n o f emai l ro mance,Meg Ryan and To m Hanks recreate The Sho p Aro und t he Co rner o nli ne.The o ri gi nal mo vi e,The Sho p Aro und t he Corner,was s ho wn i n 1937.BListen to a short talk about the abbreviations used on the Internet What do these abbreviations mean?Write down the full meaning.AISI as 工 s ee i tIMHO i n my humble o pi ni o nFWIW fo r what i t i s wo rt hCAAIIW co rrect me i f 工m wro ngAAAAOF as a mat t er o f factBION beli eve i t o r no tFYI fo r yo ur i nfo rmat i o nAAYOB mi nd yo ur o wn bus i nes sSOP s t andard o perat i ng pro cedureTAFN t hat s all fo r no wBCNU be seei n*yo u 空点B TapescriptOne feat ure o f t he i nfo rmat i o n s uperhi ghway i s t hat t he t raffi c t ravels fas t,and t echi es us e t hei r o wn s peci al s ho rt hand t o Keep mes s ages zo o mi nq alo ng.To day well help yo u deco de t ech t alk by ans weri ng s o me no t s o frequent ly as ked ques t i o ns abo ut abbrevi at i o ns o n t he Int ernet.What do es i t mean when a mes s age i ncludes t he let t ers AISI o r IMHO?AISI s t ands fo r as I s ee i t and IMHO i s s ho rt hand fo r i n my humble o pi ni o n.So me mo des t fo lks wi ll als o add FWIW befo re s hari ng t hei r o pi ni o n,whi ch s t ands fo r fo r what i t s wo rt h.,1 Ot hers expres s t hei r di s appro val wi t h t he let t ers CMIIW That i s,co rrect me i f Im wro ng.,The li s t o f co mmo nly abbrevi at ed phras es o n t he Net i s nearly endles s.As q mat t er o f fact,AAMOr s t ands fo r as a mat t er o f fact/and beli eve i t o r no t get s po s t ed as BION.Are t here any pre-Info rmat i o n-Age abbrevi at i o ns s t i ll maki ng t he ro unds i n t hi s hi gh-t ech era?yo u bet.The o ld s t andbys FYIZ MYOB,and SOP whi ch s t and fo r fo r yo ur i nfo rmat i o n/mi nd yo ur o wn bus i nes s,and s t andard o perat i ng pro cedure are s t i ll frequent ly us ed t o day even i n emai l.Si nce t i me i s get t i ng s ho rt,has t he Net gi ven us t ruly s ho rt and clear ways t o s ay go o d-bye?Try TAFN(t hat s all fo r no w),and BCNU(be s eei n yo u).Yo u are going t o hear s o me s t at ement s.Each s t at ement wi ll be fo llo weaby a wh-wo rd.Wri t e do wn t he relevant s egment s acco rdi ng to t he wh-wo rd.Fo r example,i f yo u hear“The bo y was lo o ki ng fo r hi s mo t herV“Who m,jus t wri t e do wn t he wo rds“hi s mo t her”.1.Who?Ti m Bo rners-Bex2.When?i n t he 1980s3.When?3 19904.Where?o n t o t he Int ernet5.Ho w many?100,0006.What?e-co mmerce7.To who m?peo ple wi t h i magi nat i o T and new i deasC Tapescript1.Ti m Berners-Lee i s t he man who wro t e t he s o ft ware pro gram t hat led t o t he fo undat i o n o f t he Wo rld Wi de Web./Wno?2.In t he 1980s s ci ent i s t s were already co mmuni cat i o n:us i ng a pri mi