2023年陕西大学英语考试模拟卷(8)本卷共分为2 大题50 小题,作答时间为1 80 分钟,总分1 0 0分,60 分及格。一、单项选择题(共 2 5题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1.T h e f o o t b a l l g a m e c o m e s t o y o u f r o m Ne wY o r k.A.l i v e l yB.a l i v eC.l i v eD.l i v i n g2.Co n t r a s t m a y m a k e s o m e t h i n g a p p e a r m o r e b e a u t i f u lt h a n i t i s w h e n a l o n e.A.s e e nB.i s s e e nC.t o b e s e e nD.h a v i n g b e e n s e e n3.None of us expected the chairman t o at theparty.We thought he was still in hospital.A.turn inB.turn overC.turn upD.turn down4.The mother didn,t know w h o for the brokenglass.A.blamedB.be blamedC.to blameD.would blame5.H e to his customers and halved the price.A.leakedB.drewC.quotedD.yielded6.Tryon was extremely angry,but cool-headed enough tostorming into the boss,s office.A.preventB.prohibitC.turnD.avoid7.Al 1 flights because of the terribleweather,they had to go there by train.A.having been canceledB.had been canceledC.having canceledD.were canceled8.The author of the report is well with theproblems in the hospital because he has been workingthere for many years.A.informedB.acquaintedC.enlightenedD.acknowledged9.The boy spent as much time watching TV as hestudying.A.doesB.hadC.wasD.did10.The ships generator broke down,and the pumps hadto be operated instead of mechanically.A.manuallyB.artificiallyC.automaticallyD.synthetically11.Yesterday?s English examination looked simple,butit turned out to b e easy.A.nothing butB.everything butC.something butD.anything but12.Liquids are like solids they have adefinite volume.A.in thatB.for thatC.with thatD.at that13.As preparations were not completed in time,theconference had to b e till the next Tuesday.A.put awayB.cancelledC.put asideD.postponed14.It,s only a short way to the station,so we mightas walk.A.goodB.nowC.quickD.well15.“Perhaps you should go home now.”No,Ion staying here for a while longer.”A.persistB.stickC.sitD.insist16.It was raining hard,but by the time class was over,the rain.A.stoppedB.would stopC.had stoppedD.might have stopped17.with the size of the whole earth,thehighest mountain does not seem high at all.A.When comparedB.CompareC.While comparingD.Comparing18.H a r d l y to the bus stop when the bussuddenly pulled away.A.did they getB.they had gotC.they gotD.had they got19.It is necessary that the p l a n beforeThursday.A.were fulfilledB.was fulfilledC.be fulfilledD.would be fulfilled2 0.Since she can speak Japanese fluently,she has anadvantage other job applicants.A.toB.inC.overD.against21.Not only our money,but we were also indanger of losing our lives.A.we lostB.lost weC.did we loseD.we did lose22.I a doctor now,if I had studied medicalscience in my youth.A.wereB.should beC.had beenD.should have been23.I knocked at the door several times anelderly lady came to answer it.A.beforeB.afterC.unlessD.then24.He seemed very young,b u t he was olderthan all of us.A.in natureB.in realityC.by natureD.in origin25.You may not have played very well today,but at leastyou,ve got through to the next round and.A.tomorrow never comesB.tomorrow is another dayC.never put off till tomorrowD.there is no tomorrow二、多项选择题(共2 5题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意)1.Eight Tips for Surviving Black Friday2.Sugar一Friend VS.Enemy3.Earthquakes4.Eight Tips for Surviving Black Friday5.H igher Grades Challenge College Application Process6.H igher Grades Challenge College Application Process7.Higher Grades Challenge College Application Process8.Listen to the following passage.Altogether thepassage will be read to you four times.During the firstreading,which will be read at normal speed,listen andtry to understand the meaning.For the second and thirdreadings,the passage will be read sentence by sentence,or phrase by phrase,with intervals of 15 seconds.Thelast reading will be read at normal speed again andduring this time you should check your work.You wi11then be given 2 minutes to check through your work oncemore.Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEETONE.Now listen to the passage.9.Nowadays,more and more parents buy mobile phones fortheir children in primary schools for various reasons.It is true that parents and children could contacteasily with each other by using mobile phones,but thisdouble-edged sword also brings many problems forthemselves as well us for the society.In your opinion,is it beneficial or not Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO acomposition of about 200 words on the following topic:SHOULD PRIMARY STUDENTS USE MOBILE PHONES You are towrite in three parts.In the first part,statespecifically what your opinion is.In the second part,support your opinion with appropriate details.In thelast part,bring what you have written to a naturalconclusion or a summary.Marks will be awarded forcontent,organization,grammar and appropriateness.Failure to fol low the above instructions may result ina loss of marks10.Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60words based on the following situation.Last Sundayyou attended the birthday party of your best friend,Richard,and you really enjoyed it.Write a noteexpressing your appreciation for his hospitality.Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.11.NoticeAll the students of Foreign LanguageDepartment.The Students,Committee will organizea tour to the suburbs on May 13th Saturday to May15thMonday.The fee of this tour is 200 yuan per person.The students who want to attend this activity shouldhand in your fee to the Students Committee in advance.And we will meet at the gate of the office building ofour.department at 7:00 a.m.on Saturday.12.First,you must determine if you are eligible to usea flex-time schedule.The flex-time system is designedfor those employees whose jobs do not require them toanswer telephones or to be available to the publicbetween the hours of 8:00 A.M.and 5:00 P.M.Inaddition,an employee must receive written permissionfrom his or her department manager.13.收信人;方雷詹姆士 布朗收到方雷第2 2 4号的询价单后,在2006年1月1 0日回了一封信。说明由于目前订单量大,无法供应,货预计将在两个月内到。随后,向对方推荐其他目前可供应的品种。随信附了第991号报价单和四份宣传册,并可应对方要求,寄样品。14.浦东新区总体规划目标是在三四十年里,把浦东建设成为有合理的发展结构、先进的综合交通网络完善的城市基础设施、便捷的通讯信息系统和良好的生态环境的现代化新区。新区成立1 0年来发生了巨大的变化,取得了举世瞩目的成就。浦东的经济保持快速、稳定、协调发展的势头。浦东新区1990年的国内生产总值约为60亿元,1999年达到8印亿元,年均递增加20%左右,呈现出良好的经济增长结构。基本建设速度加快,投资环境不断完善。继南浦大桥、杨浦大桥、杨高路等一批市政重点工程竣工投入使用后,新的工程基本项目有的正在建设,有的正在规划之中。15.Advice for Families from the Scottish Council forResearch in Education.U“If you are worrieddiscuss this with a teacher.”/U UBullying isnot easy to define.Sometimes it involves hitting orkicking.But threats,teasing,and taunting are morecommon and can be more damaging.The word bullying”is used to describe many different Woes of behaviourranging from teasing or deliberately leaving anindividual out of a social gathering or deliberatelyleaving un individual out of a social gathering orignoring them,to serious assaults and abuse.Sometimesit is an individual who is doing the bullying andsometimes it is a group./U UThe importantthing is not the action but the effect on the victim.No one should ever underestimate the fear that a bulliedchild feels./U UThis advice sums up the mostimportant actions to take:/U UIf someone inyour family is being bullied at school,you have to dosomething to help.You must talk to a teacher./UU If you are worried that someone in your family maybe bullied-discuss this with a teacher./UU If you want to help rid schools of bullying-workwith the teachers to make school safer andhappier./U UIf you are not satisfied withthe school,s response,do not give up-other sourcesof help are available./U USupport andunderstanding at home are important in helping peopleto cope with bullying-families should do all theycan to help children and young people valuethemselves./U UChildren and young peoplewho witness or become aware of bullying may be unsurewhat to do and whether they should tell someone.Makesure they know that they should talk to a parent orteacher,and why./U U The KEY MESSAGES to getacross to the person being bullied are:/UUlt s not your,fault that you are beingbullied./U UYou don t have to face this onyour own./U16.BTH E ONLY TH ING PEOPLE ARE INTERESTED IN/BBTODAY IS EARNING MORE MONEY/B In the firstpart of your writing you should present your thesisstatement,and in the second part you should supportthe thesis statement with appropriate details.In thelast part you should bring what you have written to anatural conclusion or a summary.Marks will beawarded for content,organization,grammar andappropriacy.Failure to follow the above instructionsmay result in a loss of marks.Write your compositionon ANSWER SH EET FOUR.17.亲爱的皓斯先生:我为我公司工人的不良行为表示歉意,并为在你停车场上留下的油漆污渍向你道歉。这次派到你店去做油漆活的漆工是新手,这是他们第一件工作。我已向全体职工通告了有关你处的情况,并告诫他们以后再也不允许类似事件的发生。皓斯先生,我希望下次你需要油漆时,请再给我公司一个机会,你将得到最好的服务。再次为给你带来的不便表示歉意。约翰 史密斯谨上苹果油漆公司学校 路520号18.People may be the most interesting show in a largecity.Stroll through business streets and see whateverybody else is doing.You will probably see peoplefrom all over the world;you will certainly see peopleof every age,size,and shape,and you 11 get a freefashion show,too.For the thrifty,window-shopping isalso a safe sport if the stores are closed.19.Taking notes in class is not a trifling(细小的)thing.It reflects one s ability to understand andmake a logical arrangement of the highlights(重点)ofa chapter in a course.Today we have two ways of takingnotes:one is to copy everything written by the teacheron the blackboard.The other is to choose the important,useful and key points to write down.Notes are veryhelpful resources,and are especially important fortest/preparation.20.亲爱的曼弗里:值此您以优异的成绩毕业于纽约大学物理研究生院之际,特向您致以衷心的祝贺。我们完全有理由为您和您的成绩感到自豪,我们知道,您的理科博士学位是经过多年的勤奋学习和辛苦工作而获得的。现在您已经胜利而光荣地通过了这一关。我们已经听人述说您在学业上的优异成绩和许多课外活动方面的特长。我们为您的成就感到骄傲,并借此机会向您致以良好的祝愿,祝您今后取得更大的成绩,幸福愉快!您的诚挚的哈弗 美利坚合众国纽约市 纽约大学原子物理系 2005年7月6日21.Listen to the following passage.Altogether thepassage will be read to you four times.During the firstreading,which will be read at normal speed,listen andtry to understand the meaning.For the second and thirdreadings the passage will be read sentence by sentence,or phrase by phrase with intervals of 15 seconds.Thelast reading will read at normal speed again and duringthis time you should check your work.You will then begiven 2 minutes to check through your work once more.Please write the whole passage.22.Write a note of about 50-60 words based on thefollowing situation:You have enjoyed very much theparty held at your friend一Lucy s home.Write to hera note to thank her for her hospitality and express yourhope for more of such kind of parties to be held.Markswill be awarded for content,organization,grammar andappropriateness.23.Children s education plays a vital role in buildinga powerful and prosperous country.Some people sayparents are the best teachers,while others don tthink so.Write a composition of 200 words on thefollowing topic:Are Parents the Best Teachers24.人们每天都生活在压力之下2.所以说保持一个好的心情是十分重要的3.我的观点和原因25.1.有人认为金钱是幸福之本(source of happiness);2.也有人认为金钱是万恶之源(root of all evils);3.我的看法。According to the prompts to write a compositionof about 100 words