I am afra i d that I can notwith you.选取一项:A.approveB.agree J*C.endorseM r.Robert has a _ of five.选 取 一 项:A.family WB.househo I dC.homeYou can see the user _ of our website are up this month.选取一项:A.figures/B.numbersC.figureAs he grows old his health选取一项:A.dropsB.decreasesC.dec I ines 必He made _ changes i n h i s new book.选 取 一 项:A.extensive 必B.largeC.a I otThe Germans,as _,are often thought to be we I I organized.选 取 一 项:A.a nation WB.a countryC.peopleThey held a dinner _ the important guests.选 取 一 项:A.i n the honour ofB.in an honour ofC.i n honour of WThe I and _ sharp Iy away from the house.选取一项:A.deciinesB.decreases Xf-C.reduces反馈对的答案是:dec I i nesHe has _ there for about an hour without moving.选取一项:A.lain WHe was _ of what he sa i d.选取一项:A.afraid阅读下面句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中勾选一种能填入空白处最佳选项。I th i nk a I I these are ma i n points much attent i on.选取一项:A.being worthy ofB.worthy of 电C.which worthIf he was fitter,he I ive longer.选取一项:A.-B.wi I IC.wou I d WThat place is the south of the city.选取一项:A.atB.in WC.onCould you please pay me advance?选 取 一 项:r A.-B.onC.in/-Can I get you a coup Ie of tea?选 取 一 项:A.That s very nice of you WB.With pleasureC.You can,pleaseThe br idge by the farmers themselves in 1982.选 取 一 项:A.builtB.was build X.C.was built反馈对的答案是:was builtThey the train untiI it disappeared in the distance.选取一项:A.sawB.watched 必.,一C.observedM y car was being when it was stolen.选取一项:A.repa i red/B.repa i rC.repa i r i ngevery day for 20 minutes.选取一项:A.Exerc i seB.To exerciseC.Shou Id exercisemajor ity of people agree with him.选取一项:A.The WB.AC.-完 形 填 空(每 题2分,共2 0分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将选项字母填入相应空白处。A survey was carr ied out last year(1)回 答 干空the British M ed i ca IAssociation,an organisation of doctors.It showed that most peopIe donot do enough exercise.In 1995,60%of people waIked more than one milea day.N ow,that number has fa I Ien(2)回答 必to on I y 20%.(3)回答如more peopIe are going to the gym,fewer peopIe are waIking.Doctors say we need(4)回答厂wfor 20 minutes three times a week.回答I c Wis an easy form of exercise that everyone can do.I f you(6)回答p-0one mile each day,you wi I I improve your health very quickly.Doctors say we need to tack Ie this prob Iem head(7)回答wand try回 答 厂0(8)peopIe fitter because not doing enough exercisei srespons i bIe(9)回答wmany of the countrys health prob Iems.Doctors suggest you go(10)a waIk everyday after dinner.回 答 厂 必1)A.-B.withC.by2)A.sharp I yB.s I i ght I y C.down3)A.SoB.Therefore C.Although4)A.exerc i s i ngB.to exercise C.exercised5)A.WalkB.Towa I kC.Walking6)A.wa I kB.waIkedC.to wa I k7)A.downB.onC.up8)A.mak i ngB.make C.to make9)A.toB.for C.at10)A.at B.for C.and阅读下列短文并完毕背面阅读练习。从每题A、B、C三个选项中选出一种对的答案,并将选项字母填入相应空白处。A study has shown that fitness i s the key to long I i fe,i rrespect i veof body shape or even smoking habits.Researchers discovered that peoplewho exercise I ive longer than those who do not,even if they are overweightand smoke.The study found that the I east fit of the 6,000 mi ddIe-aged men i nthe study were five times more I ikely to die within six years of the startof the research than the fittest.This was true whether or not the menhad heart prob I ems,smoked or were overwe i ght.Scientists cone I uded thatit was better to be fat and act i ve than sk i nny and sedentary.Dr Ken Cooper,a fitness expert,said,You are better off smok i ng a packet of c i garettesa day and exercising regularly than being a non-smoker and sedentary.Although he adds,But dont misunderstand me.I am not endorsing smoking.I am trying to teI I you how dangerous it is to be sedentary.However,the study appears to fly in the face of research last yearwhich cone Iuded that more than 30,000 peopIe d i e prematurely every yearin Britain from iI Inesses caused by being overweight.The British Government is putting pressure on manufacturers to reducehigh levels of sugar in food and to restr ict the hard-seI I of junk foodto chi Idren in order to improve the nations health.But the new studysuggests the Government should encourage more people to exercise.1.In the second Para.,the word,endorsing”means.A.supportingB.di sapproving(不加匕准)C.arguing against2.What does the word sedentary”mean in the second Para.?A.fatB.i nact i veC.fit3.It can be inferred from the fourth Para,that.A.the new study contradicts the previous researchB.the new study i s based on the previous researchC.the new study cone I udes be i ng overwe i ght i s a I so the cause of death4.What can we infer about the British Government?s attitude in theIast Para.?A.It s indifferent to the research of last year.B.It has approved of the previous research.C.It is not concerned about the nation s health.5.What s the author s attitude according to the passage?A.Indifferent.B.Subjective.C.Object i ve.提示:请将对的答案序号(大写字母ABC)填写在空白处,系统自动判分您答案是:1.回答M 2.回 答 厂也3.回答X对的答案是:A4.回 答 厂/5.回答口厂X对的答案是:CPAT the DogDid you know there are some very special dogs doing good work in ourhospitaI wards?These are PAT(Pets As Therapy)dogs.Doctors and nursesare recognising the benefits of pets more and more particularly forchi Idren,people with mentaI i I Inesses and elderly peopIe who areseparated from thei r own pets or have had to give up thei r pets.Stroking and playing with a pet is a calming exper ience and somethingto look forward to.One hospital reported that a man with a mental i I Iness,who hadnt spoken for years,f i rst stroked and p I ayed with a visiting dogand then started talking to it.Today,around 4,500 dogs and 50 cats and the i r voIunteer owners areat work in the UK br inging comfort and pIeasure to over 100,000 peoplein hospital.There are many other working dogs .There are guard dogs,policedogs,hunt i ng dogs and dogs for the blind.Di sab led peop I e benefit great I y.Take the case of Alan Smythe,who has to visit hospital every month.Somethings are d iffic u lt fo r him because he is in a wheeIchai r.But his I ifehas altered dram atical ly sinee he got a dog,Tess,from the char ity Dogsfo r the D isabled.She he Ips me to get dressed,and she br i ngs me mysocks and shoes.She fetches the newspaper from the shop,and she passesme the phone when it r i ngs.I fee I so much better too.I ts I i ke hav i nga rea I Iy good f r iend.She comes w ith me to hospita I.Once,she saved mylife.I am a dia b e tic and one day my bIood sugar level dropped,and whenI was going into a coma she went next door and she alerted my neighbour.He gave me an i nsuIi n i n je ct i on.1.Which of the fo l lowing statement is TRUE according to the passage?A.Al I the dogs are a I I owed i nto the hospitals to v is it the pat i ents.B.On Iy some speci a I dogs can he Ip the pat i ents fee I better.C.Doctors and nurses doubt i f pets can br i ng comfort to the pat i ents.2.Pets are p a rtic u la r ly beneficial to the fo l lowing EXCEPT.A.chiIdrenB.peopIe w ith mentaI iI InessC.the e ld e rly peopIe who Iive alone3.The f i rs t sentence of Para.2 suggests.A.pets can make peopIe become qu ie t and a tte n t iveB.peopIe fee I uncomfortable when they touch and pI ay w ith a petC.peopIe fee I re I axed and hopefuI when they touch and pI ay w ith apet4.The dog he Ips Alan do the fo l lowing EXCEPT.A.She he Ips her get dressedB.She picks up the phone for herC.She gets the newspaper for her5.The sentence,when I was going to a comma means thatA.when I got hungry-B.when I feI I down on the floorC.when I became unconscious-提示:请将对的答案序号(大写字母ABC)填写在空白处,系统自动判分您答案是:1 .回答/2.回答,必3.回 答 厂 必4.回答=X不对的对的答案是:B获得2 分中0 分5.回答,必I am afraid that I can not _ with you.选取一项:A.approveB.agreeC.endorse反馈对的答案是:agree题 目2对的获得2 分 中 2 分I”标记题目题干M r.Robert has a选取一 页:G A.family/B.househoId C.home反馈of five.对的答案是:fami ly题 目3对的获得2分中2分I”标记题目题干You can see the user _ of our website are up this month.选取一项:G A.figures WB.numbers1 C.figure反馈对的答案是:figures题 目4对的获得2分 中2分标记题目题干As he grows old his health _.选取一项:A.dropsB.decreasesC.dec I i nes W反馈对的答案是:dec I i nes题 目5对的获 得2分 中2分标记题目题干He made _ changes in his new book.选取一项:A.extens i veB.largeC.a I ot反馈对的答案是:extensive题 目6对的获得2分中2分他 标 记 题 目题干The Germans,as _,are often thought to be we I I organized.选取一项:*A.a nat i on WB.a countryf-C.peop I e反馈对的答案是:a nation题 目7对的获得2分中2分P 标记题目题干They held a dinner _ the important guests.选取一项:A.in the honour of广B.in an honour of“C.in honour of W反馈对的答案是:in honour of题 目8不对的获得2分中0分标记题目题干The land _ sharp Iy away from the house.选取一项:A.deciines*B.decreases MC.reduces反馈对的答案是:dec I i nes题 目 9对的获得2 分 中 2 分I耽 标 记题目题干He has _ there for about an hour without moving.选取一项:A.lainB.layC.lied反馈对的答案是:lain题 目 10对的获 得 2 分 中 2 分网 标 记 题 目题干He was _ of what he sa i d.选取一项:3 A.afraid WB.fr ightenedC.appal led反馈对的答案是:afraidI此标记题目信息文本语 法 和 构 造(每 题2分,共2 0分)阅读下面句子,从A、B、C三个选项中勾选一种能填入空白处最佳选项。题 目11对的获 得2分 中2分F魄标记题目题干I th i nk a I I these are ma i n po i ntsmuch attent i on.选取一项:rA.being worthy ofB.worthy of WC.which worth反馈对的答案是:worthy of题 目12对的获得2分 中2分冲 标 记 题 目题干If he was fitter,he I ive longer.选取一 页:A.-B.wi I IC.wou I d$反馈对的答案是:wou I d题 目13对的获得2分中2分标记题目题干T.+n|ace is the south of the cityI hat pI ace i o-选取一项:A.atB.in WC.on反馈对的答案是:in题 目14对的获得2分 中2分标记题目题干Could you p I ease pay me advance?选取一项:A.-B.on“C.in W反馈对的答案是:in题 目15对的获得2分 中2分I耽标记题目题干-Can I get you a couple of tea?选取一项:A.That s very nice of youB.With pleasureC.You can,please反馈对的答案是:That s very nice of you题 目16不对的获 得2分 中0分网 标 记 题 目题干The br idge by the farmers themselves i n 1982.选取一项:A.bui It B.was bu ild XC.was b u ilt反馈对的答案是:was built题 目17对的获得2分 中2分I股标记题目题干They the train unti I it disappeared in the distance.选取一项:A.saw*B.watched 必C.observed反馈对的答案是:watched题 目18对的获得2分 中2分标记题目题干My car was being when it was stolen.选取一项:A.repai red WB.repai rC.repa i r i ng反馈对的答案是:repa i red题 目19对的获得2分 中2分I耽标记题目题干every day fo r 20 minutes.选取一项::A.Exerci se WB.To exerciseC.Should exerci se反馈对的答案是:Exerc i se题 目20对的获得2 分中2 分他 标 记 题 目题干major ity of people agree with him.选取一项:仿 A.The WB.Ar C.-反馈对的答案是:The冲 标 记 题 目信息文本完 形 填 空(每 题2分,共2 0分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将选项字母填入相应空白处。题 目 21对的获得2 0分 中2 0分I M标记题目题干A survey was carr i ed out Iast year(1)回 答 厂 必对的对的答案是:C获 得2分中2分the British M edical Association,an organisation of doctors.It showedthat most people do not do enough exercise.I n 1995,60%of peopIe wa Ikedmore than one mi Ie a day.N ow,that number has fa Ilen(2)回 答 尸思对的对的答案是:A获得2分中2分to on I y 20%.(3)回 答 厂M对的对的答案是:c获得2分中2分more peopIe are going to the gym,fewer people are waIking.Doctors saywe need(4)回答“必对的对的答案是:B获得2分 中2分for 20 minutes three times a week.(5)回答 M对的对的答案是:C获得2分 中2分is an easy form of exercise that everyone can do.If you(6)回对的对的答案是:A获得2分中2分one mile each day,you wi I I improve your health very quickly.Doctors saywe need to tack I e th i s prob I em head(7)回答I W对的对的答案是:B获得2分中2分and try(8)回答 必对的对的答案是:C获得2分 中2分peopIe f i tter because not do i ng enough exerc i se i s respons i bIe(9)回答Ew对的对的答案是:B获得2分中2分many of the country,s heaI th prob Iems.Doctors suggest you go(10)回答 尸蟾对的对的答案是:B获得2分中2分a walk everyday a fte r dinner.1)A.-w ith2)A.sharplydown3)A.SoAlthough4)A.exercising5)A.Walkwa I k6)A.wa I kwaIked7)A.downon8)A.makingto make9)A.tofo r10)A.atfo rB.C.byB.s I i ght I yB.ThereforeB.to exerc i seB.ToC.WalkingB.C.to wa I kB.C.upB.makeB.C.atB.C.andC.C.C.exercisedC.标记题目信息文本阅 读 理 解(每 题2分,共2 0分)阅读下列短文并完毕背面阅读练习。从每题A、B、C三个选项中选出一种对的答案,并将选项字母填入相应空白处。题 目22某些对的获 得1 0分中6分冲 标 记 题 目题干A study has shown that fitness i s the key to long life,i r respect i veof body shape or even smoking habits.Researchers discovered that peoplewho exercise I ive longer than those who do not,even if they are overweightand smoke.The study found that the I east fit of the 6,000 mi ddIe-aged men i nthe study were five times more I ikeIy to die within six years of the startof the research than the fittest.This was true whether or not the menhad heart prob I ems,smoked or were overwe i ght.Scientists cone I uded thatit was better to be fat and act i ve than sk i nny and sedentary.Dr Ken Cooper,a fitness expert,said,You are better off smoking a packet of c i garettesa day and exercising regularly than being a non-smoker and sedentary.Although he adds,But dont misunderstand me.I am not endorsing smoking.I am trying to teI I you how dangerous it is to be sedentary.nHowever,the study appears to fly in the face of research Iast yearwhich cone Iuded that more than 30,000 peopIe d ie premature Iy every yearin Britain from i I Inesses caused by being overweight.The British Government i s putt i ng pressure on manufacturers to reduceh i gh I eve Is of sugar i n food and to restr ict the hard-seI I of junk foodto chi Idren in order to improve the nations health.But the new studysuggests the Government should encourage more peopIe to exercise.1.In the second Para.,the word“endorsing“means.A.supportingB.disapproving(不 才 比:隹)C.arguing against2.What does the word usedentaryv mean in the second Para.?A.fatB.i nact i veC.fit3.It can be inferred from the fourth Para,that.A.the new study contradicts the previous researchB.the new study i s based on the prev i ous researchC.the new study cone I udes be i ng overwe i ght i s a I so the cause of death4.What can we i nfer about the British GovernmentJ s att i tude i n thelast Para.?A.It s indifferent to the research of last year.B.It has approved of the previous research.C.It is not concerned about the nation s health.5.What s the author s attitude according to the passage?A.Indifferent.B.Subjective.C.Object i ve.提示:请将对的答案序号(大写字母A B C)填写在空白处,系统自动判分您答案是:1.回答 厂M 2.回答I B W3.回 答 X对的答案是:A 4.回答y5.回 答 B X对的答案是:CPAT the DogDid you know there are some very special dogs doing good work in ourhospitaI wards?These are PAT(Pets As Therapy)dogs.Doctors and nursesare recognising the benefits of pets more and more particularly forchiIdren,people with mentaI i I Inesses and elderly peopIe who areseparated from thei r own pets or have had to give up thei r pets.Stroking and playing with a pet is a calming exper ience and somethingto look forward to.One hospital reported that a man with a mental i I Iness,who hadnt spoken for years,f i rst stroked and played with a v is itin g dogand then started talking to it.Today,around 4,500 dogs and 50 cats and thei r volunteer owners areat work in the UK br inging comfort and pIeasure to over 100,000 peoplein hospital.There are many other working dogs.There are guard dogs,poI icedogs,hunt i ng dogs and dogs for the bl i nd.Disabled peop I e benefit greatly.Take the case of Alan Smythe,who has to v is it hospital every month.Somethings are d iffic u lt for him because he i s in a wheeIchai r.But hi s I ifehas altered dramatical ly s i nee he got a dog,Tess,from the char i ty*Dogsfor the Disabled.She helps m e to get dressed,and she br i ngs m e mysocks and shoes.She fetches the newspaper from the shop,and she passesm e the phone when it r i ngs.I fee I so much better too.Its I i ke hav i nga real ly good fr iend.She comes with m e to hospital.Once,she saved m ylife.I am a d i abet i c and one day my blood sugar I eve I dropped,and whenI was going into a coma she went next door and she alerted my neighbour.He gave m e an i nsuIi n i nject i on.1.Which of the fol lowing