河北省高三年级上学期11月联考英语注意事项:1 .答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。2 .回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时.将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。3 .考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分3 0分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第 一 节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有1 0秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:Ho w m u ch i s t h e s h i r t?A.1 9.1 5.B.9.1 8.答案是Co1.W h a t doe s t h e w o m a n m e a n?A.E v e r y t h i ng g oe s w e l l i n h e r pa pe r.B.S h e f or g ot t h e m a n s na m e.C.S h e h a s n t f i ni s h e d h e r pa pe r.2.Why w a s Ca r l a t t h e h os pi t a l?A.H e w a s v i s i t i ng h i s da u g h t e r.B.H i s w i f e w a s s i ck.C.H e w a s s i ck.3.W h e r e i s pr oba bl y t h e w om a n?A.I n a t r a i n.B.I n a t a x i.4.W h e n doe s M a r y s pa r t y s t a r t?A.A t 8:0 0.B.A t 7;3 0.5.W h a t doe s t h e m a n ne e d t o bu y?A.S por t s s h oe s.B.Cl ot h e s.第 二 节(共1 5小题;每小题1.5分,满分2 2.5分)C.9.1 5.C.I n a pl a ne.C.A t 9:0 0.C.A ba s k e t ba l l.听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小 题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。【高三英语 第1页(共10页)】23-144C 听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。6.How does the man suggest the woman go to the shopping center?A.On foot.B.By car.7.Where is the car park?A.Far from the market square.B.On the left of the traffic lights.C.On the right of the next crossroads.听第7 段材料,回答第8、9 题。8.Whcit can we learn about the man?A.He used to give public speeches.B He has given many presentations.C.He feels confident of the presentation.9.What is difficult for the man?A.Giving good advice.B.Communicating with psychologists.C.Focusing on his topic.听第8 段材料,回答第10至 12题。10.What is the woman doing?A.Carrying trees.B.Picking up waste.11.Why is the blue team in the lake?A.To clean it.C.By bus.C.Planting trees.B.To play in it.C.To measure the depth of it.12.What is the relationship between the speakers?A.Teammates.B.Strangers.听第9 段材料,回答第13至 16题。13.Why does the woman come to the man?A.To buy his apartment.B.To rent his apartment.C.To furnish his apartment.14.What does the woman want to do?A.Rearrange the furniture.B.Decorate the living room.C.Buy a new coffee tabic.15.What do we know about the apartment?A.The furniture is in good condition.B.It has a small storage room.C.The kitchen is empty.16.What will the woman do next Monday?A.Find a house.B.Go to school.C.Schoolmates.C.Move into the apartment.【高三 英 语 第2页(共10页)】23-144C-听 第 10段材料,回答第17至 20题。17.What can we learn about the dance studios?A.They are small.B.They offer rooms for drinks.C.They have high mirrors.18.Where is the Skate Center?A.Its opposite the swimming pool.B.It s beside the changing rooms.C.It s behind the reception area.19.What is the first step to join the entertainment center?A.Get teachers?permission.B.Pay an annual fee.C.Fill in a form.20.How much is the annual fee?A.$200,B.$21.C.$20.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第 一 节(共 15小题;每小题2.5 分,满分37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThe second-largest city in Switzerland after Zurich,Geneva has a good position on the southwestern end of Iike Geneva,in the French-speaking part of Switzerland.Visitors to Geneva will finda clean and elegant city.Here are some best things to do in Geneva.Catch the Spray from the Jet dEauInstalled in 1886 to control the outflow of water from a nearby power station,the JetdEau(water jet)soon became a symbol of the city of Geneva.It shoots water nearly 140 meters into the air and is one of the tallest fountains in the world.Unless winds are loo strong,the Jet dEciu runs every day and is illuminated(J!良亮)at night.Tour the Palais des NationsConstructed in the 1930s as the headquarters of the short-lived League of Nations thePalais des Nations(Palace of Nations)is a major tourist attraction.Visitors arc free to wander it or may jump in on an hour-long guided tour of several of the buildings.Take a Break at the Jardin Anglais&the Flower ClockAll roads in Geneva seem to lead to the Jardin Anglais一a small,prettily planted lakefront(湖边平地)garden in the center of Geneva.Crowds gather here for the flower clock,anoversized timepiece with seasonal flowers.Plenty of sitting areas,mature shade trees,and acentral fountain make this a relaxing place to take a break from sightseeing.Stroll(漫步)along the Lakefront and RiversideThe Jardin Anglais is just one of several places to admire the lake and the Jet dEau.Theentire lakefront is fit for strolling.There are 6 miles of footpaths and bike paths along the【高三英语 第3页(共10页)】-23-144C-e nt i r e l a k e f r ont.S w a ns pa s s by du r i ng t h e da y,a nd a t ni g h t,t h e r i v e r s i de a nd s u r r ou ndi ngbu i l di ng s a r e r om a nt i ca l l y l i t.2 1.Why di d pe opl e bu i l d t h e J e l d E a u?A.T o r e cy cl e w a t e r f or a ne a r by pow e r s t a t i on.B.T o m a k e i t t h e t a l l e s t f ou nt a i n i n t h e w or l d.C.T o cont r ol t h e ou t f l ow of w a t e r f r om a pow e r s t a t i on.D.T o m a k e i t a s y m bol of t h e ci t y of G e ne v a.2 2.W h a t m a y pe opl e g o t o t h e J a r di n A ng l a i s f or?A.G oi ng s i g h t s e e i ng f or t h e f l ow e r cl ock.B.P l a nt i ng s om e f l ow e r s i n t h e g a r de n.C.P r a ct i ci ng t h e i r F r e nch i n t h e g a r de n.D.B u y i ng ch e a p s e a s ona l f l ow e r s.2 3.W h ci t do t h e r i v e r s i de a nd t h e J e t d E a u h a v e i n com m on?A.Th e y h a v e i nv i t i ng f ou nt a i ns.B.Th e y h a v e be a u t i f u l l i g h t s a t ni g h t.C.Th e y h a v e s w a ns i n t h e l a k e.D.Th e y h a v e pa t h s f or bi cy cl e s.BA f t e r I f i ni s h e d m y P h D i n 2 0 1 4 a t D u k e U ni v e r s i t y,I s t a y e d f or a n e x t r a y e a r t o f i ni s h apa pe r a nd l ook f or a pos t doc(博士后)pos i t i on.Th e f i r s t s t e p of m y pr oce s s w a s t o de ci dew h a t I w a nt e d t o do w i t h m y ca r e e r,a nd t h e n I s h ou l d f i nd a l a bor a t or y t h a t w ou l d h e l p m e t oa ch i e v e t h a t.I w a s a bi t a nx i ou s a bou t m a k i ng s u ch a s t r ong s t a t e m e nt a bou t m y ca r e e r-af e e l i ng t h a t I t h i nk i s s h a r e d by m a ny g r a du a t i ng s t u de nt s.Th e ne x t s t e p i n m y pr oce s s w a s t o br oa dl y i de nt i f y w h a t t y pe of f i e l d I w a nt e d t o w or k i na nd w h i ch t e ch ni q u e s,s y s t e m a nd or g a ni s m I w a nt e d t o l e a r n.S e v e r a l pe opl e a dv i s e d m e t och a ng e one or t w o of t h e s e ch oi ce s f r om m y P h D w or k,w h i ch w a s i n y e a s t ce l l bi ol og y (酵母细胞生物学).A l t h ou g h I r e a l l y v a l u e h a v i ng e x pe r i e nce i n m u l t i pl e f i e l ds a nd t e ch ni q u e s,Idon t t h i nk t h i s ch a ng e i s a bs ol u t e l y ne ce s s a r y.I a l s o t a l k e d m y opt i ons t h r ou g h w i t h my P h Da dv i s e r,D a ni e l L e w,a nd m y l a b m a t e s.I n t h e e nd,I de ci de d t o s t a y w or k i ng w i t h y e a s t bu tt o t a k e on m or e bi och e m i s t r y a ppr oa ch e s.I t h e n pu t t og e t h e r a l i s t of pos s i bl e l a bs a s 1 r e a d pa pe r s a nd u ni v e r s i t y w e bs i t e s.B y t h i spoi nt,m y pa r t ne r a nd I h a d de ci de d t h a t w e w ou l d l i k e t o l i v e i n E u r ope,be ca u s e i t w ou l d bea g r e a t oppor t u ni t y t o m ov e s om e w h e r e e l s e a nd e x pe r i e nce a di f f e r e nt w a y of l i v i ng.Ipr e f e r r e d l a bs i n E u r ope,bu t I i ncl u de d m a ny i n t h e U ni t e d S t a t e s a s w e l l.I a ppl i e d t o e i g h t l a bs by e-m a i l:f ou r l a bs i n t h e U ni t e d S t a t e s a nd f ou r i n E u r ope.I n t h ee nd,I de ci de d on J oh n D i f f l e y s l a b a t t h e F r a nci s Cr i ck I ns t i t u t e i n L ondon.I cou l d i m a g i ne h o w I w ou l d de v e l op a s a s ci e nt i s t i n J oh n s l a b a nd u l t i m a t e l y g a i n m or e【高三 英 语 第4页(共10页)】23-144C-independence.When youre on an academic career track,that s a big part of the experiencebecoming independent and designing your own projects.24.What did the author do first for a postdoc position?A.Work in a university for an extra year.B.Determine what to do with his career.C.Look for a proper laboratory for research.D.()vercome his anxiety about his career.25.Why did the author choose yeast cell biology for his postdoc position?A.He thought it was popular.B.He liked experiencing multiple fields.C.He accepted his adviser s and lab mates advice.D.He considered it unnecessary to work in other fields.26.What made the author prefer European kiboratories?A.Few suitable laboratories in the U.S.B.Wishing for living a different lifestyle.C.A better opportunity to finish his postdoc.D.Focusing on research and pursuing his aim.27.How will the author work in Johns lab?A.By depending on Johns help.B.By sharing his good experience.C.By discussing yeast in groups.D.By designing his own projects.CAmerica has more than enough food for everyone to eat.But each year,billions of poundsof perfectly good food go to waste.Meanwhile,34 million face hunger in the United States.As the country largest food rescue organization,Feeding America partners with foodmanufacturers,grocery stores,restaurants,and farmers to rescue food and deliver it to foodbanks serving our neighbors.Each year,108 billion pounds of food is wasted in the United States.That equates to 130billion meals and more than$408 billion in food thrown away each year.Shockingly,nearly40%of ci 1 1 food in America is wasted.Food goes to waste at every stage of food production and distributionfrom farmers topackers and shippers,from manufacturers to retailers to our homes.Food waste in our homesmakes up about 39%of all food waste-about 42 billion pounds of food waste,and commercialfood waste makes up about 61%of all food waste or 66 billion pounds of food waste.FeedingAmerica focuses on reducing food waste on farms and in food service manufacturing,and retail.Last year,the Feeding America network and our partners rescued 4.7 billion pounds ofgroceries.That food went directly to meals for people facing hunger.This makes FeedingAmerica the largest food rescue organization in the country.Food rescue,or food recovery,is the practice of collecting high-quality food that would【高三 英 语 第5页(共10页)】23-144C-otherwise go to waste and distributing it to people facing hunger.We work with manufacturers,retailers,and farmers to reduce food waste and get rescued food to people in need.We identify food at risk of going to waste,offer rescued food to food banks safely shipfood over long distances and keep food fresh longer once it reaches a food bank.28.What do we know about the food in America?A.It is barely enough.B.It is quite abundant.C.It is easily available.D.It is increasingly insufficient.29.What does the underlined phrase uequates to“in paragraph 3 mean?A.Consumes.B.Multiplies.C.Wastes.D.Equals.30.How does the author reveal the food waste in America?A.By making comparisons.C.By listing reasons.31.What does Feeding America actually do?A.It teaches people how to grow food.C.It saves food from being wasted.B By presenting data.D.By offering examples.B.It urges government to take action.D.It aims to relieve world hunger.One of the most common beliefs among researchers is that humans first arrived in NorthAmerica 16?000 years ago.According to a recent fossil discovery,that might not be true.Thenew finding suggests that humans might have arrived in North America far earlier.In 2013,a damaged mammoth(猛狎象)skull and other bones that looked udeliberatelybroken,were found.The damage to the bones suggested that humans were the ones whocaused it to make tools.Carbon-dating analysis suggested the pieces are roughly 37,000 yearsold.This discovery could shift our understanding of humans earliest existence in NorthAmerica.These fossils suggest humans killed animals in the area much earlier than 16,000years ago.Previous research led scientists to believe the first humans that settled in North Americabelonged to the Clovis culture.This was a group of people who left behind carefully madetools 16,000 years ago.However,carbon dating analysis of the mammoth bones indicates thatthe site is around 36,250 to 38,900 years old.That means its the oldest known site left behind by ancient humans in North America.“Thats not the only interesting thing about the discoverysaid Timothy Rowe,a professor at the University of Texas.The similar findings supporting an earlier date for humanarrival have been mostly ignored.This is because they have contradicted previous research.”Now,however,he thinks theres a good chance that researchers will find evidence of humansfarther back in time.The early humans shaped bones into sharp blades,which were used to take apart animalsremains,according to Rowe.There are also signs that they cooked the animal bones over a【高三 英 语 第6页(共10页)】23-144C-fire to melt off the fat.The real evidence that we have has to do with the breakage patterns,and how thorough they arc.They must have used rocks or hammer stones to bust the skeletonapart.These people would use whatever they could,“Rowe told USA Today,32.What can be learnt about the earliest humans in North America?A.They arrived there 16,000 years ago.B.They caused mammoth to disappear.C.They belonged to the Clovis culture.D.They could make tools with bones.33.Why are the findings similar to the new one ignored?A.They lack a good chance.C.They disagree with earlier research.34.How does Rowe find the new discovery?A.Annoying.B.Inspiring.35.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.Evidence of Earlier Humans ArrivalB.They fail to draw attention.D.They aren,t studied scientifically.C.Puzzling.D.Embarrassing.North AmericaB.The Earliest Humans Settling in North AmericaC.The Earliest Tool Makers in North AmericaD.Research on Mammoths in North America第 二 节(共 5 小题;每小题2.5 分,满 分 12.5 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Traveling in the same car with several people is an excellent idea,which allows one tosave on fuel.In the past,few of us would go to the company or work place together.36We share a car every clay with people whom we do not know anything about.We just need toconnect to the Internet or use a mobile app to find the perfect transport for us.37 It makes practical sense to use tools at our hands to connect with people whowould like to share cars together.Tools like mobile apps help contribute to sharing options.Undoubtedly,carpooling(拼车)is an excellent option to save some money.It also adjusts our monthly budget for other activities,but the truth is that this type of transport is alsomuch better suited to improve the traffic conditions of cities.38Practically speaking many times,wc see heavy traffic but upon further finding we wouldsee many cars with only one passenger in it.Rather than being alone in a heavy traffic situation,why not have passengers?39 At the same time,you can also have amazing conversations.Spending on transportation is part of what we consid