医学心理学教学大纲一 课程概况(Course Overview)课程名称:医学心理学Course :Medical Psychology课程编号:16107Course Number:16107适用学生:临床医学、全科医学、口腔医学、中医学(五年制/七年制)等专业Designed for: Clinical Medicine,General Practice Medicine,Stomatology, Traditional Chinese Medicine etc.学 分:2/3总学时:34/51Credit: 2/3Class hour: 34/51预修课程:大学生心理健康教育实验学时:8/13Preparatory Courses:Experiment hour:8/13University students* psychological health education二、课程简介(Course Descriptions)医学心理学是心理与医学相结合的一门交叉学科,它研究人类心理现象与健康或疾病之间的相互关系。本课 程包括绪论、心理学基础、心理应激与心身疾病、心理发展与健康、心理问题与心理障碍、心理评估、心理干预、 患者心理与医患关系及中医心理学理论与实践等,并安排有实验课程,使学生掌握心理学基本理论、技能及应用, 为今后的临床工作打下基础。Medical psychology is a rising interdisciplinary field which combines psychology and medicine. It is study of the relationship between psychological phenomenon and health/disease. The course includes: introduction,psychology foundation, psychological stress and psychosomatic diseases,development and health of psychological, mental trouble & psychological disorder, psychological assessment, psychological intervention, patients with psychological and doctor -patient relationship, theory and practice of Chinese medical psychology etc. We have experimental courses to make students grasp basic theory,skill and application ability of psychology al psychology lays the foundation for students9further clinical work.三、教学内容与教学安排(Course Content and Arrangement)教学章节Chapters andSections教学目标(知识、能力、素质)Teaching Aims教学方式(讲授、示范操作、 指导参观、课堂讨论)Teaching Methods学时安排Class hour总34总 51第一章绪论理解医学心理学的定义和研究方法;熟悉多媒体讲授22(Chapter 1: Introduction)医学模式及其转变与医学心理学的关系、 心理学的主要理论流派;了解医学心理学 的对象、学科性质和任务。Understand the definition and research methods of medical psychology. Be familiar with the cause of conversion of medical model and its relationship with medical psychology,the main schools of psychology. Know the object, subject nature and task of medical psychology.(Multi-media Lecturing)第二章心 理学基础 (Chapter 2: Psychology Foundation)分析心理的实质;掌握各种心理过程的概 念和内容;掌握个性的概念及个性心理结 构的主要内容。Analyse the essence of psychology. Grasp the concepts and contents of the various psychological process. To grasp the concept and content of personality.多媒体讲授、课堂讨 论(Multi-media Lecturing, Classroom Discussion)34第二早 心 理应激与心 身疾病(Chapter 3: Psychological Stress & Psychosomati c Diseases)熟悉心理应激的概念及理论模式;掌握心 理应激过程;理解应激的应对与管理;熟 悉心身疾病的概念、发病机制、诊断与防 治原则;了解常见心身疾病。Familiar with the concept , process and theoretical model of psychological stress.To understand the response , management of stress. Familiar with the concept, pathogenesis, diagnosis , the principles of prevention and treatment of psychosomatic diseases. Know the common psychosomatic diseases.多媒体讲授、课堂讨 论(Multi-media Lecturing, Classroom Discussion )46第四章心 理发展与健 康(Chapter 4: Development and Health Of Psychological )理解心理发展与心理健康的概念;了解个 体发展与心理健康、群体心理健康;了解 中医心理养生。To understand the concept of the health and development of psychological. Know individual development and mental health, community mental health. Know TCM Psychology.多媒体讲授、课堂讨 论(Multi-media Lecturing, Classroom Discussion )22第五章心 理问题与心熟悉心理问题与心理障碍的概念、理论解 释及判断;掌握心理障碍的表现;熟悉心多媒体讲授、课堂讨 论(Multi-media46理障碍 (Chapter 5: Mental Trou ble & Psych ological Diso rder)理障碍的常见类型。Familiar with the concept of mental trouble and psychological disorder. Be acquainted with the theoretical interpretation,j udgment, manifestation and common type of psychological disorder.Lecturing, ClassroomDiscussion )A 弟八早 心理评估(Chapter 6:PsychologicalAssessment)理解心理评估概述;掌握心理评估的种类 和用途;了解常用的临床心理测验。To understand the summarize of psychological assessment. Grasp the types and use. Know frequently-used Clinical psychological test.多媒体讲授、课堂讨 论(Multi-media Lecturing, Classroom Discussion )34第七章心 理干预(Chapter 7: P sychological Intervention)理解心理干预概述;掌握心理咨询与心理 治疗的定义;熟悉心理治疗的常用方法。To understand the summarize of psychological intervention. Grasp the concept of psychological counseling and psychotherapy. Be familiar with the commonly used method of psychotherapy.多媒体讲授、课堂讨 论(Multi-media Lecturing, Classroom Discussion )46第八章患 者心理与医 患关系(Chapter 8: Patients With Psychological & Doctor -Patient Relationship)了解患者心理与各类患者的心理特征;了 解人际关系与医疗行为;理解医生心理与 医患关系。Know patients with psychological, interpersonal relationship and medical action. To understand the doctors with psychologicalanddoctor-patientrelationship.多媒体讲授、课堂讨 论(Multi-media Lecturing, Classroom Discussion )22第九章健 康行为(Chapter 9: Health Behavior)理解心理与行为的关系以及心理、行为对 健康的影响。Know the relationship between the psychological and behavior. And their effects to the health.自学(Self-study )00第十章中 医心理学理 论与实践(Chapter 10: Theory andPractice of了解中医心理学发展简史;理解中医心理 学基本理论与内涵,情志致病的病机,情 志病症的防治理论与方法;了解中医心理 学研究。Know the phylogeny, basic theory and多媒体讲授、课堂讨 论(Multi-media Lecturing, Classroom Discussion )22ChineseMedical Psychology)connotation of Chinese medical Psychology. To understand the pathogenesis and the theory of prevention and treatment of emotional disease. Know the research of Chinese medical Psychology.总计2634四、推荐教材及参考书目(Recommended Teaching Materials and Reference Books)1 .推荐教材.:孔军辉,医学心理学,人民卫生出版社,2012.6;Recommended Teaching Materials:Kong Junhui,Medical Psychology,People's Medical Publishing House,2012.6.2 .参考书目:吴均林,医学心理学,高等教育出版社,2009.12;姜乾金,医学心理学,人民卫生出版社,2006.11;姚树桥,心理评估,人民卫生出版社,2007. 01 oReference Books: Wu Junlin,Medical Psychology,High Education Press,2009.12.Jiang Qianjin, Medical Psychology,People's Medical Publishing House,2006.11.Yao Shuqiao, Psychological Assessment,People's Medical Publishing House,2007.01.五、考核与评价方式(Course Evaluation).理论考试。理论考试内容为教师课堂教学内容,闭卷,占60%。Theory Test: the exam content is on the base of the teaching material in class, closed-book,60%.1 .实验考核。要求,根据实验课内容,撰写实验报告,占30%。Lab Check: write and submit the experiment report,30%.2 .平时成绩。依据到课情况、课堂提问及讨论等,占10%oAverage Grade :According to the attendance classroom questioning and discussion, 10%.审定人:陶明撰写人:陶丹红