Procedure for Policy, Objective, Index and Manage Program 方针、目标、指标和管理方案管理控制程序A0.docx
Document Number/文件编号Page/页码:1 / 11Procedure for Policy, Objective, Index and Manage Program 方针、目标、指标和管理方案管理控制程序A/0批准发布Approved for issue修订版本 Revision日期Date发布及修订说明Issue and revisionnotePrepared by 编制Reviewed by 审核Approved by 批准Date日期Date日期Date日期Under control 受控Uncontrolled 非受控Document holder本文件持有人Authorized approval 授权批准Document No./文件编号:Revision/版本 A/0Page/页码: 10/11Document Name: 文件名称:Procedure for Policy, Objective, Index and Manage Program 方针、目标、指标和管理方案管理控制程序5.3.6 Manage Program and Quality Improvement Plan Implementation and Supervision管理方案和质量改进计划的实施与监督验证Manage program and quality improvement plan is distributed to relevant department with the method of controlled document fbr specific implementation; QHSE and responsible departments shall conduct supervision on the progress and effect of the program and plan monthly, fill Safety Environment Objective, Indicator and Management Plan Monthly Checklist and Quality Improvement Completion List. Every department summary the manage program and quality improvement plan implementation as written document and report to QHSE.管理方案和质量改进计划以受控文件的形式发至各相关部门具体实施,由QHSE及 各责任部门每月对方案和计划实施的进度与效果等进行一次监督验证,填写安全环境 目标、指标及管理方案月份检查表和质量改进计划完成情况表。年底,各部门对各 项管理方案和质量改进计划的实施情况进行书面总结,报QHSEo6. Related Documents 相关文件1) Procedure for Document Control 文件-与资料控制程序2) Procedure for Human Resources Management 人力资源管理控制程序3)Procedure fbr Information Communication Control 信息交流控制程序7. Records 记录1) YDHM-RE-005-001Safety Environment Objective, Indicator and Management Plan 安全 环境目标、指标及管理方案表2) YDHM-RE-005-002 Safety Environment Objective, Indicator and Management Plan Monthly Checklist安全环境目标、指标及管理方案月份检查表3) YDHM-RE-005-003 Quality Objective and Indicator Decomposition List 质量目标、指 标分解表4) YDHM-RE-005-004Quality Improvement Plan 质量改进计划Document No./文件编号:Revision/版本 A/0Page/页码: 11/11Document Name: 文件名称:Procedure for Policy, Objective, Index and Manage Program 方针、目标、指标和管理方案管理控制程序5) YDHM-RE-005-005Quality Improvement Completion List 质量改进计划完成情况表Document No./文件编号:Revision/版本 A/0Page/页码: 2/11Document Name: 文件名称:Procedure for Policy, Objective, Index and Manage Program 方针、目标、指标和管理方案管理控制程序Revision History文件修订记录S/N 序号Date 日期Chapter 章节Page 页次Ver. 版本Rev. Status 修订状态Rev. Content 修订内容摘要Document No./文件编号:Revision/版本A/0Page/页码: 3/11Document Name: 文件名称:Procedure for Policy, Objective, Index and Manage Program 方针、目标、指标和管理方案管理控制程序1. Purpose 目的To realize quality, environment, OHS management policy, objective and indicator and ensure to achieve the objective and indicator with management program实现对质量、环境、职业健康安全管理体系的方针、目标和指标以及为确保实现目 标和指标而制定的管理方案的管理,确保方针、目标的实现,特制订本程序。2. Scope 范围Applicable fbr preparation, check, implementation and update the policy, objective, indicator and program of company quality, environment and OHS适用于公司质量、环境、职业健康安全方针、目标、指标和管理方案(以下简称方 针、目标、指标和管理方案)的制定、检查、实施与更改。3. Definitions 定义None 无4. Responsibilities 职责4.1 General Manager prepare and approve quality, environment, OHS policy 总经理制定质量、环境、职业健康安全方针,并负责方针的批准。4.2 General Manager approve the objective and indicator of quality, environment, OHS;Management Representative organize the preparation the objective and indicator of quality, environment, OHS, approve the manage program and improvement plan, supervise the implementation of policy, objective, indicator and manage program总经理负责质量、环境、职业健康安全目标、指标的批准,管理者代表组织质量、环境、 职业健康安全目标、指标的制定;负责管理方案及改进计划的批准,并负责监督方针、 目标、指标和管理方案及改进计划的实施。4.3 QHSE Department implement the objective, indicator and manage program of quality, environment, OHS, and prepare the improvement plan, supervise the implementationDocument No./文件编号:Revision/版本 A/0Page/页码: 4/11Document Name: 文件名称:Procedure for Policy, Objective, Index and Manage Program 方针、目标、指标和管理方案管理控制程序QHSE部实施质量、环境、职业健康安全目标、指标和管理方案及改进计划的编制,并 监督实施进度。4.4 Every department implement policy, objective, indicator and manage program and the improvement plan各部门负责方针、目标、指标和管理方案及改进计划的实施。5. Procedures工作程序5.1 Quality, environment, OHS policy (hereby refer to policy)质量、环境、职业健康安全方针(以下简称方针)5.1.1 Policy Establishment 方针的制定General Manager aim to improve product quality to meet customer requirement, protect and improve environment, establish safety and protect employee health, according to company actual situation, consider the law and regulation and other stakeholders' requirement, prepare the policy with documentation, convey it to overall employee.总经理以改进产品质量满足用户要求、保护和改善环境、建立本质安全和维护员工身体 健康为目的,针对公司的实际情况,考虑法律法规和相关方的要求,制定方针并形成文 件,传达到全体员工。5.1.2 Policy Guarantee 方针的确保1) Suitable for company product characteristic, capacity and environment influence, and OHS risk nature适合于公司的生产性质、规模和环境影响,以及职业健康安全风险的性质;2) Commitment on product quality, environment protection, OHS continuous improvement and preventive对产品质量、环境保护、职业健康安全的持续改进和预防等做出承诺;3) Commitment on compliance with law and regulation and other requirement对遵守有关法律法规和其他要求做出承诺;Document No./文件编号:Revision/版本 A/0Page/页码: 5/11Document Name: 文件名称:Procedure for Policy, Objective, Index and Manage Program 方针、目标、指标和管理方案管理控制程序4) Provide framework and basis for establishment and review of quality, environment, OHS objective and indicator为建立和评审质量、环境、职'亚健康安全目标和指标提供框架和基础;5) Compliance with company other policies与公司的其他方针保持一致。5.1.3 Policy Update 方针的更改It shall re-evaluate policy during every management review. When policy updated, it shall be approved by General Manager and form as document for convey每次管理评审,需对方针予以重新评价。方针需要更改时,须经总经理批准,形成 文件后重新传达。5.1.4 Policy Publicity and Implementation 方针的宣传和贯彻1) Convey the policy to overall employee through manual, company magazine, bulleting, details refer to Procedure for Information Communication Control通过手册、厂内刊物、宣传栏等形式对公司全体员工进行方针的宣传,具体见信息交 流控制程序;2) HR and Administration Department shall conduct policy train for overall employee through proper methods to make it understood, details refer to Procedure fbr Human Resources Management人事行政部应通过适当方式对公司全体员工进行方针的培训,以确保员工对上述方针的 理解,具体见人力资源管理控制程序。3) QHSE and other Departments conduct convey on the policy through proper methods QHSE部等部门通过适当方式对相关方进行方针的宣传。5.1.5 Policy Release 方针的公开General Manager shall consider stakeholders and public requirement with quality, environment, OHS known through proper methodsDocument No./文件编号:Revision/版本 A/0Page/页码: 6/11Document Name: 文件名称:Procedure for Policy, Objective, Index and Manage Program 方针、目标、指标和管理方案管理控制程序总经理应考虑相关方和公众的要求,以适当方式公开质量、环境、职业健康安全方针。5.2 Quality, environment, OHS objective and indicator (hereby refer to objective and indicator) 质量、环境、职业健康安全目标和指标(以下简称目标和指标)5.2.1 Objective and Indicator Establishment 目标和指标的制定Management Representative organize QHSE and departments to prepare the new objective and indicator according to the policy, last year objective, indicator and manage program implementation and environment factor and danger source update of company quality, environment, OHS. Department manager prepare, Management Representative checks, and General Manager approve.管理者代表每年组织QHSE等部门根据公司质量、环境、职业健康安全方针、上年 度目标、指标和管理方案的实施情况,以及环境因素、危险源更改等情况,制定新的目 标和指标,由部门经理编制后,报管理者代表审核,总经理批准后生效。5.2.2 Objective and Indicator Establish shall consider the following 目标与指标的制定应考虑以下几个方面:a) Quality, environment, OHS policy content 质量、环境、职业健康安全方针的内容;b) Relevant law, regulation and other requirements 有关法律、法规及其他要求;c) Company critical environment factor, danger source and improvement objective and plan confirmed at the management review公司的重大环境因素、重要危险源及管理评审会确定的改进目标和计划;d) Infbnnation and requirement from stakeholders 来自相关方的信息和要求;e) Commitment on safety, quality, environment behavior continuous improvement and preventiveDocument No./文件编号:Revision/版本 A/0Page/页码: 7/11Document Name: 文件名称:Procedure for Policy, Objective, Index and Manage Program 方针、目标、指标和管理方案管理控制程序安全、质量、环境行为的持续改进以及预防的承诺;0 The optional best technology, and feasibility on economical, operational and business 可选择的最佳技术,以及经济上、运行和经营操作上的可行性;g) Implemented plan and progress 实施的计划、进度;h) Objective decomposition with every department quantified, clear objective and specific indicator体现目标的逐层分解,量化后纳入各部门,即目标明确,指标具体。i) Production process engineer and nature update 生产过程工艺及特性的改变。5.2.3 Objective and Indicator Update 目标与指标的更改:a) When changes happen on quality, environment, OHS policy, law and regulation and other requirements, manage program progress and relevant external factors, the objective and indicator shall be re-audit and revised在质量、环境、职业健康安全方针、法律法规及其它要求、管理方案的进度状况以及相 关外界因素等发生变更时,目标与指标应重新评审和修订。b) QHSE update the objective and indicator, Management Representative checks, General Manager approves.目标与指标由QHSE进行更改,经管理者代表审核后报总经理批准生效。5.2.4 Objective and Indicator Publicity 目标与指标的宣贯:Convey the objective and indicator to company every level manager, professionals and operators through the methods of company document, network, meeting and magazine通过公司文件、网络、会议、内部刊物等方式对公司各级管理者、专业技术人员以 及操作人员进行目标、指标的宣贯。5.2.5 Objective and Indicator Implementation 目标与指标的实施Every department decomposes and prepares the corresponding objective and indicator according to company objective and indicator with departmental actual workDocument No./文件编号:Revision/版本 A/0Page/页码: 8/11Document Name: 文件名称:Procedure for Policy, Objective, Index and Manage Program 方针、目标、指标和管理方案管理控制程序各部门依据公司的目标与指标,结合本部门的工作实际进行分解,制定相应的目标 与指标。5.2.6 Objective and Indicator Supervision and Inspection 目标与指标的监督检查QHSE and relevant departments shall conduct supend si on monthly on the progress and effect of the objective and indicatorQHSE及有关责任部门每月对目标、指标的进度与效果等进行一次监督检查。5.3 Environment, OHS Manage Program and Quality Improvement Plan (hereby refer to manage program and quality improvement plan)环境、职业健康安全管理方案和质量改进计 划(以下简称管理方案和质量改进计划)5.3.1 Manage Program and Quality Improvement Plan Establishment管理方案和质量改进计划的编制:Management program and quality improvement plan is prepared by QHSE at each year Jan to Feb according to objective and indicator, cheeked by department manager, reported to Management Representative fbr approval管理方案和质量改进计划由QHSE于每年上2月份依据目标与指标组织编制,经部 门经理审核后,报管理者代表批准后生效。5.3.2 Manage Program and Quality Improvement Plan mainly including the following 管理方案和质量改进计划主要包括以下内容:a) Basis objective and indicator 依据的目标与指标;b) Measures and technical methods 方法措施、技术手段;c) Responsible department, assistant department and inspector责任部门、协助部门和检查人;d) Budget预算经费。e) Initial date and completion date 启动日期与完成期限等。5.3.3 It could prepare corresponding level manage program and quality improvement planDocument No./文件编号:Revision/版本 A/0Page/页码: 9/11Document Name: 文件名称:Procedure for Policy, Objective, Index and Manage Program 方针、目标、指标和管理方案管理控制程序according to the demanding and basis on company manage program管理方案和质量改进计划根据需要,可在公司管理方案基础上,编制各级相应的管理方 案和质量改进计划。5.3.4 Manage Program Review 管理方案的评审QHSE and relevant departments shall conduct review on company and department manage program every half year, mainly content including: manage program implementation progress, whether needs further improvement and complete, manage program scientific; it shall make decision on whether revise program on company activities, product, service or operation condition changes, identify and evaluate whether with new environment factor, danger source during manage program implementationQHSE、各相关部门每六个月对公司和各部门的管理方案进行评审。评审主要内容: 管理方案实施的进度,方案是否需要进一步改进和完善,管理方案的科学性;同时针对 公司活动、产品、服务或运行条件变化,作出是否需要进行方案修改。以及在管理方案 实施过程中,是否产生新的环境因素、危险源,进行识别和评价。5.3.5 Manage Program and Quality Improvement Plan Update 管理方案和质量改进计划的更改When measures(methods) update, objective and indicator change or refer to new development or updated activities, product, service requiring changes on program or plan, as well as OHS manage program needing update after review, the applicant shall apply with written fbr QHSE audit, and QHSE implement the update after department checked and Management Representative approved.当因措施(或手段)发生变更、目标指标变化或涉及到新的开发和新的或修改的活动、 产品、服务等情况需更改方案或计划时、以及职业健康安全管理方案评审后需要更改时, 由更改申请者以书面申请的形式交QHSE审议,经部门经理审核,管理者代表批准后, QHSE执行更改。