Out of the Past《漩涡之外(1947)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx
片名:漩涡之外(布里奇波特)(杰夫贝利修车加油站)贝利在哪里Where's Bailey?你是聋子吗Deaf and dumb, eh?会读唇语吗Can you read lips?贝利在哪里Where is Bailey?今天回来的吗Coming back today?说啊Come on.(马尔尼咖啡).你好马尔尼.看看这是谁回来了-Hello, Marny, -Well, look who is back.你染发了吗-怎么了-Did you dye your hair? -Why?我一直记得你是金发I keep thinking of you as a blond.在你的记忆里我都有可能是秃头For all the thinking you do about me, I could be bald-headed.黑麦火腿你想我了吗亲爱的Ham on rye. Did you miss me, honey?我要是不想你估计就没人会想你了If I didn't, I can't think of anybody else who did.-有一件事是确定的贝利不会想任何人你也是-One thing's sure, Bailey don't miss nothing. -Neither do you.她是你女朋友他也不是我的男人She's your girl, and he ain't my man.所以我不介意我只看表面发生的事情So it's no skin off my nose. I just see what I see.你确定你没看到一些传闻吗You sure you don't see what you hear?在这个镇上发生的任何事情我都会在这个柜台上听到Nothing can happen in this town that I don't hear about it across this counter.我只是说我看到了什么他们每天都一起去钓鱼I'm just saying what I see. Every day they go fishing together.看这个三明治Okay.给我关于她家庭的资料照片任何相关的东西Get me the stuff on her family, pictures, anything interesting.你会拿到的.再见You'll get it. -Til see you.你把它拿过来乔来我们走吧You bring it over, Joe. Come on, lets go.对了你介意告诉我她的名字吗Oh, by the way, you mind telling me her name?凯西莫法特谢了-Kathie Moffat. -Thanks.她一定是个很好的女人一只有40位相好的野鹅She must be quite a dame. A wild goose with 40 Grs.你知道作为一个聪明人斯特林肯定会信任你不是吗You know, for a smart guy, that Sterling sure trusts you, don't he?为什么不Why not?-我是不是要一起去-不-Am I going along? -No.他不喜欢我的个性是吧Oh, he doesnrt like my personality, huh?好吧我还是加入杰夫五五分成Well, I'm still in, Jeff, fifty-fifty.我说其他的话了吗好吧这是个简单的事情-Did I say anything different? -All right. Its a good soft touch.不要对我发火也不要有任何可爰的想法Don't get hot at me. And don't get any cute ideas.这些酒我请These are on me.这是我的一个老朋友杰夫马卡姆他想问你一些事情This is an old friend of mine, Jeff Markham. He wants to ask you something.你们两位谁是尤妮斯伦纳德Which one of you is Eunice Leonard?我Me.我能问你几个问题吗May I ask you a few questions?来吧亲爱的我们跳舞吧Come on, honey, let*s dance.你为凯瑟琳莫法特工作吗You work for Katherine Moffat?不为她工作了她走了被排挤了Not anymore, she's gone. She got pushed around.我自己也不会留下来除了她在接种疫苗时生病了的那段时间I wouldn't have stayed myself, only she got sick being vaccinated.你问这个干什么我想找到她-How come you're asking? -I want to find her.-你想为那个男人找到她-不是为了我自己她去哪里了-You want to find her for that man? -No, for myself. Where'd she go?也许我不应该什么都不说Maybe I oughtn't to tell nothing.如果你不说可能会给她带来更多的伤害More harm might come to her if you didn't.她现在受到伤害了吗我不知道她消失了-Is she in harm now? -I don't know, she disappeared.-也许你最好告诉他亲爱的我不能说太多-Maybe you better say, honey. -Well, I can*t say much.但那不是一个寒冷的地方那个女孩讨厌雪It wasn't no cold place though. That girl hated snow.她拿走的那些衣服她在寻找阳光佛罗里达州Them clothes she took, she was looking for sun. Florida.你确定吗现在我好像想起来了我确定-You sure about that? -Now I seem to remember, and I'm sure.没有行李箱她只带了手提箱-No trunk? -She only took suitcases.这次你也确定-我确定我还给她的手提箱称重了-You're sure again? -I know, I weighed them for all about for this girl.-一共多重-131磅-How much did they weigh? -131 pounds.-这么精确-这么精确-Exactly? -Exactly.因为这是我自己的体重-谢谢-On account of that's what I weigh myself. -Thanks.再给他们上一轮Bring them another round.你去佛罗里达不用接种疫苗但是去墨西哥需要You don't get vaccinated for Florida, but you do for Mexico.所以我就跟着那个90磅的多余行李去了墨西哥城So I just followed that 90 pounds of excess baggage to Mexico City.她曾在雷福尔玛然后离开了She had been at the Reforma and then gone.我也像她一样坐公交车去了南方I took the bus south like she did.塔克斯科的天气很热你对自己说能有多热呢It was hot in Taxco. You say to yourself, "How hot can it get?"到了阿卡普尔科你就知道了And then in Acapulco, you find out.我知道她必须到这里来I knew she had to wind up here.因为如果你想去南方你要在这里上船because if you wanna go south, here's where you get the boat.我所要做的就是等待All I had to do was wait.广场附近有一家小咖啡馆叫蓝色的大海旁边是一家电影院Near the plaza was a little cafe called La Mar Azul next to a movie house. 我下午坐在那里喝啤酒I sat there in the afternoons and drank beer.我曾经坐在那里半睡半醒地喝着啤酒黑暗中I used to sit there half-asleep with a beer and the darkness.隔壁电影的音乐一直把我震醒only that music from the movie next door kept jarring me awake.然后我看到她从阳光中走出来And then I saw her coming out of the sun.我知道为什么惠特不关心那四万美元了and I knew why Whit didn't care about that 40 grand.请给我来一杯自♥由♥古巴好的小姐-Cuba Libre, please. -Si senorita,小姐先生我可以说句话吗Senorita, senor, may I speak some words?-你会坐下来的先生是吗我很乐意先生-You will be seated, senor, huh? Yes? -With pleasure, senor.我是何塞罗德里格斯一个向导一个最优秀的向导I am Jose Rodriguez, a guide, a most excellent guide.-真的吗.你问他-Indeed? -You ask them.人们可以告诉你何塞罗德里格斯对阿卡普尔科的了解无人能及They can tell you that Jose Rodriguez knows Acapulco as no one else.-每条小巷我不想要向导-Each little street. -I don't want a guide.-一个难搞的女孩-难道有不难搞的女孩吗先生-A very difficult girl. -Heh. Is there one not so, senor?-那彩票呢-不用了-Perhaps a lottery ticket? -No.我这里有一个由巧手锻造的戒指I have here, wrought by skilled hands, a ring.以及玉石和纯银打造的耳环and earrings of jade and pure silver.给你These.谢谢先生谢谢Gracias senor, gracias.我从不戴这些我也是请-I never wear them. -Nor I. Please.不了谢谢你No, thank you.我的名字是杰夫马卡姆我已经My name is Jeff Markham, and I haven't talked to anybody.10天没有和任何没有试图向我推销东西的人交谈了who hasn't tried to sell me something for 10 days.如果我不说话我就会思考If I don't talk, I think.对我来说现在开始思考已经太晚了It's too late in life for me to start thinking.我可以到悬崖下像个好游客一样看海I could go down to the cliff and look at the sea like a good tourist.但如果没有人可以转身对你说风景不错吧But it's no good if there isn't somebody you can turn to and say,这就不好了"Nice view, huh?"教堂遗迹月光或古巴自♥由♥酒都是如此It's the same with the churches, the relics, the moonlight or a Cuba Libre. 除非你能分享它否则世界上没有任何东西是好的Nothing in the world is any good unless you can share it.也许你应该回家了Maybe you ought to go home.也许这就是我在这里的原因Maybe that's why I'm here.是吗Is it?话说何塞罗德里格斯这样的人哪里都有Well, there's always Jose Rodriguez.如果太孤单街边有一个叫帕布罗的小酒馆If it gets too lonely, there's a cantina down the street called Pablo's.它很好很安静那里的人演奏美国音乐只要一美元It's nice and quiet. The man there plays American music for a dollar. 啜饮波旁酒闭上眼睛这就像第56街的一个小地方Sip bourbon and shut your eyes. It's like a little place on 56th Street. 我会戴上我的耳环的Ell wear my earrings.我有时会去那里I sometimes go there.(西部联盟电报墨西哥分公♥司♥)我去给惠特发电报说我找到了她I went to send a wire to Whit that I'd found her.但是电报局因午休关闭but the telegraph office was closed for the siesta.我很高兴我瞬间就明白为什么了I was glad it was, and I suddenly knew why.那天晚上我去了帕布罗小酒馆I went to Pablo's that night.我知道我每天晚上都会去直到她出现I knew rd go every night until she showed up.我知道她也这样想and I knew she knew it.我坐在那里啜饮波旁酒闭上眼睛I sat there and drank bourbon, and I shut my eyes.但我完全想象不出第56街but I didn't think of a joint on 56th Street.我知道我在哪里我在做什么I knew where I was and what I was doing.我只是觉得我是个傻瓜I just thought what a sucker I was.我甚至知道她在第一晚不会来I even knew she wouldn't come the first night.但我坐在那里无聊并等待着but I sat there, grinding it out.但第二天晚上我知道她会出现But the next night I knew she'd show.她一直等到天色已晚She waited until it was late.然后她从月光中走了进来面带微笑and then she walked in out of the moonlight, smiling.这真是个巧合是的就是这样-Welt this is a coincidence. -Yes, it is.美国的音乐你知道我已经在这里待了两个晚上了-American music. -You know, Fve been here for two nights.-一直在思考不只是等待-Thinking? -No, just waiting.我并不孤独I haven't been lonely.一波旁酒-如你所愿-Bourbon? -As you suggested.谢谢你先生Thank you, sir.我已经在这里坐了三个小时了I've been sitting here for three hours.我以为这家伙会以忧郁的宝贝开场I thought the guy was gonna break out with ''Melancholy Baby." 你知道吗你是个好奇心很强的人You know, you're a curious man.你会让你遇到的每一个人都有一点好奇心You're gonna make every guy you meet a little bit curious.我不是这个意思你不问问题That's not what I mean. You don't ask questions.你甚至不问我叫什么名字You don't even ask me what my name is.好吧你叫什么名字All right, what's your name?凯西Kathie.我喜欢这个名字也不问我来自哪里-I like it. -Or where I come from.我在思考我们要去哪里I'm thinking about where we*re going.你不喜欢这里的环境吗我只是还没准备好安顿下来-Don't you like it in here? -I'm just not ready to settle down.要我带你到别的地方去吗Shall I take you somewhere else?你会发现带我去任何地方都非常容易You're gonna find it very easy to take me anywhere.你知道我是一个比何塞罗德里格斯好得多的向导You know, I'm a much better guide than Jose Rodriguez.想试试我吗Wanna try me?-不是这么玩的为什么-That isn't the way to play. -Why not?-因为这不是获胜的方法有办法吗-Because it isn't the way to win. -Is there a way?有一种方法可以让你输得更慢There's a way to lose more slowly.我更喜欢这样-扔注吧-I prefer it like that. -Chunk it in.-你不喜欢赌博吗-不喜欢对着轮盘赌-Don't you like to gamble? -Not against a wheel.告诉我为什么你这么难伺候Tell me why you're so hard to please.带我去一个我可以告诉你的地方Take me where I can tell you.好的来吧All right, come on.等一下Wait a minute.你什么时候带我回去When are you taking me back?这是你吻我的原因吗Is that why you kissed me?不是No.惠特没死Whit didn't die.他没死又寸-He didnrt? -No.-那为什么他就想让你回去-Then why. -He just wants you back.我恨他I hate him.我很遗憾他没死.再多等些时日吧"I'm sorry he didn*t die. -Give him time.你要带我回去了You are taking me back.不着急There's no hurry.昨晚我本可以逃走的I could have run away last night.那我就去找你rd find you.是的我相信你会的Yes, I believe you would.这样做你高兴吗Are you glad you did?我不知道I don't know.我知道I am.有件关于4万美元的小事我没拿-There was a little business about $40,000. -I didn't take it.你怎么知道钱是被拿走的How'd you know it was taken?你就是这意思It's what you meant.我不想要他的任何东西或者跟他扯上任何关系I don't want anything of his or any part of him.除了他的命我不知道我当时在做什么-Except his life. -I didn't know what I was doing.我什么都不知道只知道我有多恨他I didn't know anything, except how much I hated him.但我什么都没拿But I didn't take anything.我没拿杰夫I didn't, Jeff.你不相信我吗Won't you believe me?宝贝我不关心Baby, I don*t care.我从未在白天见过她我们似乎生活在夜晚I never saw her in the daytime. We seemed to live by night.白天剩下的东西就像你抽的一包烟一样消失了What was left of the day went away like a pack of cigarettes you smoked.我不知道她住在哪里我从未跟踪过她I didn't know where she lived. I never followed her.我所拥有的只是一个能再次见到她的地点和时间All I ever had to go on was a place and time to see her again.我不知道我们在等待什么也许我们认为世界会结束I don't know what we were waiting for. Maybe we thought the world would end. 可能我们觉得这只是一场梦Maybe we thought it was a dream.而我们会在尼亚加拉瀑布前从宿醉醒来and we'd wake up with a hangover in Niagara Falls.我给惠特发了电报但我没有告诉他I wired Whit, but I didn't tell him.我在阿卡普尔科我说我希望你也在这里"I'm in Acapulco," I said, nI wish you were here.'1而且每天晚上我都去见她And every night I went to meet her.我怎么知道她会不会出现我不知道How did I know sherd ever show up? I didn't.是什么阻止了她乘船去智利或危地马拉没有什么What stopped her from taking a boat to Chile or Guatemala? Nothing.你能成为多大的傻瓜我正在寻找答案How big a chump can you get to be? I was finding out.然后她来了就像刚放学一样And then she'd come along like school was out.然后其他一切都只是你在海上航行时遇到的一块石头and everything else was just a stone you sailed at the sea.我不知道你这么娇小我比拿破仑还高-I didn't know you were so little. -Tm taller than Napoleon.你也比他漂亮You're prettier too.你想我吗我的眼神已经表现得很想了-Did you miss me? -No more than I would my eyes.我们今晚该去哪里Where should we go tonight?去我的住处吧Lefs go to my place.这是她第一次提到她的住处或是去那里It was the first time she had mentioned her place or going there.也许她已经决定了什么或是因为天空看起来要下大雨Maybe she'd decided something, or it was because the sky looked full of rain. 那是一个不错的小地方有竹制家具和墨西哥的摆设It was a nice little joint with bamboo furniture and Mexican gimcracks.点着一盏小灯一切都好One little lamp burned. It was all right.雨水像这样敲打着窗户让人觉得在屋里很舒服And the rain hammering like that on the window made it good to be in there. 接着Here.嘿别太使劲Hey, hey, not so hard.现在该你了 别乔不用了-Now yours. -No, Joe, it's all right.-来吧-别使劲杰夫我的耳环-Oh, come on. -No, not so hard, Jeff. My earring.嘘我正在努力擦干♥你♥的头发Hush! Tm trying to dry your hair.你跟我走吗Are you going with me?去哪里Where?走到哪里算哪里为什么-Wherever it takes us. -Why?咱们自力更生远离惠特他知道我在这里To make a life for ourselves, to get away from Whit. He knows I'm here. 他什么时候来When?明天Tomorrow.如果你能来的话早上收拾好东西在酒店见我Pack in the morning, meet me at the hotel if you can make it.我能来我们能逃过这一劫吗咱们拭目以待吧-I can make it. Can we get away with it? -Lets find out.-你不了解惠特他不会忘记的-每个人都会忘记-You don't know Whit. He wonrt forget. -Everybody forgets.惠特不会Not Whit.那么我们每年圣诞节都寄给他一张明信片So well send him a postcard every Christmas.杰夫我很高兴你不怕他Jeff I'm glad you're not afraid of him.我曾经做过的一半事情我都害怕I've been afraid of half the things I ever did.这件事呢And this time?我只怕你不去I'm only afraid you might not go.别怕Don't be.明天我会去的ril be there tomorrow.-爱我吗-嗯哼-Love me? -Mm-hm.Look, the sandwich.我在100英尺内能嗅到两样东西Two things I can smell inside 100 feet:烧焦的汉堡包和浪漫的爱情burning hamburger and a romance.来新客人了You got a customer.-你想点什么咖啡-What'll you have? -Coffee.不要别的了吗奶油-Nothing else? -Cream.-这段时间你去哪里了 洛杉矶-Where you been this time? -L.A.-要咖啡吗-不用了谢谢-Coffee? -No, thanks.首先她得到了你现在她得到了你和贝利First she*s got you, now shefs got you and Bailey.我唯一得到的就是增长的年纪And the only thing I seem to get is older.非常感谢马尔尼回头见Thanks a lot, Marny. Til see you later.我想我一定是说到了什么Hmm. I guess I must have said something.你说的够多了You talked enough.有些事情人们都应该知道只是他们不想听到Things like everything people ought to know they just don't want to hear. 我想这就是这个世界的大♥麻♥烦I guess that's the big trouble with the world.要么就是你应该站在柜台的另一侧Either that or you*re on the wrong side of the counter.跟我讲讲我好像没什么可以跟你讲的-Tell me something. -You don't look as though I could.那个惹你生气的贝利他是开加油站的吗That, uh, Bailey who burns you up, he run the gas station?你认识他吗可能见过一次-Do you know him? -I might have once.如果他继续围着吉姆的女友转那就没人会再见到他了If he keeps mooning around Jim's girl, nobodyll know him.那可太糟了and thafd be too bad.-poco 你说什么-Poco? -What's that?-只爱一点很爱-A little. -Mucho.-嗯世界上最后一个人-我讨厌给自己惊喜-Well, the last guy in the world. -I hate surprises myself.-你想把门关上然后忘掉它吗-不进来吧-You wanna just shut the door and forget it? -No, no. Come on in.我喜欢惊喜当我还是个孩子的时候我们的生活非常拮据I like surprises. When I was a kid, we were so busted.我们在圣诞节不管得到什么都觉得是一个大惊喜that if we got anything at all for Christmas it was a big surprise.坐椅子上吧-谢谢-Sit down, have a chair. -Thanks.来这里多久了 噢-Been here long? -Oh.-多久了乔-没多久-How long, Joe? -Hardly at all.我只是想知道谁有可能在跟踪谁I just wondered who might be following whom.你为什么会这样想What makes you think that?听着我知道你如何信任别人Look, I know how you trust people.你能把斯蒂芬诺扔到那么远的地方About as far as you can throw Stephanos here.我没意见只是咱们别纠结这个了And that's all right with me, only let's not get so cute about it.我在去墨西哥城的路上看到一个与马有关的人I'm on my way to Mexico City, see a man about a horse.说实话是来自南美的一匹赛马On the level. A racehorse from South America.退房♥吗-当然为什么要浪费你的钱-Checking out? -Sure. Why waste your money?-你找到她了吗-没只找到了踪迹-Did you find her? -No, only her trail.不太像燎原之火那么显眼但是Not quite as hot as a prairie fire, but there.有时也太明显了Sometimes a little too obvious.她是个聪明的小个子女人She's a clever little girl.一是吗你不这么觉得吗-Is she? -Wouldn't you say so?你应该告诉我我就会用不同的方式来找You should have told me, I would have played it differently.也许她就不会听到我的鞋子发出的声音Maybe she wouldn't have heard my shoes squeaking.总是比我快一步这儿跳那儿跳Always a hop, skip and a jump ahead of me.我从墨西哥城跟到塔克斯科再到这里Mexico City to Taxco to here.杰夫你在这里见到她了吗没有我希望我见到了-And here, Jeff, did you see her? -No. I wish I had.我不喜欢在赌局中上当受骗I don't like playing games when I'm the fall guy.你可能记得吧惠特You might remember that, Whit.谢谢你Thank you.谢谢Gracias.漂亮的鞋子很适合你的运动款对吗Nice shoes