岳西县2021-2022学年度第一学期初中期末教学质量检测试卷(八年级英语)考试时间:100分钟 满分:120分 岳西教研室英语学科命题组题号听力部分笔试部分总 分IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIXX得分第一部分 听力部分(共20分)I.短对话理解(共 5 小题,每小题1分,满分5 分你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。()l.What is Jack going to do tomorrow?A.He is busy.B.He is upset.C.He has the flu.()4.Why is Robert upset?A.Because he missed the party.B.Because he was late for the party.C.Because he didnt get an invitation from his friend.()5.How are the speakers going to Dean*s home?A.By taxi.B.By car.C.By bus.IL理 解(共 5 小题,每小题1分,满分5 分)你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6 至 7 小题。()6.What is the boys mother doing?A.Eating dinner.B.Preparing dinner.C.Washing dishes.()7.What is the boy going to do?A.Help his father.B.Call his father.C.Wash vegetables.听下面一段对话,回答第8 至 10小题。()8.What do they want to buy?A.Some milk.B.Some shake.()9.How much cheese do they want to buy?A.Three bags.B.Three boxes.()10.What kind of fruit does the boy like?A.Bananas.B.Watermelons.H L短 文理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。()ll.Whafs Lucys dream?A.To be a singer.B.To be a teacher.()12.Where does Lucy want to work?A.In a big city.B.In a beautiful city.()13.Why can*t many children there go to school?A.Because their parents don*t want them to go to school.B.Because they don*t want to go to school.C.Because their families are very poor.()14.What will Lucy do to help the children?A.Give them money.C.Teach them how to be a useful person.()15.What does Lucy think of her dream job?A.She thinks its a great job.B.She thinks its a boring job.C.She thinks ifs an interesting job.IV信 息 转 换(共5小题,每小题1分满分5分)C.Some yogurt.C.Three glasses.C.Apples.请在每小题所给的A、B、C.To be a writer.C.In a mountain village.B.Be strict with them.你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。短文读两遍。Information Sheet had the 16 four days ago.It made me very tired.Dr.Smith was not free until next 17.I decided 18 myself.First,!got enough sleep a day.Next,I ate more 19 and drank more hot water.Then,I did exercise at least 20 hour(s)a day.第二部分(笔试共100分)v.单项选择。(本题有10小题;每小题1分,共10分)()2 1.-H ow wa s your school trip?.I hope I ca n go there a ga in.A.J ust so-so B.N ot good C N othing specia l.D.W onderful)2 2.-I hea r you missed the b eginning of the film Changjinhu yesterda y.-Y es.T he film wa s onA.a lrea dy B.ever)2 3.M um,this T-shirt is muchfor ha lf a n hour when I got to the cinema.C.fina lly D.ha rdlytoo sma l1 for me.W ould you b uy me a one?A.good)2 4.M a ry da ncedA.b ea utiful)2 5.M rs W a ng isA.like(B.b etter C.la rge D.la rgerrea lly a t the pa rty.B.the most b ea utifully C.b ea utifully D.more b ea utiful4 2 yea rs old,b ut she a lwa ys dressed up a girl.B.of C.to D.for()2 6.T o b e.engineer is my drea m.I i n goingto study ma th rea lly.(A.a n,ha rd B.a,ha rd C.a n,ha rdly D.a,ha rdly)2 7.T here will b e people a nd spa ce for ea ch person in the future.A.more,less B.more,fewer C.fewer,less D.less,less)2 8.M um wa nts to wa tch the CCT V news.L et*s the T V.A.turn down B.turn on C.turn up D.turn off)2 9.A ll the ingredients a re in the b owl.P lea se.A.mix it up B.mix up it C.mix up them D.mix them up)3 0.-S a lly,ca n you come to my b irthda y pa rty.,b ut I ha ve to finish my housework first.A.I t s ha rd to sa y.B.Y ou re welcomeC.I d love to D.Y ou,re rightVI.完形填空(本大题有10小题,每小题L 5分,共15分)T he N ew Y ea r is a lwa ys a time for celeb ra tion(庆祝).I t is a lso a time to 3 1resolutions.A N ew Y ea r,s resolution is a promise tha t you ma ke to yourself a t the3 2 of the yea r.N ext yea r I a m going to 3 3 a long va ca tion.I m going to visit my uncle inN ew Y ork.A nd I m going to study ha rd a t school.I m not 3 4 a t some of my sub jects-physics,ma th a nd science.I 3 5 myself to do b etter next term.I m going to sa vesome 3 6 to b uy a n M P 5.I ca n use it to listen to music.A nd I m going to try 3 7new.F or exa mple,V m going to lea rn to pla y a n instrument.T he coming yea ris going to b e grea t a nd exciting,I think.3 8 a re your N ew Y ea r,s resolutions?Ca n you keep them?I think you should try3 9 b est to do tha t.4 0 to yourself,“I ca n ma ke it!”()3 1.A.discussB.improveC.ma keD.sha re()3 2.A.endingB.middleC.ha lfD.b eginning()3 3.A.ta keB.pa yC.discussD.tra vel()3 4.A.kindB.niceC.goodD.well()3 5.A.helpB.tea chC.promiseD.enjoy()3 6.A.moneyB.timeC.foodD.pa per()3 7.A.a nyoneB.someoneC.a nythingD.something()3 8.A.W ha tB.H owC.W hereD.W hen()3 9.A.myB.hisC.yourD.her()4 0.A.S pea kB.T ellC.T a lkD S a yvn.补全对话。其中有两项多余,请把所选句子序号填在横线上(每小题2分,共io分)。A:K a te,M a ry told me tha t you could ma ke milk sha kes.I s it true?B:Y es,I lea rned tha t from my mom.4 1A:R ea lly?Ca n you show me how to ma ke a milk sha ke?B:0 f course.4 2A:A nd then?B:G et some fruit.4 3A:S tra wb erries.4 4B:F ive a re enough.P ut milk a nd stra wb erries in the b lender a nd a dd some suga r.A:4 5 I don t like suga r.B:S ure.E ither suga r or honey is O K.T hen turn on the b lender.Y ou ca n enjoy yourmilk sha ke in five minutes.A:I see.T ha nk you!A.I t is quite ea sy.B.O ne more thingC.Ca n you put some honey into it?D.W ha t*s your fa vorite fruit?E.F irst,get a b lender a nd a b ottle of milkF.T ha nks for telling me the wa y to cookG.H ow ma ny stra wb erries do we need?VJI.阅读理解,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(每小题2分,共40分)AM r.a nd M rs.M iller live in a sma ll house in the city center.N ow they wa nt tob uy a b ig one.T hey sea rched(搜索)for informa tion of houses online.H ere1 s theinforma tion they got.Houses For SaleSweet HomeThree-year-!d houseDream HomeOne-year-old houseRooms:Four bedrooms,a living room,a dining room,two baihrooms and a big kilchen.Rooms:Three bedrooms,a living room,two bathrooms and a kitchen.Theres a large garden(花 园)in front of thehouse.Price:$350.000Place:5km from the city center,and two blocks(街)from ihe bus staiion and ihe supermarket.More information:Price:$270.000Place:10km from the city center,one block from the bus slation.and two blocks from thesupermarket.Reger Jones/(123)456 7890/rmiHcXcmail.ccniM rs.M iller likes growing flowers,so she likes S weet H ome.H owever,M r.M illerthinks the house is too b ig for them to clea n.F or him,D rea m H ome is b etter.I t ta keshim a shorter time to go to the b us sta tion.I t*s rea lly ha rd for them to decide.()4 6.H ow ma ny rooms a re there in S weet H ome?A.N ine.B.E ight.C.S even.D.T en.()4 7.W ha t pla ce is D rea m H ome close to?A.T he ga rden.B.T he city center.C.T he b us sta tion.D.T he superma rket.()4 8.W ha t ca n we know from the ma teria l?A.M rs.M iller doesn t like doing housework.B.T here s no dining room in D rea m H ome.C.T he two houses a re b oth R oger J ones.D.M r.a nd M rs.M iller decided to b uy S weet H ome.R ivers a re importa nt.O ne of the most importa nt rivers in the U K is the R iverT ha mes.I tJ s 3 4 6 km long a nd it s the deepest(最深的)river in Brita in.But thelongest river in the U K is the R iver S evern.I t s 3 5 4 km long.R ivers a re importa nt to pla nts(植物).M a ny of them grow b y rivers.S ome a nima lsa lso ma ke their homes on the river b a nks.T hey get food from rivers.I n A frica a nima lssuch a s lions a nd elepha nts go to rivers for wa ter.R ivers a lso give people food to ea t a nd wa ter to drink.W ha t s more,they givepeople cha nces to live a b etter life.P eople ca n go to other pla ces b y b oa t.R iversgive wa ter to fa rms.P eople ca n b uiI d a da m(大 坝)a cross a river.T hen people ca nuse the wa ter to ma ke electricity(E).But there a re prob lems with rivers.O ne of the prob lems is tha t rivers a regetting dirty.A nother is tha t people use too much wa ter from rivers.W e should lea rna b out the importa nce of rivers.()4 9.W ha t do we know a b out the R iver T ha mes?A.I t s 3 5 4 km long.B.I t s the longest river in Brita in.C.I t s the deepest river in Brita in.D.I t s not fa r from the R iver S evern.()5 0.W ha t s the P a ra gra ph 3 ma inly a b out?A.W ha t a nima ls ea t in rivers.B.W here pla nts a nd a nima ls live.C.W hen people sta rted to b uild da ms D.H ow rivers help with people*s lives.()5 1.W hich is the b est title for the pa ssa ge?A.R iver a round the world B.R ivers a nd peopleC.T he importa nce of rivers D.T he rivers in da ngercL i Y ingheng is a 1 3-yea r-old Chinese-A ustra lia n violinist.By pla yingtra ditiona l Chinese songs,L i is popula r with lots of people.L i sta rted to lea rn the violin in 2 0 1 3,a t the a ge of 5.H e wa s the youngestwinner of the M enuhin Competition(梅纽因比赛冠军),the world s top violincompetition,a t the a ge of 1 0.L i pra ctices the violin a fter school for two hoursevery weekda y a nd longer on weekends.H e loves rea ding.H e a lso loves sports,sucha s swimming,riding a nd pla ying b a dminton.D uring Chinese N ew Y ea r of 2 0 2 1,he pla yed Chinese D rum on the I nternet.A nA ustria n violinist wa s inspired(受启发)b y a tra ditiona l Chinese song a nd wroteChinese D rum.H is music is very popula r on Y ouT ub e.T he music is fun a nd ha ppy.L isa id.M a ny Chinese people sa y they re so ha ppy to hea r it during the time of ChineseN ew Y ea r.9 9L a st yea r in M a y,L i a lso pla yed a tra ditiona l Chinese song ca lled F isherma n sH a rvest S ong.I pla yed it b eca use it ma kes me know more a b out Chinese historythrough music,“L i sa id.I m ha ppy to see tha t b oth Chinese a nd W estern people love it.Bea utiful musicca n b e enjoyed b y people from different countries,“L i sa id.()5 2.W hen did L i win the M enuhin Competition?A.I n 2 0 1 3.B.I n2 0 1 8.C.I n2 0 2 0.D.I n2 0 2 1.()5 3.W ha t does the underlined word the third pa ra gra ph refer to?A.Chinese N ew Y ea r.B.T he violin.C.Chinese D rum.D.A tra ditiona l A ustra lia n song.()5 4.W ha t ca n we lea rn from the pa ssa ge?A.L i pra ctices the violin for two hours on weekends.B.A Chinese violinist wrote Chinese D rum.C.T he music of F isherma n s H a rvest S ong is funD.P eople on Y ouT ub e enjoyed Chinese D rum a lot.()5 5.W ha t s the b est title for the pa ssa ge?A.A young violinist s love for musicB.T he world*s top violin competitionC.T ra ditiona l Chinese songsD.Bea utiful musicDW hy a re people ta lking a b out the streetla mps(路灯)in a Chinese city online?I ta ll sta rted with a messa ge.M y mother is a roa d clea ner,S he sta rts to work a t 4:3 0 every morning.T heprob lem is tha t the streetla mps go out a t 5:2 5 when it s still da rk outside.M a yI a sk to keep the lights on for a nother 1 5 minutes?M y mother will finish her worka t 5:4 0.T his is a letter the government(政府)in D onggua n,G ua ngdong got da ys a go.T he officers(官员)found the son a t once a nd lea rned everything he sa id in theletter wa s true.A t the sa me time,they thought tha t enough 1 ight would mea n themother could work more sa fely.T he officers then decided to turn on the street la mpsa t 7:1 5 in the evening,a nd they wouldn,t turn them off until 5:4 5 the next morning.P eople got the news on the I nternet.T hey think the b oy is a ca ring son a ndthe government is helpful.V ery touching.they sa y.T hey re a lso tha nkful forthe mother a nd other city clea ners.)(5 6.W hy did the officers find the son?A.T o ca re a b out him.B.T o help him with his schoolwork.C.T o help him find his mother.D.T o ma ke sure wha t he sa id wa s true5 7.W ha t doesthe underlined word”sa felymea n in Chinese?A.方便地B.轻松地C.安全地 D.迅速地5 8.W ha t ca n we know a b out the b oy?A.H e s a shy b oy.B.H e does well a t school.C.H e knows a lot a b out science.D.H e loves his mom a lot.EI n Ca na da a nd the U nited S ta tes,people enjoy enterta ining(请客)a t home.T heyoften invite friends over for a mea l,a pa rty,or just for coffee a nd conversa tion.H ere a re the kinds of things people sa y when they invite someone to their home.uW ould you like to come over for dinner on S a turda y night?”“H ey,we re ha ving a pa rty on F rida y.Ca n you come?”T o reply to a n invita tion,either sa y tha nk you a nd a ccept,or sa y you,re sorry,a ndgive a n excuse:T ha nks,I d love to.W ha t time would you like me to come?,zor“O h,sorry,I ve tickets for a movie.S ometimes,however,people use expressionstha t sound like invita tions b ut which a re not rea l invita tions.F or exa mple:“P lea se come over for a drink sometime.z,“W hy not get together for a pa rty sometime?”“W hy don,t you come over a nd see us sometime soon?”T hey a re rea lly just polite wa ys of ending a conversa tion.T hey a re not rea linvita-tions b eca use they don,t mention a specif ic(确定的)time or da te.T hey justshow tha t the person is trying to b e friendly.T o reply to the expressions likethese,people just sa y S ure,tha t would b e grea t!z/or O K,yes,tha nks.”S o next time when you hea r wha t sounds like a n invita tion,listen ca refully:I sit a rea l invita tion or is the person just b eing friendly?()5 9.W hy do Ca na dia ns a nd A merica ns often invite friends for mea ls a t home?A.Beca use they ca n sa ve time.B.Beca use they ca n spend less money.C.Beca use they enjoy enterta ining a t home.D.Beca use they ha ve modern a nd b ea utiful house.()6 0.W hich of the following is a rea l invita tion?A.I f you a re free,let s go for a dinner sometime.B.P lea se go to the cinema with me someda y.C.W ould you like to ha ve a cup of tea with us sometime?D.r ve two tickets here.Ca n you go to the movie with me?()6 1.I f people sa y L et s get together for lunch someda y.w,you just sa y “A.T ha t would b e grea t.B.H ow a b out this weekend?C.O h,sorry.T m very b usy.D.T ha t/s grea t.T 1 1 b e there on time.()6 2.T he pa ssa ge is ma inly a b out.A.enterta inment a t homeB.rea l invita tions or notC.expressions of sta rting a conversa tionD.wa ys of ending a conversa tionF阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)oH i,M a uro,H ow a re you?I hope you a nd your fa mily a re well.H elena a nd I spent three fa nta stic weeks in I rela nd a nd ha d a grea t time.W eflew to D ub lin,the ca pita l(首都)a nd spent a week there.I t*s a b ea utiful,interesting city.W e sa w a l 1 the old b uildings a nd enjoyed the nightlife.A fter tha t,we rented(租用)a ca r a nd spent two weeks driving a round thecountry.I t s rea lly b ea utiful!I wa s worried a b out the wea ther,b ut it didn t ra inonce.W e sta yed in sma ll hotels a nd met some rea lly nice people.M y fa vorite pla ce wa s County M a yo.W e went wa lking in the mounta ins in CountyM a yo for a few da ys.I t wa s rea lly quiet.O n the first da y,we didn,t see a nyoneelse一 一 we only sa w sheep!N ow we re b a ck in N ew Y ork!H ow wa s your summer?D id you ha ve fun?P lea se writea nd tell me everything!O r why not come a nd visit us?T here a re some chea p flights(航班)in S eptemb er a nd the wea ther is still O K.Y our friend,M a rk6 3.W ha t did M a rk a nd H elena do in D ub lin?(不超过 1 0 个词)6 4.H ow long did they spend driving a round I rela nd?(不超过 5 个词6 5.W ha t did M a rk think of County M a yo?(不超过 5 个词)DC单词拼写(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)根据首字母以及汉语提示完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。66.L i n da i s m o r e o(夕 卜 向 的)t h a n m e.I a m s h y.67.T h er e a r e m a n y d(不同)b et w een t h e t w o g i r