学习必备 欢迎下载 AP 美国历史重点知识和题目总结(一)下面介绍的是 AP 美国历史重点知识和题目总结(一),供大家参考,祝大家都能取得优异成绩。Unit 1:Introduction to U.S.history(0.5 weeks)Topic:(1)the format and scoring guide of AP U.S.History test (2)Persia Chart(Political,Economic,Religious,Social,Intellectual and Arts)(3)SOAPS method for explaining primary source document(Subject,Occasion,Audience,Purpose and Subject)(4)Study plan (5)General clues about stages of U.S.History(the new world discovery,American revolution,the building of new nation and sprits among the early presidents and leaders,Civil War,reconstruction and development of industry,the first world war,the great depression,the second world war,the cold war,changes in post-cold war America)Reading:(1)Kaplan AP U.S.history 2009E Chap 1-2 P4-P7,P11-13,P16-21 (2)Nash,Brief Contents and Preface Exercise and Assessment:Writing your study plan for this course Unit 2:Discovering the New World(1 weeks)Topic:(1)The culture of Native American (2)The culture of African (3)The early exploration of Spanish,English and French (4)The slave trade (5)The religious reform in Europe and its influence Reading:(1)Norton Chap 1“Three Old Worlds Create A New,1492-1600 (2)Kaplan AP U.S.history 2009E Chap 3 P47-51 Exercise and Assessment:(1)Out of Many P26-29 AP DBQ and FRQ (2)AP 2008 FRQ(2)the American Indians and European colonies shaped relationships in New England,Chesapeake,Spanish Southwest,New York and New 学习必备 欢迎下载 France Unit 3:Early Colonization(1 weeks)Topic:(1)The colonizing efforts of Spanish,French and Dutch (2)The English setters in New English,Middle Colonies,Chespeake and the Southern Colonies (3)The resistance to Colonial Authority Reading:Norton Chap 2“Europeans Colonize North American,1600-1650 Kaplan AP U.S.history 2009E Chap 4 P53-60 Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P53-55 AP DBQ and FRQ Comparing the ways that the early settlers of Spain,France and Netherland AP 2010 DBQ 2011 FRQ Form B(2)goals of colonizing efforts of Spanish,French and Dutch.AP 2005 FRQ Form B(2)Geography was the factor of shaping British Colonies Unit 4:Life in the colonies(2 weeks)Topic:(1)The characteristics of English colonies and other colonies (2)The slave trade (3)The English civil War and its effect on American Colonies (4)The conflict between European colonies and Native American (5)Religious and Great awakening Reading:(1)Norton Chap 3“North American in the Atlantic World,1650-1720 Norton Chap 4”American Society Transformed,1720-1770 (2)Kaplan AP U.S.history 2009E Chap 5 P63-66 Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P122-124 AP DBQ and FRQ Comparing the major economic development in different part of Colonies To what extent did the tolerance increase in the colonies from 1630 to 家都能取得优异成绩学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载上海新托福精讲班多少钱一整体情况培训对象英语基础薄弱大学生或未接触过托福试技巧顺利通过考试目标分数分课程时长根据学员需要而定课程学费依照学员学习水平而定二课程安排课程课程主讲托福词汇托福语法托福听力托福阅读托福口语托福写作辅导课程梳理课程知识解疑答惑查漏补缺测评课程托福全真全真模拟考试及点评备注除以上安排学员结课后可根据自己的考试时间自行预约小站模考学习必备欢迎下载看不懂更多问题请留言咨询在线备考顾问学习必备 欢迎下载 1770?2010 FRQ Form B(2)2011 FRQ(2)2005 FRQ(2)economic development from 1607 to 1750 2006 FRQ(2)politics,religion and economic development difference between Spanish settlements and the English colonies 2008 FRQ Form B(3)African Americans created a distinctive culture in slavery 2009 FRQ(2)British imperial policies intensified colonials resistance to British rule 2000 FRQ(2)Cultural and economic responses of British,French and Spanish to Indians of North America Unit 5 The American Revolution(2 weeks)Topic:(1)The French and Indian War and its effect on colonies (2)The new laws issued by British government and the responses from colonies (3)The impact of Enlightenment and its comparation with Renaissance (4)The fights with British army during the war (5)The paper made during two continental congresses (6)The Declaration of Independence and its background (7)The Treaty of Paris (8)The articles of Confederation Reading:(1)Norton Chap 5“Severing the Bonds of Empire,1754-1774 Norton Chap 6“A Revolution Indeed,1774-1783”Declaration of Independence (2)Kaplan AP U.S.history 2009E Chap 6-7 P69-84 Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P194-196,230-232 AP DBQ and FRQ What are the real causes of American Revolution behind the taxes?AP 2005 DBQ American Revolution change the American society AP 2010 FRQ(2)the political,diplomatic and military reasons for U.S.victory in Revolutionary War AP 2004 FRQ(2)American Revolution on slavery and status of women 家都能取得优异成绩学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载上海新托福精讲班多少钱一整体情况培训对象英语基础薄弱大学生或未接触过托福试技巧顺利通过考试目标分数分课程时长根据学员需要而定课程学费依照学员学习水平而定二课程安排课程课程主讲托福词汇托福语法托福听力托福阅读托福口语托福写作辅导课程梳理课程知识解疑答惑查漏补缺测评课程托福全真全真模拟考试及点评备注除以上安排学员结课后可根据自己的考试时间自行预约小站模考学习必备欢迎下载看不懂更多问题请留言咨询在线备考顾问学习必备 欢迎下载 AP 2007 Form B FRQ(2)the change of land acquisition,politics and Economics relationship between Britain and North American from 1763 to 1775.AP 1999 DBQ Colonists develop sense of identity and unity by Revolution Unit 6 The founding of New Nation(2 weeks)Topic:(1)The Constitution vs.The Articles of Confederation (2)The Constitution Convention(Three cornerstones:the power of central government,the separation of powers,the precautions of“factions”)(3)The Great Compromise (4)The right of election and the process of president election (5)Federalists and Anti-federalist and Bill of Rights (6)the political,economical,foreign policiesof the George Washingtons presidency (7)Womens role (8)The fate of African American (9)The Americas relationship with Native American Reading:Norton Chap 6“A Revolution Indeed,1774-1783”Norton Chap 7“Forging a National Republic 1776-1789”Kaplan AP U.S.history 2009E Chap 8 P92-98 Exercise and Assessment:Show the difference of the U.S.Constitution and the Article of Confederation What is great compromise?Whats its impact on the development of U.S.A?What are the Hamiltons economic policies?AP 2011 Form B(3)The reasons of creating U.S.constitutions AP 2005 Form B FRQ(3)American departure from the Article of Confederation AP 2006 FRQ(3)the change of role of Federal government AP 2006 Form B FRQ the United States Constitution of 1787 AP 2007 FRQ(2)Violent protest in 18th century AP 2008 Form B FRQ(2)Anti-Federalists opposition to 家都能取得优异成绩学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载上海新托福精讲班多少钱一整体情况培训对象英语基础薄弱大学生或未接触过托福试技巧顺利通过考试目标分数分课程时长根据学员需要而定课程学费依照学员学习水平而定二课程安排课程课程主讲托福词汇托福语法托福听力托福阅读托福口语托福写作辅导课程梳理课程知识解疑答惑查漏补缺测评课程托福全真全真模拟考试及点评备注除以上安排学员结课后可根据自己的考试时间自行预约小站模考学习必备欢迎下载看不懂更多问题请留言咨询在线备考顾问学习必备 欢迎下载 ratifying the constitution AP 2009 Form B FRQ(2)the influences of revolutionary era in the Article of Confederation Unit 7 Early Nation Period(2 weeks)Topic:(1)John Adams presidency (2)Thomas Jeffersons presidency and Judicial Review (3)Madisons presidency and the War of 1812 (4)Economic growth and Economic crisis (5)Henry Clays Missouri Compromise (6)Monroe Doctrine Reading:Norton Chap 8“the Early Republic:Conflicts at home and Abroad 1789-1800 ”Norton Chap 9“Define a National 1801-1823”Norton Chap 11“the restless North,1815-1860 Kaplan AP U.S.history 2009E Chap 8-10 P99-119 Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P302-304 AP DBQ and FRQ AP 2002 DBQ(Form B)War of 1812 the“Era of Good Feelings.Emergence of nationalism and sectionalism AP 2004 FORM B(2)Election of 1800 aptly named the“Revolution of 1800”AP 2005 DBQ American Revolution change American society 1775-1800 AP 2009 DBQ the freedom and expansion of slavery from 1775-1830 AP 2009 FORM B(3)Tensions between immigrant Roman Catholics and native-born Protestants from 1830s to 1850s Unit 8 the Growth of Sectionalism(2 weeks)Topic:(1)The economic development in the North (2)The growth of cotton kingdom and life in the South (3)Westward expansion (4)Jacksons presidency (5)Sectionalism (6)The forming of two parties 家都能取得优异成绩学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载上海新托福精讲班多少钱一整体情况培训对象英语基础薄弱大学生或未接触过托福试技巧顺利通过考试目标分数分课程时长根据学员需要而定课程学费依照学员学习水平而定二课程安排课程课程主讲托福词汇托福语法托福听力托福阅读托福口语托福写作辅导课程梳理课程知识解疑答惑查漏补缺测评课程托福全真全真模拟考试及点评备注除以上安排学员结课后可根据自己的考试时间自行预约小站模考学习必备欢迎下载看不懂更多问题请留言咨询在线备考顾问学习必备 欢迎下载 Reading:Norton Chap 12“Reform and Polities,1824-1845 Norton Chap 13“The contested West,1815-1860 Kaplan AP U.S.history 2009E Chap 11-12 P123-135 Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P376-377 AP DBQ and FRQ AP DBQ 2002 2011 FRQ(3)political parties AP 2011 DBQ political elections AP 2005(3)Mexican War and its effects Unit 9 the Antebellum Renaissance and the years before the civil wars (2 weeks)Topic:(1)The position of woman (2)Manifest Destiny (3)Compromise of 1850 (4)Kansas-Nebraska Act (5)The rise of Lincoln (6)Lincoln-Douglas Debates (7)Secession of the South Reading:Norton Chap 14“Slavery and Americas Future:The Road to War,1845-1861 Kaplan AP U.S.history 2009E Chap 13-15 P137-162 Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P485-487,522-524 AP DBQ and FRQ AP 2004(3)effectiveness of political compromise in reducing sectional tensions in the period from 1820 to 1861 AP 2010 FORM B DBQ territorial expansion from 1800-1855 AP 2004 FORM B(3)the role of women change from 1790-1860 AP 2005 FORM B DBQ political compromise of 1820 to 1860 AP 2006 FORM B(3)the industrial development from 1800 to 1860 AP 2002 DBQ expansion of democratic ideals from 1825 to 1850 AP 2007 FRQ(3)Second Great Awakening of Abolitionism,Temperance,Cult of 家都能取得优异成绩学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载上海新托福精讲班多少钱一整体情况培训对象英语基础薄弱大学生或未接触过托福试技巧顺利通过考试目标分数分课程时长根据学员需要而定课程学费依照学员学习水平而定二课程安排课程课程主讲托福词汇托福语法托福听力托福阅读托福口语托福写作辅导课程梳理课程知识解疑答惑查漏补缺测评课程托福全真全真模拟考试及点评备注除以上安排学员结课后可根据自己的考试时间自行预约小站模考学习必备欢迎下载看不懂更多问题请留言咨询在线备考顾问学习必备 欢迎下载 domesticity and Utopian communities AP 2007 FORM B FRQ(3)Experiences of English,Irish and German Immigrants during 1830-1860 AP 2008 FRQ(3)Impact of the market revolution 1815-1860 AP 2009 FRQ(3)the social,political and economic forces of 1840s and early 1850s on the emergence of the Republican Party AP 1999 FRQ(2)Major political personalities,States rights and Economic issues contribute to the reemergence of two party 1820-1840 AP 2000 FRQ(3)Missouri Compromise,Mexican War,Compromise of 1850 and Kansas-Nebraska Act to opposed to the spread of Slavery.Unit 10 the Civil Wars(1.5 weeks)Topic:(1)Slavery and Economic interest are major causes of Civil War (2)Election of 1860 (3)The big victories by both parties during the War (4)The end of slavery (5)Emancipation (6)Social,political and Economic consequence of the War Reading:Norton Chap 15“Transforming Fire:the Civil War,1861-1865 Kaplan AP U.S.history 2009E Chap 16 P165-173 Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P561-563 AP DBQ and FRQ the reasons leading to the Civil War Social,political and Economic consequence of the War 2010 FRQ(3)extension of slavery into western territories to Civil War 1845-1861 2006 DBQ American Womenhood changes Unit 11 Reconstruction to 1877(1.5 weeks)Topic:(1)Presidential and congressional pan (2)13th-15th amendments to the constitution (3)The trouble with Johnson (4)The reconstruction in the south 家都能取得优异成绩学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载上海新托福精讲班多少钱一整体情况培训对象英语基础薄弱大学生或未接触过托福试技巧顺利通过考试目标分数分课程时长根据学员需要而定课程学费依照学员学习水平而定二课程安排课程课程主讲托福词汇托福语法托福听力托福阅读托福口语托福写作辅导课程梳理课程知识解疑答惑查漏补缺测评课程托福全真全真模拟考试及点评备注除以上安排学员结课后可根据自己的考试时间自行预约小站模考学习必备欢迎下载看不懂更多问题请留言咨询在线备考顾问学习必备 欢迎下载 (5)The rise of Ku Klux Klan (6)The compromise of 1877 Reading:Nash,Chap 16“the Union Reconstructed”Kaplan AP U.S.history 2009E Chap 17 P179-187 The Gettysburg Address Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P599-P601 AP DBQ and FRQ AP 2009 FORM B DBQ African American shape the course from 1861 to 1870 AP 2000 FRQ DBQ organized labor in improving the position of workers 1875-1900 Unit 12 West movement and the New South(1.5 weeks)Topic:(1)Expansion and development of railroads in the West (2)Rivalry in the West between ranchers,homesteaders,miners and Native Americans (3)The policy for Native American (4)The New south Reading:(1)Nash,Chap 17“the realities of Rural America”(2)Kaplan AP U.S.history 2009E Chap 18 P189-195 Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P640-P641 AP DBQ and FRQ 2010 FRQ Form B(3)experience of slaves on tobacco plantations 2006 FRQ Form B(4)American West land 1865-1890 2008 FRQ(4)“New South“by the time of First World War 1999 FRQ(3)Life of Plains Indians by technology 上海新托福精讲班多少钱?一、整体情况 培训对象:英语基础薄弱大学生或未接触过托福考试的高中生 家都能取得优异成绩学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载上海新托福精讲班多少钱一整体情况培训对象英语基础薄弱大学生或未接触过托福试技巧顺利通过考试目标分数分课程时长根据学员需要而定课程学费依照学员学习水平而定二课程安排课程课程主讲托福词汇托福语法托福听力托福阅读托福口语托福写作辅导课程梳理课程知识解疑答惑查漏补缺测评课程托福全真全真模拟考试及点评备注除以上安排学员结课后可根据自己的考试时间自行预约小站模考学习必备欢迎下载看不懂更多问题请留言咨询在线备考顾问学习必备 欢迎下载 培训目的:通过对托福基础听说读写的巩固及强化训练,帮助学员提高托福基础和应试技巧,顺利通过考试。目标分数:80-90分 课程时长:根据学员需要而定 课程学费:依照学员学习水平而定 二、课程安排 课程课程:主讲托福词汇、托福语法、托福听力、托福阅读、托福口语、托福写作;辅导课程:梳理课程知识,解疑答惑,查漏补缺;测评课程:托福全真模考及考试分析点评;三、模考安排 第一次:课程中间,安排一次托福全真模拟考试及点评 第二次:课程结束,安排一次托福全真模拟考试及点评 备 注:除以上安排,学员结课后可根据自己的考试时间自行预约 TPO小站模考 家都能取得优异成绩学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载上海新托福精讲班多少钱一整体情况培训对象英语基础薄弱大学生或未接触过托福试技巧顺利通过考试目标分数分课程时长根据学员需要而定课程学费依照学员学习水平而定二课程安排课程课程主讲托福词汇托福语法托福听力托福阅读托福口语托福写作辅导课程梳理课程知识解疑答惑查漏补缺测评课程托福全真全真模拟考试及点评备注除以上安排学员结课后可根据自己的考试时间自行预约小站模考学习必备欢迎下载看不懂更多问题请留言咨询在线备考顾问学习必备 欢迎下载 【看不懂?更多问题请留言咨询在线备考顾问】家都能取得优异成绩学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载上海新托福精讲班多少钱一整体情况培训对象英语基础薄弱大学生或未接触过托福试技巧顺利通过考试目标分数分课程时长根据学员需要而定课程学费依照学员学习水平而定二课程安排课程课程主讲托福词汇托福语法托福听力托福阅读托福口语托福写作辅导课程梳理课程知识解疑答惑查漏补缺测评课程托福全真全真模拟考试及点评备注除以上安排学员结课后可根据自己的考试时间自行预约小站模考学习必备欢迎下载看不懂更多问题请留言咨询在线备考顾问