选择性必修四第四单元What’s mine is yours.docx
2019外研社高中英语教材选择性必修四第四单元What' s mine is yours课标分析课标(2017版2020修订)提出,发展学生的英语学科核心 素养是普通高中英语课程的具体目标,这是以人为本教育理念在学科 层面的重要体现。普通高中英语课程的育人价值是通过具体的语言学 习过程逐步实现的。在这个过程中,学生基于具体的主题及语篇,主 动参与语言实践活动,运用各种学习策略学习语篇呈现的语言和文化 知识,分析、理解主题意义并使用所学语言进行思考、表达和交流, 逐步发展语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力等英语学科核心 素养。要求教师教学时要注重在主题的引领下,以语篇为载体,将语言 知识、语言技能和思维的教学融人到对语篇结构、语言特点和语篇内 容的分析中,通过帮助学生从整体上掌握语篇来提升其理解性技能。 它对学生理解性技能的要求包括:从语篇中提取主要信息和观点、理 解语篇要义;理解语篇中显性或隐性的逻辑关系;梳理语篇中主要信 息的脉络;把握语篇中的关键概念和关键细节;根据语篇标题预测语 篇的主题和内容;把握语篇的结构以及语言特征。教师要认真把握本课程标准对选择性必修课程所规定的各项内 容要求,从深度和广度两个方面扩展三大主题语境的内容,同时补充 更多的语篇类型,教师要在教学中整合课程内容的六要素,通过练习 理解、应用实践迁移创新等英语学习活动,引导学生探究意义,学习 语言,发展思维,运用策略,培养英语学科核心素养。教材分析本篇阅读选自2019外研社高中英语教材选择性必修四第四单 元,本单元的主题语境“人与社会”,本篇阅读涉及的主题语境是社 会热点经济现象。本文介绍了共享经济的理念、现状、优点和隐患。通过该语篇, 作者旨在加深学生对共享经济这一理念有进一步的了解,从正反面来 看待它的发展,既符合时代发展,又启发了学生的多角度思考,锻炼 了学生的批判性思维能力。语篇类型为议论文。结构鲜明,第1-2段,通过举生活中共享的 例子引出共享经济话题;第3-4从正反两个方面介绍了共享经济的优 缺点,第5段以预测共享经济的未来结尾。语言凝练,句间逻辑分明, 在论述的过程中用了大量的连词,例如:but,what ' s more,also,thereby,in addition; yet 等等,加强了文章的逻辑性另外佐以实施例证,加强了文本的说服力。掌握共享经济的优缺 点和把握文本写作特点是本节课的重点内容;利用议论文的结构对现 在的热门共享经济类app发表自己的看法是难点内容。授课时长:两课时教学设计Learning ObjectivesBy the end of the lesson,students are able to:1. Have a better understanding of sharing economy, including its representative examples in our daily life, its main benefit sand drawbacks.2. Master the features and frame of a two-side dargumentative essay and effective ways of reading the kind of materials.3. Learn how to write a two-side dargumentative essay in a logical and persuasive way.4. Develop a critical thinking on daily economic activities.Teaching important points. Students can master the features of sharing economy, including its representative examples in our daily life,its main benefits and drawbacks.1 .Master the features and frame of a two-side dargumentative essay and effective ways of reading the kind of materials.Teaching difficult pointsImprove students' the appreciation of a two-side dargumentative essay,including the features and the structure of this style.Help the students learn how to think about daily economic activities from different perspectives.Enhance the students' ability by composing a two-side dargument ative essayTeaching methodsTask-based language teaching ; communicative language teaching; content-based language teaching;communicative learning.Teaching aidsText book;multi-media; Learning guide;blackboard and chalks.Teaching proceduresStep I Lead-in1. Read Leos travel notes and find the difference between the twotravel experiences182018StS/ared a r;dd with a 93y"。go" % a War” vary c(or to Houtiai.along Houtiai.vuw. JaredLncycG - Ha)o y°an for 怯 wliote p4.6“d a d4liciobfS Mal w;fti sox ofker backpackers at Chf Bvj,嗖 Duck!S?okd Wared fovu4r banks! No n4d to brkg hAif oiuh foHtorrow!8 Aug 2008, Took a taxi Fo Jiosfd froh airforhknow if was 从of far. Cosf nw a forfunw! Gci Io" oh Hty way toknow wfuc。 tuj Fo Fakw. Had fo ask fliwpolice fcr ti-elp. Pizza for 4sh山 fkg losfeL Kind of【。力v®. DoJf know wiiere fo 900d5-3 food., U/afcMd 从 OlhAptc0仍m9 a卜Bird'sNe". Absoluk® "jnn;sg!MycahAra从什/ was H"!【设计意图】学生通过对比两次旅游经历,会发现第二次旅游更 加方便快捷,因为有更多“共享设备”的出现如拼车、拼房、拼饭、 共享单车共享充电宝等,增加了旅行的乐趣和体验感。以此激发学生 的背景知识,从而引出“共享经济”这一理念。2. What' s your understanding of the title “What' s mine is yours” ? 【设计意图】学生通过阅读Leo的旅游经历加上自己在生活中对共享 经济的体验,说出自己对于题目的理解,进一步深化share的概念。 Step II Read for structureWhat is the genre(体裁)of the passage?A.ArgumentationB.ExpositionC. NarrationC. NarrationD. Travel note1. What is the structure of the whole passage?2. 【设计意图】学生结合课本活动3匹配每一个段的作用,以此来迅 速对文本的内容进行分析,初步了解议论文篇章结构,完成教学目标2oStep III Read for information1. Ask students to read Paral-2 to find how does the author introduce the topic.2. Lead students read Para3-4 carefully to get what are the benefits and drawbacks of sharing economy and fill in the blanks. Benefits:It meets people, s increasing demand forIt allows people to make or save money.It helps people and evenIt favors environment by and Problems:The sharing economy is developing faster thanThe sharing economy is subject toPersonal information about isAccording to the passagejet' s students predict what is author"s attitude towards the sharing economy and give your reasons.【设计意图】学生通过细读篇章内容了解作者是如何引入话题 的;文章中涉及到共享经济的哪些方面;共享经济的优缺点都有什么; 作者对于共享经济的态度是什么。通过分析共享经济的优缺点,引导 学生树立批判性思维,看待事物要从多个方面着手。锻炼学生抓取细节信息的能力、推测判断的能力,完成教学目标1和4。Step IV Read for writing features.Guide students to read Paragraph3&Paragraph4 carefully, try to analyze what words does the author use or what ways does the author adopt to make his writing organized and persuasive?【设计意图】通过细读文章,引导学生发现作者在论述的过程中 用了大量的连词,例如:but, what, s more , also,thereby,in addition;yet 等等,能够增强文章的逻辑性;另外佐以实施例证,能加强文本的说 服力。以此来加强学生对于议论文写作特点的了解,完成教学目标3。 StepVThinkandshareAskstudentstothinkabouttheirexperiencesoftheshari ngeconomyandwhatarethebenefitsanddrawbacksofit?What' s their opinion on it?【设计意图】本活动最为本节课的输出性活动,学生利用在之前 的活动中学到的关于共享经济的优缺点,结合自己共享经济的经验来 谈论自己对于某种类型的共享经济的看法。在学生分享之前,给学生 搭建支架,topic-benefits&drawbacks-conclusion,使学生能够将议论 文的结构加以运用,完成教学目标2、40Step VI HomeworkWrite a two-side dargumentative essay about shared bikes using what we have learned the structures,words and phrases today.【设计意图】学以致用,落实到笔头,增强学生的写作能力。【设计意图】学以致用,落实到笔头,增强学生的写作能力。【Blackboard design)IntroductionBenefitsSharing economyArgumentsDrawbacksConclusion