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We' re going to visit Hainan.课堂实录设计理念一. Warm-upTzHello, boys and girls. How are you? Do you feel cold? Now let' s sing a song and dance together.Ss: Ok. r m fine.(教师与学生共同热身,通过热身,引出be going to句型。)二.PresentationT:Today it' s my birthday. Here' s a present from Yuki. Now let? s open it. I want to find a volunteer to help me.Ss: Let me try.T:0pen it . Wow, Five days for Hainan. I want to visit Hainan. I' m going to visit Hainan. Do you want to go with me?Ss: Yes.T:Ok, let" s go! We' re going to visit Hainan.(教师通过砸金蛋导出去海南五 日游的想法,让学生一起去,同时自然引出句型:We' re going to,通过砸金蛋 游戏生动形象,学生感兴趣,也吸引了学生的注意力,此时出示单词卡片visit, 教授单词)visitSs:visitT:But when? When are we going to visit Hainan? We' re going to visit Hainan tomorrow.(教师同时出示日历,今天是多少号,明天是多少号,从而让学生更深层 次理解 tomorrow,然后操练单词 tomorrow, one by one.)三.PracticeT:We' re going to visit Hainan you order the sentence? Try in ' 11 give you five minutes!Ss:We are going to visit Hainan tomorrow.(学生小组合作,练习操练句型。)T: Times up. Any volunteers? Who wanna try?Ss:Let me try. We are going to visit Hainan tomorrow.T:Read it. All together.(学生上台排句子,再次操练了句型,然后全班跟读) How can we go there? By bus? On foot?Ss:No.T:0f course no. Because it' s too far.We are going by plane.plane You please!(教师出示飞机单词卡片教授单词,并逐一过关)Ss: Plane plane.(做出飞机动作读单词)T: OK, Let' s go. We are going to visit Hainan tomorrow. We are going by plane.(教师再次复述这些句子,学生全班齐读)Ss: We are going to visit Hainan tomorrow. We are going by plane.T: What are we going to do? I am going to swim. I have a new swimsuit. I 11 show you. swimsuit (教师从旅行包里拿出游泳衣,并教授单词swimsuit,形象直观 生动,小组过关,全班跟读单词)Ss:swimsuitT: Now let' s play a need four volunteers. You are swimsuit, you are tomorrow, you are plane, you are you hear the word, you have to squat, like this. Ok? Ss: Ok.(通过经典游戏萝卜蹲,操练本堂课所学单词,学生感兴趣)T: I, m going to about you? What are you going to do tomorrow?You can talk about with your partners.(小组讨论明天要做的事情,再次操练主 体句型.m going to.)Ss: I' m going to go shopping. I' m going to.T: Ok. Who wants to share? Tell us what you are going to do tomorrow?Ss: Let me try.(学生分享小组练习成果)T: You are going to swim. You are going to play football. . But time is limited. We have to do together. Now let, s play a game. Maybe the god will tell us. Who wants to throw the dice?(通过掷骰子翻牌游戏操练,将游戏融入课堂,学生 感兴趣)Ss: Let me try.We' re going to.(学生上台再次操练功能句型)T: Winter vacation is coming. Where are you going? And what are you going to do? Talk about with your then share with us.Ss:We, re going to visit.(小组讨论,发散学生思维,将功能句型运用到实际 生活)T:Now who wants to share.Ss: Let me try.T: Ok, you please.(学生小组上台分享,展示)T: Time is limited. We can talk about this after class.四、RevisionT: Now it' s time to say goodbye. Goodbye Hainan. We' re going to visiti Hainan tomorrow. Goodbye plane. We' re going by plane.Ss:Goodbye Hainan. We' re going to visiti Hainan tomorrow. Goodbye plane. We' re going by plane.(学生重复功能句型,复习本堂课所学知识点)五、HomeworkTalk about where you are going and what you are going to do during the winter vocation and preview the text.(让学生预习课文,为下堂课课文的学习做好准备)设计理念:本课展现了活力课堂“以学定教,自主高效”的教育理念,语言的学习离不开现 实生活,更应该源于生活,应用于生活。因此在教学中我们要引导学生通过各种社会 实践活动去体验、感知语言的魅力,并从学生的实际出发。“以学定教”是课堂教学 的基本原则,教师根据学生的基本学情指定、调整教学方案,进而实施教学活动。如 果离开这一基本原则,高效课堂就会南辕北辙,看似热热闹闹,实际上事倍功半。因 此,真正理解以学定教就成为高效课堂实践的关键所在。本课在设计中首先结合学生实际情况,将学生带入生活中常见的情景,通过平常 我们常见的砸金蛋活动引出海南五日游,从而自然引出be going to.句型,也引出 即将发生的概念,通过师生互动、问答,让学生熟悉句子:I' m going to visit Hainan tomorrow.和 We are going to visit Hainan tomorrow.进而学生分小组自主学习, 学生相互拼读排序,相互纠错引导,自主操练,给句子排序,教师深入组内指导学生 活动,学生很快就熟悉了句子语序。对句子有了一定了解和一定基础,随着线条师生共同探索,从When are we going to do?到How can we go there?课堂自然而然地引出plane等相应词汇,并及时操练, 辅助学生快速掌握。后面通过本课去海南的学习,结合寒假的旅行引入Where are you going during the winter vocation?自然过渡,让小组成员自行调查了解同学假期的旅行计划,并 及时做汇报,学生自主探索,学生便能很好地再次回顾本堂课知识点。本课通过场景的搭建、设计,一步步的导入,充分发挥学生自主学习能力,将起 到事半功倍的效果,大大提高课堂效率。我校将学校课程特色“五精教育”理念与“活 力课堂”相结合,更加丰富优化了课堂设计,也为活力课堂添砖加瓦。活力课堂的“活”不仅仅是教师的“活”、更是学生的“活”、课堂的“活”, 只有课堂真正“活”起来了,才能大大提升教学效率,课堂才会更加高效有趣!泸州天立英才外国语学校黄鹤林2023年10月12日