英语 Unit10Howmanypeoplearethereinyourfamily (6) 教学设计.docx
教学设计方案课程UnitlO How many people are there in your family?课程标准从语言知识、语言技能、学习策略目标、情感态度价值观几个方 面出发,按照教学目标完成教学任务。教学内容 分析本教材是广州版三年级英语。本课的主题是谈论family。学生在 前一单元已经学过相关的家庭成员的单词,以及如何用形容词来描 述这个人,所以这个单元就是在已有基础上的拓展。教学目标1.掌握句型:“How manyare there? There are/is.:Who are they? They are”2.掌握名词所有格:Jiamin's family, John's family,学习目标能认读单词和句子,能自由的用句型对话。学情分析三(5)班的学生比较乖,大部分孩子的积极性也高,孩子们 整体基础比较平均,所以教授起来较轻松。重点、难点重点:名词所有格的表示's难点:they and there的发音以及使用。.教与学的媒体选择ppt,金太阳软件,自制flash,歌曲love my family.课程实施 类型偏教师课堂讲授类偏自主、合作、探究学习类备注小组合作操练教学活动步骤序号1. Warming up : brain stormingnumbers: one, two three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, tenfamily members: father, mother , sister, brother, aunt, uncle, grandpa, appearance: thin, tall, short, heavy, old, lovely, pretty Show some famous person's photos, ( obama, Li Na, Liu Xiang, Cheng Long), and state the sentenceIt's a photo of's family.2. Play games.Teacher chooses any photos from the video, and asks to practice the sentence structures.How many people are there in _family? There areWho are they? They are.So shehe has a family.3. Sing the song I love my family.4. Play the video and answer the questions.How many people are there in Jiamin's family? .Who are they?Then read together, next ,teacher gives a new dialogue, let children modify to create new dialogues.A: Hello, Ben.B: Hello, Jiamin. What' s that?A: It' s a photo of Xiaolin' s family. B: How many people are there in Xiaolin, s family? A: There are three. B: Who are they? A: They are Xiaolin' s mother, Xiaolin' s father and Xiaolin. Hermother is thin. Her father is strong.B: Yes. She has a happy family.教学活动详情教学活动1:自制flash软件,抽奖游戏活动目标能熟练的回答老师提出的问题。解决问题通过自制flash游戏,一问一答,活学活用技术资源ppt,自制flash游戏常规资源板书活动概述让学生点击flash的开始键,几秒钟后按停止键,抽到谁的照片就 谁站起来回答问题。教与学的策略运用多媒体技术的支持,学生的积极性更高。又有孩子们自己的照 片在其中,孩子的专注力也高。反馈评价孩子们很惊奇,自己交的照片汇总在一起了,采取抽奖的游戏来抽 照片,趣味性强,孩子的参与度高。教学活动2: *活动目标创编对话。解决问题小组合作,创编对话技术资源ppt,金太阳软件常规资源头饰活动概述孩子们小组合作,拿着自己的照片,创编对话。教与学的 策略老师给出例子,让学生模仿自己的句子,创编对话。反馈评价谈论自己的家庭照,孩子们比较自信,也容易接受。评价量规小组互评,老师点评。其它参考书备注