2023年风采大赛演讲稿800字风采大赛表演(十二篇) 演讲稿也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。那么你知道演讲稿如何写吗?下面我给大家整理了一些演讲稿模板范文,希望能够帮助到大家。 风采大赛演讲稿800字 风采大赛表演篇一 ladies and gentlemen: my name is tiffany, a year 2 student from the university of macau. i am currently an active member of the university public speaking team, president of the honours college student association, and also the vice president of the event department in marketing society. i am very active and outgoing. i enjoy being with people, engaged in conversations with them so that i can understand them more. i like public speaking as it can help increase my self-esteem and self-confidence. aside from public speaking, i am also good at english recitation. i have joined the macao-wide english inspanidual recitation for a number of times when i was studying in the secondary school. imagine a car without a steering wheel. tough to imagine, right? well, actually thats the image you see if a person has no faith. faith helps to guide us in our lives, encourage us to persist, and give directions when we are lost. in this peaceful era, our life paths seem to be already well-planned and determined. what we have to do is to follow. yes, we may face different sorts of challenges, but at least they are less harsh when compared to those in the past. we do not need to worry about starving to death, or how to earn enough money to buy food for our siblings and sustain our lives. it is like driving from a muddy road into a highway. in the muddy road, path, you would say, as it is formed only by crossing on it many times, flattening the ground to form a smoother area so we can pass. the road is so bumpy and rough, with holes here and there and rocks lying all over. when we drive along this road, we have to be very careful, having a firm grip on the steering wheel, ready for a sudden turn or a large boulder that may appear any second. however, when we drive on a highway, everything becomes different. the road is smooth, straight, and visible. since there is no unseen obstacle, we may lower our guard, relax a bit, and loosen our grip on the steering wheel. one may even think, if we only have to drive on a smooth straight road like this highway, why would we need a steering wheel? nevertheless, one cannot foresee the future. accidents do happen. for example, a car may suddenly appear in front of you. at such times, if you did not have the steering wheel, how could you make a sudden turn? just as no one could foresee the sichuan earthquake nor the japan tsunami. if the one being trapped under the debris did not have faith, he/she would not have survived until being rescued. if we did not have faith, we could not recover from our sadness and rebuild our home. faith is unique, just as happiness is. we feel happy for different reasons, we believe for different things. how can we know what we believe in? recall the last time you are discouraged, and you felt you had lost all hopes in your life. what pulled you back into the world? what pushed you to stand up and continue to strive again? that is your faith, your belief. faith is what makes you feel you can when others say you cant. faith is important, faith is vital, faith is necessary for us to live our lives. if we do not have faith, we are like a car without a steeling wheel. we can only afford to move along a straight and smooth path, and cannot meet any challenge in our lives. one must understand that no matter how smooth the road is, it is impossible for a car to go without a steering wheel. or, put it in another way, have you ever seen a car without a steering wheel on the road? so, act now, my friends, find out what you believe in, find out your anchor in your life, hold on to your steeling wheel of your car, drive on, and reach your destination. thank you very much. 风采大赛演讲稿800字 风采大赛表演篇二 敬重的各位领导、各位老师: 大家好! 我今日演讲的题目是“用爱让班级的风帆远扬”。 奔驰的骏马爱无尽的草原,展翅的雄鹰爱宽阔的蓝天,欢快的鱼儿爱浩瀚的大海,我爱这个由9名成员组成的温馨和谐的大家庭五年级一班。这里是禾苗成长的沃土,蓓蕾绽放的花园,陶冶情操的熔炉,隐藏才智的殿堂。在这里,竞争成为了欢乐,勤奋成为了习惯,包涵成为了性格,自信成为了风采,这里的课堂充溢阳光,这里的老师勤恳敬业,这里的同学奋勉进取,这里的班风敦厚优良。 在这里,勤恳的老师把自己的学问毫不保留的传授给学生,让学生们尽情遨游在学问的海洋,在这里,敬业的老师用他们的爱滋润着孩子稚嫩的心田,点化着他们迷茫的心灵。在这里,可爱的同学们以自已满腔的热忱,剧烈的责任心,细心描绘着班级的美妙的蓝图,他们个个为班级着想,人人替班级出力。就拿最近美化教室来说吧,还没等老师分工,有的同学已经从家里搬来了母亲细心培育的明丽的花,有的同学拿来了放清扫工具的纸箱,有的带来了精致美丽的放粉笔的铁盒子。班长任总指挥,他们有的扫地,有的擦黑板,还有的擦窗户、整理图书角、办黑板报,教室面貌一新。这就是我们的班的同学,他们心里时时装着班集体,人人为营造优秀班级添砖加瓦,无私奉献。 我爱你,五年级一班!你是一片让心花尽情绽放的园圃;你是一双让希望自由翱翔的翅膀;你是一方让种子强壮成长的土地,你是一片让渴望尽情奔腾的育苗场,你是孩子们成长的摇篮,你是孩子们远行的罗盘。你把人生涂抹成一幅风光旖旎的水彩画!你让青春的风铃在在学海的激流中四处交响! 我的班级,感谢有你!孩子们在书桌前构思绚丽的将来,用笔尖勾画出恢宏的蓝图,翻飞的纸鸢载着美妙的希望,吟颂出漂亮的诗篇! 一分耕耘,一份收获,我们五年级一班是一个充溢了真诚、友爱、活泼、上进的班集体。回顾过去,我无怨无悔,展望将来,任重而道远。重担在身,我要更加努力,更加勤勤恳恳,把我的爱奉献给我的学生,奉献给我的班级。只要我们同心同德,信任我们班的成果会更好,我们的班级管理睬更有效,我们的学生会更优秀,我们五年级一班的肯定能够风帆远扬,驶向胜利的彼岸! 风采大赛演讲稿800字 风采大赛表演篇三 光阴的痕迹划过指尖,我们静静等候;岁月的年华三个轮回,我们执着照旧。三年,不是沧海桑田,却有着几百个齐声诵读的早晨,也有着几百个谈笑自若的日子。我们因有幸生活在九六班这样一个团结向上的集体里骄傲和荣幸。我们总是以饱满的姿态,坚决的信念,热忱的笑容,面对学习和生活。假如十二中是片生气勃勃的森林,那么,九六班便是一颗遮风避雨枝繁叶茂的大树,呵护我们的成长。 当破晓的第一缕曙光照在校内里宽敞的大道上,当铿锵的号角引领我们走向学问的殿堂,当朗朗书声响彻在早晨的柏山之巅,在我们渴望学问的眼中,你看到的将是我们的坚决的信念。 生活是一幅画卷,有茫茫苍穹下的斜阳古道,有潺潺小溪旁的夹岸桃花,有长河落日边的大漠孤烟。而在十二中九六班这个集体生活的日子里,我们的生活也是一副多姿多彩的画卷。操场上,有我们活泼矫捷的身影;教室里,有我们捧书齐读的声音;晚自习,是我们静静学习的画面;赛场上,有我们自信豪迈的演讲;宿舍里,有我们布置温馨的家园。 九六班,给了我们太多感动。失败时,同学的真情劝慰让我感动;生病时,老师的细心关怀让我感动;学习时,唐诗宋词的奇妙让我感动;上课时,老师的一丝不苟让我感动;课堂外,老师的平易近人让我感动;远行时,母亲遍遍嘱咐让我感动。九六班正因充溢了感动,我们才心灵悸动,笑容绚丽,步履轻快。我们才会轻松学习,不断进步。 求知似渴的我们在学问的海洋里自由驰骋。读书,我望见,病树枝头还有万木的春天;我望见,有志者事竟成,三千越甲可吞吴;我望见,老骥伏枥志在千里,千里之行始于足下。读书,我听见江南雨巷的滴滴答答,也听见塞北秋风的凛凛咧咧。听小楼昨夜的东风,听疏雨滴落梧桐,听骤雨拍打荷叶。听两个黄鹂喜迎白鹭飞往的春天,听黄梅季节稻花香里到处蛙鸣,听桃花潭边岸上踏歌,听大江之上渔歌颂晚,还有那长空的雁阵惊寒。读书,让我们无比充溢,更加渊博。 当青春年少的我们,慢慢成熟;当浮华慢慢褪去,剩下的照旧是我们纯真的心灵和触手可及的幻想。绚丽的笑容,是我们队将来的憧憬;执着的眼神,是我们对明天的坚决;铿锵的步伐,是我们迈向明天的乐章。57张绚丽的笑脸,57朵盛开的花朵,57颗执着的心。这就是我们九六班! 曾几何时,寒舍里,勤学苦读的匡衡凿壁借光;大江边,羽扇纶巾的谋士指引江山;大漠外,精忠报国的勇士金戈铁马;而如今,听今日柏山之巅莘莘学子书声朗朗,看明朝鳄湖之畔孜孜名师桃李芳香。 就让我们用坚决的步伐在九六班这个美妙的集体里创建漂亮的明天!请允许我们呈现今日风采,实现明天期盼! 风采大赛演讲稿800字 风采大赛表演篇四 my favorite animal-black faced spoonbill good afternoon, dear judges. today my speech is “i love black-faced spoonbill. on a beautiful winter day, i happened to meet the lovely spirit- black faced spoonbill, a type of migratory bird, which spends winter at hong-shu-lin in my city every year. covered with snow-white feathers, it has black legs and a black beak. besides the blacks and whites, an amazing splash of yellow is under its neck. so elegant that i couldnt help loving it at first sight. with a big and spoon-shaped beak, it can clasp fishes easily, which makes it a powerful hunter in birds. however, with human expansion and pollution, only around 20xx ones are living all over the world. like the eleven swan princes in andersens fairy tale, the black faced spoonbills have always been struggling to find a tiny rock which can offer them a momentary tranquility. fortunately, they have found one in my beloved home. i would always hold them dearly to my heart and wish they would return with flocks of chicks in the following years, and singing oh, i have a home, such a beautiful home, where i play and rest happily. oh, give them a home, such a wonderful home, where the spoonbills play all day. 我最爱的动物- 黑脸琵鹭 敬重的评委,女士们 ,先生们: 大家下午好!我今日演讲的题目是“我喜爱黑脸琵鹭”。 在一个漂亮的冬日里,我偶遇了这可爱的精灵-黑脸琵鹭。这是一种候鸟,每年都会来深圳的红树林度过他们的冬天。覆盖着洁白洁白的羽毛,他们有黑色的长腿和鸟嘴。黑白之间,那一抹令人惊羡的黄色隐隐在颈项下。如此的优雅,让我禁不住一眼便爱上了它! 有着大大的、勺子似的长嘴,他轻而易举的就能捕到鱼儿,这使他成为了鸟类中捕食的好手! 但是,由于人类的不断扩张和环境污染,存活在世界上的黑脸琵鹭仅约20xx只! 正如安徒生童话中的那11位天鹅王子一样,黑脸琵鹭也始终奋力地找寻着一块能赐予他们片刻喘息的小小礁石!幸运的是,他们找到了,那就是我可爱的家-深圳!我将恒久把黑脸琵鹭珍放在我心里,也期盼着来年冬天他们带着他们的宝宝再回来,欢乐地歌颂着. 啊,我有一个家,一个漂亮的家!在这里,我自由翱翔、欢乐生息 啊,给他们一个家,一个美妙的家!在那里,他们自由翱翔、欢乐恒久 风采大赛演讲稿800字 风采大赛表演篇五 opening remarks ladies and gentlemen: i am contestant no.# #, my name is lizhiyong, and my friends call me brucelee. i really like it! now standing at this stage, i cant extend my thanks to the person who helped me in my english learning. because it was you that made me growing up a lot; it was you that strengthened my mind and broadened my horizon. this gaining has giving me so many remarkable opportunities. the support from my friends and the opportunities for special experience really makes me confident that i can make a big difference in the future. now i am studying in xtu, and my major is marketing,which is very useful in ecery field. i hope to use my unique education to tart my own company in the future. it was amazing to find something that i am so passionate about when i had no idea what i wanted to do. thank you very much. 风采大赛演讲稿800字 风采大赛表演篇六 everybody good you know china? china is a thriving country, has five millennium resplendence history, 20xx-10-01 pray for heavenly blessing the motherland to work as grand tiananmen, welcomes dongsheng sun; when the palatial engraved pillar, puts on the gentle dawn. the history condensed in this moment - - october 1, 1949, a giant, announced with the loud and clear sound to the world: the people's republic of china established! the chinese people henceforth stood! has had been through repeatedly 60 year repeated difficulties, in 20xx, the people's republic of china has welcomed she 60 year-old birthday. 60 years, the glory years are in a flash; 60 years, china vicissitudes great change. but in our generation, should lift up the responsibility which rises for china studies, after in the future will grow up, will let our motherland be more bountiful, forever arrogantly will stand east the world. 大家好 你知道中国吗?中国是个旺盛昌盛的国家,有着五千年辉煌绚丽的历史,20xx-10-01祝愿祖国当宏伟的天-安-门,迎来东升的太阳;当雄伟的华表,披上柔软的曙光。历史凝合在这一刻1949年10月1日,一位巨人,用嘹亮的声音向全世界宣告:中华人民共和国成立了!中国人民从今站立起来了! 历经了六十年的风风雨雨,20xx年,中华人民共和国迎来了她六十岁的生日。六十年,光辉岁月弹指一挥间;六十年,中华大地沧桑巨变。 而在我们这一代,更应扛起为中华崛起而读书的责任,将来长大后让我们的祖国更加富裕,恒久傲立于世界东方。 风采大赛演讲稿800字 风采大赛表演篇七 礼貌如一泓清泉使干枯的心田得到滋润;礼貌如一缕阳光使寒冷的身躯得到暖和;礼貌如一片森林使热闹的人生得到安静。拥有礼貌,在漫漫的人生道路上感悟一番美妙。 人生在世,随时都要与人交往。在多彩的人生征途上,我们该如何与人相处?礼貌待人是人际交往的最至少要求。我们是中华民族礼仪之邦,自古强调“为人子,方少时,亲师友,习礼仪”。西方也有“礼节是通行四方的举荐书”的谚语。礼貌和礼仪,是个人素养最干脆的外现形式,也是交往的最前沿。做到言谈举止落落大方,是我们赢得别人敬重的前提,也是胜利交往的条件之一。 人与人之间须要敬重,礼貌是敬重的详细表现。礼貌,是处理人与人之间关系的一种规范,是人们在日常交往中应当共同遵守的道德规则。礼貌反应我们自身的素养,呈现我们的风采。我们讲文明、有礼貌,包含着对他人的敬重、宽容、谦让、与人为善等良好的品质。这些优良品质是友好交往的道德基础。假如对人不礼貌,就会对人造成损害,阻碍我们与人交往。 我们对人有礼貌,主要表现在语言,看法和行为等方面。语言文明、姿态亲和、举止端庄是与人友好交往必备的素养。 在待人接物中,语言有明显的高下,美丑之别,它所产生的心理效应也有天壤之。“良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒。”礼貌用语要求说话和气,不强词夺理,不恶话伤人;谈吐文静,不说粗话脏话;与人交谈时,看法谦逊,敬重对方,多用商议的口吻说话,不不可一世,也不说大话。文明用语能使交往和谐,为人际关系增色。一声得体的“感谢”,能让人感到暖意融融。 看法亲和,能使我们增加交往的魅力。也是文明礼貌的重要内容。假如我们看法真诚、受敬重感,会拉近彼此之间的距离,对方自然也会以同样的方式回应我们。在社会群体中,假如大家都具备这种谦恭、和气的看法就会增进人们的友情和团结,使我们感到暖和、和开心。 举止端庄,是我们要培育的良好行为方式。它们反应我们高雅的气质,反映我们的道德修养和文明程度。诗经说:“谦谦君子,赐我百朋。”我们做到内在真心诚意、外在落落大方,就能广受欢迎、广交挚友。文明礼貌要通过端庄的举止来体现,留意举止的规范是我们进行社会交往的基本要求。 “语言文明”、“看法亲和”、“举止端庄”等表现礼貌的方式有许多。总之,礼貌是我们生活中的良师益友;礼貌是我们健康成长的伴侣;礼貌是我们受用一生的珍宝,是我们人生道路上的一块垫脚石。拥有礼貌,感悟美妙人生! 风采大赛演讲稿800字 风采大赛表演篇八 good morning ladies and gentlemen, when i was in high school, i once did very poorly on an important exam. my father didnt punish me, but told me one simple sentence “fishing itself is more important than the fish.” i was a bit unsure hearing that. i know that my father loves fishing. i often saw him release the fish after catching them. and he had told me more than once that he went fishing just because he wanted to feel the rod in his hands as the fish plays with the hook, and to feel the thrill of lifting the fish out of the water. but i could not find out what his words have to do with me. i repeated his words over and over again. then i began to understand what he really meant. to his way of thinking, the process of doing something is much more important than the result. and i realized a truth that i could cherish: those who are optimistic and self-confident, and who enjoy doing something new, worry less about failure. they see in every activity a process of self-discovery and self-fulfillment that can not be measured by an exam or the number of fish in ones basket. unfortunately, too many people think differently. these people insist that it is only the result that matters. a bad result makes them dissatisfied with themselves far more than it should. and the more they feel this way, the more they forgot what little they learned. yes, i now said to myself, fishing itself is much more important than the fish. although four years have passed, i can still remember the moment when my father said that sentence to me. we need to appreciate the value in living, despite its many setbacks. roads are for the journey, not the destination. sunshine awaits those who keep the path! 女士们,先生们,早上好 当我在中学的时候,我曾经特别差在一个重要的考试。我父亲没有惩处我,但告知我一个简洁的句子“钓鱼本身比鱼更重要。” 我有点不知道听说。我知道我的父亲喜爱钓鱼。我常常望见他释放后的鱼抓他们。他不止一次告知我,他去钓鱼,因为他想杖在他的手钩鱼玩,以及感到兴奋的举起鱼出水面。但是我不能找出他的话跟我有什么关系。 我一遍又一遍地重复他的话。然后我起先明白他真正的意思。他的思维方式,做事的过程比结果更重要。我意识到我可以珍惜的真理:那些乐观和自信,谁喜爱做新的东西,少担忧失败。他们看到在每一个活动的一个自我发觉和自我实现的过程,不能用考试来衡量或鱼的数量在一个篮子里。 不幸的是,太多的人的想法不同。这些人坚持认为,只有结果才是最重要的。一个糟糕的结果让他们不满足自己远比它应当。越多,他们觉得这种方式,他们忘了他们学到的东西就越多。是的,我现在对自己说,钓鱼比鱼本身重要得多。虽然四年过去了,我还记得那一刻,我父亲说这句话给我。 我们须要感谢生活的价值,尽管存在很多挫折。道路是旅程,而不是终点。阳光在等待那些保持路径! 风采大赛演讲稿800字 风采大赛表演篇九 never give up ladies and gentlemen: “if i could reach higher, just for one moment to touch the sky”-this is from my favorite song reach. when we are appreciating the passionate melody of gloria estefan, we could hardly imagine that she could return to the stage after her paralysis. in the year 1990, this cuban singer was knocked down in a traffic accident, and the doctor declared that she might never walk again. but gloria did not give up and kept up constant exercising. just one year after the disaster, she stood up again and presented this encouraging song at the atlanta olympics. whenever i think of gloria, i cant help recalling my memory seven years ago, when i first entered university. naturally shy, ordinary looking, average scores in study, just like an ugly duckling, i seemed to be the least outstanding one in my class. and the successive failures in the beginning led me into despair. “am i destined to take the back seat to others?” unwilling to submit to the fate, i paid more efforts on my study as well as many other activities, film dubbing, recital, drama cause i just want to catch every little opportunity to prove myself. constant effort yields sure success. thanks to the competition, i received some awards and most of all, i gained the courage and confidence to face any difficulties in my life journey. life is just like farming, and what you can reap depends a lot on your sowing and dedication. once you have a dream, dont be hesitant. your next difficult step may be the one to the top. keep going forward, even in the toughest time, and never give up. thank you very much. 风采大赛演讲稿800字 风采大赛表演篇十 四月六日,我班确定将在党课中 本文来自高考资源网学到的内