2023高二英语复习教案七篇 一、教学内容 1.语音:1)复习音标及字母组合u: u, oo; u u, oo, oul; 2)学习音标及字母组合(+ ure, ua 2.语法:1)小结本单元所学to be going to+动词原形的用法;2)小结本单元消失的形容词比拟等级的规章变化和不规章变化。 二、教具 录音机;音标卡片、小黑板等。 三、课堂教学设计 1.复习值日生报告。 教师出示事先预备好的写有形容词原级的小黑板,要求学生快速写出其比拟级、级形式。 2.教师出示音标卡片,复习u: u两个元音的读音,启发学生分别给出含有这两个元音的单词。教师可将这些单词书写在黑板上,并用彩色粉笔写出读这些音的字母或字母组合。 教(+这个双元音的读音。学生初步把握其读音后,重复上一步骤。 3.放课文第1、2局部录音,学生翻开书跟读,反复三遍。指导学生做练习册习题1。 4.指导学生阅读复习要点中例词、例句。教师小结该要点中所列两项语法内容。 5.指导学生做练习册习题。 6.布置作业 1)练习朗读本课第1、2局部中的音标、单词、短语和句子;2)结合书后有关语法讲解,温习本单元语法工程;3)抄写复习要点中例句及词语;4)完成练习册习题。 四、难点讲解 形容词比拟等级()形容词比拟等级的规章变化和不规章变化。本单元只介绍单音节形容词和少数双音节形容词的变化: 1)一般在词尾加-er或-est,分别构成比拟级和级。例如: small-smaller-smallest。 2)以字母e结尾的形容词,加-r或-st,例如:nice-nicer-nicest。 3)重读闭音节词尾只有一个辅音字母时,双写这个辅音字母,再加-er或-est。例如:big-bigger-biggest。 4)以辅音字母+y结尾的双音节形容词。改y为i,再加-er或-est。例如: easy-easier-easiest。 此外,少数形容词还有不规章变化,需要仔细记忆。例如:good-better-best;many-more-most等。 2023高二英语复习教案【篇2】 教学内容: 1.词汇 (1)复习关于职业的词汇:doctor, teacher, nurse, cook, fireman, driver, policeman, pilot, singer. (2)学习生词:astronaut, coach, actor (actress), writer. 2.功能句型 (1)复习询问他人职业及答复:What does he/she do? He/She is a/an 。 (2)学习询问对方将来想要从事的工作及答复:What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a/an 。 教学目标: 1.学问目标 (1)能把握和职业相关的一些词汇,并能在相应的功能句型中娴熟运用; (2)能在恰当的情景下娴熟运用关于询问他人的职业及答复的交际用语; (3)能在相应的情景下娴熟地运用关于询问对方将来想要从事的工作及答复的交际用语。 2.力量目标 (1)通过学习和操练,使学生能把握本课所学关于职业的词汇,能娴熟询问他人的职业及对将来工作的抱负,并做出相应的答复; (2)在学习过程中培育学生发觉问题和解决问题的力量,提高自学力量; 3.策略目标 (1)帮忙学生学会与人合作,共同完成学习任务; (2)帮忙学生学会观看生活中标的英语,学会借助词典来学习。 4.其他目标 (1)在学习职业名称的过程中了解“感动中国的2023年度人物”,潜移默化地为学生树立典范; (2)在小组学习和帮忙他人学习的同时,培育学生乐于助人,喜爱集体的良好品质; (3)通过多种形式的嬉戏和活动,激发学生英语学习兴趣。 教学重点: 1.重点词汇:astronaut, coach, actor (actress), writer. 2.重点句型:What do you want to be? I want to be a/an 。 教学难点: 1.正确朗读和运用关于职业的词汇。 2.正确理解、询问对方对将来工作的抱负,并能做出正确的答复。 教具预备: 1.教师预备:多媒体课件,图片,单词卡片,嘉奖卡片; 2.学生预备:课本,笔。 教学过程: 课前介绍评价方式 Step 1: Warm up and lead in 1. Oral English 2. Sing a song: The Wheels on the Bus. 3. (课件): Look, she is the driver of the bus. Her job is driving the bus. Do you know “job”? 板书Jobs,并介绍课题。 Step 2: Review some words 1. Free talk: What jobs do you know? (Can you act as a ?) 2. Games: (1) Show some word cards, read and act. (2) Act, ask and guess-What does he/she do? Step 3: Presentation: 1. Talk about the great people in 2023. (1) Watch the screen and think: Who are they? What are their jobs? (通过课件呈现“感动中国”的人物。) (2) T: They are called the Great People in 2023. 他们是被评为“感动中国的2023年度人物中的几个。Do you know their names? (介绍6个人物的姓名。学生活动:介绍人物姓名,摆放相应人物的复读机、图片和文字介绍材料。教师示范第一个。) (3) Watch and listen. T: What are their jobs? Lets listen. (课件录音完整介绍6个人物的工作和业绩。) 2. Learn the new word by the students themselves. (1)示范pair work: Listen, look, match and read. (示范过程中学习生词:coach-c-oa-ch-coach) (2)学生自学单词,合作完成练习。 T: OK. Boys and girls take out your paper and practice with your partner, please. If there are some new words for you, you can use your dictionary(出示字典), go to listen to the tape or teach each other. (学生活动:自学不会的单词,合作完成练习。) (3)学生组内练习介绍一个人物。(学生活动:选择一至两个人物在组内练习介绍。) 3. Introduce them in the front. T: Who wants to come here and introduce one of them to us? Please listen carefully and check your answers.(学生活动:自愿前来介绍一个人物。) 要求:介绍以后要板书图片;离人物介绍大图较近的学生可以引导用大图片。 4. 相应单词的练习 astronaut: (1) Pronunciation: astronaut-an astronaut. (2) Practice (Pass the picture and ask) What does he do? He is an astronaut. writer: (1) T: Can you act as a writer? 引导学生练习: writer-writer (2) T: What other writers do you know? actor: (1) T: Whos your favorite actor? (依据学生的答复介绍:actress) (2) T: Do you want to be an actor or actress? Why? 5. Learn the sentence patterns. (1) T: They are all the great people in China. We will always remember them. Do you want to be one of them? What do you want to be when you grow up? You can say: I want to be 。 (出示句卡,带读,板书) (2) T: What about my daughter? Can you ask her? (出示句卡,学习问句,板书) want-want to be-What do you want to be-grow up-when you grow up-What do you want to be when you grow up? (3) 课件:播放录音-妞妞的答复 (4) Practice: Pair work; Show in the front. Step 4: Reinforcement - Talk about the most popular job. T: Excellent! You have so many wonderful dreams for your future job. What is the most popular job in our class? Lets finish a questionnaire. (1) Model; (2) 小组调查; (3) 各小组填写结果; (4) 汇总全班调查结果 T: The most popular job in our class is _. Why do you want to be a/an ? Step 5: Summary T: How can you make your dream to be true? What can you do for your dream? Please remember: Where there is a will, there is a way. (课件呈现) Step 6: Homework Talk about your dream job with your parents. 2023高二英语复习教案【篇3】 一、高中英语课程的设计特点 课程按模块设计,内容丰富,图文并茂,贴近学生生活实际。这一学期主要学模块五和模块六。模块五是必修模块,而模块六是属于选修模块,固然教学内容的难度也慢慢加深,因此每个模块的教学时间调整为12周。 二、教学目标 高二年级是高中的重要阶段,又是高中三年的承上启下阶段。因此,让学生在高二年级打好学科根底并有所进展是极其重要的。以下目标应在本学期内到达:稳固、扩大根底学问;培育口头和书面初步运用英语进展交际的力量,侧重培育阅读力量;进展智力,培育自学力量。争取在原有根底上有所提高,缩小与上学期期末考试时平均分排在我们前面的几个理科班的差距。 三、教学重点 1、加强根底学问的训练,留意词汇力量的培育,帮忙学生理清语法规章,把握习惯用语,为综合运用打下坚实的根底。 2、坚持听、说、读、写的训练,保证量的积存过程,实现由语言学问到语言应用力量的转化,提高做题的精确率和娴熟程度。 3、坚持以语篇为中心,重视语言形式和思想的表达。 四、教学内容及方法 1、走近学生,了解学生。多利用一些时间与学生沟通沟通,拉近师生之间 距离。了解学生英语学习的状况,做到分层教学,真正落实因材施教。 2、连续抓好学生英语学习习惯的养成,如,早读肯定要大声朗读,每天都积存肯定量的英语词汇,仔细做好课堂笔记,并准时整理好难错题本。 3、加大阅读量,通过阅读材料开阔学生的视野,丰富语言学问,扩大词汇量。 4、提高学生的口语交际力量,充分利用课前三分钟的英语对话,并实行每天的英语值日报告,提高学生的英语口语表达力量。 5、完善学生评价制度以及评价方案,自评,他评,师评,家长评价等多种评价体系同时进展,帮忙学生熟悉自我,并不断地完善自我。 6、培育学生的自主学习力量。这个目标的实现,需要一个循序渐进的过程,必需落实在平常的教学点滴中。多观看,多强调,抓住一些典型的自觉主动学习的学生来带动班上其他学生。 7、争取把培优扶中补差工作落实在平常的每一节课中,这项工作有肯定的难度。换句话说,这项工作其实也就是分层教学。这要落实在平常的课堂提问,问题设置,作业的布置,练习的讲解等。 8、合理地利用表扬和批判的手段,鼓励学生奋勉进取。 9、连续落实兵教兵互助学习小组活动,实行目标治理以及任务型治理,定期让每个小组制定肯定的目标,并依据实际状况,准时更改目标;给每个小组定期布置肯定的任务,并进展检测。准时表扬先进的学习小组,鼓励鞭策落后的小组,营造“比,学,赶,帮,超”的学习气氛。 10、更新教学观念,依据学生状况对教材进展单元整合,用教材教,而不是教教材。课堂教学不仅仅是学问的传授,更要留意教学的方法、过程、价值观。 11、连续开展英语校本课程,鼓舞学生多用英语表达,不断培育学生英语学习的兴趣以及英语学习的信念。 五、课题讨论 高中英语报刊阅读的综合讨论 六、论文撰写 培育平行班学生英语自主学习力量的策略讨论 规划:通过理论学习,实践讨论,跟踪了解等多管齐下,切实高效地培育学生自主学习力量,促成良好的学习习惯的养成,从而提高教学和学习效率。 2023高二英语复习教案【篇4】 教学内容: This lesson is about Module 7 Unit 1 “This dog can help him.” of New Standard English, Book 9. This lesson is for the students of Grade Five. 教学目标: 1、Knowledge aims: a. To enable students to master and use these new words : blind , special. b. To enable students to master the usage of “can” . c. To enable students to use the target sentences correctly : This dog can help him . Can Fifi help the blind people ? No , he cant . He only wants to play . 2、Ability aims: a. Talking about abilities with “can” , “cant ” and know the objective case. b. To improve students language ability. 3、Emotion aims: a. To encourage students to cooperate with the others , help each other and learn from each other. b. To educate students to protect animals and help disabled people . 教学重点: To master and use the new words , sentence pattern and the usage of “can”。 教学难点: To use the sentence patterns to talk about ability. 教学预备: cards , CD-ROM, CAI, task-paper, taperecorder. 教学过程: Step1. Warming up 1、Greeting. 2、Please sing a song and do the actions. 3、Look and say some phrases more . 4、Free talk. What can you do ? Or what cant you do? Step 2. Presentation Dear boys and girls, Do you love animals? We can see some dogs and cats in our life. What can they do ? Today well learn Module 7 Unit 1. ( Write on the blackboard) Step 3. Practice 1、Listen to the text and try to answer the questions: Q1: How many dogs are there in the text? Answer the question-2 dogs. 2、Show Ss by PPT:Look at this dog. Is this dog lovely? Its a pet dog. Its name is Fifi. Look at the other one. Is it lovely? It is very special. Learn special(Pay attention to the pronunciation of “e”) 3、Show Ss a picture of blind people by PPT and ask “Whats the matter with this man ?”Learn blind 4、Who can help him? Look! This dog can help him. (Write on the blackboard.) Learn the target sentence. (Read in the different ways. ) Pay attention to “ him”。 Learn the usage of objective case . Then do a practice . a. My mum is ill. I will help_. (she her) b. Who can help _? ( I me) c. The boy is cute. Dad bought a pen for_. (him he) d. These are blind people. But Fifi cant help_. (they them) 5、Listen again and circle “can, cant” . Answer the question: Q2:Can Fifi help the blind people? 6、Learn the sentences: Can Fifi help the blind people? No, he cant. / Yes, he can. (read in pairs ) Fifi is a pet dog. So he only wants to play. Read this sentence. Pay attention to “wants”。 (Learn the third person singular of the simple present tense.) Read the target sentences on the blackboard. Lets sum up the usage of “ can ”。 7、Development activities : read these sentences and feel the usage of the original form of verbs. a. Lets see. b. I will go to school tomorrow. c. He is going to swim. d. I want to drink water. 8、Listen to the text and repeat. 9、Read in roles. Learn TV presenter.(毕福剑) Who wants to be Lingling/ Amy/ TV presenter? Step 4. Production 1、Dogs are very clever. What about the other animals? Lets see. Try to say“ This can/ cant” 2、Guessing game. Try to say “ Thiscan/cant” Guess “ Can.?” 3、Do some practice. (Task paper) 4、Reading practice : There is a TV show. This is the TV presenter- little pig. Please read and complete. 5、Talk about your pet . Whats your favourite animals ? Please talk about your pet. Step 5. Summary and homework 1、Sum up:What have we learned today? 2、Homework: Copy the key words and the target sentences for 3 times. Write a passage about your pet. 3、There are many disabled people in our life. Lets have a look. Show them some pictures of disabled people who named TaiLihua, Yangguang, LiuWei and PingYali etc. They are broken in health but not in spirit . 4、Learn English proverbs: a. Broken in health but not in spirit. b. Be the useful to the society. 板书设计: Module 7 Unit 1 This dog can help him. special Can Fifi help the blind people? blind No, he cant. Yes, he can. He only wants to play. 2023高二英语复习教案【篇5】 【学习目标】: 1、熟识把握词汇name clock 等 2、学会介绍自己并询问他人姓名,能够利用所学学问进展打招呼. 3、能听懂听力对话并能对依据听力对话进展自由交际. 【学习重点】: 使学生学会打招呼和介绍自己,并询问他人姓名的句型. Nice to meet you . Whats your name ? My name is . 【学习过程】: 一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.) 学习任务一: 熟识把握词汇name ,clock 1、 仔细观看第一页的图画,小组争论你所熟悉的物品的英语单词. 2,、试着写出含有的物品的英语单词. 3、小组竞赛,展现( 看谁总结的多, 写的精确) 学习任务二: 学会介绍自己并询问他人姓名,能够利用所学学问进展打招呼. 1、 教师自我介绍,引导学生介绍自己. A: Hello , I am Gina , Whats your name ? B: My name is Alan . 2、小组竞赛, 两人一组,询问他人姓名,介绍自己. 3,、分角色朗读1A对话. 学习任务三: 能听懂听力对话并能对依据听力对话进展自由交际. 1,、听录音, 给1B 的对话编号. 2、依据听力对话进展自由交际. 3、小组竞赛, 展现对话交际。 二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. ) 小组争论我们所学的英语名字和汉语名字的区分, 如何用英语拼写 你的名字? 三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.) 1,、归纳你所学到的问候语. 2、自己编写一个打招呼并询问姓名的小对话. 四、诊断评价 (一) 单项选择. 1. _your name ? My name is Gina . A. What B. Whats C. Who D. which 2. Good morning , Miss Wang ! _! A. Hello B.Hi C. Nice to meet you D. Good morning 3. I _Sally , What_ your name ? A. am ,is B. is , am C. is , is D.am, am 4. _name is Li lei . A. I B. I am C. My D. you 5. _, Whats your name ? John Green . A. Hi B. Ok C. sorry D. Excuse me (二) 写出以下单词的完全形式, 并写出汉语意思. Im _ _ whats _ _ name s _ _ (三)写出以下单词. 时钟 _ 我的 _ 你的_ 名字_ 遇见_ (四)尝试翻译以下句子. 1. 见到你很快乐. _. 2.我叫王小雨. _. 3. 你叫什么名字? _ (五) 依据情景补全对话. A: Good afternoon ! B: _! A; I _Lucy . _your name ? B: My _ is Jim . Nice to _you ! A: _. 五、【课后反思】 2023高二英语复习教案【篇6】 【课题】Unit 5 Lesson 25 【重点】 第三人称做主语,拼写他人名字,询问与他人有关的问题。 依据音标词能够正确拼写出单词。 【难点】 its 和 its 的辨析。 询问与他人有关的问题。 【过程】 一、热身/ 复习(warm-up / revision) 日常口语会话。 嬉戏:猜猜他是谁。教师表达,学生猜,假如学生程度较高,也可以由学生来表达。 eg: There is a boy. He has short hair, small nose Who is he? 学生用He is 或 His name is答复。 说说自己:介绍一下自己的状况,复习第四单元内容,同时为新课做预备。 二、呈现新课(presentation) 教师展现图片 ( 小猫和小鸟 ) 教师问:Who is she? Who is he? What are their names? Do you know how to spell their names? 教师播放腾图教育资源中的配套课件。 答复刚刚教师的提问。 仿照课文对话。教师播放声音,学生跟读。 两人一小组,练习对话。 请几组到前面来表演。 学习单词:教师读词,由学生试着拼字母。 教师带读单词。 学生做拼读练习。 嬉戏:看看哪组写的快:发给每组一张小纸条,从排头开头写:Can you spell your name?这句话,然后向后传,看哪组写得快,哪组写得好。 三、趣味操练(practice) 给课件配音:教师播放课件,但关掉声音,由学生来配音。 自编小对话:学生自愿结合,编写小对话。 请几组到前面来表演。 师生共同赐予评价。 看图练习:教师或学生做示范:I have a bird. Its name is pCli . ka:l mimi rEUz sAm keit Can you spell its name? 让几个同学仿照。( 第51页练习 ) 待学生明白教师的要求后,学生在小组中练习。 拼读音标词,拼出相应的字母。 替换操练。 小组竟赛:每组出一位同学,为下一组点一幅图,点一位同学。假如这个同学说得很好,就为组里加一分,否则不加分。最终看哪组分高,哪组胜。 its 和 its 的辨析。教师提问:你们知道“its”是什么意思吗? 那么“its”呢? 这两个词一样吗? (同时板书这两个单词) 学生可以争论。 请同学汇报争论结果。 教师总结。 请同学试着用这两个词造句,检查一下学生是否理解了。 四、扩展活动(add-activities) 介绍我的好朋友:学生依据平常的了解,和热身时同学的自我介绍,来描述自己的好朋友,但不要说出他的名字。请同学猜一猜他是谁? 拼一拼,写一写:依据音标词写出以下单词:教师给出下面单词的音标,请同学来写词: can spell we wash hurry sorry weather water sun read do pass give very much big clock today Monday day week many fourteen 五、板书设计: Lesson 25 Mimi and Polly Can you spell your name? its its a dog. name is Panpan. 2023高二英语复习教案【篇7】 教学目标: 1. 学问目标:能四会单词sport,pi