2021年浙江高三三模英语试卷-学生用卷一、阅读理解(本大题共3小题,共25分)1、【来源】2021年浙江高三三模第11题 7.5分(每题2.5分)It was about 10 p.m.when Janice amved at the train station.She jumped into her car and began the20-minute drive home.Shed traveled the route so many times that she almost knew every bump on it.Butout of nowhere on that awful night,a car T-boned her car,moving her backward onto the railroad tracks.She sat in her car,frightened by the impact and the vehicles airbags.As this happened,Peter was getting ready for bed.Hed just closed his book when he heard glasscoming from not far outside his bedroom window.A volunteer firefighter and retired teacher,Peter neverstopped to think.He grabbed a flashlight and ran out of the door.uAny firefighter would have done what Idid J he said.Were always on duty.1The first car he came upon was the one that hit Janice.Once Peter concluded the driver was OK,helooked around and spotted Janice*s car straddling(横 跨)the railroad tracks.And then he heard the bellssignaling an oncoming train and saw the headlight of the train.Peter dashed to Janices car and banged on the drivers side window.She just looked at him,her eyesunfocused.I dont know where I am,she said.Honey,youre on the railroad tracks,Peter shouted.nWe have to get you off right now!”He pulledon the handle,but the door was jammed shut.The train,traveling at 65 mph,was running toward them.Peter ran to the passenger side and threw open the door.He pushed aside the airbags,grabbed Janicesarms,and pulled her toward him across the passenger seat until he could help her out and speed walk her tosafety.Within six seconds,he estimated,the train plowed into the car,It was like a Hollywood movie.Peter said.(1)What caused Peter to run out of the door?A.T h e s o u n d o f a fi r e al ar m i n g.B.T h e n o i s e o f gl as s fl y i n g i n h i s d i r ec t i o n.C.T h e s o u n d o f t w o c ar s ex p l o d i n g.D.T h e n o i s e o f h i s bed r o o m w i n d o w br o k en.(2)How did Peter help Janice to the safety place?A.He c ar r i ed h er o u t o f h er c ar.B.He br o k e t h e d r i v er s w i n d o w an d p u l l ed h er o u t.C.He p u s h ed h er c ar o ff t h e t r ac k s.D.He p u l l ed h er o u t o f c ar an d s u p p o r t ed h er t o s afet y.(3)What section in a newspaper is the text probably from?A.En t er t ai n m en t.B.T r av el l i n g.C.S o c i et y.D.Ed u c at i o n.2、【来源】2021年浙江高三三模第12题 7.5分(每题2.5分)As California gray whales wind their way south along North Americas Pacific coast,researchers arewatching,worried about another year of unexplained die-offs.Last spring and summer,215 whales inexplicably(说不清地)washed up along North AmericasWest Coast.Concerned,the U.S.National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration called for aninvestigation,bringing together researchers from the Arctic to Mexico to explore the strandings(搁浅)ina uniform manner.According to the scientists involved with the investigation,its still unclear what caused the 2019 dieoff and whether the whales will fare better this year.California gray whales migrate 5,000 miles every year from the Arctic to Mexicos Baja.Theirjourney is the longest migration,and full of dangers such as ships and plastic rubbish.The journey backnorth is particularly dangerous because gray whales only eat while in the Arctic;therefore,they arerunning on empty as they make their return trip from Baja.Data and observations collected this past summer by researchers based at NOAA*s Alaska FisheriesScience Center have raised more questions than answers.For instance,15 gray whales were spotted in oneday in the eastern Beaufort Sea一a rare sighting for a species usually seen getting fat at their feedinggrounds.But with the sea ice forming later in winter and breaking up earlier in summer,scientists wonderwhether gray whales will continue to move farther east to new feeding areas.In addition to changes in food availability,as sea ice decreases,whales are running into more andmore ship traffic in these remote waters.Ship strikes and being trapped in fishing gear are common causesof whale injury and death.Maggie Mooney-Seus,spokeswoman for the Alaska Fisheries Science Center,said,We are workingto determine future whale research plans that may help shed lighl on this and other relevant questions.1(1)The reason fbr the die-offs of the California gray whales is .A.l ac k o f fo o dB.t o o m u c h p l as t i c r u bbi s hC.h eav y s h i p t r affi cD.s t i l l u n d er i n v es t i gat i o n(2)Why were 15 gray whales seen in the eastern Beaufort Sea?A.T h ey p r o babl y w er e l o o k i n g fo r a n ew m i gr at i n g p at h.B.T h ey p r o babl y w er e av o i d i n g t h e n o i s es o f fi s h i n g gear s.C.T h ey p r o babl y w er e ex p l o r i n g t h ei r n ew feed i n g gr o u n d s.D.T h ey p r o babl y w er e es c ap i n g fr o m bei n g h u n t ed by t h e s h i p s.(3)What do the underlined words shed light onM refer to in the last paragraph?A.Cl ar i fy.B.S o l v e.C.I m p r o v e.D.R es ear c h.3、【来源】2021年浙江高三三模第13题 10分(每题2.5分)As a high school student,I learned this the hard way last year,when a student I didnt expect to bestedme on the math PSAT.He soon admitted the secret to his success:the CAS calculator.He made clear thatthe CAS was able to solve all of his SAT equations(方程式).He claimed all he needed was hisknowledge of seventh-grade math and the calculator did the rest.From experience,I know it isnt that simple.A fancy calculator that costs about$150 is not thatuseful if you dont understand what the question is asking.But it does feel like cheating.Aside from beingfinancially out of reach of many students,CAS calculators have the potential to misrepresent math abilityand problem-solving skills.Ifs unfair to allow such an incredibly helpful advanced calculator unless every student has access to it.Especially when the test has the potential to affect a students educational path.In response to an e-mailasking whether the College Board,which owns the SAT,is aware that the CAS is seen as greatly helpingthose who use it and whether it has considered banning such calculators,a communications officer sent alink to the SAT calculator policy,which spells out the permitted calculators,CAS among them.If all students had access to a better calculator,how many could improve their test scores enough toget into their dream school?How many students get into better schools because of this privilege hack?Itisnt right and shouldnt stand.The simplest solution would be to leave out the math section that allows calculator use or permit testtakers to use only the most basic calculators,provided by the College Board.The equation for fairness issimple:You know it when you see it,and this calculator inequity(不公)isnt it.(1)The example of a student doing better than the writer in the math PSAT is usedto.A.i n t r o d u c e t h e t o p i cB.c o m p ar e t h ei r m at h ac h i ev em en t sC.s h o w t h e w r i t er*s en v yD.bl am e h i s c h eat i n g i n t h e ex am(2)Why did the writer feel it unfair for students to use CAS calculators?A.Bec au s e ev er y s t u d en t c an n o t u s e o n e i n S AT.B.Bec au s e h e d i d n t u s e o n e as ear l y as o t h er s.C.Bec au s e h i s m o d el w as l es s p o w er fu l t h an o t h er s,.D.Bec au s e t h e Co l l ege Bo ar d d i d n,t p r o v i d e o n e t o h i m.(3)Whats the College Boards attitude towards banning the CAS calculators?A.Fav o r abl e.B.Di s ap p r o v i n g.C.Am bi gu o u s.D.Cau t i o u s.(4)Whafs the best title of the passage?A.CAS c al c u l at o r s-c h eat i n g i n S ATB.S o l u t i o n t o s t o p p i n g c h eat i n g i n S ATC.Cal l s o n ban n i n g t h e c al c u l at o r sD.Cal l s o n u s i n g bas i c c al c u l at o r s二、七选五(本大题共1小题,共10分)4、【来源】2021年浙江高三三模第14题 10分(每题2 分)In theory,achieving a healthy weight should be pretty easy,right?Just eat fewer calories and workout regularly to burn fat and build muscle.But,as we know,there are a variety of factors that can affect your weight beyond what you eat andyour activity levels.1 Its no secret that quality sleep is a foundation of anyhealthy lifestylegetting enough zzzs supports mental clarity,a longer attention span,higher energylevels,a stronger immune system,better moods,and improved memory.2 Ifyoure looking to lose weight this year,its better to consider not only diet and exercise but also rest.3 If youre not getting at least seven hours of sleep per night,yourmetabolism(新陈代谢)can actually slow down,which means you can passively pack on extra poundsbecause you dont burn as many calories throughout the day and night.4 Itproduces the hormone(荷尔蒙)that improves your appetite and decreases the hormone that makes youfeel full.And because sleep loss can affect the part of your brain responsible for decision-making,youwont always make the right choices when youre tempted to eat another scoop of ice cream or finish aplate of french fries.The effects can be even more straightforward,too.5 Then all thosecalories add up.Not to mention that if youre feeling tired because you didnt catch enough shut-eye,youremuch less likely to get to the gym or go fbr that after-work jog.A.Ho w c an y o u i m p r o v e y o u r s l eep?B.W h at h ap p en s w h en y o u d o n t s l eep en o u gh?C.S l eep i s an o t h er i m p o r t an t,bu t l es s t al k ed abo u t,fac t o r.D.T h e m o r e h o u r s y o u r e aw ak e,t h e m o r e t i m e y o u h av e t o s n ac k.E.Bu t t h er e,s al s o a s i gn i fi c an t c o n n ec t i o n bet w een s l eep an d w ei gh t.F.Her e ar e s o m e t i p s t h at c an h el p y o u get t h o s e 7 p r ec i o u s h o u r s o f s l eep.G.A l ac k o f s l eep c an al s o l eav e y o u feel i n g h u n gr i er an d l o n gi n g fo r c er t ai n h i gh 一c al o r i e fo o d s.三、完形填空(本大题共1小题,共30分)5、【来源】2021年浙江高三三模第15题 30分(每 题 1.5分)Stop in for lunch at Drexell&Honeybees restaurant!Youll find amenu 1 down-home cooking:barbecue ribs,chicken and dumplings,andblueberry pies.What you wont find on the menu:2.At Drexell&Honeybees,customers pay what they 3,or what they can.Customers leavetheir money in a 4 box near the door.It*s behind a screen so if you cant payfor your meal today,as many people in this lower-income town 5 cant,nobody will know,and more 6,nobody will 7.The amount of a customer pays may 8,but it almost always comes withan extra helping of 9.Today I wasnt able to eat and you guys helped me,one customer wrote in a thank-you note.nThank you for being a blessing tothis 10 and to me.n Inside the balled-up note:asingle H.We want to be that thread of light to someone 12,u says Lisa andFreddie,the couple who opened the restaurant last year.nWe might not be able to pull it all out,but weYetrying to help in some kind of way.”The entire town of Brewton has 1 3 them.Drexell&Honeybee*s isvolunteer-staffed and often volunteer-stocked:Locals 14 homegrownvegetables,and two farmers keep 15 gardens just for the restaurant.A 15-year-old boy even tried donating his 16 pig.Lisa and Freddiecouldn*t 17 it without its being inspected,but you dont keep the doors openfour days a week at a pay-what-you-can restaurant without being a little 18.The boy auctioned(拍卖)off the pig and put the$457 he made right in Drexell&Honeybee*s donatingbox.To people who 9 to pay,Linda said,Its a bill of good,andjust 20 it forward.A.eq u i p p ed w i t h B.fu r n i s h ed w i t h C.c o v er ed w i t h D.fi l l ed w i t hA.m o n ey B.p r i c es C.p i c t u r es D.fo o dA.ex p ec t B.d r eam C.w an t D.h av eA.m ai l B.p r es en t C.s av i n gD.d o n at i o nA.r ar el y B.o c c as i o n al l y C.fr eq u en t l y D.c as u al l yA.i m p o r t an t l y B.fr eq u en t l y C.s er i o u s l y D.fo r t u n at el yA.ev al u at eB.as s es s C.j u d geD.s c o l dA.r i s eB.fal l C.v ar y D.i n c r eas eA.ad m i r at i o n B.gr at i t u d eC.s at i s fac t i o n D.c o n gr at u l at i o nA.c o u n t r y B.c o m m u n i t y C.s t at eD.o r gan i z at i o nA.c o i n B.w o r d C.s w eet D.q u ar t erA.h o m el es s B.d es p er at eC.ex h au s t ed D.em bar r as s edA.o bs er v ed B.s u s p ec t ed C.p r ai s ed D.s u p p o r t edA.br i n g i n B.get i n C.t ak e i n D.h o l d i nA.es p ec i al B.fan c y C.s p ec i al D.p o t en t i alA.d ay d r eam i n gB.go o d-l o o k i n gC.o v er-w ei gh i n gD.p r i z ew i n n i n gA.r efu s eB.ad m i t C.ac c ep t D.r ai s eA.c u r i o u s B.c r eat i v eC.t o l er an t D.p r ec i o u sA.o ffer ed B.ar r an ged C.affo r d ed D.at t em p t edA.br i n gB.p u t C.p ay D.p u s h四、适当形式填空(本大题共1小题,共15分)6、【来源】2021年浙江高三三模第16题 15分(每题1.5分)Not long ago,I was on a flight when the fellow in front of me moved his seat backward suddenly.He didnt look and didnt think,either.And he 1(knock)my wine all overthe seat and me.I wasnt on my best behavior when I gave his seat 2(kick)and shouted,*Pay attention.Youre not the only one on this flight.To his credit,he apologized repeatedly.If I 3(give)a do-over,I would have tappedhim 4 the shoulder and said nicely,You 5(probable)dont realize it,but you knocked over my wineglass whenyou reclined(往后靠).Could you move your seat forward?Pay attention!6 you recline,take notice of whos behind you.Is itsomeone with an 7(injure)or who is really tall or perhaps overweight?Is it aparent with 8 lap baby?If so,dont recline.And dont recline during meals.Ifthe extra inch or two you get by reclining is really worth 9(bother)the personbehind you,at least give fair warning that youre about 10(knock)over hisdrink.五、书面表达(本大题共2小题,共40分)7、【来源】2021年浙江高三三模第17题 15分假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Jack发来邮件说他被哈佛大学(Harvard University)录取了。请你用英语给他写一封电子邮件,要点包括:1.表达祝贺;2.介绍你的学习情况;3.寻求建议。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。8、【来源】2021年浙江高三三模第18题 25分阅读下列短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。We shouldnft judge a person by their appearance but we do.In fact,the experts say that when we meetsomeone fbr the first time we make a decision about what that person is like in three seconds.But what dowe look at?One of the most important things is clothes,but it isnt the brand of clothes that people wearthat is important.The important thing is to wear the right clothes for the occasion.Schools have always understood this and a lot of them ask their students to wear a uniform.Why?Alot of teachers think a uniform makes students feel that they are part of their school and that their uniformhelps them to be serious about their studies.Teachers say that uniforms can help in other ways too.If allthe students wear uniforms,they cant judge each other because of their clothes.It also avoids argumentsabout who or what is fashionable.However,it is not only schools that want people to dress in a certain way.We all have fixed ideasabout what the people in a certain profession should wear.If we visit a doctor,we expect to see respectableclothes under the doctors white coat.When we go into a bank we expect the staff to wear suits or dresses.Police officers wear uniforms to deter crime by establishing a visible presence while on patrol.In fact,a lotof companies have dress codes for their staff because they kno