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    绝密启用前2021届高考英语模拟预热卷(新高考I卷)注意事项:1、答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2、请将答案正确填写在答题卡上本试卷满分12 0分,考试时间100分钟。第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分5 0分)第 一 节(共 15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分3 7.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。A.2 019 Academ yAwardfo rB estPictureNo n iin atio n s(提名)B lackPan therType:Adven tureRun n in gTim e:13 4 m in.ReleaseD ate:F ebruary16,2 018(Un itedStates)Curren tran k(目前排名):D irecto r:Ryan Co o glerActo rs:ChadwickB o sem an,MichaelB.Jo rdanWithhisfatherhavin gdiedin Captain Am erica:CiviIWar,T Challaisthen ewrulero ftheadvancedkin gdo m o fWakan da.Asthekin g,when everachallen gerfo rthecro wn an n o un ceshisin ten tio n s,hem ustgiveuphispo wersan dtakethem o n in aphysicalchallen ge.TheF avo uriteType:D ram aRun n in gTim e:12 0m in.ReleaseD ate:No vem ber2 3,2 018(Un itedStates)Curren tran k:D irecto r:Yo rgo sLan thim o sActo rs:E m m aSto n e,RachelWeiszIn theearlyl8 thcen tury,withB ritain an dF ran ceatwar,afragileQueen An n eo ccupiesthethron easherclo sefrien dLadySarahChurchillgo vern stheco un tryin herstead,whileten din gto An n e,si1Ihealthan dchan geabletem per.G reen B o o kType:D ram aRun n in gTim e:13 0m in.ReleaseD ate:No vem berl6,2 018(Un itedStates)Curren tran k:D irecto r:PeterF arrellyActo rs:Viggo Mo rten sen,MahershalaAliTo n yLip,an un educatedItalian-Am erican who,skn o wn fo rusin ghisfiststo gethisway,ishiredto drivewo rId-class,fam o uspian istD o n Shirleyo n aco n certto urfro m Midwestto theD eepSo uth.Theym ustrelyo nz,TheNegro Mo to ristG reen B o o kz/to guidethem to thefewsettlem en tsthatwerethen safefo rblacks.AStarlsB o rnType:MusicalRun in gTim e:13 5 m in.ReleaseD ate:0cto ber5,2 018(Un itedStates)Curren tran k:D irecto r:B radleyCo o perActo rs:B radleyCo o per,LadyG agaWhen co un trym usicstarJackso n Main esto psatabarfo radrin kafteraco n cert,he sbo then tertain edan dattractedbyyo un gn ightclubsin gerAlly.Hedisco versthatshewritesso n gsaswellasbeingatalen tedsin ger,buthasn,thadabreakbecauseo fherlo o k.1.Whichfilm istheMOSTpo pularam o n gaudien ce?A.B lackPan ther.B.TheF avo urite.C.G reen B o o k.D.AStarlsB o rn.2.Thef iIm abo uttherightso fblackpeo plebelo n gsto.A.adven ture B.m usical C.dram a D.co m edy3.Who wo rksasadirecto ran dacto r?A.Ryan Co o gler.B.Yo rgo sLan thim o s.C.PeterF arrelly.D.B radleyCo o per.BThewo rld,selderlypo pulatio n isin creasin g.Then um bero fo lderpeo ple-tho seage6 0yearso ro lder-isexpectedto do ubleby2 05 0an disgro win gfasterthan allyo un geragegro upsacro sstheglo be.Thatco m eswithan in creasin gn eedfo rcaregiverswhichcan pro vide2 4-ho urcare,n o to n lyathospitalso rn ursin gho m es,butalso atprivateho m es.Already,caregivin gro bo tsarepro gram m edto askquestio n san ursewo u1daskan dcan keepan eyeo n patien tsfo rfalIs.Thesero bo ticassistan tsareexpectedto beco m ein creasin glym arketablean dreach4 5 0,000by2 04 5 becauseo ftheexpectedcaregiversho rtagein theUSA.“Un luckily,thehardstructureo fpresen tcaregivin gro bo tspreven tsthem fro m asafehum an-ro bo tin teractio n(互动),1im itin gtheirassistan ceto o n lyso cialin teractio n an dn o tphysicalin teractio n,/zsaidRam sesMartin ez,an assistan tpro fesso rin Purdue,sCo llegeo fE n gin eerin g.Afterall,wo uldyo uleavebabieso ro ldpeo plein thehan dso faro bo t?,zRecen tadvan cesin m aterialscien cehaveen abledthepro ductio n o fso ftro bo tswithdefo rm able(可变形的)bo dieso rtheabilityto reshapewhen to uched,butto daytheco m plex(复 杂的)design preven tstheuseo fthistechn o lo gyatho m e.Ho wever,Martin ezan do therresearchershavedevelo pedan ewdesign m etho dwhichsho wspro m isein en ablin gthepro ductio n o fso ftro bo tsusin ga3 D prin ter.Z/Theso ftm achin esm o velikehum an s.Theirabilityto chan getheirbo dystructurean dm o vem en tto adapt(适应)to awidevarietyo fen viro n m en tswillim pro vecaregivin ggreatly,saysMartin ez.Theresearchersarelo o kin gfo rpartn ersto testan dbrin gtheirtechn o lo gyto m arket.4.Whatdo estheun derlin edwo rd/zThatz,in Paragraphlreferto?A.Theyo un geragegro up B.Thegro upo fo lderpeo pleC.Thepo pulatio n acro sstheglo be D.Thegro wtho ftheelderlypo pulatio n5.Whatisthedisadvan tageo fthepresen tcaregivin gro bo ts?A.Theycan,tpro videsafephysicalin teractio nB.TheycanJ tco m m un icatewi thpat i en t sC.Theycan,twatchpatien tsfo rfallsD.Theycan tpro v i de2 4-ho urcare.6.Whatdo wekn o wabo utMart in ez,sn ewdesign m etho d?A.Itrequiresaspecialkin do f3 D prin ter.B.Itm akesthepro ductio n o fso ftro bo tssim pler.C.Ithasbeen puto n to them arket.D.Itishardfo rusersto m aster.7.Whatisthetextm ain lyabo ut?A.Thero bo tin dustryin thefutureB.E f fectso fpo pu1at io n age i n gC.Ro bo tsfo rtheelderlycreatedwith3 D prin tersD.Thedevelo pm en to fcaregivin gro bo tsCAcco rdin gto so m eresearchers,yo usho uldn o tpraisechildren fo reverythin gthattheydo.Itdo esn o thelpthem buiIdself-co n fiden ce.Mo stparen tsan dteachersagreethatpraisecan helpin creasechildren,sself-co n fiden cethem o re,thebetter.Ho wever,acco rdin gto so m eresearchers,o n lypro perpraiseisgo o dfo rchildren.Ifadultspraiseeverythin gchiIdren do,itm akeschiIdren lo o kfo rpraiseal1thetim e,n o ttryin gto do theirbest.Teacherssho uldn o tsaythin gsl ikeego o djo b*o r,n icewo rk,when everachiIddo esan ythin g.Theysho ulden co uragethem to co n tin ueto im pro ve,so m eresearchersadvise.An o therideaisthatchildren withhighself-co n fiden cearehappier,an ddo betteratscho o l.Abo utthis,MarshalID uke,aresearcherin chiIdren,says,zzHighself-co n fiden cebro ughtin byto o m uchpraisedo esn o tm akechiIdren happier,getm o re,o rbeco m eableto do m o re.F in din gachild,sadvan tagesan ddevelo pin gthem can helpbuildco n fiden cem o rethan to o m uchpraisecan./zPraisealso lo sesitseffectifitisgiven equallyto allstuden ts.sim po rtan tto tellchildren thetruthabo utwhatthey,vedo n e.Ho n estfeedbackisfarbetterthan em ptypraise,/zD ukeadds.,zPeo plehavego tin to thehabito fn o ttellin gchildren when they,rewro n g.Thatm akesithardfo rthem to dealwithdiff icu11ieswhen theygro wup.That*sjustho wthewo rldis.8.Acco rdin gto so m eresearchers,ifparen tspraisetheirchiIdren to o m uch,theirchi1dren will_A.beco m estro n g B.in creaseself-co n fiden ceC.do betterin theirstudies D.always1o o kfo rpraise9.I n o rderto helpchiIdren buiIdself-co n f iden ce,so m eresearchersadviseteachersto.A.m akethem livem o rehappily B.letthem do m o redifficultwo rkC.en co uragethem to im pro ve D.helpthem do betterin scho o l10.Whicho fthefo llo win gisTRUE,acco rdin gto thepassage?A.Praisem akeschiIdren beco m esuccessful.B.Thesam epraisefo ralIchiIdren hasn o m ean in g.C.Children do n,tkn o whatthey,rereallygo o dat.D.D ukethin kspraiseism o reim po rtan tthan fin din gchildren,sstren gths.11.Whatisthelastparagraphabo ut?A.Whatchildren withhighself-co n fiden cearelike.B.It sim po rtan tto havethehabito fpraisin gchildren.C.Children sho uldkn o wtheirm istakesasso o n aspo ssible.D.Wesho uldpraisechildren ho n estlyan dtellthem theirm istakes.DLego isco n siderin gabrickren talschem ein an attem ptto cutdo wn o n plasticwaste.TheD an ishto ym akerhaspro m isedto m akeallitsbricksfro m sustain able(可 持 续的)so urcesby2 03 0an dissearchin gsign ifican treso urcesin to fin din galtern atives.Tim B ro o ks,vice-presiden trespo n siblefo rsustain ability,saidtheco m pan ywasto tallyo pen totheideao fapro ductren talschem ebutackn o wledgedthatlo stpiecesco uldbeasign ifican tpro blem.Hesaidtheren talschem ewaspo ssiblebutadm ittedtherewereso m etechn icalbarriers,o n eo fwhichistheco m p1exi tyo fso m eLego sets,m an yo fwhichco n tain tho usan dso fpieces.Whatarethechan ceso fgivin gthem to an eight-year-o ldchildan dgettin gthem allbackagain?z,Mr.B ro o ksadded.Lego hasco m eun derin creasin gpressureto reduceitscarbo n fo o tprin twithgro win gin tern atio n alalarm abo uttheim pacto fplasticwasteo n theen viro n m en t.Lego repo rtedlygiveso ffaro un dam iIlio nto n so fcarbo n dio xideeachyear,withabo utthree-quartersco m in gfro m rawm aterialsthatgo in to facto ries.Itpro ducesl9 billio n piecesperyear-3 6 000am in utethatarem adeo fplastican dm ucho fthein n erpackagin gisalso plastic.So far,theo n lybreakthro ughhasbeen thedevelo pm en to falin eo fbricksm aclefro m plan t-basedplasti cso urcedf ro m sugarcan e(甘蔗).Thegreen trees,plan tsan dflo werswerefirstin cludedin Lego setslatelastyearbutacco un tforo n lyo n e-two percen to ftheto talam o un to fplasticelem en tspro duced.Hen rikOstergaardNielso n,apro ductio n adm in istrato rin Lego,sfacto ry,to ldtheNewYo rkTim eslastyearWen eedto learn again ho wto do this.z,Theco m pan yhasin vested(投资)m o rethan 100000000an dhiredl00peo pleto researchn o n-plasticaltern atives.Itisaim in gto keepallo fitspackagin greusableby2 02 5.12.Whatistheaim o fLego,sbrickren taiplan?A.To cutdo wn o n theirco st.B.To reduceplasticwaste.C.To seekaltern ativereso urces.D.To dealwithtechn icalbarriers.13.WhatisTim B ro o ks,attitudeto wardstheto yren talschem e?A.Negative.B.Co n fiden t.C.Am biguo us.D.Objective.14.Whatm etho disusedin thelastthreeparagraphs?A.Listin gdata.B.Makin gco m pariso n s.C.G ivin gexam ples.D.D escribin gfacts.15.Whatcan wekn o wfro m thelastparagraph?A.Lego willn o tm aken ewpro ductsafter2 02 5.B.Lego hasalreadybo ughtn o n-plasticaltern atives.C.Lego ism akin geffo rtsfo reco-frien dlypro ducts.D.Lego sgreen techn o lo gyisrelativelybackward.第 二 节(共 5小题;每小题2.5 分,满 分 12.5分)阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。F o rm an yfreshm en,thiswillreallybetheirfirsttim ehan dlin gm o n eyo n theiro wn.Theywillhavedifficultyhan dlin gbudgets.Hereareso m eusefultipsfo rthem.Keeptracko fperso n alf in an ces.Co llegeistheagefo ro n eto startbein gsm artwiththeirm o n eyan dkn o who wto pro perlyin vest,saveup,an dpayo fftheirdebts.16 Thisisho wyo ubeco m etru1yin depen den t.Actually,in thiscase,therearen o walo to fco n ven ien tAPPso n yo ursm artpho n esthatcan giveyo uarealtim eim ageo fyo urm on eyan dspen din g.Creditisim po rtan t,so useitrespo n sibly.B uiIdin gcreditisim po rtan t,an dso iso pen in gyo urfirstcreditcard.D urin gyo urfirstfewweekso ncam pus,yo uwilllikelybebo m bedwithcreditcardbo o thsan dsalespeo ple.17 Then lo o kfo racardwithn o an n ualfee,go o drewards,an do fco urse-areaso n ablein terestrate.18 _Theeasiestwayto startisto saveallyo urco in san dchan geseveryweekin to asavin gsacco un twithn o ATMcard.Thisseem in glyin sign ifican tam o un taddsupo vertim ean dstartsthehabito fsavin g.G etajo b,butaflexibleo n e.G ettin gajo bin co llegeispractical,becauseyo ucan earn spen din gm o n eyan deven saveso m eto payfo rbo o ksan dsupplies,an deven payo ffstuden tlo an s(贷款).19 So m eo fthem havelim itedin teractio n so rrespo n sibilities.Thesetypeso fwo rkal1o wyo uto m akem o n eyan df in i shyo urscho o lin g.Netwo rkfo ryo urfuturecause.No m o n eyitem co uldbem o reim po rtan tthan yo urn etwo rk,becausethequickestwayto secureajo bisallabo utwho yo ukn o w,an dn o tto tallydepen den to n yo urG PA.2 0A.Learn to startsavin galittleeachm o n th.B.Therearem an yo n-cam pusjo bso utthere.C.B utyo urjo bcan havean im pacto n yo urstudy.D.Open an acco un twitho utdelaywhen reco m m en ded.E.Askthesalespeo pleto explain detailedpo in tsto yo u.F.Thefirststepisto startkeepin gacco un tsfo ryo urself.G.Thisco uldbrin gm o reben efitsthan o pen in gupacreditcard.第二部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分3 0分)第 一 节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满 分 15 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Iheardan o ldm an sayin gto then ursethathewasin ahurryfo ran appo in tm en tatlO:00.Then ursehadhim takea 2 1 in thewaitin garea,2 2 him itwo uldbeatleast3 5 n iin utes.Isawhim 2 3 hiswatchan ddecided,sin celwasn o tbusy一m ypatien tdidn,t 2 4 attheappo in tedho ur,Iwo u1dexam in ehiswo un d.Whi1etakin gcareo fhiswo un d,Iaskedhim ifhehadan o therdo cto r,sappo in tm en t.Thegen tlem an saidn o an dto ldm ethathe 25 to go to then ursin gho m eto eatbreakfastwithhis_2 6 Shehadaspecialdisease.Taskedifshewo uldbe 2 7 ifhewasabi tlate.Herepliedthatshen o lo n gerkn ewho hewas,thatshehadn o tbeen ableto 2 8 him fo rfiveyearsn o w.Iwas 2 9 ,an daskedhim,An dyo ustillgo everym o rn in g?Hesm iledan dsaid,/zShedo esn,tkn o wm e,butlkn o who sheis.z/1 hadto ho 1 dback 3 0 asheleft.No wI 3 1 thatin m arriages,truelo veis 3 2 o fallthatis.Thehappiestpeo pledo n,t 3 3_havethebesto feverythin g;theyjust 3 4 thebesto feverythin gtheyhave.3 5 isn tabo utho wto livethro ughthesto rm,butho wto dan cein therain.2 1.A.seatB.testC.breathD.break2 2.A.persuadin gB.tellin gC.declarin gD.pro m isin g2 3.A.takin go ffB.fixin gC.win din gD.lo o kin gat2 4.A.sho wo ffB.turn upC.co m eo nD.go away2 5.A.fo rgo tB.n eededC.agreedD.happen ed2 6.A.daughterB.wifeC.m o therD.sister2 7.A.lo n elyB.wo rriedC.scaredD.hun gry2 8.A.an swerB.reco gn iseC.believeD.en vy2 9.A.m o vedB.disappo in tedC.surprisedD.satisfied3 0.A.tearsB.curio sityC.en co uragem en tD.judgm en t3 1.A.realiseB.suggestC.ho peD.pro ve3 2.A.agreem en tB.expressio nC.acceptan ceD.exhibitio n3 3.A.n ecessarilyB.co m pletelyC.n aturallyD.frequen tly3 4.A.learnB.tryC.favo rD.m ake3 5.A.D iseaseB.LifeC.TrustD.D ign ity第 二 节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满 分15分)在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Chin a sco llegeen tran ceexam in atio n,kn o wn 3 6 gao kao,hasbeen them o st3 7 (com pete)testfo rChin esestuden ts.Ho wever,itwaseven m o relife-chan gin gfo ryo uthm o rethan 4 0yearsago in l9 7 7.Thatyear,Chin aresum ed(恢复)thisexam aftertheten-year-lo n gculturalrevo lutio n,z,Xin huaNewsAgen cyrepo rted.Mo rethan 5.7 m i11io n Chin esepeo ple3 8(age)fro m l5 to 3 6 to o kpartin theexam thatyear,acco rdin gto CRI.Theyin cludedhighscho o l3 9(graduate),farm ersan dfacto r)rwo rkers.G ao kao chan gedtheliveso fm an y4 0 wen to n to achievegreatn essin differen tfields.Late41(n o vel)Wan gXiao bo an dfam o usdirecto rZ han gYim o uto o kpartin theexam aro un dthattim e.Theythen 4 2 (en ter)un iversitiesan dm adetheirm ark.Sin cethen,withtheeducatio n system n o rm alized,g a ok a o43(d e v e l op),an do pen edupChin a seducatio n in an um bero fways.No w,o ver4 0yearslater,thefierce(激 烈的)butfairco m petitio n stillplaysan im po rtan tro lein 4 4(help)studen tsfro m po o r,rura l a r e a s t o c h a n g e 4 5(t h e y)l i v e s,acco rdin gto Xin hua.第三部分写作(共两节,满分3 5分)第 一 节(满 分15分)假定你是李华,你校将于4 月 18 日上午9:00开设有关中国戏剧的线上专家讲座。请你给交换生Jack写一封邮件,邀请他到你家一起观看,共同感受中国传统文化。注意:1.词数8 0左右;2 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dea r ja ck,Yo ur s,Li Hua第 二 节(满分2 5 分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为1 5 0 左右。When l w a s in thes ix thgr a de,m y m iddl es cho o l ha do n eda n ceea chm o n th.Fo r o ver o n ey ea r,Ijus tw en ttotheda n ces to ta l k w ithm y fr ien ds,o cca s io n a l l y l o o k in ga cr o s s ther o o m a tthegir l s s ta n din ga s fa r aw a y a s p o s s ib l e.Ther ew a s n o da n cin g.Al l o ftha tcha n gedfo r m edur in gthefir s tda n ceo fthes even thgr a de.Tha tda n ceb ega n in thetr a ditio n a l fa s hio n.Wedr o p p edo ffo ur b a ck p a ck s in thel o ck er r o o m s a n dthenw en to u


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