2021最新的小升初英语作文预测:环境保护保护环境,人人有责,现在,环境遭到了恶劣的破坏,因此,我懂得了保 护环境。Protect environment, everyone, now, the destruction of environment has been bad, therefore, I know Protect environment.在生活中,仍有很多人在乱砍伐树木,有一本书上写着这样一个故事:有 几个人在砍树,半天就砍完一片森林,旁边有一个人,半天连一棵树都没栽 下。要知道,环境对于人类来说是多么重要啊!我们破坏了环境,可是遭到报应 的还是自己,仔细想想,多么不应该呀!In life, there are still a lot of people in the indiscriminate felling of trees, a book is written in such a story: a few people in the trees, half cut down a forest, next to a person for a long time, even a tree not planted. You know, how important is for human beings! We destroy the environment, but retribution or their own, think about it, how should not ah!虽然,政府对排污方面进行了制止,可是,还有些公司还在排污,我看到 电视里的新闻:有一家公司把泥浆顺着一条蓝色的管子排放到一条小溪中来, 使当地居民抱怨不已。Although, the government stopped the sewage, but also some companies still, sewage, I saw the news on TV: there is a company in the mud along a blue tube discharged into a stream, so that local residents complained.想一想,我们破坏了环境,使全球天气变暖,海水在几十年或者几百年后 就要把我们淹了,这都是我们造的孽呀!所以,请伸出我们的双手,尽自己最大 的努力去挽回吧!Think, we destroy the environment, so that the global warming, the sea in a few decades or hundreds of years to we covered, this is our own doing! So, please stretch out our hands, try my best to recover!