2023年中考英语热点话题预测满分12篇作文范文1人物事迹一航天员邓清明2022年工1月2g日,中国航天员邓清明成为神舟十五号航 天员乘组成员。他坚持不懈地追求自己太空梦想的故事感动了 很多人。你校校报正组织以"Tkc kCK。,八WLj人04匕t"为题目 的英语征文活动请根据以下提示介绍邓清明的事迹并分享你 对他的钦佩之情。 1966年3月16 11出生于江西省的一个农民家庭: 学习勤奋.1984年6月入伍,成为名行员*经历与成就八 1998年1月入选中国苜批航天员: 2022年II 成为神舟十九号航天员乘组成员为此他准备了近25年.终例太空较你的感受 要求:工,短文须包含所有提示信息,可适当发挥;2.语言表达准 确,语义连贯、通顺;3.词数工。左右。参考词汇: crewfor the She八zh。” 一25 vu'ssi。八一名神舟十五号任务的机组成员;devote all oie's efforts全 力以赴参考范文:The Mero m hcaHDcng QSgMSg is the her。mhal/ kc4Ht.Dc八g QSgMSg was bom in afamily in Cki八's Jiangxi Province。八 Marek 工&)easier. The Baihcta八 hydropower station ks been completed.China's first large owewade jet airliner, the Cq工q)has take八 off Sbtccessfodlg.At the saw<e twc, the goveriieit iakes cvcirg effort to protectthe cinvir。八kac八t.Tkc air k4s become fresher aid the water cleaMr. Thanks to the reform 4八d opc八ihg一“p” our life become better aid we are lavig a brighter futarc.8志愿服务一杭州亚运会志愿者杭州 2022 年亚运会(Tkc 工Qth As/%八 Gaines H”八gzh。” 2022)将于2023年夕月23日至20月8日举行。假如你 是李华,你想成为杭州亚运会的志愿者。请根据以下内容提示, 用英语给组委员写一篇自荐信。内容提示二.个人信息;2.你自身的优势;3.你为此所要做的准 备;4要求:工.短文须包含所有提示信息,可适当发挥;2.语言表达准 确,语义连贯、通顺产.词数L9O左右(开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数)。参考范文:Dear SiMadaMkave kca that somevoliAiteers are waited m the 工Qth Asi八 Games八gzkoa 2022./ wait to be a meifeer of the volunteers. Let introduce 14Agsc/£ a girl Kiaied Li4八d Vwa middle school stixdeit m H八gzk。”. Iwas borii iv February, 2OOQ.First of a, I've beei leariniig English for iaiy yearsSo I cav express 14Agsc/f i八 English clearly. Besides 1 love sports aid I also do well in sports. I prefer this Id八4 of job aid cxpckic八cc.Fi八aUgJ'M outgoiing aid good with people.li order to be av excellent voliAiteer, I plaint to leairin wore about the As。八 Gaines, so that I cav do a good job tkc八/iaa sure I aw the irigkt person goix are looking forJzm looking forward to your replyfYobtrsLi Hua q传统文化一中国”年”的传说 2023年农历春节临近,全国多地不再全面禁放烟花爆竹。假如你是李华,请根据以下提示,给你的外国好友丁。小介绍中 国“年”的传说以及燃放爆竹习俗的由来。内容提示口尸年''生活在深山里,每隔36S天便来到村庄里吃人;2. 一位老人来到村庄,让人们燃放鞭炮驱赶"年七3,当"年" 来到村庄时,人们点燃鞭炮把"年”吓跑了;4.从此之后,人们 便在春节时燃放鞭炮。要求.短文须包含所有提示信息,可适当发挥;2.语言表达准 备,语义连贯、通顺;3.词数工左右(开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数)。参考词汇:light firecrackers放鞭炮;legend传说 参考范文:Pear Toi.How are you? Chinese people call thcSpSg Festival "Nia八'LBbtt do go” know that Niai is the 八4HAC of a ha。八stcr? NSa lived in the woutais aind C4HAC to the village aid ate people evesg 36S dags.。八。dayav old 14Ah came to the village avd told people to light firecrackers to iake Nia八 go away.OM cold 八igkt, Nia weit to the village agaii. When it opcMci its bigpeople lightedfirecrackersiade loud noises cvcrg wkere. Nia八 was reallcj afraid aid rait away.After that, people light firecrackers to celebrate the Spring FcstivaLThis is the legend of Nia八.ls it interesting? D。 you have八g interesting stories? Please tell me.Best wishes!丫。Li Huato饮食健康"电子榨菜最近“电子榨菜(digital pickled vegetables)”成为网络流 行语,引发了人们的关注。请根据以下提示写一篇英语短文, 给某中学生英文报"健康”栏目投稿。电子忡菜定义现象人们在吃饭时现衣的现棘.这吨在Wf更他们的代物更“美味”中国许冬“抬人喜欢在吃饭时改行影视朋或蚓视检. 和*人交旗“电子/1r让人们住不知不觉中吃更名的食物要求:1 ,短文须包含所有提示信息,可适当发挥;2.语言表达准 确,语义连贯、通顺产.数工。左右(开头已给出,不计入总 词数)。参考词汇:pickle榨菜;be focused。八专注于参考范文:Digital pickled vcgctab(esRcccnt(g)a mw kiid of pickle is bcSg discusseddigital pickled vegetables.It refers to the videos people watek while eating.TMese videos iake tkeir food iore Hdelicio(ASu.Instead of cowwiAvcatvQ with their friends aid families, 八g goiAg people m Chi八 love watcliig TV shows or short videos during abelieve that the" food is tastier with the "digital pickled vegetables”. This eating habit has a bad iinflueMe。八 their diet. It caw tkci/vt eat woe food"八k八。wi八g/g, wkick is bad. for their health.Ii ag opi八i。八,we should be focused。八 our wheals. It's iiportait to have a good eating habit.11体育运动一一卡塔尔世界杯的“中国元素”第22届国际足联世界杯于2022年工工月2。日至22月 X8日在卡塔尔举行。假如你是李华,请你根据以下提示,写 一篇英语演讲稿,在学校英语论坛上介绍卡塔尔世界杯随处可 见的"中国元素”,并发表自己的感想。内容提示:工.卡塔尔世界杯的主场馆卢塞尔体育场由中国承 建;2.来自中国的r500多辆公共汽车行驶在卡塔尔街头;3. 为游客和球迷提供的2万多个集装箱房主要来自中国广东和 浙江的企业4.从国旗到足球、运动服和许多其他产品都是由浙 江中部的县级城市义乌制造的;5.你的感想 参考范文:Per f-icAdsaw Li Hua aind I love football. As gon know, the Wokld Cup 2022 ws he以m Qatar aiad C kMcsc c/cmc八ts were see八 all over the place at Qatar World Cup 2022.StadiiAW, which he以 the W orld Cup filialwas built bg Ckiia. More thai l5OO buses frohA Chi八 were running m the streets of Qa tar. Ckihesc coipaiies iaiily from Gu八gd。八g aid Zhejiang provinces provided kaokc tkai 0,000 coit aiMr houses for the World Cup. Wkt's froi iatioial flags to footballs, sports clothes八d八gotMer products were iade m Yiw” a coiAity-level ci tg, which is i八 theiddle of Zhejia八g.As a CkiMse st udeit, I aw very proud that s。iaiy products wad e in Cki八 kave bee八 used at the World Cup 2022!丁 /iatzs all. Thank go.12社会时尚“数字人民币”红包2023兔年春节期间,发红包这一中国传统习俗正式成为数字 人民币的应用场景之一。某英语报举行以"数字人民币支付新 风尚''为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请根据以下提示,以 "A special gift”为题目,写一篇英语短文并投稿。内容提示二.在中国,父母春节给孩子红包是一种传统;2.今年 春节,父母给你准备了一个有着漂亮封面的数字人民币红包, 父母用手机发送礼物很容易;3.你的感受要求:1 .短文须包含所有提示信息,可适当发挥;2.语言表达准 确,语义连贯、通顺;3.词数200左右。参考词汇:Kcd packet红包;emvc/叩信封;digit。/ fiat curreMy数字法定货币w法仇(。/虚拟的 参考范文:A special giftDixsing the Spring Festival oir the start of the Ckihesc New Year, its a tradition for parents to give a ired packet to their ck"drc八 m Cki八,。八 the first dag of the Year of the Rabbit, 14Ag parents prepared a red packet of digital fiat cuirreMcj for me instead of putting m。八eg m a red envelop. It was easy for tkchA to send the gift to me with a mobile ph。八e. The virtual ired packet of20。八 which had a beautiful cover was interesting enough to draw 14Ag atteitioi. I loved it very i/wack acL felt so happg. VJat a special gift I received!工q&&As a hard-working stixdc八t, Deng joi八cd the Army in J"八。2夕84 aid started tiraiiiig 4s a pilot. 伉 January, tqqgQc八g was chose八 as。八c of the co(Aitryfs first group of astroauts. And ,八 November, 2022 he became a crew kacmSch for theShe八zk。”-25 iissioin.Finally, kc achieved his space dreai after about 25 gears of preparation.I trulij admire Deng QSgMing for his great spirit of devoting all his efforts to his space dreai. I will leari froM k/'i4A to keep。八 七可叫八d Mver lose icj leart 八。matter wk4t I face.2文学艺术一科幻小说读书热2023年1月15日,电视剧三体开播火上热搜。请你根 据以下提示写一篇英语短文给校园英语报投稿介绍电视剧 三体在你校学生中引发的读书热。内容提示:/.电视剧三体改编自中国著名作家刘慈欣的科幻 小说三体2.最近该剧很受你校学生欢迎,并激发了他们阅 读该原著的兴趣乃.你对阅读三体等文学作品的看法要求:L短文版包含所有提示信息.可适当发痒;2.谙M表达淮编.语义连.通;3,司数100左右(开头已传出.不计入总司数)A V 词江:The Three-Rthlv TV series 电视到三体;adaptThe Three-Both TV senes was adapted from the novel The Thrv+Rody Problem.参考范文:The Three-Bodg TV series was adapted froi the isovel The Tkrcc-Bodg Problem, wkick is written bg Liu Cixia wc一k八ow八 Cki八ese writer. Recc八t(g, the seriesbee八 popular with八g students m ourschool.Aid it HAkcs tMem become interested m reading the isovel The Three -Body Problem.I thiik reading the books like The Three-Body Problem is good fors students. If we spend 14Aost of our spare tiie rcdihgwe will be able to develop a good reading habit. T/aere is so muc/i knowledge aid so 想八g interesting 加八gs m books. We cav eijoy the happiness tkat books hiring to us at the tiieJ hope all of goa cai ei/yjog reading. Let's take action together now!3旅游参观一倡导文明旅游2023年工月25日下午,两名游客在三星堆博物馆内发生 肢体冲突,导致文物在展柜内滑落倒伏,该事件引起广泛关注。 请你写一篇英语日记,就此事发表自己的看法,并提出文明旅 游的倡议。要求:1.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2.语言表达准确,语 义连贯、通顺;3.词数r00左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 参考词汇:c”/仇(匕/ relic文物;滑动;文明的 Jaiuarcj25)2。23Wed八 参考范文:Jaiuarc/25/2。23 WedesdagTodag 14Ag parents took to visit the Sanxi八gdui Museuwv. There happened a bad thSg m the afteriooitwo tourists fought with each other,wlich wade a cultural relic slip aid fall dowi.Nowadays kvore aid more people spend the" tii/vxc traveling. Behaving well is becoiiig i4Aore wportavt for us iin public.For example, we以 better keep our voice down. Do八比 pick flowers. Do"t throw kubbish Mere aid there.And we skoix/d iot take photos if we are vot allowed to do so. VJlat we should do is to take good care, of public 加八gs.AU m aW, let's be a civilized tourist aid travel politely.4自然生态一生物多样性为响应生物多样性公约缔约方大会第十五次会议号召,某 中学生英语报进行了以"生态文明洪建地球生命共同体”为主 题的征文活动。请你根据以下提示,写一篇英语短文并投稿。生物多样性工.许多动物在地球上消失了2.举例说明保持自然平衡的重要性,如老鼠破坏庄稼,鹰吃 老鼠。3.发出你的倡议要求:1.短文须包含所有提示信息,可适当发挥;2.语言表达准 确,语义连贯、通顺;3.词数20。左右。参考词汇:source来源以cst-og破坏;毁灭;the balance of iature自然平衡;hawk鹰;Mbdtip(g繁殖参考范文:Now wavtj kMds of aviwals, kave disappeared from Earth. It's really a big problem. Why should people care abouttkat? Because we Med aiaiials. They areiore亡人八 just a source of food.Evckg animal has its place,八 th。balaince of mature. DcstkogMg om kiid cav cause八g problems.For exaiple when farmerskilled large八"KAbcrs of hawkstheir crops were destroyed bg wice. Wkg? Because hawks eat wice.With八。hawks to keep down the"八the iice Multiplied quick®. Luckily, somc people are working to help save 4八讪/s.Evcrgonc sko/d platj av active role in protecting aiiials. Let's wake。"匕 Earth a lowe for all living things.S绿色消费一以竹代塑2022年22月7日,第二届世界竹藤大会在北京开幕,“以 竹代塑”倡议受到关注。假如你是李华,请根据以下提示,给 你的南非笔友Tom写一封信,谈谈你对竹子的认识和你的倡 议。形状 竹子又在又引L “长K的叶f1用途可用于生产林r.吸管.纸张和根广等介州竹孑“可以同收环保A能防止水上海失发出例议以竹代费要求:1 .短文须包含所有提示信息,可适当发挥;2.语言表达准 确,语义连贯、通顺;3.词数200左右(开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数)。参考词汇:soil土壤;StMW吸管; decompose(使)分解 参考范文:ToMjHow's it going? The second Wor7d Global Bamboo aid Rattan Congress was held M Bcjihg,FrohA it wc know that bamboo is a potential plastic substitute.But do g。” know about bawboo?3awboo grows up straight aid thin aid Mas ovqleaves.lt looks like a but it is really a kind of grass.Bamboo cav fee “scd to produce cups, strawspaper chopsticks avd侬八g otMer things. B4Mb。 cav be recLjded.lt c八 also decompose. Wkt's iorejplaKitiig bamboo cav stop soil fn? 14A nx八八i八g off. So bamboo is iaaucM mohc friendly to our cinvi/。八八t 八 plastic, which causes pollution easilyJi my opinion, eveiryoie should play a great role m using iore bamboo instead of plastic. Do you agree with mePYour frieidLi Hua6卫生防护一新冠疫情后的生活变化2023年1月,中国新冠疫情防控政策做了重大调整后,人 们的生活逐渐恢复了正常。假如你是李华,请根据以下提示, 给你的美国笔友丁。小 写一封信,告诉他你的生活变化。|生活变化I开始外出聚餐和旅行更加关注9体健康保持峨【I尊的习惯你的学习情况要求.短文须包含所有提示信息,可适当发挥;2.语言表达准 确,语义连贯、通顺;3.词数L9O左右(开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数)。参考范文:De4K Toi.How are you? Let me tell ljoia kow oixr/iVes change after our couitry wacLe av adjustieit of the paideiic preveitioi aid control policy.Now we lave a cowwov life like three gears ago.First, iore aid mohc people go out to eat together aid travel. Second) people pag more atteitioi to tkeir health. For example, theg wash k八ds as mucM as possible. Wkt's 14A“ng people still keep the kabit of wearing a mask in public.As for stade八tswc c八 go to school from Mcmdag to Friday. Wc cav leari'h the c/qsskooiaa.A八d we study人 aid listen to our teachers carefully.After school we playsports together.What about your life now? Pleasewrite to Me s。八,丫。"rSjLi Hua7历史发展一国家新貌为庆祝中国改革开放(the reform akd opc八,八g-p) 45周年,你校英语社团拟举办以"New looks m 为题的征文活动。请你根据以下要点提示,写一篇英语短文并投稿。要求:1 ,短文须包含所有提示信息,可适当发挥;2.语言表达准 确,语义连贯、通顺;3祠数20。左右(开头已给出,不计入 总词数)。参考词汇:/匕gc jet airliner, the CQ工q大型喷气式客机 CGIG ; the八 hydropower station白鹤滩水电站 参考范文:New looks i八 Cki八Since the reform aid opcASg-btp of our coiAitry 45 years ago, Cliina has show八 mw looks to the world. First of all, our living conditions kave improved greatly. Most of us kave wovecL iito cowfostable mw houses aid bought private cars.Second, tecologtj developed quickly.As g。” know5c tcck八。/ogg 14Akcs our life