2023年月日托福通用 人的记忆力会随着岁月的消逝而衰退,写作可以弥补记忆的不足,将曾经的人生经验和感悟记录下来,也便于保存一份美妙的回忆。范文怎么写才能发挥它最大的作用呢?下面是我帮大家整理的优质范文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 12月19日托福篇一 describe an occasion where people give gifts to each other in your country.(what kind of occasion and what type of gift)? include reasons and examples tosupport your response. 2023.3.29北美 well, i d like to talk about the dragon boat festival on may 5th,on which day people would have 3 days holiday and pay each other a visiting, people would send zongzi which is a kind of desert that wrapthe rice in bamboo leaves. there are different kinds of pies wrapped inside includingdates, beans and even meat, and it is more delicious if you eat it with zongzi, another desert called green bean cake is popular as well. it issweeter and more favored by old people cause its mouth feel supple. inaddition, for memorizing the ancient great patriot qu yuan, the dragon boatrace is the most exciting sport celebrated on this festival. some people think that bicycles will still be popular in the future. othersthink that bicycles will be less popular and will be replaced by othertransportations in the future. what is your opinion and why? include reasonsand examples in you explanation. 2023.9.9北美/2023.7.15 i do believe more people would still choose bicycles over othertransportations in the future for a couple of reasons. at the first place, forthe sake of environment protection, bicycles are more eco friendly comparedwith cars or motor cycles which burn fossil fuels and release car rmore, people nowadays live a sedentary lifestyle, so more and morepeople get obesity and diabetes, riding bicycles to work or school woulddefinitely help them maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep fit. finally, buyinga bicycle is far cheaper than a car, especially for students or graduates whocould hardly afford the car. so i think bicycles would still be popular andwont be replaced by other transportations. in the reading passage, a student proposed toopen a coffee shop to the lobby of the fine art building because it isconvenient for students to buy some beverage and appreciate the artwork of theart students at the same time. the girl in the conversation agrees with thisplan. because currently students have no place to buy coffee or snacks betweenclasses, so opening a coffee shop would do some benefits for the students. alsoit will help drawing attention to the work of fine art students. so the girlthink its a good plan. according to the reading passage,subject-expectancy effect means people would be easily influenced by theprevious believes, in other words, it would work if they believe it does. in the lecture, the professor supports thistheory by giving an example. in a company, a group of office workers feelsluggish and tired under the great pressure. so the researchers let them eatvitamins for two weeks everyday and tell them that this kind of vitamins have aspecial element that can improve the energy and working efficiency. in fact,its a fake vitamin and have no special elements. but it turns out that the officeworkers felt more energetic and worked faster the man in the conversation got a problem that he borrowed his roommatescomputer to write paper, but it cracked and he had to turn in his paper thenext day. he has got two possible solutions. the first one is to find hisroommate and the second one is to go to the computer lab to rewrite the paperthe next early morning. i suggest him choose the second one cause even if hefound his roommate, its possible that he also couldnt fix it, plus its toolate to disturb him. on the other hand, if he went to the computer lab early,he could definitely finish it cause he doesnt need to rethink the content,what he has to do is only to memorize the staff he already planned. accordingto the professor, there are two kinds of symbiotic relationship between plantsand its friendly insects. the first oneis when plants are attacked by harmful insects, they would release a kind ofsignal to attract friendly insects to eat the harmful ones, thus the plants andfriendly insects would benefit mutually. the second kind is the plants feed thefriendly insects themselves to keep them living in the plants, so when theharmful insects attack plants, friendly insects could eat them immediately. s("content_relate");