2023年雅思大作文第二段实用 无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家都尝试过写作吧,借助写作也可以提高我们的语言组织实力。范文怎么写才能发挥它最大的作用呢?下面是我为大家收集的优秀范文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有须要的挚友。 雅思大作文其次段篇一 第一句:点题定义题目中的关键词,要想让考官看不出模板的痕迹,这一点尤为重要,可以用: *赞扬的口吻 *或者从所背的表正面“的词组中选择 *指责的.口吻 其次句:提出疑问: *假如题目中给出一方观点,用whether 引出,例如:whether smoking should be banned totally *假如题目中给出的事两方观点,用特别疑问句的陈述语序完成,例如(which factor can determine a nations success) 第三句:正方/一方观点 第四句:反方/另外一方观点 第五句:自己的观点 赞扬的口吻: * wearing uniforms has become an effective way to solve school problems * thanks to /at the mercy of the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology, there are rapid changes in all aspects of our everyday lives. * with the (rapid, marked, amazing, eye-catching, remarkable, fantastic) development/ progress/ growth/ advance/ improvement of economy/ society/ industry/ living standard, * while the rhythm/ pace/ tempo of peoples living is speeding up, * as living tempo/ pace quickens, * nowadays/in this day and age/, _ play/fill a vital/ leading/ educational/ indispensable/ supervisory + role/ part in * nowadays/in this day and age/, _ produce/exert/ positive/active/profound/far-reaching + effects/impacts/influences on _ 指责的口吻: * it is reported uniforms has made school life dull and monotonous * nowadays/in this day and age/, _ produce/exert/ negative/adverse/baneful + effects/impacts/influences on _ * it is common that student attend to school in uniforms * it is quite common/ it is not uncommon that * it is a striking fact that * there is growing tendency for sb to do sth * it is widely noted that * it is well aware that * it is a well-established fact that 阐述观点: * some people say/believe/deem/reckon * it is believed/held/considered/deemed/reckoned reasonably/understandably that * others/some argue/claim/maintain/challenge/take it for granted * personally/personally speaking/as i see it/from my perspective * the two factors/elements/considerations are intrinsically/basically interdependent and indispensable * the two sides are supported by well-grounded reasons * there is an element of truth in the both sides 其次段主要阐述题目中提到的支持一方的观点,这里就不一 一赘述每一句的写法了,因为每一道题的写法是不同的。这里提示考生们留意的就是像however不用多说,大家都会用,但除了however还有哪些连接词可以引用呢?这个须要考生们好好搜集好好积累了。 *on the one hand, *_ play/fill vital/crucial/leading/significant role/part in * _ have/exert/produce/impose(发挥) profound/far-reaching effects/influences/impacts on 第三段接着前面其次段的观点,阐述题目中提到的另外一方的观点,留意内容同上,考生们这两段的位置先后可以随意调整,但是提到的留意点仍须要重视! *on the other hand, * _ has been proved to be the most determinant(确定性的) factor * much adequacy can be found in 作为总结性的最终一段,考生们都了解是须要进行全文观点的一个整合概括。但是有的考生可能因为时间关系没能完成最终一段,这里建议大家哈!不管最终时间如何惊慌,不管写到了哪里,都须要抓紧最终一分钟两分钟,把最终一段写出来。可以是简洁的一两句话,也能为你争取0.5分。千万千万不要没写完就搁置在那里有头无尾地交卷了! s("content_relate");