一带一英语演讲稿(3篇) 兔兔和猫猫的小窝 the past few decades have witnessed the advancement of comprehensive national strength throughout the world. communicating with more developed countries is crucial for keeping up with the most distinctive science and technology. besides, forming allies with other economy entities allows mutual support. owing to these reasons, globalization has been accelerated. under this circumstance, the unprecedented concept of belt and road has been brought into public focus. the belt and road initiative gets inspiration from the silk road and pushes forward further development. the route connects eastern asia and europe, encircling the world with one belt, one road strategy. in my perspective, i value the cultural benefits it brings the most. the process of being unfamiliar with other cultures to showing respect and appreciation requires us to learn and to broaden horizon. take israel as an example, though underestimated in the world war ii, it has proved its strength, illustrating that there is no superiority between different cultures. the nation of jew attaches great importance to education. i once learned that jewish people apply honey on books to tell infants that knowledge is sweet. what can we chinese people learn from them? the fact that we lack talents in high-edge scientific research may lie in that we learn knowledge out of purpose instead of pure pursuit. now that the initiative puts effort in cultural improvement by communicating and learning from other countries. it indicates a giant leap in our mindset. upon reading the news of china helping kenya in the construction of railways and associating with other asian countries to set up infrastructure investment bank, we chinese citizens feel proud of our motherland. it shows the balance between cooperation with others and our own prosperity. we hand the torch down from generation to generation, only hoping to improve the world for all mankind. 【第3篇】有关一带一路建立的英语演讲稿 女士们、先生们、朋友们! 秋天是收获的季节。我们快乐地看到,“一带一路”建议提出3年来,沿线各国聚焦政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通,不断深化合作,已经取得了可喜的早期收获。越来越多的国家和国际组织参加“一带一路”建立,中国同30多个沿线国家签署了共建“一带一路”合作协议、同20多个国家开展国际产能合作,以亚投行、丝路基金为代表的金融合作不断深入,一批有影响的标志性工程逐步落地,文化、教育、科技、旅游、商务等民间往来日益亲密。可以说,“一带一路”建立从无到有、由点及面,进度和成果超出预期。现在,我们对“一带一路”看得更清楚、信念更坚决。 第一,我们对“一带一路”积存的共识越来越多。人们对任何一个新事物的熟悉,都会经受一个逐步深化的过程有关一带一路建立的英语演讲稿有关一带一路建立的英语演讲稿。中国提出“一带一路”建议,旨在同沿线各国共享中国进展机遇,支持各国共同进展。现在,“一带一路”建立已经初步完成了规划布局,正在向落地生根、精耕细作、长久进展的阶段迈进。国际社会越来越熟悉到,“一带一路”建议,顺应了世界和平与进展的时代要求,符合各国加快进展的内在愿望,有助于促进沿线经济建立和全球经济富强,有利于维护地区稳定和世界和平。这已经成为各方参加共建“一带一路”的强大动力有关一带一路 其次,我们越来越体会到丝路精神的弥足宝贵。古老的丝绸之路绵延万里、连续千年,镌刻着沿线各国人民风雨同舟、守望相助、休戚与共的不朽记忆,分散形成了“和平合作、开放包涵、互学互鉴、互利共赢”的丝路精神。3年来,我们秉持丝路精神,使沿线各国人民心手相连,推动互联互通、促进互惠互利,激发出同心干、一起建的积极性主动性制造性。实践使我们深刻熟悉到,丝路精神已经成为沿线各国共同建立“一带一路”的鲜亮指引,成为凝心聚力、携手合作的定海神针 连续推动“一带一路”建立,仍旧需要坚持和大力弘扬丝路精神