学校疫情防控模拟开学演练方案疫情防控模拟开学演练方案为全面提高学校疫情防控应急水平,进一步规范和强化新 冠肺炎疫情防控工作以及应急演练的实战效果,提高全员防控 协同能力,保障全校师生开学后的身体健康和生命安全,学校 制定了疫情防控模拟开学演练方案。一、组织机构总指挥:XXXX成员:XXXXX、XXXXX二、学生入校(包括:XXXXX)1、学生入校前,总务安排人员对校门口学生聚集区域进行消毒。(XXXXX )2、学生入校前,在学校东西两侧分别设置两队进校门, 学生持每日体温监测卡进校。学校门口设置2处测温消毒点。 每个测温消毒点安排1名教师持测温枪测量学生体温、1名教 师将学生体温登记到体温监测卡、1名教师对入校学生进行消 毒。学生佩戴好口罩,间隔1米列队,有序通过体温检测处。 体温正常、登记并消毒后方可入校。3、测温消毒教师:由东向西分别为1、2组:1组: 测温 XXXXX、登记 XXXXX、消毒 XXXXX2 组: 测温 XXXXX、登记 XXXXX、消毒 XXXXX4、演人员安排:演教师分为2组;1组站在校门口东侧,2组校门口西侧。XXX负责整理队形,指挥老师站队。1组)XXXXX、 XXXXX、XXXXX、XXXXX、 XXXXX、XXXXX、 XXXXX、XXXXX、 XXXXX2组)xxxxx、xxxxx、 xxxxx、xxxxx、xxxxx、 xxxxx、xxxxx、xxxxx、xxxxx三、进入校园(包括:xxxxx)有序进入校园,相隔1米以上,XXX分别从教学楼中间 两个门口进入教学楼,1组走东门口,2组进入西门口。四、进教室(包括:xxxxx)所有演练人员进入二年级四班教室。进入教室后,学生将 体温监测卡交给班主任,班主任将学生体温填写到晨午检记录 表上。(班 主任:xxxxx)五、上课(包括:xxxxx)1、教室内课桌拉开、单人单桌、课桌与课桌之间间隔一 米以上,开窗通风。2、演练人员分别进入教室,按顺序坐好。3、班主任提前在黑板上写好疫情防控知识讲解,做好课 件,用大屏幕播放。课件中要有疫情相关知识和六步洗手法等 内容,以此为开学第一课上课内容。(班主任:xxxxx)六、课间(包括:xxxxx)1、如厕洗手(2楼西卫生间):戴口罩、间隔一米以上 等待。 (人员安排:XXXXXXXXXX> xxxxx、xxxxx、xxxxx)2、在打水时,需要戴口罩并保持一米以上的间隔排队。 (人员安排:未提及)3.上下楼梯时,需要戴口罩并靠右行走, 保持一米以上的间隔。(全体演练教师)七:大课间(XXX)在课间活动时,所有演人员需要在教学楼北路东排成 XXX,前后左右保持一米以上的间隔做广播体操。体育老师 会带领进行课间活动。(体育老师:未提及,整理队形:未提 及)八、午餐(未提及)1、分批次进行错峰就餐。2、餐厅门口安排两名值班老师戴上值班牌进行值班。(未提及)3、就餐学生需要在餐厅门口排成两队,保持一米以上的 间隔进入餐厅。(XXX:未提及,XXX:未提及)4、在两个打饭窗口前需要保持一米以上的间隔排队打饭。 需要保证有序取餐,静无声,依次入座不打闹。(XXX:未 提及,XXX:未提及)5、就餐区域为餐厅南侧两排餐桌,每桌对角坐两人。(所有演教师)6、就餐结束后需要将餐盘冲洗干净、摆放齐整,依次有 序走出餐厅。(洗餐盘学生:未提及)7、学生离开后,食堂工作人员需要对餐具和就餐区进行 彻底消毒。(未提及)九、放学(未提及)1、学校需要错时分流放学,学生出教室门口前班主任会 在教室门口进行体温测量,体温正常的学生需要在教室前站两 队、保持一米以上的间隔、分别靠左右两侧下楼梯。(1、2 组演人员)2.放学时学生不得拥挤聚集,保持一米的间隔并戴好口罩。 (学生:1、2组演人员,护送路队:未提及)。十、校车(XXX)1、学生进入校车前,校车管理员需要对校车进行全面消 毒。(未提及)2、学生之间需要保持一米的间隔排队上车,在校车门口 进行体温测量。(学生:未提及,测温人员:未提及)H一、宿舍午休(XXX)1、进入宿舍前,需要对宿舍进行全面消毒。(未提及)2、学生进入宿舍前,在宿舍门口保持一米的间隔排队, 进行体温测量。(学生:未提及,测温人员:未提及)十二、突发事件(包靠:未提及)During class o if a student shows abnormal symptoms o XXX will first check their temperature If the temperature is indeed abnormal (above 37.3 degrees Celsius) o the student will be asked to wear a mask and wait XXX will report to the schooFs epidemic n work group and contact the parents。then guide the student with abnormal temperature to the n roomo After a 15-minute interval (during which the student will be asked about relevant n)。the school doctor will recheck the students temperature o If the temperature is normal o the student can return to class o If the temperature is still abnormal and the student has had high-risk exposure history or contact with people from high-risk areas within the past two weeks o call 120 for medical assistance o The school doctor will report to the n and Sports Bureau (contact person: xxxxx 138 xxxxx) and the Health n (contact person: xxxxx 180 xxxxx) o If there is no high-risk exposure history within the past two weeks。the homeroom teacher will be notified。and they will contact the parents to confirm the way to transport the student o If the parents can come to the school o they should immediately go to the designated hospital for n and n (contact person: xxxxx 189xxxxx at the xxxxx Central Health Center) oIf the parents cannot come in timeo the school will arrange a special XXX City for treatment o and take necessary self-XXX the process o The school doctor and the xxxxx Central Health Center will keep in touch to understand the XXX oDuring the student's treatment o the class teacher will take theXXX o n o and partial n o and conduct temperature screening for other students to ce unnecessary contact with the outside world o All outdoor activities will be suspended o and classes o meals o and dismissal times will be staggered oAfter the isolated student leaves the n roomo the General Affairs Office will disinfect the n room and the classroom where the incident occurred o as well as the students route to school o (Fever student: xxxxx Homeroom XXX: xxxxx School doctor: xxxxx n: xxxxx)Photo: xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx