【国旗下演讲】 有梦想更要有行动.docx
【国旗下演讲】有梦想,更要有行动尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们:大家早上好!今天我演讲的题目是有梦想,更要有行动。一位平凡的少年,却有一个不平凡的梦,15岁那年他写下了气势不凡的“一生 的志愿列出了 127项人生梦想:他要到尼罗河,亚马孙河探险,要走遍世界各 国;要骑大象、骆驼和鸵鸟;读完莎士比亚、柏拉图等名人著作;拥有一项发明专 利他的亲朋好友知道后,不禁嘲讽:这些梦想一个都难实现,更何况127个? 但是少年却没有受到影响,而是踏上了圆梦的漫漫征程。40多年过去,少年实现了 106个梦想:他攀登了世界上最高的十二座山脉,去过世界上几乎每个国家,研究过 二百六十个原始部落他的探险人生中总里程超过一百万英里,相当于环球四十 五次。他震惊了世界,他就是20世纪著名探险家约翰戈达德。有人曾问他:“是什 么让你实现了常人无法实现的梦想? ”他的回答很简单,“我只是沿着心灵的召唤前 进了,没有什么能阻挡。”听,鲜活的事例激励着我们追寻梦想。若说人生像是建筑房屋,那么,梦想就 是一张A3草图,设计师是你自己。如果想让你这个梦想变成现实,需要你每一笔 一画的修改,一砖一瓦的建造。有了梦想,便要付出行动,否则,只是一场笑话。立足现在,我们的梦想是考入理想的高中。这一梦想看似遥不可及,其实它的实现是靠平时一分一秒的努力。在平时,你是时间的管理者吗?你是否在为梦想中 的高中努力着?你是否做到了入室即静,入座即学呢?遇到挫折是自暴自弃还是相信自己并勇于挑战呢? 如果你像曾子一样“吾日三省吾身”,每天反省自己,你一定会离梦想更近一步。同学们,在学习的战场上,我们要不断的捡起三级头盔,高级武器来武装自 己。我们有梦想,有信心,大踏步的前进。虽然现在的我们很累,很艰辛,但等你 我年纪大了,养家糊口过日子的时侯,会发觉现在才是最好的时光。因为,世界上 最美好的事,莫过于为梦想而奋斗了!少年有梦,不应止于心动,更要付出行动,我们怀揣梦想,从这里启航!Have a dream and try to make it come trueDear teachers and schoolmates,Good morningiToday our topic isuHave a dream, and try to make it come true!Mhere is a story about dream:He , an ordinary teenager, had an unusual dream. When he was 15 years old, he wrote down the unusual 'Volunteering of a lifetime.'* He listed his 127 life dreams: He wanted to explore the Nile and the Amazon,to travel all over the world, to ride elephants, camels and ostriches. He wanted to finish reading the writings of celebrities such as Shakespeare and Plato. He also wants to have an invention patent and things like that.When his family and friends heard his dreams, they all laughed ,saying it was very difficult for him to realize any of these dreams and that It was impossible to achieve 127 dreams! But the confident teenager did not give up his dreams. He set out on the path following his dreams. More than 40 years went by, the teenager has realized 106 dreams. He has climbed up the 12 world's tallest mountains, visited almost every country in the world, studied 260 primitive tribes. His expedition covered more than a million miles, equivalent to forty-five times around the world.His achievement shocked the whole world. The teenager was John Dropout Dade, a famous explorer of the 20th century.Someone once asked him: What made you realize your dreams that ordinary people could not achieve.His answer was simple. He said/41 am just following my heart, nothing can stop me from moving forward.nListen, vivid examples inspire us to pursue our dreams. If life is like building a house, then the dream is an A3 sketch, and the designer is yourself. If you want to make your dream come true, you need to revise every painting and build brick by brick. If you have a dream, you have to take action. Otherwise, it is just a joke.Nowadays our dream is to enter a ideal high school. It seems that the dream is very hard to realize. In fact, the success depends on our daily efforts. Are you a time manager in normal times? Are you working hard for your ideal high school?Are you quiet when you enter the class-room ?Can you start learning As soon as you sit down?Are you self-abandoned ?Do you believe in yourself and dare to challenge yourself when you meet setbacks? If you DO Zengzi said,"I think about what I DO every dayH?lf your answer is 'yes!' You are surly one step closer to your dream.Dear schoolmates, learning in this excellect battlefield, we have to constantly pick up three-level helmet, high-level weapons to arm ourselves, we have dreams, confidence and great strides forward.Although we may feel very tired now, when we are old enough to support our family, we will find that this period of school life is the best time, because the best thing in the world is to fight for a dream!Teenagers have dreams, not only should the dreams be kept in our heart, but also We should work hard to achieve them! Let's try our best to make our dreams come true!Thafs all, thanks!