【国旗下演讲】 春天里让我们与诗相约.docx
【国旗下演讲】春天里,让我们与诗相约尊敬的各位领导、亲爱的老师和同学们:大家早上好!今天我们演讲的题目是春天里,让我们与诗相约。寒冬过去,又一个春天如约而至。春的气息又一次充盈在我们身边。看那"竹 外桃花三两枝"亦或是"天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无",欣赏"碧玉妆成一 树高,万条垂下绿丝绦”的蓬勃生机?口 "日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝"的色 彩纷呈。这就是令人陶醉的春。在这个诗意的春天里,让我们与诗相约!王维送别好友,写出了 "劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人"的不舍之情;文 天祥面对敌人的威逼利诱,始终坚贞不屈,留下了 "人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照 汗青”的壮烈誓词;李白看到那宏伟的庐山瀑布,不禁发出"飞流直下三千尺,疑 是银河落九天"的无限想象。中国历经五千年的风风雨雨,炼成了一首首不朽的诗 篇,这是中华民族的艺术瑰宝,是培育民族精神的沃土。而对我们来说,好的诗歌就像好的朋友,在我们无聊时,我们可以“闲敲棋子 落灯花”;在我们喜悦时,可以"漫卷诗书喜欲狂”;而在我们跌入低谷时,可以 领略"笑谈渴饮匈奴血”的豪迈气概,从而找到那东山再起的力量。好的诗歌也像 好老师,教名合我们"不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中"的人生哲理,并在潜移默 化中熏陶我们的心灵,陶冶我们的情操,使我们摆脱庸俗和低级,变得更加文明和 高雅。同学们,在春的气息里,让我们抛开烦恼,与诗相约,体会生活中的美,写下 自己心中的文字,在这个美丽的季节,去发现美,感受美,创造美。我们的演讲完毕,谢谢大家。Distinguished leaders, dear teachers and studentsGood morning. The topic of our speech today is "Let' s meet poetry in spring”Winter passed, another spring came as promised. Spring1 s breath tills us again. Look. "Beyond the bamboo grove, several peach trees are in bloom, and" The royal st reais are moistenred by a creamlike rain. Green grass can be perceived afar but rot nearby. We can also appreciate"Willows dress up us graceful beauties, wickers hang down like green ribbons and The riverside flowers are redder than fire against sunrise, the spring water1 s turning greener as blue as sapphire. This is the charming spring. In this spring. Let' s meet poetry!Zhao Shixiu expressed his solitary and indifferent elegance through the poem. "Bored, without the arrival of the invited guest, I am tapping the chess piece, waiting white wicks quietly falling/* Wen Tianxiang remained truthful and unyielding in the face of the enemies' coercion and temptation, leaving behind the poem. "A death befalls all men alike, I'll keep a loyal heart to make a name in history." When Li Bai saw the magnificent Lushan Waterfall,he could not help imagining 'It' s torrent dashes down three thousand feet from high as if the Silver River falls from the Ninth Heaven. After 5000 years of ups and downs, China has developed immortal poems. This is the treasure of the Chinese nation and the fertile ground for cultivating the national spirit. Whether it is the towering mountains or the vast rivers, once they meet poets, the mountains and rivers are able to convey joy and sorrow, as well as persistent intentions, This, is the power of poetry.For us, reading poetry can help us cultivate our sentiment, get rid of vulgarity, grow more civilized and enrich our cultural accomplishment.Schoolmates, in the breath of spring, Let' s lay aside our worries, make an appointment with poetry, appreciate the beauty of life, and write down the words from our hearts. In this beautiful season, find beauty, sense beauty and create beauty.That* s all, thank you!