动物行为学课程代码:课程名称:动物行为学英文名称:Animal Behavior学分:2开课学期:第3学期(单)授课对象:野生动物与自然保护区管理先修课程:任课教师:课程简介:动物行为学是动物行为领域的导论课,介绍动物行为研究方法,研究动物行为过程、不 同物种如何适应环境。介绍动物行为领域研究背景、主要的假说和模型。特别培养学生:1、 理解进化和自然选择对动物行为的影响。2、培养学生在科研上具有批判思考的能力。3、初 步掌握动物行为学研究的常用方法。4、培养学生对动物行为感兴趣,乐于从事动物行为学 的研究。课程考核:课程最终成绩=平时成绩*10%+期末考试成绩*60%+阶段考试30%;平时成绩由出勤率、课堂表现情况决定;期末考试采取闭卷考试。指定教材:自编教材Animal BehaviorCourse code:Course Name: Animal BehaviorCredits: 2Semester: 3rd SemesterPre repair:Course Director: Liu BingwanCourse introduction:The course is an introduction to the field of animal behavior. The primary goals of the course are to introduce different approaches to the study of how animal behave, examine how different species cope with the challenges brought on by aspects of their physical and social environments, and provide background on the major hypotheses, theories and models that have been developed to account for these behaviors. Specially, we will focus on: 1 Gaining a better understanding of evolution, and how natural selection shapes behavior 2 Developing the ability to think critically about research 3 Gaining an introduction to primary research methods in animal behavior 4 Convincing you that animal behavior is, well, pretty coolCourse Assessment:Final Score=Usual Score* 10%+Final Exam Score*60%+ Stage Examination 30%;Usual Score is determined by attendance rate and express in class;Final Exam: close-book exam.Textbook:Self-edited teaching book