生态环境部、高法院、高检 院、科技部、公安部、司法 部、财政部、自然资源部、 住房城乡建设部、水利部、 农业农村部、卫生健康委、 市场监管总局、林草局关于 印发生态环境损害赔偿管 理规定的通知(环法规(2022) 31号)各省、自治区、直辖市人民 政府,新疆生产建设兵团:生态环境损害赔偿管理 知口珞中正仝而诲口所生态环境部、高法院、高检院等关于印发生态环境损害赔偿管理规定的通知Notice by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Supreme People's Court, and the SupremePeople's Procuratorate, et al, of Issuing the Provisions on the Compensation for Ecological andEnvironmental Damage制定机关:生态环境部 最高人民法院 最高人民检察院 科学技术部 公安部司法部 财政部自然资源部 住房和城乡建设部 水利部 农业农村部国家卫生健康委员会国家市场监督管理总局国家林业和草原局 机构沿 革发文字号:环法规(2022) 31号公布日期:施行日期:效力位阶:部门规范性文件法规类别:环保综合规定Issuing authority :Instrumentalities of the State Council,All Ministries,Ministry of Ecology and Environment,Supreme People's Court,Supreme People's Procuratorate,Ministry of Science & Technology,Ministry of Public Security,Ministry of Justice,Ministry of Finance,Ministry of Natural Resources,Ministry of Housing & Urban-Rural Development,Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,All Commissions,National Health Commission,All Administrations,State Administration for Market Regulation,National Forestry and Grassland AdministrationDocument Number:No. 31 2022 of the Ministry of Ecology and EnvironmentDate issued:04-26-2022Effective date:04-26-2022Level of Authority:Departmental Regulatory DocumentsArea of Law:Environmental ProtectionNotice by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the National Health Commission, the State Administration for Market Regulation, and the National Forestry and Grassland Administration of Issuing the Provisions on the Compensation for Ecological and Environmental Damage(No. 31 2022 of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment)The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:The Provisions on the Compensation for Ecological and Pn/irnnmantal Damcmo A/hinh Hq/o haan rlnliharatorl andbeen fully covered by the supported claims.(3) The ecological and environmental damage caused by the act of environmental pollution or ecological destruction is evidently minor and no compensation is required.(4) The legal person obliged to make compensation is terminated, an unincorporated organization is dissolved, or a natural person dies without any property available for enforcement.(5) The obligor discharges pollutants based on a license in accordance with the law in compliance with the applicable provisions of the state.(6) Any other circumstance where the initiation of claim procedures is not required.After the claim procedure is initiated, the obligee and the department or institution designated by the obligee may terminate the claim procedure if they find any of the aforesaid circumstances.Article 19 After the initiation of a claim for compensation for ecological and environmental damage, the obligee and the department or institution designated by the obligee shall investigate the damage in a timely manner. The investigation shall focus on such issues as whether ecological and environmental damage exists, the scope and degree of damages, and whether there is a relatively specific obligor. Upon the completion of investigation, an investigation conclusion shall be formed and an opinion on the initiation of claim negotiation or termination of claim procedure shall be offered.When the public security authority handles a criminal case of suspicion on damaging environmental resource protection, the identification opinions, identification and assessment reports, and expert opinions, among others, issued by the relevant institutions or experts in order to ascertain the extent and facts of ecological and environmental damage may be used for the investigation of ecological and environmental damage.求已被得到支持的诉讼请 求所全部涵盖的;(三)环境污染或者生态破 坏行为造成的生态环境损 害显著轻微,且不需要赔偿 的;(四)承担赔偿义务的法人 终止、非法人组织解散或者 自然人死亡,且无财产可供 执行的;(五)赔偿义务人依法持证 排污,符合国家规定的;(六)其他可以不启动索赔 程序的情形。赔偿权利人及其指定的部 门或机构在启动索赔程序 后,发现存在以上情形之一 的,可以终止索赔程序。第十九条生态环境 损害索赔启动后,赔偿权利 人及其指定的部门或机构, 应当及时进行损害调查。调 查应当围绕生态环境损害 是否存在、受损范围、受损 程度、是否有相对明确的赔 偿义务人等问题开展。调查 结束应当形成调查结论,并 提出启动索赔磋商或者终 止索赔程序的意见。公安机关在办理涉嫌破坏 环境资源保护犯罪案件时, 为查明生态环境损害程度 和损害事实,委托相关机构 或者专家出具的鉴定意见、 鉴定评估报告、专家意见 等,可以用于生态环境损害 调查。第二十条调查期间, 赔偿权利人及其指定的部 门或机构,可以根据相关规 先丞立容仝冬住的林僭相Article 20 During the investigation, the obligee and the department or institution designated by it may, in accordance with the relevant provisions, entrust a qualified ii irlirial avnar+iea inctiti itinn fnr an/irnnmantal rlamaca nr thninstitution recommended by the competent department of the State Council, such as the departments of ecology and environment, natural resources, housing and urban-rural development, water resources, agriculture and rural affairs, and forestry and grassland, etc., to issue identification opinions or identification and assessment reports, or consult with the obligor and jointly entrust the aforesaid institution to issue identification opinions or identification and assessment reports.For a case in which the facts of damage are simple, the determination of liability is undisputed, and the damage is relatively minor, expert opinions may be issued by entrusting experts to conduct assessment, or determination may be made based on the materials, such as legal instruments and monitoring reports related to the case. Experts may be selected from the expert databases or expert committees established by governments at or above the municipal (prefecture) level and their departments, people's courts, and procuratorial organs in relevant fields. Appraisal institutions and experts shall be responsible for the assessment opinions, identification and assessment reports, and expert opinions, among others, provided by them.Article 21 The obligee and the department or institution designated by the obligee shall, within a reasonable time limit, prepare a notice on the negotiation of claim for ecological and environmental damage compensation, and serve the notice on the obligor.Where the obligor agrees to negotiate within the time limit for reply after receiving the notice for negotiation, the obligee and the department or institution designated by the obligee shall convene a negotiation meeting in a timely manner.Article 22 The obligee and the department or institution designated by the obligee shall negotiate with the obligor with respect to the specific issues, such as the remediation plan, the starting time and time limit of the remediation, and the manner and time limit for assuming the liability for compensation. Negotiation shall be conducted on the basis of identification opinions, identification and assessment reports, or expert opinions to prevent long-term negotiation and delay.害司法鉴定机构或者生态 环境、自然资源、住房和城 乡建设、水利、农业农村、 林业和草原等国务院相关 主管部门推荐的机构出具 鉴定意见或者鉴定评估报 告,也可以与赔偿义务人协 商共同委托上述机构出具 鉴定意见或者鉴定评估报 告。对损害事实简单、责任认定 无争议、损害较小的案件, 可以采用委托专家评估的 方式,出具专家意见;也可 以根据与案件相关的法律 文书、监测报告等资料,综 合作出认定。专家可以从市 地级及以上政府及其部门、 人民法院、检察机关成立的 相关领域专家库或者专家 委员会中选取。鉴定机构和 专家应当对其出具的鉴定 意见、鉴定评估报告、专家 意见等负责。第二十一条赔偿权 利人及其指定的部门或机 构应当在合理期限内制作 生态环境损害索赔磋商告 知书,并送达赔偿义务人。赔偿义务人收到磋商告知 书后在答复期限内表示同 意磋商的,赔偿权利人及其 指定的部门或机构应当及 时召开磋商会议。第二十二条赔偿权 利人及其指定的部门或机 构,应当就修复方案、修复 启动时间和期限、赔偿的责 任承担方式和期限等具体 问题与赔偿义务人进行磋 商。磋商依据鉴定意见、鉴 定评估报告或者专家意见 开展,防止久磋不决。祥商讨拜出.由白东芬孝专In tho cciirca nf nonntiatinn fi ill rknncirloratinn chall ho ni/nnto such factors as the feasibility and scientific basis of the remediation plan, cost-benefit optimization, the obligor's solvency, and the feasibility of treatment by a social third party. The negotiation process shall be lawful, open, and transparent.Article 23 Where a consensus is reached through negotiation, the obligee and the department or institution designated by the obligee shall enter into an agreement on compensation for ecological and environmental damage with the obligor.Article 24 The obligee and the department or institution designated by the obligee and the obligor may apply to the people's court with jurisdiction for judicial confirmation of the compensation agreement.If the obligor fails to perform or fails to fully perform a valid judgment or a judicially confirmed compensation agreement, the obligee and the department or institution designated by the obligee may apply to the people's court for enforcement.Article 25 Where the obligor fails to perform or fully perform the compensation agreement that has not been judicially confirmed, the obligee and the department or institution designated by the obligee may file a lawsuit with the people's court.Article 26 Where no consensus is reached upon negotiation, the obligee and the department or institution designated by the obligee shall file a lawsuit with the people's court in a timely manner.Article 27 The obligee and the department or institution designated by the obligee shall assess the effects of ecological and environmental remediation to ensure that the ecology and environment are remedied in a timely and effective manner.修复方案可行性和科学性、 成本效益优化、赔偿义务人 赔偿能力、社会第三方治理 可行性等因素。磋商过程应 当依法公开透明。第二十三条经磋商 达成一致意见的,赔偿权利 人及其指定的部门或机构, 应当与赔偿义务人签署生 态环境损害赔偿协议。第二十四条赔偿权 利人及其指定的部门或机 构和赔偿义务人,可以就赔 偿协议向有管辖权的人民 法院申请司法确认。对生效判决和经司法确认 的赔偿协议,赔偿义务人不 履行或不完全履行的,赔偿 权利人及其指定的部门或 机构可以向人民法院申请 强制执行。第二十五条对未经 司法确认的赔偿协议,赔偿 义务人不履行或者不完全 履行的,赔偿权利人及其指 定的部门或机构,可以向人 民法院提起诉讼。第二十六条磋商未 达成一致的,赔偿权利人及 其指定的部门或机构,应当 及时向人民法院提起诉讼。第二十七条赔偿权 利人及其指定的部门或机 构,应当组织对受损生态环 境修复的效果进行评估,确 保生态环境得到及时有效 修复。修复效果未达到赔偿协议 或者生效判决规定修复目 标的,赔偿权利人及其指定 的部门或机构,应当要求赔 他U组人业纯并展修管.吉Where the remediation effects fail to achieve the remediation objective specified in the compensation agreement or the valid judgment, the obligee and the department or institution designated by the obligee shall ram lira tha nhlinnr tn ccctiniia tha ramorliatinn i intil tharequirements specified in the compensation agreement or valid judgment are satisfied.Chapter IV Guarantee MechanismArticle 28 The rules for the management of institutions engaged in the identification and assessment of ecological and environmental damages shall be improved, the mechanisms for credit evaluation, supervision and punishment, and access and exit, among others, shall be improved, and the quality of identification and assessment shall be enhanced.The CPC committees and governments at the provincial or municipal (prefecture) level shall, in the light of the actual circumstances of compensation for ecological and environmental damages in their respective regions, make overall plans to promote the development of professional forces for the identification and assessment of ecological and environmental damages in their respective regions, so as to meet the needs of compensation for ecological and environmental damages.Article 29 The state shall establish and improve a unified system of technical standards for the identification and assessment of ecological and environmental damages.The Ministry of Science and Technology shall, in conjunction with the relevant departments, organize the research on key technical methods for the identification and assessment of ecological and environmental damages. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment shall, in conjunction with the relevant departments, establish and improve the framework of the technical standard system for the identification and assessment of ecological and environmental damages and, by fully relying on the existing platform, establish and improve the data platform in serving the identification and assessment of ecological and environmental damages.至达到赔偿协议或者生效 判决的要求。第四章保障机制第二十八条完善从 事生态环境损害鉴定评估 活动机构的管理制度,健全 信用评价、监督惩罚、准入 退出等机制,提升鉴定评估 工作质量。省级、市地级党委和政府根 据本地区生态环境损害赔 偿工作实际,统筹推进本地 区生态环境损害鉴定评估 专业力量建设,满足生态环 境损害赔偿工作需求。第二十九条国家建 立健全统一的生态环境损 害鉴定评估技术标准体系。科技部会同相关部门组织 开展生态环境损害鉴定评 估关键技术方法研究。生态 环境部会同相关部门构建 并完善生态环境损害鉴定 评估技术标准体系框架,充 分依托现有平台建立完善 服务于生态环境损害鉴定 评估的数据平台。生态环境部负责制定生态 环境损害鉴定评估技术总 纲和关键技术环节、基本生 态环境要素、基础方法等基 础性技术标准,商国务院有 关主管部门后,与市场监管 总局联合发布。The Ministry of Ecology and Environment shall be responsible for developing the general principles and key technical links, basic ecological and environmental elements, basic methods, and other basic technical standards for the identification and assessment of ecological and environmental damages, which shall be jointly issued with the State Administration for Market Regulation after consultation with the competent departments of the State Council.The competent departments of the State Council may, based on their duties or work needs, formulate special technical standards for the identification and assessment of ecological and environmental damages.Article 30 Where the ecological and environmental damage caused by the obligor is irreparable, the funds for compensation for the ecological and environmental damage paid by the obligor shall be taken as non-tax revenue of the government and be turned over in full to the state treasury at the same level and included in the general public budget for management. The obligee and the department or institution designated by the obligee shall, as required by the negotiation agreement or valid judgment, conduct alternative remediation in light of the conditions of ecological and environmental damage in their respective regions.Article 31 The obligee and the department or institution designated by the obligee may actively innovate on the methods of public participation, and the relevant departments, experts, and interested parties including interested citizens, legal persons, and other organizations shall be invited to participate in the claim negotiation, claim lawsuit or the remediation of ecology and environment, and accept public supervision.Major matters which involve public interest in the investigation, identification and assessment of ecological and environmental damages, and the development of remediation plans, the agreement on compensation for ecological and environmental damages, written adjudications in litigation, the use of compensation funds, the effects of ecological and environmental remediation, and other information shall be disclosed to the public in accordance with the law so as to guarantee the public's right to know.Article 32 A mechanism for reporting the information on compensation for ecological and environmental damages and major cases shall be established.国务院相关主管部门可以 根据职责或者工作需要,制 定生态环境损害鉴定评估 的专项技术规范。第三十条赔偿义务 人造成的生态环境损害无 法修复的,生态环境损害赔 偿资金作为政府非税收入, 实行国库集中收缴,全额上 缴本级国库,纳入一般公共 预算管理。赔偿权利人及其 指定的部门或机构根据磋 商协议或生效判决要求,结 合本区域生态环境损害情 况开展替代修复。第三十一条赔偿权 利人及其指定的部门或机 构可以积极创新公众参与 方式,邀请相关部门、专家 和利益相关的公民、法人、 其他组织参加索赔磋商、索 赔诉讼或者生态环境修复, 接受公众监督。生态环境损害调查、鉴定评 估、修复方案编制等工作中 涉及公共利益的重大事项, 生态环境损害赔偿协议、诉 讼裁判文书、赔偿资金使用 情况和生态环境修复效果 等信息应当依法向社会公