大气污染防治资金管理办法(2022修正)Measures for the Administration of Air PollutionPrevention and Control Funds (2022 Amendment)制定机关:财政部发文字号:财资环2022106号公布日期:施行日期:效力位阶:部门规范性文件法规类别:污染防治Issuing Authority :Ministry of FinanceDocument Number : No. 106 2022 of the Ministry of FinanceDate Issued : 09-12-2022Effective Date : 09-12-2022Level of Authority : Departmental Regulatory DocumentsArea of Law : Pollution PreventionMeasures for the Administration of Air Pollution Prevention and Control Funds大气污染防治资金管理办法(Issued by No. 46 2021, MOF on June 9, 2021 and amended according to the Notice by the Ministry of Finance of Amending the Measures for the Administration of Air Pollution Prevention and Control Funds on September 12, 2022)( 2021年6月9日财资环 2021) 46号发布,根据2022年9月12日财政部关于修改 大气污染防治资金管理办法 的 通知修正)Article 1 For the purposes of standardizing and strengthening the administration of air pollution prevention and control funds and improving the efficiency of the use of fiscal funds, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Budget Law of the People's Republic of China, the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Comprehensively Strengthening Ecological and Environmental Protection and Resolutely Fighting the Uphill Battle for the Prevention and Control of Pollution, the Notice by the General Office of the State Council of Issuing the第一条为规范和加强大气 污染防治资金管理,提高财政资 金使用效益,根据中华人民共 和国预算法、中共中央国 务院关于全面加强生态环境保护 坚决打好污染防治攻坚战的意 见、国务院办公厅关于印发 生态环境领域中央与地方财政事 权和支出责任划分改革方案的通知、中央对地方专项转移支 付管理办法等规定,制定本办 法。第二条本办法所称大气污 染防治资金(以下简称防治资 金),是指通过中央一般公共预 算安排的,专门用于支持大气污 染防治和协同应对气候变化方面 的资金。Reform Plan for the Division of Central and Local Financial Powers and Expenditure Responsibilities in the Field of Ecology and Environment, and the Measures for the Administration of Special Transfer Payments from the Central Government to Local Governments, and other provisions.Article 2 For the purpose of these Measures, air pollution prevention and control funds (hereinafter referred to as “prevention and control funds")refer to funds allocated through the general public budget of the central government to be specially used to support the prevention and control of air pollution and the coordinated response to climate change.Article 3 The allocation, administration and use of prevention and control funds shall follow the following principles:(1) Implementing the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and highlighting the focus of support.(2) Complying with the state's macro policies and relevant plans for ecological and environmental protection.第三条防治资金的分配、 管理和使用应当遵循以下原则:(一)贯彻党中央、国务院决策 部署,突出支持重点。(二)符合国家宏观政策和生态 环境保护相关规划。(三)按照中期财政规划的要 求,统筹考虑有关工作总体预算 安排。(四)坚持公开、公平、公正, 主动接受社会监督。(五)实施全过程预算绩效管 理,强化资金监管,充分发挥资 金效益。(六)坚持结果导向,防治资金 安排时统筹考虑相关地区重点领 域重点任务完成情况及大气环境 质量改善情况,突出对资金使用 绩效较好和大气环境质量改善较 好地区的奖励。(3) In accordance with the requirements of the medium-term fiscal plan, giving overall consideration to the overall budget arrangements for the relevant work.(4) Upholding openness, fairness and justice, and proactively accepting public supervision.(5) Implementing management of budget performance throughout the whole process, strengthening regulation of funds, and effectively maximizing the benefits of funds.(6) Insisting on results orientation, giving overall consideration to the completion of key tasks in key fields and the improvement of air environment quality in relevant regions when allocating prevention and control funds, and highlighting rewards for regions with relatively good performance in using funds and with improved air environment quality.第四条防治资金实施期限 至2025年。期满后根据法律、 行政法规和国务院有关规定及大 气污染防治和应对气候变化工作 形势的需要评估确定是否继续实 施和延续期限。Article 4 The implementation period of prevention and control funds shall last until 2025. After expiry of the period, whether to continue the implementation and extend the period shall be evaluated and determined according to the laws, administrative regulations and relevant rules of the State Council, the needs of air pollution prevention and control, and response to the situation of climate change.第五条防治资金重点支持 范围包括:Article 5 The key support scope of prevention and control funds includes:(一)北方地区冬季清洁取暖项 目,具体包括项目改造、农村地 区运营补贴;(1) Winter clean heating projects in northern China, specifically including project renovation and operation subsidies for rural areas.(二)大气环境治理和管理能力 建设(用于此项的经费不得超过 资金总规模的5%);(2) Capacity building for the governance and management of the atmospheric environment (the funds used for this shall not exceed 5% of the total fund scale).(三)细颗粒物(PM2.5)与臭 氧(03)污染协同控制;(3) Coordinated control of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone (03) pollution.(四)党中央、国务院交办的其 他有关重要事项。(4) Other important matters assigned by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.第六条防治资金由财政部 会同生态环境部负责管理。Article 6 Prevention and control funds shall be managed by the Ministry of Finance (“MOF”)and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (UMEEJ,).财政部负责审核防治资金分配建 议方案、编制防治资金预算草案 并下达预算,组织实施全过程预 算绩效管理,指导地方防治资金 预算管理等工作。The MOF shall be responsible for reviewing the proposed plan for the allocation of prevention and control funds, preparing the draft budget for prevention and control funds and issuing the budget, organizing the implementation of the whole-process budget performance management, and guiding the budget management of local prevention and control funds.生态环境部负责指导地方开展大 气污染防治和协同应对气候变化 工作,研究提出工作任务和重点 及资金分配建议方案,开展日常 监管和评估,推动开展防治资金 全过程预算绩效管理。The MEE shall be responsible for guiding localities to carry out prevention and control of air pollution and coordinated response to climate change, studying and proposing work tasks and priorities as well as proposed plans for fund allocation, carrying out routine supervision and evaluation, and promoting the implementation of budget performancemanagement in the whole process of prevention and control funds.第七条防治资金采取项目 法与因素法相结合的方法分配。Article 7 Prevention and control funds shall be allocated by combining the project method and the factor method.第八条采取项目法分配的 防治资金包括:Article 8 Prevention and control funds allocated by the project method include:(一)支持北方地区冬季清洁取 暖项目由财政部会同生态环境部 通过竞争性评审方式公开择优确 定。(1) Supporting open determination of winter clean heating projects in northern China on a merit-based basis by the MOF and the MEE through competitive evaluation.(二)对国务院办公厅公布的生 态环境领域真抓实干成效明显的 市(地、州、盟),予以定额奖 励。(2) Giving quota awards to cities (regions, prefectures, and leagues) that have made significant achievements in the field of ecology and environment announced by the General Office of the State Council.(三)对大气环境质量优良且保 持较好,大气环境质量改善较 大,体制机制改革创新突出,碳 达峰、碳中和工作成效显著的地 区,予以定额奖励。(3) Giving quota awards to regions that have good atmospheric environment quality and have maintained good atmospheric environment quality, have made relatively great improvement in atmospheric environment quality, have made prominent achievement in the reform and innovation of the institutional mechanisms, and have achieved remarkable achievements in carbon neutrality and carbon peaking.第九条其他防治资金采取 因素法分配。Article 9 Other prevention and control funds shall be allocated by factor method.(-)大气环境治理、细颗粒物 (PM2. 5)与臭氧(03)污染协 同控制和大气环境管理能力建设 以“地区PM2. 5浓度改善情 况”、“优良天数目标实现情 况”、“挥发性有机物(VOCs) 减排目标完成情况”和“氮氧化 物(N0x)减排目标完成情况” 四项指标为分配因素,分配权重 分别为 30%、30%、20%、20%o(1) For atmospheric environmental governance, coordinated control of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone (03) pollution, and capacity building of atmospheric environment management, such four factors as 'Improvement of regional PM2.5 concentration,“realization of the goal of good days,” “realization of the goal of emission reduction of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)55 and “realization of the goal of emission reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx)" are the factors for allocation whose weights are 30%, 30%, 20% and 20% respectively.(2) The operation subsidies for winter clean heating in rural areas in northern China shall be calculated according to the actual number of households for which renovation has been completed and the number of heating degree days.(二)北方地区冬季清洁取暖农 村地区运营补贴根据实际改造完 成户数,并按照采暖度日数分档 测算。(3) The MOF and the MEE may adjust the results of fund allocation according to the performance of fund use, the effectiveness of ecology and environment improvement and the budget implementation rate, and reflect result orientation.(三)财政部、生态环境部可根 据资金使用绩效、生态环境改善 成效、预算执行率等情况对资金 分配结果进行调整,体现结果导 向。(4) If the factors and weights really need to be adjusted, they shall be implemented after being submitted for approval under the procedures.(四)因素和权重确需调整的, 应当按照程序报批后实施。Article 10 The MEE shall, according to the needs of air pollution prevention and control and coordinated response to climate change as well as relevant factors, weights and the performance of the previous year, submit the annual fund arrangement suggestions to the MOF before April 30 each year, verify the relevant data and information provided in the arrangement suggestions, and ensure that the relevant data and information are authentic and accurate.第十条生态环境部根据大 气污染防治和协同应对气候变化 工作需要以及相关因素、权重以 及上一年度绩效情况等,于每年 4月30日前向财政部报送年度 防治资金安排建议,对安排建议 中提供的有关数据和信息进行核 实,确保相关数据和信息真实、 准确。The MOF shall, on the basis of the suggestions put forward by the MEE, examine and determine the amount of prevention and control funds arranged for in relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, including the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, hereinafter referred to as provinces), issue the budget for the current year within 90 days after the central budget is approved by the National People's Congress each year, and send a photocopy to the local regulatory bureaus of the MEE and the MOF.财政部根据生态环境部提出的建 议,审核确定有关省(自治区、 直辖市,含兵团,以下统称省) 的防治资金安排数额,并于每年 全国人民代表大会批准中央预算 后90日内下达当年资金预算, 同时抄送生态环境部、财政部当 地监管局。第十一条各省应当按照财 政部、生态环境部有关生态环保 资金项目储备要求,积极做好项 目储备库建设,扎实开展项目前 期工作,提升储备项目质量。Article 11 All provinces shall, in accordance with the requirements of the MOF and the MEE for the project reserve of ecological and environmental protection funds, proactively build project reserve libraries, solidly carry out the preliminary work of the project, and improve the quality of the reserve projects.地方各级财政部门应当会同同级 生态环境部门加强项目申报和执 行管理,加快形成实物工作量, 提高资金执行进度和使用效率。Local financial departments at all levels shall, in conjunction with the departments of ecology and environment at the corresponding levels, strengthen the management of project application and implementation, accelerate the formation of physical workload, and improve the progress and efficiency of fund implementation.第十二条省级生态环境部 门、财政部门应当加强项目库建 设。中央财政通过竞争性评审安 排的项目资金,待竞争性评审程 序完成后入库。其他项目资金应 按照生态环境部、财政部制定的 中央生态环境资金项目储备库入 库指南等办理要求,及时入库。Article 12 Provincial departments of ecology and environment and financial departments shall strengthen the building of project libraries. The project funds arranged for by the central finance through competitive evaluation shall be included in the project libraries after the completion of the competitive evaluation procedures. Other project funds shall be timely included in the project libraries in accordance with the handling requirements such as the guidelines for including central ecological environment funds in the project reserve library developed by the MEE and the MOF.第十三条省级财政部门接 到防治资金预算后,应会同生态 环境部门在30日内分解下达, 同时将资金分配结果报财政部、 生态环境部备案,抄送财政部当 地监管局。Article 13 After receiving the budget of prevention and control funds, a provincial financial department shall, in conjunction with the department of ecology and environment, distribute and allocate the budget within 30 days, undergo the recordation formalities for the results of fund allocation with the MOF and the MEE, and send a photocopy to the local regulatory bureau of the MOF.第十四条 财政部、生态环 境部负责组织实施和推动开展防 治资金全过程预算绩效管理,做 好绩效目标审核,督促和指导地 方开展绩效运行监控和绩效自 评,同时做好重点绩效评价,并 加强绩效评价结果应用,作为完 善政策、改进管理及以后年度预 算安排的重要依据。可以按照相 关规定引入第三方机构参与绩效 评价工作。中央财政下达防治资 金时,将审核确定后的分区域绩 效目标同步下达,并抄送财政部 各地监管局。Article 14 The MOF and the MEE shall be responsible for organizing and promoting the implementation of budget performance management of prevention and control funds during the whole process, effectively reviewing performance goals, urging and guiding localities to carry out performance operation monitoring and self-evaluation of performance, effectively conducting key performance evaluation as well, and strengthening the application of performance evaluation results, taking it as an important basis for improving the policies, management and annual budget arrangement for future years. Third-party institutions may be introduced to participate in performance evaluation according to the relevant provisions. When the central finance allocates prevention and control funds, the sub-regional performance goals after examination and determination shall be issued simultaneously, and a photocopy shall be sent to the local regulatory bureau of the MOF.第十五条 地方各级财政、 生态环境部门应当加强资金分配Article 15 Local financial departments and departments of ecology and environment at all levels shall strengthen the application for and use management of fund allocation项目申报及使用管理。按照全面 实施预算绩效管理的要求,强化 绩效目标管理,做好绩效运行监 控与绩效评价,不断加强评价结 果应用。不符合法律、行政法规 等有关规定,政策到期,相关目 标已经实现或实施成效差、绩效 低的事项,以及已从中央基建投 资等其他渠道获得中央财政资金 支持的项目,不得申请中央防治 资金支持。第十六条防治资金的支付 执行国库集中支付制度有关规 定。属于政府采购管理范围的, 应当按照政府采购有关规定执 行。防治资金的结转结余,按照 财政部关于结转结余资金管理的 相关规定处理。projects. In accordance with the requirements for fully implementing budget performance management, management of performance goal shall be strengthened, performance operation monitoring and performance evaluation shall be effectively completed, and the application of evaluation results shall be continuously strengthened. For projects that do not comply with the laws, administrative regulations or other relevant provisions, for which the policies have expired, whose relevant goals have been achieved or whose implementation results are poor or whose performance is low, that have received central financial support from other channels such as central capital construction investment, etc., no application shall be filed for central financial support for prevention and control.Article 16 The payment of prevention and control funds shall be governed by the relevant provisions of the centralized treasury payment system. Those falling under the scope of government procurement management shall be governed by the relevant provisions on government procurement. The carryover and surplus of prevention and control funds shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the MOF on the management of carryover and surplus funds.第十七条地方各级财政、 生态环境部门以及防治资金具体 使用单位,应当对上报的有关数 据和信息的真实性、准确性负 责。切实加强项目预算绩效管 理,强化预算执行,不断提高资 金使用绩效。发现违规使用资 金、损失浪费严重、低效无效等 重大问题的,应当按照程序及时 报告财政部、生态环境部等部 门。Article 17 Local financial departments and departments of ecology and environment at all