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    2023高考必刷题 真题分类集训 英语话题1-话题3.pdf

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    2023高考必刷题 真题分类集训 英语话题1-话题3.pdf

    第 1 部 分 阅 读 理 解.悟 命 题 规 律.悟 考 情 年 份 卷 别 分 题 型 考 频 统 计 风 向 变 化 主 旨 大 意 细 节 理 解 推 理 判 断 词 义 猜 测 新 高 考 卷 II 8 5 I2022 全 国 甲 卷 3 9 2 II.题 材 丰 富,关 注 青 少 年 全 面 发 展,注 重 对 健 康 意 识、审 美 情 趣、劳 动 精 神、创 新 思 维 的 引 导,融 入 中 国 元 素,培 养 文 化 自 信。2.阅 读 量 有 所 增 加,同 时 在 题 目 设 置 上 更 多 的 是 对 深 层 次 理 解 能 力 的 考 查,直 接 信 息 题 逐 渐 减 少,选 项 干 扰 性 也 逐 步 增 强。全 国 乙 卷 I 10 3 I新 高 考 卷 I2 9 3 I2021新 高 考 卷 nI 10 3 I全 国 甲 卷 I 6 7 I全 国 乙 卷 I 8 5 I新 高 考 卷 i0 8 5 22020新 高 考 卷 nI 9 4 I全 国 卷 i2 8 4 I悟 解 题 第 1部 分(1)细 节 理 解 题:该 类 题 目 有 时 考 查 的 并 不 是 单 一 的 信 息,而 是 多 处 信 息 的 整 合。解 答 此 类“综 合”信 息 细 节 题 时,一 定 要 全 面 捕 捉 相 关 信 息,并 对 其 进 行 综 合 分 析 与 归 纳,切 忌 根 据“一 面 之 词”草 率 地 作 出 结 论。(2)推 理 判 断 题:该 类 题 目 要 求 考 生 根 据 文 章 提 供 的 线 索 和 事 实 进 行 逻 辑 推 理,推 测 作 者 未 提 到 的 事 实 或 某 事 发 生 的 可 能 性,考 生 需 要 将 间 接 论 据 综 合 起 来,得 出 一 个 合 理 的 结 论。需 要 注 意 的 是,“合 理”是 基 于 原 文 信 息 所 进 行 的 准 确 推 理,而 不 是 考 生 的 主 观 臆 断 或 文 章 已 提 供 的 明 显 事 实。(3)词 义 猜 测 题:该 类 题 目 是 历 年 高 考 必 考 的 一 类 题 型,所 考 查 的 单 词、短 语 或 句 子 的 意 义 往 往 不 停 留 在 字 面 上,而 要 根 据 文 章 提 供 的 语 境,通 过 阅 读 上 下 文,根 据 已 知 信 息 或 常 识 来 推 测 画 线 部 分 的 含 义。考 生 可 以 利 用 上 下 文 中 的 近 义 词、反 义 词、举 例 说 明、替 代 关 系 等 去 猜 测 含 义。(4)主 旨 大 意 题:该 类 题 目 要 求 考 生 根 据 段 落 或 文 章 的 主 题 词 或 主 题 句 概 括 段 落 或 文 章 主 旨,并 对 比 各 个 选 项,从 而 选 出 最 贴 合 的 答 案。在 对 文 章 题 目 进 行 选 择 时,如 果 文 章 中 没 有 明 确 的 主 题 句,考 生 可 综 合 文 章 各 段 的 主 要 内 容,对 主 旨 进 行 归 纳。所 选 的 标 题 既 不 能 外 延 太 大,也 不 能 过 于 片 面,同 时 还 应 注 意 标 题 是 否 准 确、是 否 与 文 章 的 感 情 色 彩 相 一 致。悟 备 考 在 对 相 关 考 情 及 解 题 思 路 有 了 一 定 了 解 的 基 础 上,考 生 可 参 考 下 述 建 议 进 行 备 考:(1)训 练 信 息 定 位 的 能 力,巧 用 顺 序 原 则、关 键 词 法 以 及 排 除 法。(2)养 成 良 好 的 阅 读 习 惯,扩 大 词 汇 量。(3)加 强 限 时 训 练 并 及 时 纠 错,加 强 对 长 难 句 分 析 的 训 练。刷 噩 手 错 题 登 记:复 习 计 划 时 间:高 考 必 刷 题 真 题 分 类 集 训 英 语 话 题 1 广 告 信 息 彳 Passage 1 体 裁:应 用 文 词 数:234 难 度:易 建 议 用 时:5 分 钟 答 案 见 D1)全 国 新 高 考 12022 AGrading Policies for Introduction to LiteratureGrading Scale90 100,A;80 89,B;70 79,C;6069,D;Below 60,E.Essays(60%)Your four major essays will combine lo form themain pail of the grade for this course:Essay 1=10%;Essay 2=15%;Essay 3=15%;Essay 4=2 0%.Group Assignments(30%)Students will work in groups to complete fourassignments(作 业)during the course.All theassignments will be submitted by the assigned datethrough Blackboard,our online learning and coursemanagement system.Daily W ork/In-Class Writings and Tests/GroupW ork/Homework(10%)Class activities will vary from day to day,butstudents must be ready to complete short in-classwritings or tests drawn directly from assignedreadings or notes from the previous class9 lecture/discussion,so it is important to take careful notesduring class.Additionally,from time to time I willassign group work lo be completed in class or shortassignments to be completed at h o m e,both of whichwill be graded.Late WorkA n essay not submitted in class on the due datewill lose a letter grade for each class period it islate.If it is not turned in by the 4th day after thedue date,it will earn a zero.Daily assignments notcompleted during class will get a zero.Short writingsmissed as a result of an excused absence will beaccepted.1.Where is this text probably taken from?A.A textbook.B.A n exam paper.C.A course plan.D.An academic article.2.H o w many parts is a studenfs final grade made upof?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.3.What will happen if you submit an essay one weekafter the due date?A.You will receive a zero.B.You will lose a letter grade.C.You will be given a test.D.You will have to rewrite it.Passage 2 体 裁:应 用 文 词 数 260全 国 甲 2022 ATheatres and EntertainmentSt Davids HallSt Davids Hall is the award winning NationalConcert Hall of Wales standing at the very heart ofCardiffs entertainment centre.With an impressive2,000-seat concert hall,St Davids Hall is home to难 度:易 建 议 用 时:5 分 钟 答 案 见 D1)the annual Welsh Proms Cardiff.Il presents liveentertainment,including pop,rock,folk,jazz,musicals,dance,world music,films and classical music.The Hayes,Cardiff CF10 1 A Hwww.sldavidshallcardiff.co.ukThe Glee ClubEvery weekend this is“Wales”premier comedyThe secret of getting ahead is getting started.club where having a great time is the order for bothaudiences and comedy stars alike.It is hard to namea comedy star who hasnt been on the stage here.Ifyou are looking for the best comedies on tour andbrilliant live music,you should start here.Mermaid Quay,Cardiff Bay,Cardiff CF10 5BZwww.glee.co.uk/cardiffSherman CymruSherman Cymrus theatre in the Calhays area ofCardiff reopened in February 2012.This specialbuilding is a place in which theatre is made andwhere children,artists,writers and anyone else havethe opportunity(机 会)to do creative things.Sherman Cymru is excited to present a packedprogramme of the very best theatre,dance,familyshows and music from Wales and the rest of the world.Senghennydd Road,Cardiff CF24 4YEwww.shermancymru.co.ukNew TheatreThe New Theatre has been the home of qualitydrama,musicals,dance and childrens shows forPassage 3 体 裁:应 用 文 词 数:189第 1部 分 Imore than 100 years.Presenting the best of the WestEnd along with the pick of the UKs touring shows,the New Theatre is Cardiffs oldest survivingtraditional theatre.Be sure to pay a visit as part ofyour stay in the city.Park Place,Cardiff CF10 3LNwww.newt h?at recard iff.co.uk1 Where is the Welsh Proms Cardiff hosted?A.Al the New Theatre.B.At the Glee Club.C.At Sherman Cymru.D.At St DavicFs Hall.2.What can people do at the Glee Club?A.Watch musicals.B.Enjoy comedies.C.See family shows.D.Do creative things.3.Which website can you visit to learn about Cardiffoldest surviving theatre?A.www.newtheatrecardiff.co.ukB.www.shermancymru.co.ukC.www.glee.co.uk/cardiffD.w v.stdavidshallcardiff.co.uk难 度:易 建 议 用 时:4 分 钟()答 案 见 D1)第 1部 分 全 国 乙 2022 AHenry Raeburn(1756 1823)The ExhibitionThis exhibition of some sixty masterpiecescelebrating the life and work of Scotlands best lovedpainter,Sir Henry Raeburn,comes to London.Selected from collections throughout the world,it isthe first major exhibition of his work to be held inover forty years.Lecture SeriesScottish National Portrait(肖 像 画)Gallerypresents a series of lectures for the general public.They are held in the Lecture Room.Admission tolectures is free.刷 噩 手 m 错 题 登 记:An Introduction to RaeburnSunday 26 Oct.,1 5.()0DUNCAN THOMSONRaeburnsEnglish ContemporariesThui-sday 3()Oct.,13.IOJUDY EGERTONCharacters andCharacterisation inRaeburns PortraitsThursday 6 Nov.,13.10NICHOLAS PHILLIPSONRaeburn and ArtistsTraining in the18th CenturyThursday 13 Nov.,13.10MARTIN POSTLEExhibition TiniesMonday Saturday 10.00 17.45Sunday 12.00 17.45伤 复 习 计 划 时 间:高 考 必 刷 题 真 题 分 类 集 训 英 语 Last admission lo the exhibition:17.15.Thereis no re-admission.Closed:24 26 December and 1 JanuaiyAdmission4.Children under 12 years accompanied by anadult are admitted free.Schools and CollegesA special low entrance charge of 2 per personis available lo all in full-time education,up lo andincluding those at first degree level,in organisedgroups with teachers.1.What is the right time for attending RaeburnsEnglish Contemporaries?A.Sun.26 Oct.B.Thurs.3()Oct.C.Thurs.6 Nov.D.Thurs.13 Nov.2.H o w much would a couple with two childrenunder 12 pay for admission?A.4.B.8.C.12.D.16.3.H o w can full-time students get group discounts?A.They should go on Sunday mornings.B.They should come from art schools.C.They must be led l)y teachers.D.They must have ID cards with them.12 Passage 4 体 裁:应 用 文 词 数:280 难 度:易 建 议 用 时:6 分 钟。答 案 见 D1)全 国 新 高 考 I 2021 A R o m e can be priceyfor travelers,which is why many choose to stay in ahostel(旅 社).The hostels in R o m e offer a bed in adorm room for around$25 a night,and for that,youll often gel to stay in a central location(位 置)with security and comfort.Yellow HostelIf I had to make just one recommendation forwhere to stay in Rome,il would be Yellow Hostel.Ils one of I he best-rated hostels in the cily,and forgood leason.Its affordable,and its got a funatmosphere without being too noisy.As an addedbonus,its close to the main train station.Hostel Alessandro PalaceIf you love social hostels,this is the best hostelfor you in Rome.Hostel Alessandro Palace is fun.Staff members hold plenty of bar events for guests,like free shots,bar crawls and karaoke.Theres alsoan area on the rooftop for hanging out with othertravelers during the summer.Youth Station HostelIf youre looking for cleanliness and a modernhostel,look no further than Youth Station.Il offersbeautiful furnishings and beds.There are plenty ofother benefits,too;it doesnt charge city tax;it hasboth air conditioning and a heater for the rooms;italso has free Wi-Fi in every room.Hotel and Hostel Des ArtistesHotel and Hostel Des Artistes is located just a10-minute walk from the central city station and itsclose to all of the citys main attractions.The staff isfriendly and helpful,providing you with a map of thecity when you a m v e,and offering advice if yourequire some.However,you need lo pay 2 euros aday for Wi-Fi.1.What is probably the major concern of travelerswho choose to slay in a hostel?A.Comfort.B.Security.C.Price.D.Location.2.Which hostel best suits people who enjoy anactive social life?A.Yellow Hostel.B.Hostel Alessandro Palace.C.Youth Station Hostel.D.Hotel and Hostel Des Artistes.If you are always trying to be normal,you will never know how amazing you can be.3.Whal is the disadvantage of Hotel and Hostel DesArtistes?A.It gets noisy at night.第 1部 分 飕 卓 歌 B.Ils staff is loo talkative.C.It charges for Wi-Fi.D.Ifs inconveniently located.立 Passage5 体 裁:应 用 文 词 数:267 难 度:易 建 议 用 时:5 分 钟 勖 答 案 见 D1,全 国 新 高 考 U 2 0 2 1 AThings to Do in Yorkshire This SummerHarrogate Music FestivalSince its birth,HaiTogate Music Festival hasgone from strength lo strength.This year,we arecelebrating our 50th anniversary.We begin on 1 stJune with Manchester Camerata and NicolaBenedetti,presenting an amazing programme ofMozart pieces.Dates:1 June 31 JulyTickets:1296Jodies Fitness Summer ClassesAs the summer months roll in,our Georgiancountry estate makes the perfect setting for anoutdoor fitness session.Come and work out with ourqualified personal trainer,Jodie McGregor,on thegrounds of the Middleton Lodge estate.We will be holding a free taster session on 23rdMay,at 10 am,to demonstrate the variety ofeffective and active exercises.There are eight spacesavailable for the taster session.Advance bookings arerequired(info middletonlodge,co.u k).Dates:23 May 11 JulyTickets:7.5 0 per sessionFelt Picture MakingWorking from an inspirational picture,thisworkshop at Helmsley Arts Centre will leach you thetechniques you will need to recreate your picture inwool.刷 题 手 mWe will also discuss the origins of felt(毛 毡),what enables wool fibres to become felt and how theprocesses we use work.Dates:12 June 12 JulyTickets:40 including materialsFigure It Out!Playing with MathA new exhibition in Halifax uses eveiydayactivities to explain the hidden math principles weall use on a regular basis.Pack a bag,cut a cake,guess which juice container holds the most liquid,and much more.Discover how architects,productdesigners and scientists use similar skills in theirwork.Dates:7 May 10 JuneTickets:Free1.Whal should you do if you want lo attend thetaster session of Jodies fitness classes?A.Join a fitness club.B.Pay a registration fee.C.Make a booking.D.Hire a personal trainer.2.How much is the ticket for Felt Picture Making?A.7.5 0.B.12.C.40.D.96.3.Which of the following starts earliest?A.HaiTogate Music Festival.B.Jodies Fitness Summer Classes.C.Felt Picture Making.D.Figure It Out!一 Playing with Math.复 习 计 划 时 间:I第 1部 分高 考 必 刷 题 真 题 分 类 集 训 英 语 R Passage 6 体 裁:说 明 文 词 数:2 4 5 难 度:易 建 议 用 时:5 分 钟 答 案 见 睥,全 国 乙 2021 AThe Biggest Stadiums in the WorldPeople have been pouring into stadiums sincethe days of ancient Greece.In around 80 A.D.,theRomans built the Colosseum,which remains theworlds best known stadium and continues lo informcontemporary design.Romes Colosseum was 157 feeltall and had 8()entrances,seating 50,()00 people.However,that was small fiy compared with the citysCircus Maximus,which accommodated around250,000 people.These days,safety regulations-not to mentionthe m o d e m sports fans desire for a good view and acomfortable seal-tend lo keep stadium capacities(容 量)slightly lower.Even soccer fans tend lo havea seat each;gone are the days of thousands standingto watch the match.For the biggest stadiums in the world,we haveused data supplied by the World Atlas list so far,which ranks them by their stated permanentcapacity,as well as updated infonnation from officialstadium websites.All these stadiums are still functional,still open and still hosting the biggest events in worldsport.Rungrado 1st of May Stadium,Pyongyang,D.P.R.Korea.Capacity:150,(XX).Opened:May 1,1989.Michigan Stadium,Ann Arbor,Michigan,U.S.Capacity:107,601.Opened:October 1,1927.Beaver Stadium,Stale College,Pennsylvania,U.S.Capacity:106,572.Opened:September 17,1960.Ohio Stadium,Columbus,Ohio,U.S.Capacity:104,944.Opened:October 7,1922.Kyle Field,College Station,Texas,U.S.Capacity:102,512.Opened:September 24,1927.1.H o w many people could the Circus Maximushold?A.104,944.B.107,601.C.About 150,000.D.About 250,000.2.Of the following stadiums,which is the oldest?A.Michigan Stadium.B.Beaver Stadium.C.Ohio Stadium.D.Kyle Field.3.What do I he listed stadiums have in common?A.They host big games.B.They have become tourist attractions.C.They were built by Americans.D.They are favored by architects.1 P a s s a g e d 体 裁:应 用 文 词 数:292 难 度:易 建 议 用 时:6 分 钟 答 案 见 D2,北 京 2021 A If you are planning to start acareer in the field of education,science,or culture,then an internship(实 习)at U N E S C O will be idealfor you.Who can apply?You have completed your full-time universitystudies;or You are studying in a graduate program for amasters degree.Applicants in technical assignments musthave reached the last year of their studies in atechnical institution.What are the requirements?You must be at least 20 years old.,You should have a good command(掌 握)ofeither English or French.You canl be paralyzed by fear of failure,or you will never push yourself.You must have an excellent knowledge ofoffice-related software.,You should be able to work well in a teamand adapt to an international working environment.You should possess strong interpersonal andcommunication skills.What do you need to prepare?Visa:You should obtain the necessary visas.,Travel:You must arrange and finance yourtravel to and from the location where you will do yourinternship.,Medical insurance:You must show proof of acomprehensive health insurance valid(有 效 的)inthe target countiy for the entire period of theinternship.UNESCO will provide limited insurancecoverage up to USD 30,000 for the internshipperiod.Medical certificate:You must provide amedical certificate indicating you are fit to work.,Motivation letter:You should have yourmotivation letter ready before filling out theapplication form.Your application will be accessed by UNESCO第 1部 分 虱 夏 里 维 Jmanagers and will stay in our database for sixmonths.We do not respond to every candidate.Ifselected,you will be contacted by a manager.If youdo not receive an


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