2023年英语演讲稿我的分数观_英语演讲稿我的假期 for our students, marks is above everything. teachers marks. hoetimes, marks more than ten or less than one or tmon sense for military. “i think everyone is familiar etimes. e time ago, a ne a far-famed key university. but his teaching result is much less than that of the one bine knowledge learnt from books with pragmatics in their work. students of this kind will be successful in every exam but they will be able to use freely their knowledge in their posts. dont you think it waste training such persons for the country? to sum up from the above, i can say marks are not absolutely authoritative for some. if we neglect training and developing the students ability and competence and if we only seek for the high marks, we will be absolutely wrong. we should take an objective attitude towards the marks. neither should we neglect them nor should we overvalue them like a god. 2023我与祖国英语演讲稿我的英语演讲稿 helen keller hello,my name is vivian.today ill tell you a story about helen keller. helen keller helen praciece the word “doll”and touch the doll with helens fingers. helen was angry and bored,she threw the doll to the ground.then ,mrs sullivan and helen went out to play.when mrs sullivan washed helens hands,the water was flowing on helens hands.mrs sullivan wrote the word wateron helens hand.she wrote many times,helen knew the water was flowing on her hands and understood the meaning of the word”water”suddenly.in the same way,helen learnd many many new words.finaly she became a great writer. this is my story, thank you . 2023年感恩的英语演讲稿 the poet said: spring flomunity of his kindness, decided to leave after graduating from university in the bustling city , broke into穷乡僻壤the thatched shed to seeking knoy thanksgiving! let us always to the life caring and full of love and love! let us brought up their hands and work together, everyone aspired to build a socialist harmonious society! 诗人说:花朵把春天的门推开了。我说:感恩把和谐的门推开了,和谐把生活的门推开了。只要你专心去听花开的声音,生活处处都是和谐的乐章。爱,像火种点燃心灵的盼望; 爱,像绿茵撑起心灵的天空。爱,是一种力气,是一种财宝。我们应当从小在心中撒播爱的种子。让我们心存感谢,学会感恩。用一颗感恩的心去面对生活,面对学习,面对挫折,从而体会父母,师长,同学,朋友间无私的亲情,友情,“懂得滴水之恩,当涌泉相报”的真正内涵.感恩是中华民族的传统美德,是构建社会主义和谐社会的需要。广东律师田世国为了回报母亲的恩情,在老母病危时瞒着她捐出了自己的肾脏,挽回了母亲的生命;徐本禹为了回报社会对他的恩情,毅然在大学毕业后离开繁华城市,走进穷乡僻壤的破草棚,给求知若渴的孩子们送去学问感谢生育你的人,由于他们使你获得生命;感谢抚养你的人,由于他们使你不断成长;感谢关心你的人,由于他们给你暖和;感谢鼓舞你的人,由于他们给你力气;感谢教育你的人,由于他们开化你的蒙昧;感谢损害你的人,由于他们磨练了你的心智;感谢绊倒你的人,由于它强化了你的双腿;感谢轻视你的人,由于它觉醒了你的自尊;感谢遗弃你的人,由于他教会了你该独立;凡事感谢,学会感谢,感谢一切使你成长的人!同学们,有首歌叫感谢你:感谢明月照亮了夜空,感谢朝霞捧出的拂晓,感谢春光溶化了冰雪,感谢大地培育了生灵,感谢母亲赐予我生命感谢收获、感谢和平、感谢这全部的一切一切。 感恩无痕,感恩无限!同学们,学会感恩吧!让我们的生活永久走向关心,布满真情和爱心!让我们携起来手来,共同努力,构建一个人人憧憬的社会主义和谐社会! 以上2023年英语演讲稿我的分数观由范文资讯网演讲稿栏目资深小编整理编辑而成,盼望能帮忙您的写作和演讲需求,也请您连续访问更多关于2023“英语演讲稿我的假期”专题!