Chaplin卓别林(1992)完整中英文对照剧本 行了 查理 别开玩笑了 我们真的得开头工作了 Come on, Charlie. Stop messing about. We really have to get down to it now. 但愿我们的友情能够维系下去 I just hope our friendship survives the day, that“s all. 乔治 不要这么夸大 Oh, George, don“t be so melodramatic. 这是你的自传 查理 Well, it“s your autobiography, Charlie. 作为编导 我必需告知你 有一局部底稿特别地. And as your editor, I have to tell you that parts of the manuscript 合糊不清 比方 关于你母亲的局部 are pretty vague, to say the least. I mean, for instance, your mother. 她从什么时候起精神失常的? 我们想了解清晰 Now, when did she first lose control? We need to know those facts. 很难开口 It“s hard to say. 在她安康的时候 她原来是个很出色的人 She could be so wonderful on her good days. 你是我的珍宝 忍amp;hearts;冬花 我愿从你的红唇里吸取蜜汁 我深爱着你 盼望你也爱上我 你是. 怎么了 亲爱的! Can“t hear you, love! 连续唱啊!- 滚下去 Come on, get on with it! -Get off! 你这头愚蠢的母牛! Silly woman! Get off, you silly cow! 加油 妈咪! Come on, Mum! 我们要退票! We want our money back! 得了吧!- 你有病吧 Come on! -What“s the matter with you? 下台! Get off! 下来!快点 女士 下来! Off! Off! Quick, lady, off! 来吧 停顿演出! Listen, listen. Come on. Cut it out! 下台! Off! 你下来 完毕了 You“re out of it. Finished. 女士们 先生们! Ladies and gentlemen. Ladies and gentlemen! 请你们留意!玩个嬉戏!公正竞争,小伙子们。 retaining your special attention.Come on! Play the game! Play fair, lads. 玩个嬉戏!来吧 小伙子们! Play the game! Come on, lads! 停下 先生! - 滚下台去! Stop! Please, sir! -Get off the stage! 滚下台去! Get off the bloody stage! 他真得意 - 我们让另一个得意的演员为. Isn“t he cute? -We got another lovely act for you. 什么? - 我知道怎么唱 让我来吧 What? -Mister, I know it. I can do the song. 让他来! - 让他试一下! Says he knows it, let him do it! -Let him have a go! 给那个男孩一个时机! Give the boy a chance, then! 你叫什么名字? 孩子 What“s your name, son? 查理 - 全名是? Charles. - Charles, Charles what? 查理 卓别林 - 查理 卓别林 Charles Chaplin. - Charles Chaplin. 为了满意大家的期望 我们临时打算 All right, ladies and gentlemen, at very short notice and at great expense 让一位特殊的嘉宾上台表演 查理卓别林少爷 for your special pleasure, we“re delighted to present Master Charles Chaplin. 稍等! Half a mo! 预备好了吗? Ready? 你是我的珍宝 忍amp;hearts;冬花 我是你的蜜蜂 我愿从你的 唇里吸取蜜汁. 看到了吗 我深深地爱着你 盼望你也爱我 你是我的蜜糖 忍amp;hearts;冬花 我是你的蜜蜂 你妈妈从今再也没有演唱了? - 再也没有 Your mother never sang again? No. Never. 卓别林太大 你再不给我房amp;hearts;租 我就去告你! I“m warning you, Mrs. Chaplin, if I don“t get me rent, I“ll report you! 你没有好好 管教你的两个小畜生! Them two little mites ain“t fed proper! 假如你再不给我房amp;hearts;租 我就去告你! If I don“t get me rent today, I“ll report you! 你拖欠两个月了! You“re two months behind! 房amp;hearts;租? 房amp;hearts;租? The rent? Rent? 那是什么东西? What on Earth is that? 闭嘴 你这个可怕的女人! Oh, shut up, you ghastly woman! 你去告知她! Go on, Mum. 对不起 又只有鱼头 Sorry it“s only fish heads again, darlings. 总有一天我会 给你们买amp;hearts;amp;hearts;李子蛋糕 I“ll get you a plum cake one day. 等我的事业好起来 When my ship comes in. 妈味? 有人来了! Mum? Someone“s coming! 卓别林太太? Mrs. Chaplin? 他们是你的孩子吗? These are your children, I take it? 我不会送他们去救济院的 Not the workhouse. 那是为他们着想 For their own good. 别跑!回来! Stop! Come back here! 过来! Stop him! 过来!你个小. Stop, you little. 过来 我们抓住. Come here! We“ve got. 过来 你个小. Come here, you little. 我们抓住他了!快! We“ve got him! 西德!西德! Syd! Syd! 西德! Syd! 快上去 Now, then. Up you go. 西德! Syd! 放开我!把我放下!让我走! Get off! Put me down! Let me go! Let go of me. 你被打了吗? You were beaten? 用一根拇指粗的藤条 With a cane as thick as a man“s thumb. 西德呢? And Syd? 他被送去一艘教练舰 然后出海 Sent to a training ship. Then to sea. 你没有告知我们你在救济院持了多久 也没有讲你是怎么跑出来的 You don“t tell us how long you spent in the workhouse, or how you got out. 那是一个错误 我在那儿待了一年 I don“t? That“s a mistake. I was there for a year. 我母亲开头打一些零工 Um, my mother started taking in piecework. 织手套 Sewing gloves. 所以你成长的过程里始终只有两个人 So, while you were growing up, it was just the two of you. 你父亲呢? - 我没有父亲 Your father? - What about my father? 他也许是在你十二岁的时候去世的 Well, he died during that period, didn“t he? When you were 12. 你没怎么提过他 - 我对他知道得很少 You don“t write very much about him. -I don“t know very much about him. 我诞生他就走了 他写过一些歌amp;hearts;曲 然后死于酗酒 He left just after I was born, he sang on the stage, he died of drink. 我还能说什么呢? What else should I say? 我们现在谈论的是你的书 关于你的人生 你自己说了算 Well, this is your book we“re talking about, Charlie. It“s your life. It“s up to you. 你好 老朋友!- 你好! Hold your horse, gov. Hold your horse, gov. 怎么了 酒鬼? 警amp;hearts;察amp;hearts;都死光了吗? What“s up, Rummy? All the booze gone down to your feet? 不要靠我这么近讲话 Don“t you give me that lip, Charlie. -Come on. 好了 别吵了!走开! All right, clear off out of here! Go on, go on. Now! 我没想惹麻烦 Didn“t mean no harm. 嘿 莉尔 Watch you, Lil. 查理? 你好 亲爱的 Charlie? Hello, love. 你妈妈又发疯了! Hi, Charlie. Know what? Your mum“s gone mad again! 滚开! Get off! 妈妈? Mum? 谢天谢地你回来了 查理! Thank God you got here, Charlie! 我给你买amp;hearts;amp;hearts;了李子蛋糕 I got you that plum cake, just like I said. 感谢 妈 Thanks, Mum. 假如你不会签名 就按个手印 Make your mark, son, if you can“t sign. 医生说送她来这里 The parish doctor said to bring her here. 她会好起来的 Well, she“ll be better off. 你呢 孩子? 我没事的 What about you, son? -I“ll be fine. “没事”是什么意思? - 我会搬去跟我姑妈一起 What do you mean, quot;finequot;? - I“ll stay with me aunty. 当心你的脚 先生!买amp;hearts;amp;hearts;鞋子要花钱的! You watch your feet, mister! Shoes cost money! 有时候她以为地板是河 Sometimes she thinks the floor is the River Jordan. 我们不会弄湿的 - 是的 我们尽量 We won“t get wet, Mum. -Yes, we“ll do our best. 你应当跟她告辞了 Why don“t you say goodbye to her now, sonny? 查理 - 我没有留意 Charlie! -Wasn“t thinking, Mum. 妈妈 我很爱你 - 我知道 我知道 Mum, I love you so much. -I know, I know. 假如你给我一杯咖啡 我就会好起来的 If only you“d given me a cup of tea, I“d have been all right. 他们会好好照看你 They“ll take better care of you than I can, Mum. 就一杯!你肯定很想摆脱我 One cup of tea! You must have wanted to get rid of me bad. 我没有 真的没有 I didn“t, Mum. I really didn“t. 跟我来 亲爱的 - 你是个撒谎的小矮子 Come along, dear. - You“re a lying little runt. 你会跟你父亲一个下场 You“re gonna end up just like your father. 查理? 不要这样对我 Charlie? Don“t do this to me. 我爱你 不要让他们把我从你身边带走! I love you, Charlie. Don“t let them take me away from you! 不要让他们这样对我! No, you can“t let them do this to me! 不要让他们这样对我 查理! Don“t let them do this to me, Charlie! 不要让他们把我从你身边带走 查理! Don“t let them take me away from you! Charlie! 你为什么这样 Why are you doing this? 装扮地很时髦 系着你父亲的旧绿色领带 你的那条旧表链值不了两个便士 旧铁 旧铁 你第一次见到那个叫 卡诺的老头可怕吗? Was you scared, Syd? First time you met this Karno geezer? 人人都怕他 我记得 他叫卡诺先生 Every bugger“s scared. And it“s Mr. Karno to the likes of you, remember. 要想待在歌amp;hearts;舞团 只能替他工作 知道了吗? If you wanna be in vaudeville, you don“t work for him, you don“t work for nobody. Got it? 知道了 Yes. 假如你能得到这个差事 再加上我的收入 Now, look, if you get this job, and with what I“m bringing in, 我们可以送妈妈去好点的地方 we can move Mum somewhere better. 不要让我绝望 - 我会努力的 Don“t let me down. -I“ll be great, Syd. 你不用怎么努力 只要闭嘴 逗乐就行了 You don“t have to be great. Just shut up and be funny. 你好 卡诺先生 Morning, Mr. Karno. 你好 西德尼 过来 Hello, Sydney. Come on over. 好 - 我们刚要吃饭 All right. -We“ve got summat to eat. 那么 你提起过的那个弟弟怎么样了? Now, then, what about this young brother of yours? 他始终在剧院打杂 卡诺先生 Well, you know, he“s been legit up to now, Mr. Karno. 但是他会唱歌amp;hearts;跳舞 But he sings and he dances a treat. 西德尼 西德尼 Sydney, Sydney. 我这里已经有唱歌amp;hearts;跳舞的演员了 我想你知道得很清晰 I“ve got song and dance men like you coming out of me ears. 我需要喜剧演员 I need comics. 他还会表演闹剧 特别有天赋 看看他 Yeah, well, his slapstick is fantastic. You know, he“s got the knack. Watch him. 他还会表演其它的 你知道 许多东西 He can do more, you know. More stuff. 但愿如此 I hope so. 见鬼! Bloody hell! 你没事吧? - 没事 You all right, kid? -Yes. 就这么想要这份工作吗? Need the job that bad, eh? 是的 先生 Yes, sir. 表演喜剧要让人知道你是谁 来自哪里 You know what comedy is? Knowing who you are and where you come from. 必需尽善尽美 - 好 And it“s got to be perfection. -Yes, sir. 我现在可以上岸了吗? - 可以 Can I come out now? -You may. 到现在为止大家度过了 个美妙的夜晚 对吧? Ladies and gentlemen, it“s been a great evening so far, hasn“t it? 我宣誓 你们会喜爱下一个节日 Well, I promise you, you are going to love the next act. 人人都爱大象 Everybody loves elephants. 在我们的舞台上 你们将见到二十头巨大美丽的动物 And, right here on our stage,you will see 20 of the largest, most graceful specimens. 它们来自丛林 These are straight from the jungle. 先生 请容许我 Do you mind, sir? 向你们献上会跳舞的大象 I“m trying to introduce our dancing elephants. 请坐在你的位置上 先生 Do please take your seat, sir. 坐下 先生! Sit down, sir! 坐好 先生! Take your feet down, sir! 拿出一点尊严来! Show a little respect! 现在 女士们先生们 为我们下一个 节日热闹地鼓掌吧! And now, ladies and gentlemen, a very big round of applause for our next act! 波恩顿上校 和他天生丽质的厚皮动物! Captain Boytom and his pulchritudinous pachyderms! 说真的 先生!你太过分了 Oh, no, really, sir! This is too much. 请记清晰 先生 这里是消遣的地方 Kindly remember, sir, this is a place of entertainment, 不是酒馆 也不是给酒鬼预备的休息室! not a four-ale bar or a rest home for inebriates! 现在 你给我坐端正 Now, sit down and behave yourself. 女士们先生们 这位是查理卓别林先生! Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Charles Chaplin! 晚上好 Good evening. 先生们女士们,让我们连续 Ladies and gentlemen, for your continuing enjoyment. 饼干味道怎么样? - 很好,亲爱的 How do, cook.