南方黑人文化的记录者:欧内斯特盖恩斯美国作家欧内斯特盖恩斯于当地时间11月5日逝世,享年86岁。欧内斯特盖恩斯是当代美国继福克纳之后 最富有想象力的南方作家之一,其作品展现了南方黑人丰富的文化遗产。阅读短文并回答问题Ernest Gaines, the son of sharecroppers (佃农),was born in January 15, 1933 on the River Lake Plantation near the small village of Oscar, Louisiana. He attended school for kids more than five months out of the year. But that was more education than his family before him had received. He would say later in life that his ear for the stories of his elders was developed as he wrote letters for adults who couldn't read or write.In the late 1940's, at the age of 15, his family moved to the northern California where he could do something that had been forbidden in the South: visit a library. Ernest later attended San Francisco State University. Then he returned to Louisiana in 1963, inspired by James Meredith's bid to enroll in the then-all-white University of Mississippi. He took it as a sign that the South was changing and that he could be part of that change. "As I've said many times before, the two greatest moves I've made were on the day I left Louisiana in 1948, and on the day I came back to Louisiana in 1963 J he said.Less than 10 years later, in 1971, he published the novel that brought him attention, The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman which told the story of a black woman bom as a slave who lives long enough to witness the civil rights era. Ernest would later say that the fictional Jane was modeled after his disabled great-aunt, Augustine Jefferson, who could not walk, but was strong enough to raise a family. Another novel, A Gathering of Old Men. published in 1983, was made into a movie in 1987. He won the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1993 for his novel A Lesson Before Dying. A number of his stories and essays were gathered in the 2005 collection Mozart and Leadbelly.His permanent residence in Louisiana was a house that he and his wife built on land that was once part of River Lake Plantation. Ernest talked about his home, "If Auntie could sit here with me, or my stepfather who took me away from here, or my uncle George, who used to take me to those old beat-up bars in Baton Rouge - if I could, I'd just buy him a good glass of Gentleman Jack, and we could sit here and talk. Oh, I wish I could do that.”1. How did Ernest benefit from writing letters for adults?A. It inspired great love for writing in him.B. It made him enter the university successfully.C. It laid the foundation for his writing of his elders.D. It promoted his communication with his families.2. What can we know about Ernest from paragraph 2?A. Ernest got the freedom of education in California.B. Emesfs departure and return influenced his life a lot.C. James helped him apply to University of Mississippi.D. Ernest's experience in the South affected him greatly.3. In which novel can you know about Ernesfs auntie?A. Mozart and Leadbelly.B. A Lesson Before Dying.C. A Gathering of Old Men.D. The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman.4. What does Ernest convey in his words in the last paragraph?A. He misses his relatives.B. He hopes to leave again.C. He cherishes his childhood.D. He loves drinking and chatting.【参考答案】CBDA芍单词学习1. plantation n.种植园2. bid 几努力3. enroll v.参加,使加入They enrolled their son in a private school.他们给儿子在一所私立学校报了名。4. fictional adj.小说中的;虚构的fictional characters虚构的人物5. numerous adj.许多的 He has been late on numerous occasions. 他已经迟至lj过无数次了。目知识拓展欧内斯特盖恩斯(Ernest Gaines, 1933-2019),当代美国黑人作家,在四十余年的创作生涯里,先后有六部长 篇小说和两部中短篇小说集问世,虽然算不上多产,但其作品多以亲身经历刻画南方黑人的过去、现在和未来,对 黑人奴隶制历史乃至整个美国历史重新做出评价。他的作品也因而成了美国大学英语系学生的必读书目,同时,被 译为多种语言,其中包括法语、西班牙语、德语和中文。四部作品被改编为电视连续剧。简皮特曼小姐的自传确立了盖恩斯在美国文坛上不可撼动的地位,也是他辉煌的文学创作生涯的新起点。 这部作品被翻译成十几种语言,获得普利策奖和国家图书奖提名,是美国1971年年度最佳作品之一。1974年,哥 伦比亚广播公司据该作品改编并拍摄的同名电影几乎席卷了该年度艾美奖的所有奖项。另外,此书还出现在美国少 年文学的榜单上,是深受青少年喜爱的小说之一。