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国家开放大学2022年秋季学期期末统一考试国际商务礼仪试题2023年1月注意事项一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏 内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌子上。试卷和答题纸均不得 带出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。二、仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目要求和答题示例答题。答案一 定要写在答题纸的指定位直上,写在试卷上的答案无效。三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。第一部分判断题(30分)There are fifteen statements in this section. Mark the statements True (T) or False (F) according to what you have learned in this course.1. The first rule of etiquette is that the other person feels comfortable.2. We can gain a level of confidence knowing the basic rules of etiquette.3. If you arc a woman and a man wants to open the door for you, try to do it yourself.4. Traditional etiquette rules state that when walking on a sidewalk, the man always walks on the outside, or curbside, of a woman.5. Representing oneself or one's company in an unfamiliar business environment can present some challenges.6. Good manners allow you to gain personal confidence, but play a minor role in generating profits.7. Negative behavior can cost a person a promotion» even a job.8. One of the basic rules of appropriate professional attire is to lenrn the corporate climate.9. You should never be too busy to share a kind word, to give quick directions, or to answer a question to an outside visitor.10. Direct eye contact bet ween professionals is considered rude and makes people feel uncomfortable.11. Quality management practices recognize that all people are our clients.12. As soon as someone has been introduced to you, make an attempt to repeat his or her name.13. People prefer a firm, friendly handshake, but nobody will be offended by limp ones.14. Try to avoid the habit of using possessive pronouns when describing coworkers, such as my assistant.15. When you are a visitor in another country, try not to be too friendly too soon. 第二部分选择题(20分)There are five questions in this section. Each question has one or more than one correct answer.Select the correct answer or answers.16. What should men do when shaking hands wiih women?A. Have a firm vertical handshake.B. Turn their knuckles to force the woman to give a curtsy handshake.C. Shake hands on an equal basis.D. Shake hands with a woman differently than shaking hands with another man. (23981号)国际商务礼仪试场第1页(共2页)17. What should you do when someone comes to your office to see you?A. You have to give away your precious time to visitors even when you arc busy.B. Give your whole attention to that person.C. Make solid eye contact with that person.D. Shuffle papers or talk on the telephone if you are busy.18. Why do you need to wipe out the word “foreigner“ from your vocabulary?A. Because it means “alien.”8. Because it means wvisitors.”C. Because it means “guests* "D. Because it means “not belonging.”19. Which of the following are considered the proper ways of using a napkin?A. Place the napkin on your lap with one fold toward your knees.R Take the napkin out to your side and shake it before placing it on your lap.C. Tuck the napkin in at vour neckline to protect your tie or shirt.D. If you need to leave the table during the mealy place the napkin in your chair.20. At social gatherings, how do you start a conversation?A. Expect people to come up to you.B. Look for a group of people to join.C. Introduce yourself to the other person.I. . Offer your hand in greeting.第三部分简述题(30分)根据本课程所学,简述下列问题:21. 一般来说,在“便装日”应如何着装?22. 在西餐厅里如果食物塞牙了 ,该如何处理?23. 如果就定上午8:30上班,那么几点到办公室比较合适?为什么?24. 如何理解“When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”这句谚语?25. 在吸烟之前,先向周围的人"Do you mind if I smoke? ”是不是就足够礼貌了?第四部分实践题(20分)26. 结合你的日常观察说一说在你的工作环境中人们是如何着装的.在你工作的机 构,有严格的着装要求吗?结合本课程所学,谈谈你的看法.(23981号)国际商务礼仪试题第2页(共2页)2022年秋季学期考试国际商务礼仪参考答案2023年1月第一部分判断题(30分,每小题2分)There are fifteen statements in this section.Mark the statements True (T) or False (F) accordingto whatyou havelearned in thiscourse.1.T2.T3.F4.T5.T6.F7.T8.T9.T10.F11.T12.T13.F14.T15.T第二部分 选择题(20分,每小题4分,选对一项得2分,错选多选不得分)There are five questions in this section.Each question has one or more than one correct answer.Selectthecorrectansweroranswers.16. AC 17. BC18. AD 19. AD 20. CD第三部分简述题(30分,每题6分)根据本课程所学,简述下列问题。21 .一般来说,在便装日,着装比日常略显休闲即可,即在正式程度上“降一格"。通常,着 装风格的跨度不宜过大。例如,如果平时是西服革履、打领带,那么在便装日,常可以穿休闲 西装、西裤样式的便装裤子和便装皮鞋。22 .食物塞牙后,不论是否用手或用餐巾遮挡,都不可用手去扣,也不可当众用牙签去剔。 应礼貌地告退,然后到卫生间去处理。23 .应该在规定的上班时间之前十五到二十分钟到办公室,为开始工作做好准备o利用 这提前的十几分钟脱大衣、倒水、擦桌子等等。这样,不仅可以按时开始一天的工作,也不会对 其他同事产生干扰。24 .在访问其他国家时,要入乡随俗。要注意观察当地人的生活习惯,尊重当地人的生活 方式。不要张扬,注意别人对我们言行举止的反馈,适时调整自己的行为,避免留下负面印象O 轻声说话,礼貌待人,放慢脚步,选择适度的出行方式。25 .先问周围的人,当然很礼貌。在工作场合,例如在公司的会议上,或是与客户会谈时, 还有就是在人多拥挤的地方,就不用费心去问这个问题了,干脆别抽,等一会儿换个地方去抽 就是了。第四部分实践题(20分)26 .要求学生就这一话题阐述教材中的观点,并与现实观察做比较,阐述现实与教材内容 的相同之处和不同之处.在评分时,不要求学生将教材中某一话题的要点全部列出,仅列出与 其观察相关的要点即可.做到这一步,即可给12分.如能对观察到的现实状况加以分析,且 阐述清晰、逻辑清楚、见解独到,可获得更高分数。这一部分未设字数限制,答题以阐述透彻、 语言简练为宜。