上册第一部分英国地理第1章自然地理I. Name and location1. Full name and constituents2. Geographical locationII. Physical featuresIII. TopographyIV. ClimateV. RiversI. Name and location (全称和地理位置)1. Full name and constituents (全称和组成)(1) Full name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(2) Constituents:England, Scotland, and WalesNorthern Ireland(1)全称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国组成部分大不列颠岛:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士北爱尔兰2. Geographical location (地理位置)It is situated in Northwestern Europe, lying to the north of France and the west of the Netherlands and Denmark. 英国位于西北欧,南隔英吉利海峡与法国为邻,东对荷兰、丹麦等国,西邻爱尔兰共和国。II. Physical features (自然特征)1. England (英格兰)(1) England occupies the southern portion of Great Britain.(2) It is the most important part of the Kingdom in wealth, size, and population.(3) Capital: London, the centre of government for the whole nation.(1)英格兰位于英国的南部。 英国财富,面积和人口最重要的组成部分。(3)首府伦敦是英国的政治中心。2. Scotland (苏格兰)(1) Scotland occupies the northern portion of Great Britain.(2) A Celtic language, Gaelic, is spoken in parts of the Highlands.(3) Capital: Edinburgh 苏格兰位于英国的北部。苏格兰高地的部分地区的通用语言是一种凯尔特语盖尔语。首府:爱丁堡3. Wales (威尔士)(1) Wales is on the western prominence between the Bristol Channel and the Dee estuary.(2) It was effectively united with England in the 14lh century.Capital: Cardiff(1)威尔士位于布里斯托尔海峡和底河河口。威尔士实际上在14世纪与英格兰联合。(3)首府:加迪夫4. Northern Ireland (北爱尔兰)(1) Northern Ireland is composed of the six Irish counties(2) Capital: Belfast(I)北爱尔兰由6个爱尔兰郡组成。0首府:贝尔法斯特HL Topography (地势)3. England defeated France in the wars in India and America and its colonies were expanded.1.11世纪中期,奴隶贸易有所增加。2 .伊丽莎白时期,英国打败西班牙的无敌舰队,第一次成为海上霸主。3 .英国在印度和北美连胜法国,殖民地面积不断增加。II. House of Hanover (汉诺威王朝)1. The Hanoverian succession established the principle that the monarch reigned by act of Parliament.2. The official connection between Britain and Germany was also further strengthened.3. The Hanoverian succession made the real power passed more easily from the crown to Parliament.1 .汉诺威王朝的连续统治建立了王权由议会控制的原则。2 .英国和德国的政治联系也不断加强。3 .汉诺威王朝的连续统治使权利更容易从国王转向议会。ID. Parliamentary Politics (议会)1. Parliament was controlled by the two political parties: the Whig and the Tory in turn.2. Parliament was not democratic electorally and political rights were thought of the rights of property owners.1 .辉格党和托利党开始轮流控制国会。2 .议会不是由民主选举产生,政治权利由有财产的人控制。IV. Economy (经济)The economy further developed. Agriculture was slowly changing, both in organization and in techniques. These were essential conditions for stimulating the Industrial Revolution.经济进一步发展。农业在体制和技术方面都有所改变。这些都为工业革命准备了必要的条件。第7章 工业革命、美国独立战争和法国革命I The American RevolutionIL The French RevolutionIH. Prerequisites for the Industrial RevolutionIV. The Industrial Revolution and Its Consequences1. The Industrial Revolution2. Its Consequences1. The American Revolution (美国独立战争)1. The Navigation Acts (passed in 1651) were intended to increase the prosperity of English merchants and ship builders.1651年通过了航海条例,有利于英国商人和轮船制造者的发展。2. The process (过程)The war broke out in April 1775.In October, 1777, the American army won a great battle at Saratoga, which was a turning point.By the Treaty of Paris in 1783, Britain recognized the independence of the United States.战争开始于1775年4月。1777年10月,美国军队取得萨拉托加大捷,这是美国独立战争的转折点。1783年巴黎和约,英国承认了美国的独立。IL The French Revolution (法国革命)1. The French Revolution broke out in 1789 and Thomas Paine published -The Rights of Man II .2. In 1793 Britain became the chief leader of a military alliance with Austria and Prussia against revolutionary France.3. The allies met at the Congress of Vienna and fought for the spoils of victory. England obtained Ceylon, the-Cape of Good Hope, and a number of Spanish, Dutch and French colonies.1.1789年,法国革命爆发,潘恩发表人权宣言。2 . 1793年,英国联合澳大利亚和普鲁士,反对法国革命。3 .盟国在维也纳分赃会议上瓜分胜利品。英国得到锡兰,好望角,以及西班牙,荷兰和法国的殖民地。III. Prerequisites for the Industrial Revolution (工业革命的必要条件)1. The conditions for the Industrial Revolution :the accumulation of capital.the development of capitalist farming and the appearance of a labor reserve.the expansion of markets, domestic and foreign.2. Britain's population grew fast in this period and the people were skilled in many different trades.3. The English Parliament from 1760 to 1844 passed three thousand eight hundred Enclosure Acts.4. 工业革命的必要条件:资本的积累资本主义农业的发展和劳动力储备国内市场和国外市场的扩展。5. 英国的人口增长迅速,人们对很多不同种类的贸易技术娴熟。6. 1760-1844年的英国国会通过了 3800项圈地法案。IV. The Industrial Revolution and Its Consequences (工业革命和它的影响)1. The Industrial Revolution (工业革命)©During the latter half of the eighteenth century, The Industrial Revolution began.James Watt created a steam engine in 1769. In 1814, George Stephenson constructed the first successful steam locomotive. This made transportation much easier and more convenient.18世纪后半期,工业革命开始。1769年,詹姆斯瓦特发明了蒸汽机。1814年,乔治史蒂芬孙发明了第一辆蒸汽机车。这使交通变得 更简单而又便利。2. Its Consequences (它的影响)The industrial Revolution promoted the development of production. Britain began to produce large quantity of low-priced goods in a more efficient manner.Many new cities came into being and population increased.©British goods almost achieved a monopoly position in the world market.The Industrial Revolution laid a good foundation for the -factory of the world II . A factory system was established.Workers were employed and managers became capitalists. Two conflicting classes were born.工业革命促进了生产的发展。英国开始更有效地生产大量的廉价商品。很多新城市出现,人口有所增加。英国商品在世界市场上几乎占据垄断地位。工业革命为英国“世界工厂”的地位奠定了基础。工厂生产制建立。工人被雇佣,经理成为资本家。两个对立阶级产生了。第8章发展中的英国I. The Postwar Economy and SocietyII. Political ReformUI. The New Poor Law and the Anti-Corn Law LeagueIV. The Chartist Movement1. The Postwar Economy and Society (战后的经济和社会)1 . Although both agricultural and industrial production had greatly increased during the wars, the total national debt had nearly quadrupled.2 In 1815, a new Corn Law was passed, designed to keep up grain prices and rents by taxing imposed grain. The industrial bourgeoisie resented the new Corn Law.1尽管战争期间农业和工业产量都增加了,国债总数增加了近4倍。2 1815年,新谷物法颁布,目的在于通过征收谷物税,提高谷物价格和租金。工业资产阶级反对新谷物涉o IL Political Reform (政治改革)1 . The first Whig Reform Bill was introduced in 1831, a third bill was then passed by the Commons, but again the Lords threw it out in May 1832.2 The Reform Bill was concerned with giving the middle classes a stake in responsible government rather than with changing the basis of government.L 1831年,辉格党制定的第一条改革法案通过。1832年,下议院通过了第三条改革法案,但是上议院予以否 定。2改革法案支持中产阶级的利益,而不是改变政府的基础。III. The New Poor Law and the Anti-Com Law League (新济贫法和反谷物法联盟)1 . In 1834 a new Poor Law was passed, the only relief that the poorest people could get was given in the workhouses.2 In 1838, the Anti-Corn Law League was formed. In 1848 the corn laws were suspended.J 1834年,新济贫法通过,最贫穷的人只能在济贫院得到救济。2 1838年,反谷物法联盟形成。1848年,谷物法被废除。IV. The Chartist Movement (宪章运动)1. The People's Charter was drawn up in 1837 and the basic point is Universal Suffrage.2. The Chartist Movement reached its height in 183911848 and declined after 1848.3. The Chartist Movement failed but the English working- class entered a period of conducting independent political movements against the bourgeoisie.L 1837年提出了人民宪章,基本点是普选权。2 . 1839-1848年,宪章运动达到高潮,1848年后逐渐衰落。3 .宪章运动虽然失败了,但是英国的工人运动进入了一个新阶段,他们开始了独立反对资产阶级的斗争。第9章殖民扩张和议会发展I. Colonial ExpansionII. The Industrial Monopoly and Its DecliningUI. Party Politics and ReformsIV. Emergence of the Labor Party1. Colonial Expansion (殖民扩张)1. Britain and France attended the Crimean War from 1845 to 1856 to keep the balance of power in Europe.2. In 1840, Britain launched the Opium War against China. And China signed the first unequal Treaty of Nanjing in 1842.3. Britain occupied one-third of the whole of Africa.4. The dominion of Canada was the first British dominion to be so organized in 1900.5. By the end of the 19th century the colonial possessions of Britain had already covered about 1000000 square miles, so Great Britain boasted that she ran an -empire on which the sun never sets II .L英国和法国参与了从1845年到1856年的克里米亚战争,以维护欧洲的权利平衡。2 1840年,英国向中国发动鸦片战争。1842年,中国签署了历史上第一个不平等条约南京条约。3英国占领了三分之一的非洲。4 1900年,加拿大成为英国的第一个自治地。5 19世纪末,英国的殖民地面积达到100万平方千米。英国被称为“日不落帝国”。IL The Industrial Monopoly and Its Declining (政治改革)1 . In the middle of the 19th century England already revealed two outstanding characteristics of imperialism:vast colonies monopoly profit. Mid-Victorian prosperity reached its peak in a boom that collapsed in 1873.2 The interests of different sections of the community diverged between 1870 and 1900.L 19世纪中期,英国已经具备帝国主义的两个显著特征:广阔的殖民地垄断利润。1873年,经济逐渐衰 退。2 18701900年,不同部门的利益开始分化。III. Party Politics and Reforms (政党政治和改革)1 . In order to win the support of the people, conservatives and liberals put forward their own reform bills. The most important ones were the Third Reform Bill of 1884 and the Redistribution Act of 1885.2 Foreign affairs remained the most difficult problem, among which the relation to Ireland was the most important.1为争取人心,保守党和自由党竞相提出改革方案。最重耍的法案是1884年的第三法案和1885年的再分 己法案。3 对外事务是最难解决的问题,其中最终的是英国和爱尔兰的关系。IV. Emergence of the Labour Party (工党的出现)1. In 1868 the first Trade Union Congress met in Manchester.2. The independent Labour Party was founded in 1893.3. In February 1900 a labour representation conference was held in London, which marked the beginning of the 20th- century Labour Party.1. 1868年,第一届工会大会在曼彻斯特举行。2. 独立的工党于1893年成立。3. 1900年2月,工党代表大会在伦敦举行,标志着工党的成立。第10章 两次世界大战中的英国L Crisis Before the First World WarIL Britain in the First World WarHI. Aftermath of the WarIV. Depression and AppeasementV. Britain in the Second WorldL Crisis Before the First World War (一战前的危机)1. The Liberals were returned to power in December 1905.2. The English working-class movement reached new heights with a wave of strikes between 1911 and 1914.3. The old capitalist countries, such as Britain, France, Spain and Portugal, gradually lagged behind.4. The First World War was an imperialist war.1 . 1905年11月,工党重新掌权。2 . 1911 1914年,英国的工人运动达到了新的高潮。3 .老牌资本主义国家英国,法国,西班牙和葡萄牙逐渐落后。4 .第一次世界大战是帝国主义的战争。II. Britain in the First World War (一战时的英国)1 . England participated in the First World War with national efforts. Millions of soldiers were dead and English people suffered a lot. Although England won the war, the powerful empire was gone.2 The Germans signed an armistice, which came into force on November 11,1918.1 .英国倾其国力参加一战,土兵伤亡渗重,人民倍受苦难。英国虽赢得了胜利,昔日帝国的强大一去不复返 To2.1918年11月,德国签署了停战协议。III. Aftermath of the War (战后)1. In January 1919 the Paris Peace Conference met with representatives from thirty-two nations.2. The British government organized "the campaign of fourteen statesn against the new Socialist State in 19191920.3. The October Revolution led to national liberation movements in British colonies.L 1919年1月,巴黎和会召开,32个国家代表参加。2英国政府支持“十四点原则”,反对19191920年的苏维埃政府。3十月革命导致英国殖民地的民族解放运动。IV. Depression and Appeasement (经济衰退和缓战期)1. In the economy, Britain lagged behind the rest of the industrial world.2. Baldwin's ministry first attempted to define the relations between Britain and her dominions.3. In 1928, the vote was given to women as well as men at the age of 21; By 1929 the time had come for a general election.4. The British government accepted German occupation of the Rhineland in March 1936.5. Britain sponsored the policy of “non-intervention” towards the Civil War of Spain.6. On September 1939, Germany invaded Poland and rejected Britain's demand that she should withdraw. On September 3, Chamberlain broadcast to the nation that Britain was at war.1 .经济上,英国落后于其他工业大国。2 .鲍尔温政府第一次定义英国和她的殖民地之间的关系。3.1928年,21岁的男性和女性都获得了选举权。1929年,通过普选。4.1936年3月,德国侵占了莱茵兰,英国政府表示接受。5.对于西班牙内战,英国采取“不干涉政策”。6.1939年9月,德国侵占了波兰,拒绝了英国要求其撤回的要求。9月3号,张伯伦宣布英国卷入二战。V. Britain in the Second World (二战中的英国)1. When the Germans invaded Belgium and Holland, England suffered Battle of Dunkirk.2. In 1941, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour brought the United States into the war. A Grand Alliance was formed.3. In 1943, at Teheran, Churchill and Roosevelt met Stalin demanded a second front in western Europe and the Grand Alliance was consolidated44. On May 7, 1945, Germany surrendered unconditionally. In August 15, 1945, Japan surrendered unconditionally. World War II was over.5. Great Britain had triumphed over all her enemies. But economic losses were great and one quarter of its national wealth was lost.1 .当德国侵占比利时和荷兰的时候,英国遭受了敦克维克大撤退。2.1941年,日本偷袭了珍珠港,美国卷入二战。反法西斯同盟形成。1 .1943年,丘吉尔,罗斯福和斯大林在德黑兰会晤,开辟欧洲第二战场,反法西斯同盟得以巩固。4 . 1945年5月7日,德国宣布无条件投降。1945年8月15日,日本宣布无条件偷、投降。第二次世界大战结 束。5 .英国战胜了敌人,但是经济损失惨重,四分之一的国家财富丧失。第11章二战后的英国1. The Post-War Years(19451952)1. Nationalization and Social Security2. Austerity3. Independence of India and Pakistan and the Cold WarIL The Latter Half of the 20th Century (19521999)l.The 1950s and 1960s2. The Stormy 1970s3. Britain in the 1980s4. Britain in 1990s: John Major and Tony Blair John Major's Trouble Time1. The Post-War Years (19451952)(战后)1. Nationalization and Social Security (国有化和社会保障)。 Britain was no longer a major power. The Labor Government struggled to deal with the problems: to improve standards of living, move to a -mixed economy, II close the trade gap.Q The Labor Government took control of industry and public utilities, including the nationalization of the Bank of England; the coal industry; air transport, etc.(1)英国不再是世界强国。工党政府试图提高人民生活水平,转为混合型经济,消除贸易逆差。(2)工党政府控制工业和公共事业,包括英格兰银行的国有化,煤矿产业,和航空运输,等等。2. Austerity (紧缩)。 A fuel shortage severely curtailed exports, food was still severely rationed. In 1947, relief appeared in the Marshall Plan.Q Compared to Japan and Germany, Britain pre-war industrial-strength was severely weakened.(1)能源短缺严重缩减出口,食品需要定量供应。1947年,马歇尔计划缓和了这一状况。(2)与日本和德国相比,英国战前的工业力量严重削弱。3. Independence of India and Pakistan and the Cold War (印度和巴基斯坦的独立,冷战)Q Indians and Pakistanis then celebrated on August 15, 1947, as Independence Day.Q Nowadays Kashmir remains to be a troubled area between India and Pakistan.B After the War, most Eastern European countries became Soviet satellites.Q In 1949, NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was established.(1) 1947年8月15日,印度和巴基斯坦宣布独立。(2)克什米尔地区仍是印度和巴基斯坦的遗留问题。(3)二战后,大多数东欧国家成为苏联的同盟国。(4) 1949年,北大西洋公约组织成立。IL The Latter Half of the 20th Century (19521999) (20 世纪的后半期(19521999)1. The 1950s and 1960s (20 世纪 50 年代和 60 年代)(1) In the early 1950's, Britain's first atomic bomb was tested.(2) The later 50's and early 60's then resulted in a boom time for Britain with increasing prosperity, rising wages and a manageable economy.(3) In 1965, Chelsea became an international conglomerate of fashion, cosmetics and other consumer items.(1