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    本集结束之后敬请继续关注堡垒解密档案堡垒前情提要你跟你老公是怎么认识的So, how did you and your husband meet?我在那里开始接受记忆疗法当时凯尔也参加了同样的项目I started memory therapy there. Kyle was in the same program.在堡垒被摧毁期间During Citadefs collapse,我的门生卡特斯宾塞把这个箱子藏了起来I ordered my protege Carter Spence to take the case underground.这个箱子是唯一能定位幸存堡垒特工的技术He says it's the only tech that can locate any Citadel agents who might still be alive. 实在是抱歉I'm so sorry.你是纳迪亚-You're Nadia.-并不是-你跟我一样也是间谍-No. You are a spy like me.-这是是你That's. You.如果我回家他们会找到我只有阻止他们我才能保护家人If I go home, they're gonna find me. Stopping them, that's how I protect my family. 我找到她了她什么都记得-1 found her. - She remembers everything.-是女的是的-She? - Yeah.她叫纳迪亚Her name's Nadia.私人模式已启动Private mode initiated.货物怎么样了她还知道什么-她知道的并不多What else did she know? Not a lot.我们会把事情搞定然后我就回你身边We're gonna figure this out, and then Fm coming back to you, okay?-跟我聊聊他吧-谁Tell me about him. - Who?梅森他是什么样的人你看到我给那个东西不断地写代码重写代码了吗You see me writing and rewriting the code for that thing.那是什么What is it?这取决于你问谁Depends on who you ask.你想让它变成什么What do you want it to be?我只想要你I just want you.你已经拥有我了You already have me.最困难的部分在于要牢记你为什么会在那里The hardest part is gonna be remembering why you're there.要牢记那不是你的人生That it's not actually your life.我会一直拴着你的I will keep you tethered.你每周都要跟我报平安给我打电♥话♥Every week you check in with me.我会提醒你什么才是真实的Call me. I will remind you what is real, what is true.伦敦我知道就在这里某个位置I know it's back here somewhere.我说过吧Told you.一点都不像个姑娘Not very ladylike.为什么现在说这个Mm. Why start now?你说服了德米特里You had Dmitri convinced.现在我们知道了希尔杰两兄弟在维也纳跟谁合作Now we know who the Silje brothers are working with in Vienna.伦敦维也纳London. Vienna.看来咱俩这段高质量的相处时光要谢谢安德斯和戴维克了I guess we have Anders and Davik to thank for all of this quality time together. 那你穿着这条漂亮裙子我该谢谢谁Who do I have to thank for this dress?塞莱斯特难以自拔了Celeste's in over her head.她已经失联三个月了She's been dark for three months.没有报平安也没有回应我的信♥号♥♥弹No check-ins, no click-backs to any of my flares.但是全面攻破But a full breach? It's too soon.有点太早了吧You know what it's like on the inside.你也知道打入内部是什么样的可能有数不清的原因There could be infinite reasons why she didn't check in.如果是你去当卧底我倒想看看这场好戏可惜卧底是她And if it were you in there I'd be willing to see how it plays out. But it's not you.她跟我能力一样强She's just as capable as I am.这正是我所担心的That's what I'm worried about.卡特发现了一些异常情况Carter picked up some anomalies.什么异常情况-What anomalies?可能不严重也可能极为严重-Could be nothing. Could be everything.我一直在调查她的背景I've been digging deeper into her life.她的双胞胎兄弟大卫有严重的赌博问题Her twin brother David, he*s got a serious gambling problem.严重到赌资涉及六位数Six figures serious.他躲起来了有些危险的人正在找他He's holed up somewhere because some very dangerous people are after him.所以呢So?当心爱的人处于危险之中时人们就会做蠢事You and I both know that people do stupid things when the ones they love are on the line. 她可以高价卖♥♥掉奥兹钥匙She can sell the Oz Key for a lot of money.你这是在无中生有You're seeing things that aren't there, Mason.有消息称戴维克正在找买♥♥家There's chatter on the wire that Davik's looking for a buyer.所以奥兹钥匙就算不能完全运转但也差不多了So it's safe to assume the Oz Key is close to, if not fully operational.-只是时间早晚的问题-太早了It's only a matter of time before. - It*s too soon.我知道她是你的朋友但如果奥兹钥匙被任何人拿到-1 know she's your friend but if anyone gets their hands on the Oz Key,我们就无法掌控奥兹钥匙也失去了限制他们能力的机会any chance of holding them at bay, any chance of keeping their power in check is gone. 我要派遣特别行动队I'm sending in an ops team.在这地方放钱包真奇怪Odd place to store a purse.安德斯肯定会很想你的Anders is gonna miss you terribly.我从特别行动队那里收到了最新情况I just got an update from the ops team.双方交火我们有伤亡Shots were exchanged and we've got casualties.-有多少很多-How many? - Enough.天啊塞莱斯特呢Jesus. Celeste?她还活着She's alive.被揍了但还活着Uh, beat up, but alive.我们抓到了安德斯We captured Anders,戴维克不见了Davik disappeared.奥兹钥匙呢The Oz Key?行动队队长说他们没找到Ops chief said they couldnrt find it.妈的Fuck!机密她拿走了箱子别提这件事永远别提还剩30秒Thirty seconds out.医疗舱就位迎接伤员进入Secure med bay for incoming.医疗舱待命Med bay's on standby.把她放在第二审讯室Put her in Interrogation Two.那他呢What about him?稳定他的状态让他能开口Stabilize him well enough to talk.是谁的责任Who's on point?是我I am.戴维克不见了奥兹钥匙到底在哪Davik's gone. And where the hell's the Oz Key?我们着手去办We'll get under it.把事情处理好Clean this up.-我想进审讯室-不行-1 want in the box. - No.-我不是在请求你俩关系太近了-I'm not asking your permission. - You're too close.-梅森-你俩关系太近了-Mason. - You're too close.开始录音Begin recording.这纯属胡闹This is bullshit.名字和级别-Name and classification.这些都他妈的不重要了-None of that fucking matters anymore, Mason. 系统身份识别-System Identify. - Identified.-一级行动员身份识别完毕-塞莱斯特格雷厄姆-Tier-One Operator. Celeste Graham.奥兹钥匙在哪Where is the Oz Key?你♥他♥妈♥在逗我吗Are you fucking kidding me?放松点梅森Easy, Mason.你就不应该在这里跟我浪费时间You shouldn't be in here wasting your time with me.你应该出去机动追捕戴维克You should be out there, mobilizing, hunting Davik!松开手铐Remove restraints.这是示好吗为了让我心怀感激吗Is that supposed to be a gesture? To make me feel grateful?塞莱斯特你把奥兹钥匙怎么样了What did you do with the Oz Key, Celeste?我告诉过你了在我的应急响应包里I told you, it was in my go bag.你的应急响应包是空的Your go bag was empty.特别行动队清了场他们只找到了这个Ops cleaned the site. All they found was this.这是假的It's a fake.里边到底发生了什么事What happened in there?她在里边吗Is she in there?纳迪亚你在里边吗Nadia, are you in there?你觉得是我拿走了You think I took it?你要藏在镜子后面吗坐下塞莱斯特You're gonna hide behind a mirror? Sit down, Celeste.经历了这么多事之后你居然觉得是我拿的After everything?! You think I'd do that?去你♥妈♥的 ♥Fuck you!纳迪亚你能听到吗Do you hear me, Nadia?你当初就不应该让我加入You never should have brought me on.过去三个月你错过了每一个接头地点For the last three months you've missed every one of your Live Drops.是你违反协定在先You were the one who broke protocol, Mason.我还没有准备好你就派了特别行动队Sent an ops team before I was ready.是你没给我选择的余地You didn't give me a choice, did you?你失联了好儿周我们不确定你是否还活着You went dark for weeks. We didn't know if you were dead.戴维克在哪我把他安置在了地下室-Where is Davik? -1 secured him in the basement.-他不在地下室-我就是把他放在那里了He wasn't there. That is where I left him.你周围的各种人和各种物件都不见了People and things just disappearing around you left and right?去死吧Go to hell.好吧Okay.那我们聊聊大卫Let's talk about David.我兄弟跟这有什么关系What does my brother got to do with any of this?八岁时你继父向你挥舞滚烫的熨斗是你兄弟挡在了面前At eight years old, he stepped in front of your stepdad swinging a hot iron at you. 是他挨打了所以你幸免于难那一次把他打得够呛He took all the beatings so you didn*t have to. And it fucked him up.你想说什么Where's this going?我理解你一定深感愧疚I understand the guilt you must have felt.他为了保护你做了很大的牺牲He sacrificed so much to protect you.后来在你继父对他的各种行径之后你实在无力挽回他Then after all your stepdad did to him, you couldn't fix him.但你卖♥♥掉奥兹钥匙就能借此保全大卫的性命But you sell the Oz Key and you can save his life,支付他头顶的赏金pay the bounty on his head.去你的梅森Fuck you, Mason.你认识这栋楼吗You recognize this building?放大8C单元Zoom in to unit 8C.那是谁Who is that?梅森我兄弟跟这件事一点关系都没有Mason, my brother has nothing to do with this.但他却处处跟你有关系But he has everything to do with you.你每周给他打一次电♥话♥每个月给他寄八百美元You call him once a week. You send him $800 a month.即使在创业孵化器毫无收获时你也用了自己的积蓄给他付钱Even when you were at the Incubator making nothing, you paid him out of your savings.你兄弟是个废人-闭嘴Your brother seems like a fuckup to me. Shut up.战术小队武装系统Tac Unit, arm system.系统已武装System armed.-住手告诉我奥兹钥匙在哪-Stop. - Tell me where the Oz Key is.我他妈真不知道I don't know, I really don*t fucking know.你说你和兄弟关系很好你俩间隔38秒先后出生对吗You said you and your brother were close. What, 38 seconds apart?-锁定目标-住手Tac Unit, acquire target. Stop.目标已锁定Target acquired.你为了他而卖♥♥了奥兹钥匙不是吗You sold it for him, didn't you?承认吧Admit it.-买♥♥家是谁谁也没有Who's your buyer? - Nobody.最后一次机会-Last chance!-执够了-Tac Unit, exec. - Enough.你觉得你刚才是在干什么The fuck do you think you were doing?我没准备把他干掉I wasn't actually gonna take him out.但你刚才听起来是认真的Oh, yeah? You sounded pretty convincing.不能打断审讯刚才那根本不是审讯You can*t stop an interrogation! That wasn't a fucking interrogation!那是在攻击我们自己人That was an assault on one of our own!塞莱斯特没拿奥兹钥匙Celeste didn't take the Oz Key.她说把奥兹钥匙藏在了应急响应包里戴维克发现后拿走了She said she hid it in her go bag. Davik had to have found the bag and taken it. 那是他在地下室被反绑的时候还是从后门逃走的时候拿走的When? When he was tied up in the basement? Or when he fled out the back?你问问塞莱斯特再问问特别行动队回答完全是两个故事You ask Celeste, you ask Ops, you get two different fucking stories.我认识她五年了I've known her for five years, Mason.我比这里的任何人都了解她I know her better than anyone here.她没拿She didn't take it.现在戴维克知道了她是卧底And now Davik knows that she was undercover.戴维克视她为累赘所以会来追杀她的She's a liability to him, and he*s gonna come after her.-她说得对我们得让她脱身格雷斯She's right. We have to get her out, Grace.她最好的选择就是被转移到一个独♥立♥的安全屋Her best option is to relocate her to an unaffiliated safe house.我可以联络一些军情六处的联♥系♥人I can reach out to some MI6 contacts.那是必须的It'll have to do.安德斯醒了你们应该去审审他Anders is awake. You should interview him.我去吧PH do it.别告诉我你们相信塞莱斯特Do not tell me you believe Celeste.纳迪亚信她Nadia does.她救过纳迪亚的命纳迪亚当然信她了She saved Nadia's life. Of course she does.塞莱斯特拿到了奥兹钥匙Celeste had the Oz Key.她失联了三个月She went dark for three months.然后钥匙就消失了Then it disappears?她耍了我们所有人I mean, come on, she's working all of us.无论是堡垒安德斯还是戴维克她需要谁就为谁卖♥♥命Citadel, Anders and Davik, anyone she needs to to make a buck就为了赚钱给自己兄弟还债救他的性命for herself so she can pay off her brother's debt and save his life.那我们该怎么办So what do we do?我们向指挥部提出询问We open an inquiry with Command.我们对她启用后盾We backstop her.梅森Mason.我们不能就这样删除她的记忆We can't just erase her memory.她可是一级行动员格雷斯She's Tier-One, Grace.她掌握堡垒的一切你要让她这样回到现实中去吗She knows everything about Citadel. You gonna let her out in the world with that information?她会把我们出♥卖♥♥ ♥给出价最高的人Shell sell us out to the highest bidder.我们必须清除她的记忆-We have to wipe her clean.指挥部甚至都还没有批准后盾的安全流程-Command hasn't even approved Backstop's safety procedures yet.这技术太新了It*s too new.你光是提出这个建议我就能对你施加惩罚I could have you sanctioned for even suggesting something like that.在你担任主管期间内奸搞垮了堡垒你想被贴上这个标签吗You want to be known as the director who let a mole take down the agency? 我无法授权启用后盾I can't authorize the backstop.不需要你授权You don't have to.我们可以换个地方执行We*d do it off-site.不需要让任何人知道No one needs to know.瞒着纳迪亚瞒着指挥部瞒着所有人Not Nadia. Not Command. No one.我会处理好的Fil take care of it.如果最后能证明她的话是真的我们再把她带回来Look, if what she says turns out to be true,重新激活她的记忆就好像什么事都没发生过一样we'll bring her back, reactivate her memories like nothing happened.如果是她干的呢And what if she did it?那就让她处于被启用后盾的状态让她坐牢Then she stays backstopped. Goes to prison.这样一来堡垒的机密是安全的But CitadeFs secrets are safe.我们要怎么跟她说What are we gonna tell her?-把这个戴上-这是什么I'm gonna need you to put this on. - What the hell is that?能停用你的ARC芯片以及你在堡垒的所有证明-It deactivates your ARC chip and the rest of your Citadel creds.为什么要停用我们要带你离开这里Why would I want that? We're getting you out of here.戴维克知道你是谁他会来追杀你和你兄弟的Davik knows who you are. He's gonna come after you and your brother.我们要把你转移至安全屋We're gonna relocate you to a safe house.安全屋A safe house?回头再细说眼下来说There1! be time to talk later. For now.他肯定能找到安全屋的位置You don't think he'll be able to sniff out a safe house?-Mason, who was he?没办法跟你说我跟他关系没那么近Couldn't tell you. We weren't that close.-从来没有私人交情从来没有-We never got personal. - Never?凯恩我很惊讶你居然会爱上一个I am surprised, Kane, that you, of all people,曾经摧毁了堡垒的女人would carry a torch for the woman who brought Citadel to its knees.数据传输完成赶快出来Transfer's complete. Get out of there.你到底在说什么The hell are you talking about?是你的女友纳迪亚It was your girl Nadia.是你吗Was it you?这是布瑞尔对吧That's Brielle, right?你爱的女人The woman you love,她还活着she*s alive.不会吧-No.她叫艾比-Her name is Abby,她嫁给了梅森凯恩and she's married to Mason Kane.我是特工卡特斯宾塞This is Agent Carter Spence.曼提柯尔正在接近我的位置Manticore's closing in on my location.这可能是我最后一次通讯This might be my last transmission.妈的Shit.我知道他在哪I know where he is.摩洛哥曼提柯尔暗点你们能找到我兄弟他肯定也能找到You were able to find my brother. Think about how easy it will be for them to do the same. 那你的建议是什么-Then what do you suggest?我不知道但你迅速提醒了所有人这次是你的行动I don't know, Mason. But you're real quick to remind everyone this is your op.既然是你的行动搞砸了那你何不自己想办法呢Well, your op turned into a clusterfuck. So why don't you figure it out.还有一个选项There is another option.这是一个即将推出的新程序It's a new program soon to be rolled out.适用于处境极为不利的一级行动员Meant for Tier-One Operators in a worst-case scenario.能确保他们消失If, for whatever reason, they have to disappear.你将被带到墨西哥城的一个设施在那里被注射镇静剂You'll be taken to a facility in Mexico City. You'd be sedated.在镇静期间他们会对你进行两场无痛手术While you're under, they'll perform a pair of painless procedures重塑你的角膜和指纹脊帮助你隐姓埋名to reshape your cornea and the ridges ofyour fingerprints to help you hide.你以后就不是塞莱斯特格雷厄姆了而会是另一个人You won't be Celeste Graham anymore. You'll be someone else.会变成戴维克永远找不到的人Someone that Davik can never find.所以这算是证人转移So it's Witness Relocation?没错你和你兄弟都是如此That's right. For you and your brother.尘埃落定之后我可以回归我的生活吗And when the dust settles, I can just get back to my life?这是保护你的最佳方式It's the best way to protect you.那我们就这么办吧Let's do it.把她藏起来直到我们可以撤离Keep her hidden till we can evac.我们不能把真&hearts湘&hearts浩诉纳迪亚We can't tell Nadia the truth.搞定了吗Is it done?重新安置好她了吗She resettled?我亲自打的电♥话♥I made the call myself.她正在前往安全屋的途中She's on route to the safe house.格雷斯谢谢你做的一切Thank you, Grace, for everything.先别着急谢我Don't thank me yet.我们还需要找到奥兹钥匙We need to find the Oz Key.是的Yeah.我们在找了We're on it.有眉目吗Any luck?还没有戴维克的迹象我们还在找No sign of Davik yet. We're still looking.你觉得这个怎么样What do you think of this one?很温馨很典雅Uh. Cozy. Classic.这是在俄勒冈州Yeah, it's in Oregon.我祖母住过的小镇Small town my grandmother lived in.你给塞莱斯特也安排了 2点5个孩子吗Did you give her 2.5 kids, too?你想凭空捏造生活吗随你便You want to invent a life out of thin air? Be my guest.听我说如果被指挥部发现了Look at, um, what happens if Command catches wind你私自启用后盾程序怎么办you back-channeled an unsanctioned Backstop procedure?我可能会逃跑吧也许我会就此安顿过上简单的生活I'd have to go on the run, I guess. Maybe I'd settle down for the simple life.那我花钱也愿意看Yeah, Td pay to see that.经历过这一天之后不想想这栋房♥子吗After a day like today, that house?看看这门廊还有凉爽的夏日微风That porch? Cool summer breeze?天啊你肯定连五分钟都撑不住Man, you wouldn't last five minutes.谢谢你还我人情Thanks for calling in a favor.对安妮梅希亚她是个老朋友Yeah, Ana Mejia, she*s an old friend.她用后盾创造


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