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国家开放大学2022年秋季学期期末统一考试高级商务英语听说试题2023 年 1 R注意事项一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站名孙填写在卷题纸的规定栏 内.考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带 出才场二、仔为阅读题H的说明,并按题目妥求答答案一定要用在答 题纸指定的位贯上.写在试卷上的冬案无效三、用蓝、黑阅珠笔或钢笔答题使用铅笔答题无效。Instructions: This test will uke approximately 30 minutes. There arc HVE recordings in the te>i and you will bear each recording twice. There will be a pause of 30 seconds before each recording to allow you to look at your questions. There will be a pause of 30 seconds after 3ch recording to allow you to check your answers. You can firsl mark or write your Afttwer* o«i thi* tc*t |»per. After the recordings, you MUST irannfer all your nn*wcrs to the Answer She«t. The total mark* for this test are 100 points. There are altogether 25 questions in th/ test and each quEion Rak” up 4 poin”.Recording Oi»cThere ire five multiple choke questioru after tbe rvcordlnt. Oioose the best answer to cadi question and write your answer oa tbc Answer Sheet. Yo« will hear the recording twice. (20 pelnfs. 4 points each)L The number of the primer order is.A. FH5618 a HF5168 Q HFS618 D. FH51682. The problem is that only have arrived.A. 7 & 17 C 71D. 703. Now. Berraondo Company needs the other printers urgently.A. 3 a 17 Q 20 D. 704. At the moment Sales Office has someproblem*.A. printer R customer Q product D. »tock5. When will the Sale* Office de»p<atch ihe printert?A. Next month.B. Next Monday.G Next weekend. 以 Next Sunday. (11357号)普级商务奂语听说试际第1页共3页Recording TwoListeti and mark the followinx as True (T) or False <F). Write yoor answers on tbc Answer Sheet You will hear the recording twice. <20 points, 4 points each)6. Camden wants to speak to Mr. Bird. (T/F)7. Mr. Bird is in his office at the moment. (T/F)8. Mr. Birdrs pKone number is 020 8299 462. (T/F)9. Camden left a mesimge (or Mr. Bird. (T/F)10. Camden looks forward to hearing from Mr. Bird. <T/F)Recording ThreeListen and mark the following ns True (T) or False (F). Write your n«weE on the Aiwwer Sheet. Yoa will hear the recording twice. (20 points, i points each)11. Mr. Kramnik wants to meet Ms. Fhnnam to dwcus* tbr renewed of thdr contnrt. (T/F) 12. M丸 HAnnam will go on business (rips during the middle of July. (T/F)12. Mr. Kramnik plans to arnve in London on the niht of Thursday« June 6th. (T/F> It. Ms. Hannam's secretary will be in charge of the accommodation of Mr. Kramnik during hix »tny in London. (T/F)15. The staff working for Swallow Exports is polite, enthusiastic and considerate. (T/F> Recording FourFill in the blank* as)*oe listen to the recording. Write yoor answers on the Aiwwer Sheet. You will b»r the rvcordinx Iwke. <20 points. 4 points each>InUrmrwtr: What do you *ee as the most imponant characteristics of (16) meeting?Allan Catfi I think it9% important that everyone is well(17) Certainlyeveryone should prepare for the meeting which i> possible in all ca except emergency meetings where tbertr s no time for much (18) A second point i« that in every case, people should understand the objeciircs of the meeting. AUo. the role of the chair is important. The chair should do a good job. keep (19) and keep the mccling focused on the objectives. That means the tncconj: (20)its aims.Irfltrvteurr t And whai about (he limtns of the meeling?Altan Co”3 Yes. 1 iffree. the meeling should keep to the timinR stan and finish on time. That's also important.(H357号)离圾商务英语所说馍他第2页(共3页)Recording FiveFill in the blanks as you Ihten to the recording. Write)<»ur answers on the Answer Sheet. You will hear the recording twkr. (20 points. 4 points och)There are six Mages in (he (2D life of a product. Thc%e may be extended over anylimeM-Ak. maybe a kw month* for a (22)item or several yean for a car or someother consumer durable. First, you have the development of the product then following the development, there is the hunch* it is launched in the (23) and then, the next Mep is the product Rains acceptance and sells* this is the <24>Sl«gc- And then the fourth stage of maturity corner next. During thia M«ge» m!c» peak* reaching the saturation point. Huving reached a peik. then (25)in. Eventually the productis replaced.H»is Is the end of the test.Now remember to tmnsfer all yonr aiwwm to your Answer Sh«eL(IB57号)育嫌他务英清所设试即第3更(共3 «)2022年秋季学期考试高级商务英语听说参考答案2023年1月计分标准:.本成就共由25翅组成,每题4分,做对需4分,做错不得分.1625题中的单词拼写出现错误坦扣2分.RccordingOne1. C2. B3. A4. D5. BRecordingTwo6. T7. F8. F9. T10. TRecordmgThree11. T12. F13. F14. T15. TRecordingFour16. successful17. prepared18 preparation19. control20 reachesRecordingFive21. classical22. fashion23 introduction24. growth25. decline(11357号)高级急务英语听说答案第1页(共1页)