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试卷代号:22140国家开放大学2022年秋季学期期末统一考试商务交际英语(2)试题2023年1月注意事项一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站名称填写在答题纸的规定栏 内。考试结束后,把试卷和答即纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带 出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。二、仔细读惟题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答 题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。三、用然、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效,I.MULTIPLE CHOICE (10小每小题2分,共20分)ChocM? the letter iiM!icu(hig the IE clM>ke (o compltte euch Mfiitence or answer vacii quvMkm:1. A oup k an cuiisplc of Mn)aid, stitch can be umk! Id slimulalc inlewsl.A. gulB vnwlC. oral2. The vertical axk of a line chart bA. nomully u%ed to show amountsB. used Id 5nw prciptwlkwuC. the littc that goes frotn left io nghi3. When we lisien to leant, we should iweA. ouual likeningB. active listeningC. pasMve listening.4. What 区 the main putposc of a process description?A. To enable the render io describe things.B. To descitbc whai an object looks like.C. To explain huw Miinething wurk.5. Vha( is especially important when talking on the cclqjbooc?A. Speaking clearly.B. Avoiding dixlractHHis.C. Speaking mon: kxidly than umkiI.6. When a verbal menage and a nenverba】 mesxugc di%nx with each other, mou of the time weA. believe the vcrtul mcssjcB. believe (he nonverbal mescC. believe both of the two kinds of languages7. In die opening paragraph of 3 letter uf applicilkHi. A. explain that ynu have a rcMimc attachedB. expluin any gups in your employment histotyC. iixlicaic ihac you arc applying for a particular job(22M0号)商务交际英语2试册第1页(共6页)8. Ilieparagraph of a letter of application should explain your qualificationsfix the jobA. bodyB. openingC. chwing9. The way >xxi ulk and dc( during an interview shows (he interviewer wbclbcrA. you can act natunillyB >XMI can odvancc quickly on the jobC. you have good OHnmunicaiion skills10. You should write a brief fbllow-up letter io the interviewer within afterthe iMeniew.A. dux%B. tuv imxiihtC. <wo years11. TRUE /FALSE。小人,每小题2分,共20分)Write « T rf Ihc statement k true. Write un V if the xlMtcment k fulM?. Your judKmcnl>huuld be based on jour underHUinding of the cuune book.II. A photograph is nn exnmple of a visual aid. 12. An organization chart is a Mep-by-step dinim of u p<wcdurc or p<wc$s.13. A computer ix an example of u meclunitm.14. Use only one lypc of visual aid during a presentation.15. Mxly language K one of the tnc»sl impcirtant nonvcrtxil %ymboh.16. E-commcrcc is the buying and selling of goods and services on ihe IntenKi.17. A meeting is an imponum nicns of exchanging informaiion in a business setting.18. A minute is ihc order of business io be discuswd during a particular meeting19. A good rcMimc nlwQ/ lenck to un intcnicw.20. Begin your job search by kfcncifying your personal and career goak. (2214。号)微分交际英语(2)试IS第2页(共6页) in.REA DING COMPREHENSIONS io/hH.每小题2 分,共 20 分)R,“ llw Mkatni: Iwo”n4 tmecr tlbr (|m*fi<nn.Pamosc One:There are three kind% of gi»lx: xluKt-term. mediummngc and kxig-tenn goaKShort-term goak are (hose (hat usually deni with cunrni activities, which wc can apply on n daily basis. Such goals can be achieved in a week or I or(wo weeks, or pcwsibly. months, h should be remembered that juM ux a building i« no stronger than its fnuixbtion, long-cerm foah caiinoi ainouni id vry munch without (tie achievn)en( “ solid slioit>iemi goak Upon compiling our sbon-tenn goaK we should date the oocaskw and then add new shon-term goals that will build on those that have been conxMctcd.The internxxlimc goals Mild on the foundation of the short-term goals. They might deal with juM one term of whixM or (he entire scbcxil yw. orhey could even extend for serral >var». Any lime you move a step si a hint, you slxiuld nevvr allow joursdf id becocie dis<xxirugcd or over-whelmed. As you complete each s(q>, you will cnfbcvc the belief in your ability to gniw ami lucceed.八nd your li%t of completion dales gmw, jxiur motivalian and deitn: will incnMe.Long-term goals may be rrbtcd to <wr dnrm of the fimirc. They might cover five years or more. Life is noi u stalk thing. We should never allow a long-term goal(o limit us or nur course of action.21. Our lon-tcrm goals mean a kxA. if we canixH reach %olid nlxirt-lenn guahB. if we complete (be short-term goalsC. if we have draims of the ftiturc22. New short-term goal% are built uponA. a daily bauiB. your achicvemcni in a weekC. the goals thuc hnvc been completed23. When we complete cadi Mep of <xir goals.A. wv will win final successB. we mc owwhclmcdC. we will build up our canfkletKtf U> achiew success(22M0弓)商务交际英ifi2)成的第3金(共6JJ024. Wht is the main idea of thk pax*age?A. DiOcrcnt kinds of g<xik in life.B. Life is a dynamic thiiijC. We vhimkl sei up hmg-tenn gnak.25. Which of the following siaicmcnts is NOT tax? according(o the passage?A. We should often udd new boa-term goals to whm hnvc been complied.B. Life is a static thing, thus never allowing a lonj-tcrm goal to limit us.C. The internKdiate gods build on (he foundation of the short-term goals.Pawwge Two:Fax About Closing a C'ompuny'x Rank AccountSuung Iim'I Tniding Inc#109-3860 Jaccmib% RiudRtchmiwd. IM: V6V IY6 CanadaTd/Bax:6(M-27<>-33«lTo: ABC Bank LtdAltniWu Ming.DireciorDate:Sqxcmber 19,2016Page%Sub: Request to Close AccountDear Mr. WuCuuki >uu pleaM: arrange die cluuire uf Account Nu. 1234567 a* we are di»alislkd with ibe 犍rvices provided by)our bank?Pfcnsc transfer the remaining account balance, after dcduciing all rclcxuni bank chnrgcs (if any)k> our AN: 7654321Your kind cooperation in this regard will be highly appirciaicd.You咋 sinocrcly.Accixinl Signalon)Enclosed: Deposit Book(22 MO号)税务交际英语试H第4页供6页)26. Why i% Strong Inti Trading Inc unable to nuintain iK A?C with ibe Kink?A. Because it has u new partner.B. Because it will eqvc to n new city.C. Because it Uni 3k6cd with (he banks service.27. What docs Strong Inf I Trading Iik csk the bunk to do?A. To clote 取皿ount.B. To tfTange iu itxixini.C. To nxiinlam it» acecwL28. A her deducting all relevant bank char$g ihe bank shouldA. apologize lo the companyB. transfer the rcmainin accaunt balance u> the companyC. pen1 ide a belter Mfnice ki the coinpan)29. From the (ide of Siroog Int'l Trading Iik. we can see it is a company inA. InunoeB. jtfntec*C. cvmmmv30. The tone of die fax 睚A. joyfulB. politeC. rudeIV.TRANSLATION'S小题,电小题4分,共20分)Truncate the nWlowhiR sentences into ('hmc%c:31. Prquring formal oral prescntaiions k challenging.32Jobs arc ahu HDineliitH:% obuined through iiHenuhipL33. Sincerity k a critical part of your irmge.34. Make sure the customer undcruaiids wltai you say.35. When ycxi organize xxxir resume, (hink alxiut iu rote w a telling Ux4. (22M0号)商务交际英语(2)试思第5页共6页V.VRITING. (1 小题,共20分)36. You are Wang Lin. one of Liu Jun's teachers in the university. Now Liu Jun wants io apply for a position of Mxrclary in Mr. Zhao's company. Wriw u w<Mnmm<l»tion letter (推荐信)for Liu Jun to Mr. 2h»>(at least 50 words):(1) io mtn>di>ce l.iu Jun:(2)1。give reasons why you recommend Liu Jun.(22140号)前务交际英语(2)试题第6页(共6页)试卷代号:221402022年秋季学期考试商务交际英语(2)参考答案2023年1月I MULTIPLE CHOICE (10小题,每小题2分.共20分)Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer eachquestion12345678910BABCABCACAn. TRUE/FALSE(10小虢,每小8t 2分,共20分)Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space if the statement is false.11121314151617181920TFTFTTTFFTm. READINGCOMPREHENSION. (10小理,每小!K 2分,共 20分)Read thefollowingns'opassagesandanswerthequestions.Passage One212223242SBCCABPassage Two2627282930CABCB(22140号)福务交坛英语(2)答案第1页(共2页)IV. TRANSLATION. (5小领,每小理4分,共20分)Translate the following sentences into Chinese:31. Preparing formaloralpresentationsischallenging准备正式的口头际述是有挑战性的.32. 2. Jobs are also sometimes obtained through internships-工作有时也可以通过实习找到.33. Sincerity is a criticalpartofyourimage.真诚是自身形般的一个关挺部分.34. Make sure thecustomer understands whatyou say询保恒客理解你所说的话.35. W hen you organize your resume> think aboutits role as a selling tool.在制作前历时,应!6它当作一个推用工日.V. WRITING. (1 小题,共 20分)36. You are Wang Lin. oneofliuJun' s teachers in the university. Now Liu Jun wants to apply fora position of secretary in Mr. Zhao- s company. Write a recommendation letter (推荐信)forLiuJuntoMr. Zhao (atleastSOwords):(1) to introduce Liu Jun;(2) to g ive reasons why you recommend LiuJun.评分标准:ffiEt. .®Hj5分内容10分(包括提示内容及客气程度)拼法及箕它5分