Sweet Tooth《鹿角男孩(2021)》第二季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
紫色的花Purple flowers.好痛Ow.你在这里啊There you are.胖叔Big Man.杰普!Jepp!胖叔?Big Man?杰普德!Jepperd!胖叔!Big Man!这是一个故事This is a story.一个关于最后的人类的故事A story about the last men.那些想要伤害我们的人The ones who tried to hurt us, 以及竭力帮助他人的人 and the ones who tried to help. 对我们没事Yes, we're good.为人类改造空间!Reclaiming the space for Homo sapiens!排干它快点怎么回事?快Reclaim it. Come on. What's going on? Hurry up. 让开!Move!对明白我们听说了确定人口在减少We got word population decline is affirmative. 必须在本周内把这个地方弄得漂漂亮亮的 Place needs to be beautiful by end of the week. 嘿约翰尼有狗窝的钥匙吗?Hey, Johnny, got the Kennel keys?.喂停下等一下-快点!Whoa, stop. Wait right there. Come on!好吧你们两个跪下就在你跟一个垂死的女人玩过家家之际Now, while you were playing house with a dead woman, 这个毁灭了 98%人类的东西this thing that wiped out 98% of the human race, 正以前所未有的速度变异and is mutating faster than anything we've ever seen, 正在朝我们袭来is heading straight for us.它不在乎你也不在乎你老婆It doesn't care about you or your better half.它更不需要睡觉And it certainly doesn't need to nap.知道为什么吗?Do you know why?因为它比你聪明Because it's smarter than you.等你死了就能休息了You will rest when you're dead.在你研制出解药之前她别想用药了She doesn't get another dose until you deliver.可是上一针管不了多久Yeah, but. but that shot wonrt last.那你最好抓紧时间了Then you better hurry, yeah?这需要几个礼拜I. It will take weeks to-再过几个礼拜我们都死了We'll be dead. in weeks.我给你三天时间You have three days.我为大家制订了宏伟的计划I got great plans for us.我不在的时候谁负责?Who's in charge while I'm away?我长官I am, sir.再来一次精神点Do it again, with gumption.我长官I am, sir!听到了吗?You hear that?让人鸡皮疙瘩掉一地That was. Goosebumps.帮帮忙你们两个拿出男人气概Now do us a little favor and man up, both of you.准备手术室约翰尼Prep the operating room, Johnny.我们有工作要做We've got work to do.嘿!安静点Hey! Keep it down.肮脏的畜生Filthy animals.我们讨厌他We hate him.我也是他是抓我的坏人之一Me too. He*s one of the bad men who caught me.他们是怎么抓到你的?How did they get you?我呼叫了那个电台I called that radio.当时我在找I guess I was looking for.我也不知道我在找什么I don't know what I was looking for.我就是不想一个人I guess I just didn't want to be alone.电台怎么了?What about the radio?我们可以呼叫妈妈We can call Mom. We can call Mom.呼叫妈妈Call Mom.呼叫妈妈Call Mom.他们说什么?What are they saying?如果我们能通过电台联♥系♥上妈妈If we can reach Mom on the radio.也许她能想到办法救我们出去Then maybe she can find a way to get us out.你们怎么知道她有电台?But how do you know she has a radio?一看就知道你没见过她You've obviously never met her.但我们上哪儿搞电台?But where do we get a radio?广播室楼上Radio room. Upstairs.电台是用来听的不能通话Radio's for listening. Never for talking.但我会用But I know how to use it.我见她用过I used to watch her.嗯但你怎么上去?Yeah, but how would you get there?上Go.加油鲍比Come on, Bobby.加油Come on.这些东西怎么处理?What the hell do we do with these?老大要我们处理掉我们就处理掉Boss man said take them out, we take them out.嘿用来练靶子怎么样?Hey, target practice?嗯也行Welt we could.或者扔下楼看它们爆♥炸♥Or. we can throw them off a building and watch them explode.瞧所以说你能升官呢你脑子灵光See, that's why you got promoted, man. You got ideas.鲍比你拿到了!Bobby, you did it!快! 一把钥匙给我Go! Give me the keys.快Come on!让开! 你让开!Move! - You move!一帮帮玛雅来吧Help Maya. - Come on.快点Come on.试试镜子Hurry. Try the mirror.就差一点点了You're really close. Really close.帮忙You got this.-来我帮你-来吧Here, I'll help. - Come on.-看出来了!-拉Look, its out! Pull the.嘿钥匙在你那里吗?Hey, you got the keys?不是在你那里吗?Thought you had them.可能在约翰尼那里Johnny probably has them.那个嬉皮士?怎么会让那家伙负责?That hippie guy? How's that dude in charge of anything?你知道那个嬉皮士是谁吧?-不知道是谁?You know who that hippie guy is, right? - No, who?一个可怕的家伙One scary dude.他们走了温蒂上They*re gone, Wendy. Go.温蒂上快点Wendy. Go, now.要是他们回来怎么办?-没事的你能行But what if they come back? - It's okay. You got this.要是我不行呢?What if I can't?看看上次他们是怎么对我们的Look what they did to us the last time.上次没有我好吗?You didn't have me last time, okay?我跟你一起去告诉我该怎么做Ill go with you. Just tell me what to do.好Okay.来人帮我一把I need a hand here.走Go. Go!走Go.快走Go, go, go!盖斯快点Gus, come on.跟紧点Stay close.那边There.我们成功了We did it.全靠你You did it.-准备好了吗?-我生来就准备好了Are you ready? -1 was born ready.妈妈我们还活着Mom, we're alive.我们在大象园下面的泵房♥里We*re in the pump house under the elephant pen.他们带走了罗伊And they took Roy.别看Don't look.那是Was that.罗伊Roy.叫她快点Tell her to hurry.一切都会好的It's gonna be okay.好了Okay.谢谢Thank you.你别想再挖地道逃跑了You won't be digging out of here again.妈妈怎么说?What did Mom say?不知道她没有回话I don't know. She didn't respond.你们见到罗伊了吗?Did you see Roy?罗伊不会回来了Roy's not coming back, guys.没错因为罗伊逃走了That's right. *Cause Roy escaped.啥?What?没错他被带走后就溜走了我们听到他们在搜查Yeah, he snuck out after they took him. We heard 'em searching.他自 ♥由 ♥ fHe's free.罗伊逃走了!Roy escaped!达奇Dutch.我的朋友Mi amigo.每次经过这里都觉得低地越来越美The Lowlands get more beautiful each time I pass through here.人手虽然不足却能创造奇迹It's amazing what a lack of people can do.我们约好了时间的张迟到了吗?Well, we all agreed on a time. Is Zhang running late?她不来了是吧?She's not coming, is she?她向你问好She sends her regards.得克萨斯州受到了重创是啊最新一波我知道Texas has been hit hard with theYeah, the newest wave, I know.末日毒株The Doomsday strain.噢末日毒株是吗?Oh, the Doomsday strain, is it?我们不辞辛劳来到这里不是为了见你的Not like we went through a fair amount of trouble to be here for you. 下次吧道格Another time, Doug.时间是限♥量♥商品兄弟Time is a finite commodity, mijo.让我猜猜你那个西边来的脑残朋友他也不来了Let me guess, your shithead friend from the West, he's not coming either. 他俩深感抱歉They're both very sorry.他们派我来处理你的任何问题They sent me to address any outstanding issues you may have.你们都答应了来听我的提议的You all agreed to listen to my proposal.三人组不会为了任何人放下手头的事The three don't just drop what they're doing for anyone.我不是普通人I'm not just. anyone.我们投票表决了We have already voted.不管你有什么计划我们都没兴趣Whatever it is you're up to, we are not interested.这样啊I see.下次吧Another time.要是我们没有时间了呢?What if we don't have any more time?大家很害怕People are scared.我在我手下的脸上看到了I see it in my men's faces.也在你手下的脸上看到了I see it in your men's faces.你看到的是恐惧我看到的是机会Yeah. Where you see fear, I see possibility.我看你不顺眼你看我也不顺眼但我们必须合作I don't like you, you don*t like me. But we have to work together.我给你一点建议Ill give you some advice.回去吧Go home.我们是不会接纳你的We'll never accept you.下令吧将军Say the word, General.让他走Let him go.等他们明白了我们在研制什么Once they understand what we're working on, 他们会来求我们的theyll come begging for us.抱歉鲍比一会儿再试吧Sorry, Bobby. Let's try again later.你为什么骗他们说罗伊逃走了?Why did you tell them that about Roy?必须这样说We had to.有时候说点假话没关系的Sometimes it*s okay to bend the truth a little.只要有助于谁说的?If it helpsSays who?我妈妈从来不骗我们My mom never lied to us.当时你想怎么跟他们说?Well, what were you gonna tell them?说实话The truth.一旦被带走我们就回不来了If we get taken away, we don*t come back.罗伊的事不怪你Roy is not your fault.不要自责You shouldn't blame yourself.你们被抓住这不是你的错It's not your fault you all got captured.我也被他们抓住了They got me too.我还跟一个强壮无比的人在一起And I was with, like, the hugest person ever.他怎么了?What happened to him?不知道I don't know.他可能跟爸爸在一起了I think he might be with Pubba now.不过如果他在这里If he were here, though,他会让我不要难过he'd tell me not to be sad.然后And.他会叫我不要有鹿的怪异行为he'd tell me not to do any "weird deer shit."他还会让我要有胆色And then he'd tell me to grow a pair.什么是胆色?A pair of what?不知道他没说I don't know. He never said.他以前也经常自责 但是不是什么事都怪他He used to blame himself for stuff too, but. not everything was his fault, 我认为不是I donrt think.万一我们What if we-别说出来Don't say it.我们不会像罗伊一样的We're not gonna end up like Roy.我们会离开这里的温蒂所有人一起离开We're getting out of here, Wendy. All of us together.他怕黑He's afraid of the dark.加入我们之前 他父母把他藏在地下室His parents hid him in the basement before he came to us.以前妈妈会给他一盏夜明灯这样他才睡得着Mom used to give him a night-light so he could sleep.没有她我不知道如何保护他们I don't know how to protect them without her.我相信会有办法的Well, I'm sure we*ll figure something out.再说了我听说猪超级聪明Besides, I heard that pigs are supposed to be super smart.所以你多半是个天才So you're probably like a genius or something.快躲起来Go, go, go, go!没有Nope.你在哪里?Where are you?那个That one.好了继续走小鹿斑比来吧Okay. Let's keep walking, Bambi. Come on.走Move.快走Come on.你会说话吗?Can you speak?你有名字吗?Do you have a name?你来自哪里?Where are you from?已经过去一分钟了A minute has already gone by.再过几分钟会有四个大汉来到门口In a few more, four large men will come to that door.我必须把你交给他们PH have to give you to them.他们会把你放在那个冰冷的金属台上They'll take you to that. cold, metal table.然后那个戴红色眼镜的男人And the man. with the red glasses,他会逼我把你剖开he'll make me open you up在你的体内寻找答案so I can look inside you for answers.我的脸会是你最后见到的东西My face will be the last thing you ever see.除非Unless.All right, you two, get on your knees.吃早餐了小怪胎们Breakfast time, you little freaks.不要Uh-uh.我们不吃狗粮We don't do kibble.但我饿了But I'm hungry.我也饿但我们不吃狗粮I'm hungry too, but we don't eat dog food.那厄尔呢?What about Earl?厄尔怎么了?What about Earl?我饿I'm hungry.好吧Fine.吃吧Go ahead.吃吧Eat up.我不饿I'm not hungry.我有巧克力棒I had a chocolate bar.刚才你的手在比划什么?What was that thing you're doing with your hands?打手语We sign.手语?Sign?大多数混种人不像你和我一样会说话Most hybrids can't talk like you and I do.没人教他们吗?No one taught them?有这个原因也有人是没有声带所以说不出话That, or they just can't make words *cause they don't have vocal cords to speak.所以我们想别的办法沟通We find other ways to communicate.除非你开始回答我的问题Unless you can start answering my questions.你就是那样对罗伊的吗?Is that what you did to Roy?我就知道你会说话I knew you could speak.我怎么称呼你?What can I call you?盖斯Gus.盖斯Gus.你多大了盖斯?How old are you, Gus?十岁Ten.你确定吗?You sure about that?我十岁I'm ten.我叫阿迪亚辛格My name is Aditya Singh.我是仅存的医生之一I'm one of the last doctors left.是谁教你说话的?Who taught you to talk?我的爸爸My Pubba.他是你父亲吗?Is that your father?不是No.我没有父亲I don't have a father.这样啊I see.你对罗伊做了什么?What did you do to Roy?我不知道他还有名字-你没有回答我的问题I didn't know he had a name. - That's not an answer.你认识“得重病的人吗?Have you ever known someone who got. very ill?多亏了那个男孩有个我非常Thanks to that boy, someone I care about在乎的人very, very much现在还活着is still alive today.你伤害罗伊了吗?Did you hurt Roy?你也要伤害我吗?Are you gonna hurt me too?我不是坏人盖斯I'm not a bad man, Gus.我只是想阻止大家生病I'm just trying to stop everyone from getting sick.听着罗伊无法回答我的问题 但你可以Look, Roy couldn't answer my questions, but you can.告诉我盖斯你父亲是医生吗?Now, tell me, Gus, was your father a doctor?我说了我没有父亲I told you. I don't have a father.那就是你母亲Your mother, then.我没有父母我可以走了吗?I don't have any parents. Can I go now?盖斯我最后再问你一次Gus, Tm gonna ask you this one last time.你多大了? 我已经告诉你了How old are you? -1 already told you.我十岁十个冬天十个夏天十个生日I'm ten. Ten winters, ten summers, ten birthdays.你不可能十岁盖斯!You can't be ten, Gus!那不可能H5G9病毒That would be impossible. The H5G9 virus is only.九年前才出现is only nine years old.但你说你没有父母也许这是一条重要线索But I think you might be onto something about your parents.知道为什么吗?You know why?你刚来时为你做检查的人注意到一件事The men noticed something on your intake exam. 你没有肚脐You have no belly button.-什么是我想见见这个叫爸爸的人Whafs aI'd like to meet this Pubba person.他已经不在了He's not here anymore.你是说他死了?You mean he's dead?是的Yeah.但后来我又见过他But I saw him again.我掉进紫色花丛的时候When I fell into the purple flowers.我看见他在另一边也可能是我的幻觉I could see him. on the other side, or in my head. 我也不知道但是I don't know, but.我跟他说过话I talked to him.这样啊I see.你能再次找到他吗?Could you find him again?在紫色花丛里?In the purple flowers?我们准备好了!Ready for ya.嘿没关系Hey, hey, it's okay.嘿Hey. Hey.只有我能保护你盖斯I'm the only one who can protect you, Gus.我可以让他们走开I can make those men go away.但你要保证我们可以继续这样交谈But I need to know we can keep talking like this.好吗?Okay?听着我给你看样东西Look. I. Tm gonna show you something.你看Look. Look. Look.我想要的东西不在这里面I don't want what's in here.而是在这里面I want what's in here.我可以信赖你吗盖斯?Can I count on you, Gus?快点Go.你不会再伤害我们了?You won't hurt more of us?如果你肯帮我我希望不必再伤害你们If you help me, hopefully I won't need to.拉钩?Pinky swear?好Yeah. Um.我向你保证You have my word.我还有一个条件But one more thing.盖斯你活着回来了Gus, you made it.当然了我是不会抛下你们一个人走的Of course. I won*t leave without you guys.我还带了一样东西回来I brought back something too.谢谢你跟我做朋友J Thank you for being a friend ?谢谢你跟我做朋友? Thank you for being a friend )哇Whoa.他小时候他父母经常放音乐给他听His parents played him a lot of music when he was little. 我没听过那首歌♥I don't know that song.黄金女郎Golden Girls.他们想让你做什么?So, what did they want from you?没什么Nothing much.不过我为我们争取到了 一些时间But. I think I bought us some more time.谢谢Thank you.你是谁?Who are you?你先说You go first.朱迪呢?Where's Judy?朱辿没事Judy's fine.那就让她说话Then put her on.等等你是Wait, are you.你是我想的那个人吗?Are you who I think you are?看情况Depends.你是怎么进入我的阁楼的?How did you get in my attic?老天真的是你Holy shit, it is you.我和盖斯在一起L Im with Gus.盖斯Gus.不是真的和他在一起他跑掉了因为他发现你其实不是他的Not with-with him. He ran away when he found out you weren't really his. 喂?Hello?你是谁?你怎么会认识盖斯?Who are you? How do you know Gus?我是贝琪I'm Becky.盖斯And Gus.说来话长is a long story.理查德和你在一起吗?Is Richard with you?不他No, he's他走了He's gone.现在我跟另一个男人在一起There's another guy now.杰普德Jepperd.等等Wait.你的对讲机开机多久了?How long have you had that phone activated?不知道几个小时吧I don't know. A few hours?如果我是你我会躲起来I would start hiding if I were you.我不明白告诉我你在哪里I don't understand. Just tell me where you are.不那部对讲机上有追踪器No. That phone has a tracker on it.一开机追踪器就会激活The minute you turned it on, it got activated.告诉我你在哪里我们去找你Just tell me where you are. We can come to you. 他知道多少?How much does he know?很多A lot.一切Everything.我不知道I don't know.他是什么样的人?What*s he like?你应该见见他You should see him.他变成了一个好孩子He turned into a great kid.他找到我的录音带了吗?Did he find my tape?什么录音带?What tape?绿树成荫Shady Grove.我在磁带上录了一段留言把它藏在阁楼了I recorded a message on a cassette and hid it in the attic.磁带是什么?What's a cassette again?就像录像带It*s like a. like a tape.你有录像机吗? 没有Did you have VHS? No.快点我们不知道谁在追踪那部对讲机Come on, hurry. We don*t know who's tracking that phone.等等是这个吗?Wait, is it this?不是但越来越接近了No, no, but we're getting warmer.就像优盘? 比优盘大Like a thumb drive? - It*s bigger than that.我想我I think I.找到了.found it.他们来了They're here.谁?Who?最后的男人Last Men.拿上磁带离开这里Take that stuff, and. and you get out of here.没门我跟着你No way. Tm right behind you.不!No!等等Wait.开门!Open this door!快打开Open it!我们只有一个人能活着离开这里Only one of us is gonna make it out of here alive.这个人应该是你And it should be you.