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教学根本信息课题Unit 5 MusicLesson 5Reading and Writing学科英语学段:高中班级高一教材书名:一般高中教科书英语必修其次册出版社:人民教育出版社出版日期:2019年6月姓名单位设计者焦世强北京市其次中学头力也者焦世强北京市其次中学指导者关媛东城区老师研修中心课件制作者焦世强北京市其次中学其他参加者刘静、刘燕东城区老师研修中心教学目标及教学重点、难点At this class, you will be able to:1. obtain and sort out the changes and feelings of Sarah from her speech; 1 教学重点2. identify the rhetorical devices and the outline presented in Sarah's speech; 教学重点)3. create a speech about how music can change a person's life.教学难点)教学过程(表格描述)教学环节主要教学活动设置意图Prereading一、老师引导同学对阅读语篇猜测。同学看图片并答复下列问题。Questions: What do you find about Sarah Williams in the picture? What do you think how Sarah Williams feels?创设情境,引入主 题,引导同学通过 图片猜测文本内 容。Whilereading二、老师引导同学阅读文章,分层次猎取信息并答 复下列问题。同学阅读全文并回到问题。(教材56页第一局部三 个问题)Questions: What was Sarah's problem? How did music help her during her difficult time ? What is her advice to others ?基于主题,引导同 学梳理文章关于作 者接受听音乐方法 前后的变化和感 受。Prewriting三、老师引导同学学习语言特点。Step 1:同学回忆文章并答复下列问题。Question: What are the characteristics of the languages that the author uses to introduce her story and her feelings? What rhetorical devices does the author use?Step 2:同学回读文本,完成教材56页其次题第一 局部。metaphor: E personification: Fquote: Brepetition: Crhetorical question: A simile: DStep 3:同学回读文本,完成教材56页其次题其次 局部。 What expressions does Sarah use to talk about how music can make us feel? Underline the phrases in the speech.Step 4:同学分析修辞手法的写作方法。老师引导同 学对文中每一个修辞手法进行分析。Question: Why does the author use these rhetorical devices?Step5:同学回读文章并答复下列问题。Question: What is the structure of this article?引导同学关注文中 所用的修辞手法并 了解其英文名称。引导同学定位语篇 中修辞手法的使 用。引导同学总结并归 纳作者在叙述接受 音乐治疗前后变化 时使用的语言。引导同学分析修辞 手法在演讲稿写作 中的作用。引导同学关注演讲 稿的文本结构。Whilewriting四、老师引导同学以“How music can change a person's life?"为题写一篇演讲稿。Step 1:同学完成教材57页第三题第一局部。3 Use what you have learnt to write a speech about how music can change a person's life.1 Work in groups. Tliink of ways that people experience cnusc, and how music car help people.Ways people experience musicHow music can help peopleginging,give encouragement./Step 2:同学完成教材57页第三题其次局部。Now think about your experience with music and it has changed your life, or think about how the life of someone you know has been changed by his/her experience with music.Step 3:同学完成教材57页第三题第三局部。3 Pil in the blanks below with some of the rhetorical devices you hope to use in your speech.Metaphor: Personification: Quote:said,'. RepeEi0n: Music makes/gives/helps me/him/her.1 23 Rhetorical question: Have you ever? Simile (vert) + Wee):Step 4:同学完成第一稿演讲稿写作。引导同学思索并列 举音乐表现形式及 其转变人们生活的 方面。引导同学阅读演讲 稿,体会作者语言 使用特点。依据作者所用修辞 和写作手法尝试仿 写。撰写一篇完整的演Complete the outline and use it along with rhetorical devces to draft /xr speech. Introduce yourseil Write about how music made ytxVhim/her feel. Give the topic of your speech. Relate your/his/her expenence to the audience. write about your experience with music. Close the speech.or the experience of someone you know.Hello, my name is. and I'm here to talk about .yGHrs ago. -讲稿。Postwriting五、老师引导同学修改第一稿演讲稿写作。Step 1 :同学依据问题对第一稿进行修改。Questions: Do you explain how music has changed your/someone else life?9 Are some of the rhetorical devices included and used properly? Do you talk about how music makes you/someone feel? Is the first word in each sentence capitalized? Do you use correct punctuation ?Step 2:同学听录音并关注演讲者的语调和节奏。Step 3:同学学习如何精彩完成演讲的技巧。引导同学深化思 索、精准仿写、完善 自己的演讲稿写 作。引导同学实践 使用本单元词汇及 语块,就话题语境 进行写作,表达自 己的观点看法。引导同学关注如何 使演讲更具声色。Summary六、老师总结本节课的语言学问和学习策略。稳固本节课的重点 学问。HomeworkL完善并形成演讲稿写作终稿。2.练习演讲并录像录占)。稳固本节课的重点 学问。