Sweet Tooth《鹿角男孩(2021)》第二季第七集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
我不懂I don't understand.你是说我们的鸡蛋足以养活一个小大♥陆♥的人 You're telling me we've got enough eggs to feed a small continent, 却培养不出一个可用的培养菌落?and yet we can't even grow one single viable culture?创新需要时间吉莉安Innovation takes time, Gillian.等董事会停掉我们的经费时我一定把这话转告他们Fil be sure to tell that to the Board when they cut our funding.筛选其中一个冰芯就需要几个月Ifll take months to sift through just one of those cores.照这个速度我们都撑不到临床试验At this rate, we won't make clinical trials.我甚至无法I can't我们都没见过这种遗传物质We haven't even seen some of this genetic material before.这种研究急不得We cannot rush this kind of research.不然不然怎样?Or. Or what?稍有差池犯任何错误One. wrong strand of something, anything;一切都完了that's all it takes.如果我们复♥制♥那个If we reproduce that.后果可能是灾难性的all hell could break loose.什么情What the fu.一切还好吧?Is everything okay?那个没有受精的鸡蛋That unfertilized egg.有心跳It has a heartbeat.什么?What?我想我们的经费保住了On the count of three. - One-我才I. I just.好去吧All right, go on now.嘿我说了五分钟Hey, I said five minutes.有人盯着他们吗?Anyone have eyes on 'em?别用这个频道笨蛋有人在用呢Stay off this channel, knuckleheads. It ain't clear.情况如何?What's the score?动物军团包围了动物园The Animal Army's got the zoo surrounded.形势不错We're good.等他们完事了我就松了一 口气了Ill feel a hell of a lot better once they take care of business.在此之前我们在这里不安全We're not safe out here until they do.她是什么人?What*s her deal?说来话长Long story.她爱那些孩子胜过一切She loves those kids more than anything.她在鬼门关走了一遭又回来了She went through hell to get *em back.相信我她再也不会 让那个孩子离开她的视线了Trust me, she wonft let that one out of her sight ever again.好了快点走了Okay, come on, let's go. Let's go.就等你们了快点You*re the last ones, come on.快点Move it. Move it.孩子们都上车了All the kids are onboard.我们得走了We gotta get going.看看能否在日出前赶到小屋See if we can make the cabin before sunrise.我们要尽可能远离动物园We gotta put as much road between us and the zoo as we can. 你走吧Go ahead.我随后就来I'm right behind you.听着我知道你在生气你永远不会原谅我Look, I know you're mad, and you1! never forgive me.但我们得走了But we gotta go.艾伯特受到了重创但实力犹存Abbot's reeling, but he's not finished.你救了我的孩子们You saved my kids.我原谅你了I forgive you.-听着别过来ListenPlease stop.听着对不起但是Look, Tm sorry, but-杰普德别再靠近了Jepperd, don't come any closer.等等Wait.难道你Are you.怎么会?How?离开保护区后我一直在问自己这个问题I've been asking myself that since we left the Preserve.艾伯特那里有药 我们可以用电台联♥系♥动物军团Abbot has a treatment. We could radio the Animal Army.药在我这里I have it.我进动物园时拿的I grabbed it when I was in there.这是他们 杀掉我儿子做出来的我不用They killed my boy to make this. I'm not taking it.艾米我说什么都不会用AimeeI'll never take it.他叫罗伊今年八岁His name was Roy. He was eight years old.他酷爱足球He loved soccer.我忘不了他I'm holding onto him.你是怎么跟孩子们说的?What did you tell the kids?什么都没说Nothing.暂时还没说应该让他们知道Yet. - They should know.我的孩子们刚刚逃出地狱杰普德My kids just went through hell, Jepperd.就让我们最后一次一起享受公路旅行吧好吗?Let us have one last road trip together, okay?这是他们应得的They deserve it.说吧需要我做什么Tell me what you need.带孩子们去小屋Just get my kids to that cabin.我要用我剩下的时间确保他们安全I need to spend the time I have left here making sure they're safe.你愿意帮我吗?Would you help me do that?嗯Yeah.我会找到你的”"Hl find you."当时这是我的心里话I meant it when I said that.虽然一开始我不知道老天让我们在一起是有原因的Even if I didn't know at first, there's a reason life brought us together.我们的故事产生交集是有原因的There's a reason why our stories found each other.但我的故事花的时间比较长 这也是有原因的But there's a reason why my story took a little longer.(黄石国家公园)黄石!Yellowstone!欢迎回家孩子Welcome home, kid.就是这里跟我来This is it. Follow me.最后到的人是臭屁Last one there is a stinky fart.什么?比我记忆中小多了It's a lot smaller than I remembered.我很喜欢I love it.-你喜欢? 是的You do? - Yes.你做到了盖斯You did it, Gus.你把我们带到了这里You got us here.是大家一起做到的We did it together.去花♥园 ♥看看Check out the garden.可惜我把它烧了Too bad I set it on fire.你做了什么? 那天我心情不好You did what? -1 was having a bad day.哟拜托你告诉我这里有真正的食物厄尔想吃松果Yo, please tell me there's real food here. Earl tried to eat a pine cone. 那些是Are those.土豆Potatoes.不用吃狗粮了No more kibble.妈妈有蜡笔吗?Mom, do we have any crayons?我们可以搭个树屋吗?求你了 !我们来玩吧!我们想跟你玩我也想但今晚我们有很多事要做rd love to, but we have a lot to do before tonight.嘿谁想玩游戏?Hey, who wants to play a game?-我想-我想我!大家过来!好Everyone, come on! Okay.我想知道I want to know谁能从那边的小溪中打最多水who can gather the most water from that stream over there然后带回来and bring it back.准备好了吗?You ready?预备Set.开始!go!木普Did, uh.告诉你了吗?Jepp tell you?在我的孩子的眼中你就像个摇滚明星You're like a rock star to my kids.你们骑摩托车冲过来的样子The way you all rode in on those motorbikes.不管你说什么他们都会照做They*ll do anything you say.你需要休息吗?Do you need to rest?我会想办法让他们玩累的ril try to tire them out.好的谢谢Yes, thank you.各位Thanks, guys!好了谁最强壮?All right, now who's the strongest?我! 我最强壮!我想看看谁能为今晚的篝火捡到最多的柴火I wanna see who can collect the most wood for our bonfire tonight.到时候我会讲动物军团的故事I'm gonna tell Animal Army stories.各就各位Ready.预备.开始!Set. go!回到家开心吗?Good to be home?嗯Yeah.这里比我离开时更好Actually, it's better than when I left.我的朋友们都在All my friends are here.还有贝琪和艾米And Becky and Aimee.还有你And you.我别无所求了What more could I want?你可以坐爸爸的椅子You can sit in Pubba*s chair if you want.他不会介意的He wouldnrt mind.嗯Yeah.不错Not bad.你好像很担心的样子You look worried.我们安全吗?Are we safe?这种事让大人来操心吧Let the grownups worry about that stuff.杰普我们安全吗?Jepp, are we safe?现在你们比昨天安全You're safer than you were yesterday.那是他的That was his.那些东西对他很有意义That stuff meant something to him.也许对她也是Maybe her too.我不知道I don't know.也许我永远不会知道Maybe 1*11 never know.别把话说死了On the other hand.也许你会知道的Maybe you will.你好理查德Hello, Richard.还记得我吗?You remember me?我想我欠你一个解释I believe I owe you an explanation.我对你说的最后一句话是The last thing I said to you was,“我会找到你的”,Til find you.”结果命运和世界末日不让我找到你And then, welljife and the end of the world had other ideas. 有些疫情是蝙蝠引起的Some pandemics start with bats.这场疫情是狂妄自大引起的This one started with hubris.吉莉安Gillian.你怎么了?What's happened to you?这是这场流感的小小副作用This is a neat little side effect of the flu that's going around.我想你应该听说了I presume you've heard of it.疫情将以前所未见的速度扩散Cases will spread faster than we've ever seen before.到了这个周末将会天下大乱By the end of the week, utter chaos.虽然我多半活不到那个时候了Though itfs very likely I won't live to see it.你是怎么知道的?How do you know that?我是零号♥病人I'm patient zero.你给自己注射了?You injected yourself?我们本来可以让医学发生革命性变革We couldVe revolutionized medicine.凭他们自己绝对撑不到人类实验阶段而你They were never going to get to human trials on their own, and you.你沉浸在自己的小发现中You were obsessed with your own little discovery.他在哪里?Where is he?他还是个婴儿He's just a baby.他们没有拆走监控摄像头米勒博士They didn't take the security cameras, you see, Dr. Miller.而你And you,你送走的恰恰是影响最深远的现代医学发现you just happened to give away the most profound discovery of modern science.所以告诉我他们在哪里?再不说就来不及了So you tell me where they are before it*s too late.我不知道他们去哪儿了 -你能猜到I don't know where they went. - You have an idea.只有两个鸡蛋能够培养出可用的培养菌Only two eggs were able to grow viable cultures.其中一个变成了我体内的东西One of them became what is inside me,另一个变成了遗传♥单♥元系列1and the other became Genetic Unit Series 1.他不是你要找的解药He's not the cure you're looking for.不试试怎么知道?而且我Well, how will we know unless we try?我时日无多了And I am. I am running out of time.你想让我帮你?You want my help?那就把一切都告诉我Then I need to know everything.为什么去阿♥拉♥斯加?Why Alaska?因为他Because of him.詹姆斯塔克船长是我的曾祖父Captain James Thacker was my great-grandfather.他患有一种肌肉退行性疾病He suffered from a muscular degenerative disease塔克家的人都会得这种病that cursed the entire Thacker lineage,包括我自己myself included.他驾船去阿&hearts啦&hearts撕加寻找所谓的不老泉He sailed to Alaska in search of a so-called fountain of youth. 他相信只要找到不老泉他的病就能治愈He believed if he found it he would be cured.但他和他的船员从此杳无音讯But they never heard from him or his crew again.你是去找他You were looking for him.看来我们打开了某种潘多拉盒子Seems that we opened some kind of Pandora's box.我们有责任重新关上它And ifs our responsibility to close it again.这是你我共同的责任Mine as well as yours.那个男孩可能是我们唯一的希望That boy may be our only hope.听我说Listen to me.你跟他不可能过上安稳的日子You will never have a life with him.只要他还活着就会被人追捕He will be hunted for as long as he breathes, 最终他们会通过你找到他and eventually you will lead them to him.你必须告诉我他在哪里You must tell me where he is.这是为了他For his sake.也是为了你And for yours.你说得对You're right.我想我知道他们去哪儿了I think I know where they went.但我会把他交给你But Fil bring him to you.别把理查德牵扯进来You leave Richard out of this.他跟这件事无关He has nothing to do with any of it.明白吗?You understand?你做得对You're doing the right thing.为了我For me.为了他For him.也许是为了全世界Perhaps for the whole world.“我会找到你的”11 find you.”这是我对你说的最后一句话Those were the last three words I said to you.但这句话每天都在我脑海中回响But not a day goes by that they don't play in my head.不断重复Over and over.就像心跳一样like a heartbeat.所以是的So, yeah.我绝对欠你一个解释I definitely owe you an explanation.就算你永远没机会听到Even if you never get it.其实我从来没去找过你The truth is I never went to find you.因为现实就是Because the reality is,I think we just secured our funding.理查德我一直没机会跟你讲我最喜欢的关于死之华乐队的故事I never got the chance to tell you my favorite Grateful Dead story, Richard.我妈怀上我的时候 我父母正在听杰瑞的歌♥My parents were listening to Jerry when they conceived me.一直有人在研究音乐胎教的好处There have been studies about the benefits of music in vitro development.我知道这听起来很荒谬但是It sounds ridiculous, I know, but.我感觉我要对那个心跳负责I felt responsible for that heartbeat.不论这是好事For better.还是坏事or worse.(生物危害我从未想过我能当上母亲然而I never thought that I could be a mother,生活总是让我们出其不意but. life has a way of sneaking up on us.这边This way.来吧走这边Come on. This is the way.你必须马上带盖斯走You need to take Gus now.我不行But I canrt do this.我谁也不是L. I'm nobody.他们不会来找你所以你可以保护盖斯They won't come looking for you, so you can keep Gus safe.你会很安全的You're gonna be safe.我根本不懂照顾婴儿I don't know anything about babies.我也不懂拯救世界I don*t know anything about saving the world.我会找到你的走吧Ill find you. Just go.快走!只要我跟你们在一起你和盖斯就永远不会安全if I'm in the picture, you and Gus will never be safe.作为盖斯的母亲Being Gus's mother,为了保护他不被这个世界伤害keeping him safe from the world.我不能去找他It means I can*t go looking for him.我们都必须做出牺牲We all have to make sacrifices.不管我们是不是活该Whether we deserve it or not.但盖斯应该拥有美好的人生But Gus deserves to have a life.你也是And so do you.即使这意味着我不能和你们一起生活Even if that means I can't be in it.我还是不懂如何拯救世界I still don't know anything about saving the world.但我知道应该去哪里找But I do know where to look.阿♥拉♥斯加Alaska.结束这一切是我的责任It's up to me to end all of this.跟他好好生活Have a life with him.为了我For me.过得越普通越好As normal as life can be, anyway.好好保护他Keep him safe.做个好爸爸And be a dad.这方面你肯定很擅长I bet you'll be good at it.如果你回来赴第二次约会 我已经走了If you ever come back for that second date, Til be gone. 但我希望这盒录音带 能够解释清楚我为什么没去找你But I hope this tape will explain why I didn't find you.也许你能理解Maybe you'll understand.你和盖斯坚持下去You and Gus keep trucking.盯着北门我和马驹负责南门Cover the north entrance, and Pony and I will take the south.完毕Over.我是大棕熊16听到吗?This is Kodiak 16. Do you copy?我是大棕熊16听到吗?This is Kodiak 16. Do you copy?我在I'm here.怎么这么久?What's taking so long?我们像关黄鼠狼一样 把他们困在动物园了We got 'em penned in the zoo like weasels.就等艾伯特露面了我们好一枪崩了他Just waiting for Abbot to show his face so we can light his ass up.真是好消息Music to my ears.当保姆好玩吗?How's babysitting?老虎我找到她了Tiger, I found her.我找到温蒂了I found Wendy.等一下什么?Hold on. What?就是她年龄什么的都吻合It's her. Same age and everything.你在逗我玩吗?Are you shitting me?是啊我也不敢相信I know. I can't believe it either.她是什么反应?What about her?不知道I don't know.我还没告诉她I haven't told her yet. What?什么?你在等什么?What are you waiting for?事情很复杂It's complicated.我对她来说就是个陌生人I mean, I'm a stranger to her.她有很多家人她爱他们She's got this whole family that she loves, 她还有一个妈妈and she's got a mom who's这么说吧现在时机不对Let's just say it's not the best time.她还是个孩子对我一无所知而且She's just a kid, and she doesn't know me at all, and别想了做就是了Stop thinking about it and just do it.怎么做?How?我都忘了有个妹妹是什么感觉了I've forgotten what it's like to have a sister.胡扯Bullshit.你有我You have me.我们经历了那么多事 别再浪费时间了After all we've been through, don*t you waste another second. 好吧Okay.好Okay.她会爱你的She's gonna love you.也会爰我And me.因为我会教她最绝的脏话I'm gonna teach her all the best curse words,我们会痛扁最后的男人and we'll kick the Last Men where it hurts.如果还有剩下的If there are any left.来找我们吧Come find us.沿着铁轨往北走到旧采石场Follow the train tracks north to the old quarry.沿着河走经过以前我们常去看星星的甘菊田Take the river, past the chamomile fields where we used to look up at the stars. 上山找到铁丝网Up the mountain, find the fence.我们在那里面We're in there.我恨不得马上见到她I can't wait to meet her.你们好啊Why, hello there.刚才你说甘菊田是怎么回事?Now, what is this I hear about chamomile fields?你在画什么?What are you drawing?你觉得怎么样?What do you think?哇Wow.你很有才华You're very talented.谢谢我妈妈也这么说Thanks. My mom says so too.你真的为了救盖斯把一个最后的男人的心挖出来了吗?Did you really cut the heart out of a Last Man to save Gus*s life?他这么跟你说的?He told you that?太酷了Thatrs so cool.我恨死最后的男人了I hate the Last Men.那我们就有一个共同点了Well, that's one thing we have in common, then.知道我们还有什么共同点吗?Know what else we have in common?我们都是盖斯的朋友Well, we're both friends with Gus.我们挑朋友很有眼光We have good taste in friends.还有呢?What else?我不确定I'm not sure.我还不够了解你I don't know you well enough yet,但我想了解你but Ird like to.嗯Well.我有一样东西I have something.说出来你肯定不信something you're never going to believe.想听吗?Would you like to hear it?小猪Pigtail.哦抱歉我没I'm sorry. I didn't-没关系我们只是在,No, no, no, it's fine. We were just.嘿乖女儿Hey, baby girl.趁太阳还没下山想去转转吗?You wanna go for a walk before the sun goes down? 我去叫其他人ril get the others.不小猪就你和我好吗?No, Pigtail, just. you and me for now, okay?我觉得我们需要谈谈就我们俩I think we need to talk, just us.抱歉I'm I'm sorry.我很快就回来好吗?PH be right back, okay?我等你Ill be here.她说了什么?What did she say?你知道阿♥拉♥斯加在哪儿吗?Do you know where Alaska is?在很远的地方Far away.问这个干什么?Why?她去了那里It*s where she went.在北边It's way up north.有多远?要睡多少次觉?How far? How many sleeps?-你笑什么?-我在笑你糖果男孩What's so funny? - You are, Sweet Tooth.世界比你想的要大小家伙World's a bigger place than you think, little man.大多了A lot bigger.你无法走路去阿♥拉♥斯加 坐火车也不行You can't walk to Alaska, or take a train.你需要一架飞机一艘船也许还需要几只哈土奇You're gonna need a plane, a boat, maybe some huskies.还要带很多外套那里很冷