Sweet Tooth《鹿角男孩(2021)》第二季第五集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
对于你爰的人When it comes to those you love,为了保护他们 你愿意多么不择手段?what lengths are you willing to go to protect them?嗯那要看世界把你逼到何种程度了Welt it depends on how far the world pushes you.有时候世界会把你逼上绝路Sometimes the world pushes you pretty far.干得不赖TNot too shabby, T.好好享用今晚的烘肉卷吧 这是你应得的Enjoy the meatloaf they're serving tonight,because you earned it.这种事你还想让我&hearts汗♥多久?How long do you expect me to keep doing this?我懂I get it.我知道这不好玩不过你干得很不错I know it ain't fun, but you're doing great work.我帮助最后的男人I help the Last Men.他们帮我找回我的妻子和孩子They help me get my wife and kid back.这是我们的约定That was the deal.得了吧T!Come on now, T!你知道的我一直在催他们寻找路易莎You know I've been pushing them to find Louisa,但你没有想清楚接下来的事but you*re not thinking through what's next.你的孩子是混种人Your kid's a hybrid.他们迟早会追捕它的Theyll come after it sooner or later.他们有胆就试试Ed like to see 'em try.你可以在这里扬名立万You could have a legacy here.你以为我在乎吗?Think I give a shit?我加入之后我的功劳全被你抢去了What are you even doing here?我们听说艾塞克斯动物园有情况We heard there's something going down at Essex Zoo.他们把混种人关在那里They're locking up hybrids there.我们需要抓个最后的男人来确认这条情报结果We just needed a Last Man to confirm our intel,你们来了and here you are.你打算大摇大摆地进城吗?Your plan was to waltz right into the city?你们打不过艾伯特的军队的You're no match for Abbot's army.你会害死人的!You're gonna get people killed!就是要这样!That's the idea!不我是说动物军团No, I mean Animal Army.犀牛、马驹Rhino, Pony.你You.我们是士兵熊We're soldiers, Bear.不我们只是以为自己不得不战斗No, we just thought we had to be.你还没回答你来干什么You never answered why you*re here.我也要去动物园I'm going to the zoo too.他们把混种人关在那里盖斯也在其中Gus is one of the hybrids they're holding. I'm going to get him back.我要去救他别想了我会阻止你Not if I stop you first.我不能让你暴露我们I can't have you blowing our cover.老天Oh, man.还好我及时赶到Good thing I got here when I did.中土正在赶来Uh, Sergeant's on his way.他一定会难以置信的He's not gonna believe this.医生Doctor.一切就绪了吗?Everything in order?是的Yeah.很好Excellent.今天不容有失I can't afford to have any mistakes today.昨晚的晚餐真是愉快What a delightful dinner we had last night.-一定要再来一次-又寸We must do it again. - Oh, yeah.怯场了吗?Stage fright?我一向喜欢跟患者单独谈I. I always preferred one-on-one with my patients不习惯当众讲话over. over giving talks.给你一点建议我通常把听众想象成木偶Let me give you a little advice. I usually think of my audience as puppets, 我只管拉线and then I just pull the strings.懂吗? 懂了Yeah? - Yeah.你听见了吗?Do you hear what I hear?是命运在召唤我们That's destiny calling our names.恭喜艾伯特Congratulations, Abbot.你让自己变得不容忽视You've made yourself impossible to ignore.看来我那趟旅行的消息传到了低地I take it word of my little tour reached the lowlands.那是自然Oh, you know it did.你向来很擅长鼓动听众You've always known how to work a crowd.真是暖心你把我们的小小分歧放在一边It warms my heart to know you*ve managed to put our little differences aside 为你的领地着想and do what's best for your territory.我为你祈祷I prayed for you.你一定是沃斯!Ah! You must be Voss!我一直无缘所以这就是你关押半人马的地方I never had the privilegeSo this is where you keep the Centauri.混种人Hybrids.没错那些外星入侵者Yes, the extraterrestrial invaders.别担心沃斯我的人把他们关起来了Don't worry, Voss. My men have them under lock and key.我原本以为你对半人马的敌意只会激怒他们I thought your hostility towards the Centauri only angered them.但后来我听说你研制出了解药But then I heard about your cure.多亏了我的明星科学家Thanks to my rock-star scientist,我们又向前迈进r一步we are one step closer to passing it.那些不信的人正在大批死去The unbelievers are dying in droves.但我们会忍♥耐 我们会忍♥耐But we will endure. We will endure.对我们会忍♥耐Yeah, we'll endure.我承认我没想到你能引起她的关注PH hand it to ya, I didn't think yourd manage to get her attention.她来了Ah, there she is.像沙漠中的一朵玫瑰Like a rose in the desert.张夫人Mrs. Zhang.将军别这么客气!叫我海伦就行了Oh, General, please! Call me Helen.真高兴终于在你的动物园见到你了So nice to finally meet you in your zoo.谢谢你接受邀请Well, thank you for accepting the invitation,在你跟男爵的战争中抽空前来taking time away from your war with the Baron.小冲突而已算不上战争rd hardly call that little skirmish a war.好了时光催人老Well, I'm not getting any younger.你请我们来不是为了给我们发解药吧?You didn't invite us here to just hand out the cure, did you?女士们先生们Ladies and gentlemen.是时候谈谈我们的未来了It*s time to talk about our future.是时候了It's time.我们拖慢了他的速度我们研究了他的一举一动We've slowed him down. We've studied his every move.这是我们唯一的机会This is our one chance.我们受够了在自己家里做囚犯了We're done being prisoners in our own home.泰迪你有防晒霜吧?你知道该怎么做Teddy, do you have the sunblock? You know what to do.离开狗窝以后我们直奔南门Once we're out of the Kennels, we head for the south gate.我们先要穿过中庭First we have to get through the atrium.盖斯你带领我们穿过那里Gus, we*ll follow your lead through there.真的吗?Really?你确定吗?You're sure about this?-我们准备好了 不We're ready. No.我是说这个This.我相信他I trust him.他是我们的一员He's one of us.大家都加入吗?Is everyone in?你是阿什吗?Are you Ash?是的你是混种人捕手Yep. And you are the hybrid catcher.我得告诉你伙计I gotta tell you, man.太疯狂了那些东西多如牛毛It is crazy how many of those things-马林说你知道我的家人在哪里Marlin said you might know where my family is.你不喜欢聊天对吧?Not exactly a conversationalist, are we?不过也很合理Makes sense, though.独自跟那些东西在一起待久了Spend enough time alone with those things and.如果你知道我的家人在哪里你最好马上告诉我!If you know where my family is, you better tell me right now! 该死伙计!好吧!Shit, man! Okay!这年头很少有人It's a rare thing these days,能得到答案getting answers.这是什么?What the hell is this?节哀顺变伙计Sorry for your loss, man.大块头已经付出了一切The Big Man had given everything.但不知为何他失去的东西更多But somehow, he lost even more.我从小长大的镇子有一座木桥In the town where I grew up, there was a wooden bridge.都快散架了饱受雨水、冰雹和冰雪的侵袭Rickety old thing, and rain, hail, snow ate away at it.我知道总有一天它会垮塌I kind of knew that one day it was going to collapse,但是镇上没有人听小道吉的话but nobody in town listened to little Dougie.不No.桥是政♥府♥建的政♥府♥最清楚 Government built it, government knows best.当它最终垮塌时带走了两条无辜的生命And eventually when it did collapse, it took two innocent men with it. 说来有趣It's a funny thing.只有死了人人们才肯倾听People only start listening once someone dies.我们杰出的辛格医生将描绘Our illustrious Dr. Singh is going to paint a picture我们共同的道路上一座最重要的桥of the most important bridge in our collective paths.医生Doctor.好的Right.如果我说现在听众当中有人染上了疾疫Uh, what if I told you someone in this audience right now那会怎么样?has the Sick?在这个In this, uh.老天Oh God, uh.假设的场景中.hypothetical scenario,到了下个礼拜 末日毒株将杀死在场一半的人the Doomsday strain would kill half the people here by next week.但这些人在死亡前每个人会先将病毒传给But not before those people transmitted the virus另外十多个人to another dozen people each.也就是说一次集♥会♥会直接造成80人死亡Okay, that's 80 deaths resulting directly from one single event.原始病毒杀死了The, um. The original virus killed98%的人口98% of the population.作为医生我亲眼目睹了这一切As a physician, I. I witnessed this firsthand.我们看到的This new strain.这种新毒株We are looking at.99%.,还在快速上升99. and rising fast.它会找到我们It finds us,杀死我们kills us.显然它是不可控制的It clearly can't be contained.那么该死的解药在哪里?So, where is this goddamn cure?嗯事实上Well, the truth is.事实上The truth is.这种解药是我们战胜病毒的唯一方法that the cure is our only way to beat this.但我们拥有的数量不够But we don*t have enough of it.制♥作♥它需要一种It requires a somewhat.不同寻常的原料unconventional ingredient that is-好了谢谢你做得好Now, now. Thank you. Good job.我们不是来披露商业机密的We*re not here to reveal trade secrets.约翰尼!Johnny!这是“常青园”This is Evergreen.是我们战胜疾疫的方法This is how we defeat the Sick.兄弟该你上了Bro, you're up.(牛羊肉狗粮)吃午饭了怪胎们!Lunchtime, freaks! Lu-吃午饭了怪胎们!Lunchtime, freaks!你们又想搞什么鬼?What the hell are you all up to now, huh?什么玩意The shit?吃午饭了怪胎们!Lunchtime, freaks!动手!Now!上帝不!Dear God, no!你们会为此付出代价的Oh, you're all gonna pay for this.在找这个吗?Looking for this?耶!-成功了!Yeah! - We did it!她说什么?What'd she say?我想你能猜出来I think you can guess.来吧伙计们我们走Come on, guys. Let's get out of here.跟着盖斯一个接一个Follow Gus, one by one.我刚入伍时有传闻说It was just a rumor in my early Army days,这个未完工的住♥宅♥开♥发♥项目早已被遗忘 this unfinished housing development long-forgotten.占地21公顷有我们需要的一切Fifty-three lush acres with everything we'll ever need.高达九米的围墙将不速之客挡在墙外Ifs fortified with a 30-foot-high wall to keep all unwanted elements on the other side. 张夫人Mrs. Zhang,沃斯Voss,达奇?Dutch,我可以在常青园为你们安排一个位置I'm offering you a place in Evergreen,每个人还可以带150名精兵强将alongside 150 ofyour best people, each.150?A hundred and fifty?那剩下的人怎么力、?And what about the rest?我很遗憾地告诉你他们已经没救了I hate to break this to you, but it's too late for them.我们要么拯救选定的少数人要么全都倒在疾疫面前Either we save a select few, or we all fall to the Sick.你想让我们选择谁能活下来?You want us to pick and choose who survives?你有没有听好医生的话?Did you pay attention to the good doctor?要么你自己选要么疾疫帮你选Either you choose, or the Sick will choose for you.入场费是多少?What*s the price of entry?如你所见我有基础设施As you can see, I have the infrastructure.我有人员来维护它我有解药I have the personnel to maintain it. I have the cure.但事实是我的资源不足以But the truth is, I don*t have the resources在与世隔绝的情况下将如此大的一座城市维持一年to maintain a city of this magnitude in solitary confinement for up to a year, 需要一年时间对吧医生?which is what it will take. Am I right, Doctor?没错That's correct.张夫人你掌握了大崩溃后的农业技术Mrs. Zhang, you have mastered the art of agriculture in our post-Crumble world.我们绝对不会挨饿We will never know hunger.达奇你有一条河挨着常青园Dutch, you have a river running alongside Evergreen.我们需要淡水We need fresh water.沃斯你有磨坊和太阳能板Voss, you with your mills and your solar panels还有花哨的灯具我们需要电力为园区供电and airy-fairy lights, we need electricity to power this puppy.食物、能源、淡水Food, energy, fresh water.所有人都淹死了方舟成了诺亚的救星All those people drowned, and the Ark became Noah's salvation.常青园就是我们的救星Evergreen is ours.躲起来!Hide!躲起来!快点!躲起来!Hide! Come on! Hide!为了微不足道的资源争吵.squabbling over petty resources.来自公交站那边的边境 小声点It's coming from the bus border. - Keep it down.或者我们可以选择Or we can choose.-谁在那边站岗? 目前没人Who do we have posted there? - No one at the moment.我恳求大家明智地选择-带一队人去I beg of you to choose wisely. - Take a team.别搞出大动静No fuss.今天是将军的大日子我不想惹麻烦I don't want trouble on the generafs big day.人类将成为遥远的记忆Humanity will be nothing more than a distant memory.格里菲斯、斯图尔特格蕾丝、福伊去停车场报到Griffith, Stewart, Grace, Foi, report to the motor pool.边境出事了 -收到马上过去Trouble at the border. - Copy. On my way.泰迪You've been taking credit for everything I've done since I joined up. 你是时候履行约定了Time for you to uphold your end of the deal.好吧我去打几个电♥话♥All right. All right. I'll make some calls.我听说他们有一条可靠的线索Last I heard, they had a promising lead.为了你好我希望是他们I hope for your sake it's them.什么?不What? No, no.不!拜托!拜No, no! Come on! Come on! Come.该死!Goddamn it!搞什What the.你在逗我玩呢You gotta be shittin* me.当世界如此逼你时你会想And when the world pushes you like that, you wonder.你还能恢复正常吗?.can you come back from it?我不怕你I'm not afraid of you.所以是真的So ifs true.辛格医生的小宠物会说话Dr. Singh's little pet can talk.我不是宠物I am not a pet.不你说得对No, you're right.我接受指正I stand corrected.你不是宠物You're not a pet.你看宠物能够学会顺从You see, pets can be taught obedience.你不顺从对吧?You're not obedient, are you?Teddy.泰迪快来Teddy, come on.来吧!泰迪!Come on! Teddy!快点泰迪!Come on, Teddy!带其他人出去Get the others out of here.我会去找你们Ill find you.你看!Look!哩i八、Hey!温蒂我们得赶紧走Wendy. We've gotta go now.是盖斯叫我们走的Gus told us to.有个混种人逃跑了那个鹿孩A hybrid escaped. That deer one.该死!Damn!通过常青园.through Evergreen,将成为让人类再度繁荣昌盛的种子we will be the seeds through which humanity flourishes again.不惜一切代价不择手段Whatever it takes, by any means necessary.我不喜欢你艾伯特I don't like you, Abbot.但不表示你错了That doesn't mean you're wrong.我加入I'm in.半人马已经为你指明了道路The Centauri have shown you the way.感谢常青园我们会忍♥耐Thanks to Evergreen, we will endure.是的我们会忍♥耐Yes, we will endure.张夫人?你怎么说?Mrs. Zhang? What do you say?你们不能这么做You can*t do this.半人马开口说话了The Centauri speaks.不!解药是杀死我们制♥作♥出来的!No! No! The cure is made by killing us!住手!Stop!我想听听它有什么话说I want to hear what it has to say.我爸爸教过我看见人类就躲起来My Pubba taught me. that if I saw a human, I should hide.但我不想再躲了!But I am done hiding!你再也不能伤害我的朋友了You can't hurt any more of my friends.来这里之前我没遇到过和我一样的人直到我遇见温蒂Until I got here, I hadn't met anybody like me, until I met Wendy.她聪明、坚强、善良、勇敢She's smart, strong, kind and brave.她不该死She does not deserve to die.她的弟弟罗伊不该死彼得也不该死!Her brother Roy didn't deserve to die, and Peter didn't deserve to die!原来秘密原料是它们They*re the secret ingredient.不要上当!Oh, don't be deceived!只需要一个小变种人With one of these little mutants,我就能做出足够这里所有人使用的解药I can make enough of the cure for everyone in this room,我不介意付出这样的代价which is a price I don't mind paying.你宁愿牺牲自己的性命拯救这东西吗?Would you rather die to save this thing?你想让我恐惧You tried to scare me.其实你也恐惧But you're scared too.你们的敌人是疾疫不是我们!The Sick is your enemy, not us!让他闭嘴Shut him up.嘿快点!Hey, hey, come on!停车Stop the car.停车!Stop the car!张夫人Mrs. Zhang. Mrs. Zhang.你我都知道没有你我这个计划成功不了Both you and I know I won't be able to pull this off without you. 张夫人!Mrs. Zhang!刚才简直是一场灾难Well, that was a disaster.海伦我知道为了解药杀混种人你不会良心不安Helen. I know you have no qualms in killing hybrids for the cure. 只要你加入达奇和沃斯也会加入If you're in, both Dutch and Voss will follow.说吧你要什么?So what's it going to take?把自己描绘成人类的救世主这是个大胆的举动Painting yourself as a savior to humanity. That is a bold move.有点得意洋洋但这就是你的风格Preening, but that*s your style.One hundred.100我再给你100个常青园的名额111 give you 100 additional spots in Evergreen.我不想要100个名额我想要所有名额I don't want 100 spots. I want all the spots.对我来说世上最重要的是家人Family is the most important thing in the world to me,我有一大家子人and I come with a big family.我必须善待他们你懂的I have to do right by them. You understand.但是没有他们的资源常青园就办不起来Still, without their resources, Evergreen does not happen. 这就是你的计划的致命缺陷And that is your plan's fatal flaw.你要依靠两个极度平庸的男人You are relying on two extremely ordinary men.但他们受我的控制But I have them under control.控制?Control?你连把那个混种人关在笼子里都做不到You couldn't even keep that hybrid in its cage.沃斯和达奇没有这种魄力Voss and Dutch don't have the stomach for this.如果你想要的是他们的资源 我可以帮你搞到手If their resources are what you want, I'll get them for you. 你想说什么?What are you saying?干掉他们就行了We simply eliminate them.哩i八、Hey, hey, hey, hey!把枪放下!Put the guns down!我想做笔交易I want to make a trade.我们看到你发的信♥号♥♥ fWe got your signal. Who am I speaking to?你是谁?一个掌握了艾伯特受到威胁的情报的人Someone who has intel on a threat to Abbot.你得具体一点才行Gonna have to be more specific than that.动物园很快将受到袭击There's gonna be an attack on the zoo very soon袭击者是以