福台高级中学20212022学年第二学期第四次月考试题高三英语命葩人:英诲命邈如本试制分为第I卷和第II卷两部分.泌分150分,考试时间120分钟.考 生芽必地驾清是班坂、姓名、学号。将各案埴写在各题卡上,考试结束后只上 交答起卡。本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择即)两部分.共120分,考试时 间100分钟,第I卷第一部分阅读理解(共20小题:每小题2分,满分4。分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)同波下列短文,从每胞所给的四个选项(A、B. C和D)中.选出最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂AReady to start an exciting new journey and pursue an education in National University of Singapore? Overseas Training Program for senior high school gnwluatcs may be your chancc.Our team is here to walk you through the application process and answer any and all of your questions along the way.Qualifications,The applicant must be a non-Singaporcan citizen holding a foreign passport.Applicants have no criminal record, observe Singaporean govermneni laws.regulations, and respect the customs and habits of the Singaporean people.Applicants should be over 18 years old.Applicants should be physically and mentally healthy.Applicants should be able io communicate in English.Application lime: July 10,2021 to September I 2021Enrollment(入学)Date: September 10,2021.Application Procedure,Applicants should visit the official website (o inquire about the 2021 admission information and fill in the Application Form.Applicants shall name (he application materials according to ihe list* pack the folder and send it to our school and the school will evaluate the admission qualification.Applicants who have passed the admission qualification review will participate in the interview or written test organized by the depanment that you apply for.The qualified candidates will finally receive our admission letter.FeesItemsFull-timeGraduatePmgramsTextbooksInsuranceAccommodatio nCongratulations on ,hc 5th anniversary of GkMMirn>r!I have been a faithful reader GSbalMirmrstartcd.lt is the uniqueadvantages of the newspaper that always * my afYcction.For the one thing, the ulliuCloryounewspaper covers news both at home abroad.lt opens a window for (olearn what is happening in the world.For another, there are sonw stories about how 八benefit famous people succeeded, which is a队区的讪山 10 us,Therefore .一.,,However'、1have a suggestion that (jlobalMirmr carry some articlesRuidudlarge.ding us 101cdm English.If so. i( will have a 卜”嬴 audience of readers.书面表达参考答案Is Physical Exercise Important for l:s?In my school, many students think physical exercise is nol so important as study and that we should make use of all our lime to improve our subjects so that we can get high marks in the college entrance examination.In my opinion, physical exercise plays a vital role in our life, mainly because it could help us keep healthy and fit.For example, regular and frequent exercise boosts our immune system and makes us look and feel beuer.As well as this, ii may bring people mental well-being through reducing pressure and promoting self-confidence.Besides. doing exercise is also a good way to make friends andenrich our leisure time, which contributes to the stability of the society.Let's play sports actively!Fees (per year)$5,000$500$100SingleIXmbl c$1,000$5001. Which of the following will result in disqualificalion?A. Being a Singaporean citizen.B. Having a clean personal record.C. Having a sound body and mind.I) Having a good command of English.2. When can ensure (he applicants an interview opportunity?A. ? high lest score.B. An application Ibrm.C. Overseas studying experience.D. Qualified application documents.3. What * s the tola) annua) cosi for a student hoping to live alone?A. $1,000. B. $6,600.C. S6J(X), D. $5,600.BBom on July I*1.1948. in the small Italian city of Pahni. Roberto Crea was a genius kid.Hc moved to the Netherlands and majored in Biological Chemktry in the University of Leiden.lt was this university that directed his interest in the synihesis(合成)of nucleoiides. (he basic units(ha( are required to build a DNA.At that time, not many researchers studied the combination of genes(基因).but Roberto * s strong chemistry background made a historical invention possible.In 1977, he joined (he Geneniech. Inc.and (he gene synthesis team at City of Hope Medical SchooLThe company funded Dr.Crea * s on-going research on gene synthcsis.Aftcr working day and night, the brilliant individual finally invented a new procedure that improved <hc chemical synthesis of genes.Thanks to his rich knowledge and the joint efforts of the excellent Gcncntcch team, he made use of this discovery to produce the human in$ulin(腴岛素)genes»A and B. Il was his inveniion that allowed Gcnentcch to be labeled as the first producer of human pmtcin.This benefited hundreds of millions of people suffering fn)ni diabetes(糖尿病)all over the world.Ibday Roberto is known as the father of synthetic insulin and almost won the Nobel Prizc.His cfYorts did not stop after discovering (he synthetic insulin: in fact, he was more than driven and tried to make more coniributions lo (he field of biotechnology.His (cam of experts discovered Ziconolide under his teachings and guidance.According (o leading scientists and researchers, this drug is more powerful and effective than morphine(吗啡),and the best pan of this is(ha( it has zero sidc-c fleets.Dr.Roberto Crea has a long list of creditable discoveries and researches that he has achieved in 65 years of his life.He is an inspiration Ibr many individuals whoaim io add value (o humanity with (he help of science.4. Whai may contribute to Roberto* s invention of the human insulin?A. His good luck in his life.B. His curiosity about his study.C. His creative imagination.D. His knowledge of chemistry.5. What do the underlined words " this discovery " in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. A special way of producing human protein.B. A reliable method fbr curing people of diabetes.C. A new procedure ft>r improving the synthesis of genes.【). A simple technique of separating human genes.6. What do we know about Roberto in Paragraph 3?A. He won a Nobel Prize.B. He stuck to his scientific research.C. He discovered morphine with his team.D. He retired after making (he great discover,.7. Which of the following best describes Roberto?A. Enthusiastic and generous.B. Courageous and calm.C. Ambilious and patient.D. Devoted and lalenied.Voters in Colorado narrowly approved an inilialive(ir划).selling the stage for (he return of gray wolves, which were wiped out in this area by the IO4Os.This is the first time that a state has reintroduced an animal like this.The Colorado Parks and Wildlife department will lead the effort(o establish a sustainable population of gray wolves in the western part of (he state* beginning in 2022 or 2023. MThe Southern Rocky Mountains* where there used to be a lo( of them, contain millions of acres of suitable habitat that could support several hundred wolves or more . ” biologists say.However» some say ic* s unwise(o leave the question to voters. u State biologists have previously declined to introduce wolves.Thcre , s a reason that it' s never heen done before. " says Shawn Martini, spokesperson for CoIoradians for Protecting Wildlife, noting (hat most supporters are from urban areas and they don* I have io live alongside the animal , unlike people living in the countryside.Farmers and hunters don' t favor the initiative. either.Farmcrs worry wolves will kill their cattle while hunters worry they will lose elk (鸵鹿)to the pi,edators.On the other hand, according to Jonathan Procior» a conservationist with theDefenders of Wildlife. reintroducing wolves will nrsloru Colorado , s natural balance.They help thin out sick animals, maintaining healthy populations of deer and clk.Thc remains of wolf kills also provide food for M caters of the dead M , including wolverines, eagles, and bears.He also emphasizes the experience of living with wolves in other places, like the Northern Rockies, has shown that wolves are not (he threat ihat people somelimes make ihern out (o be.Ruinlruduclion program biologists promise (o make it a priority to work with people living alongside wolves, providing training and resources to keep the wolves out of the farms in the first placc.And a pn)gram will be funded to pay farmers fbr their lost cattle.8. What can we learn about the Southern R<Kky Mountains from the text?A. They arc heavily populated.B. They were inhabited by wolves.C. They are in the east of Colorado.I). They arc home to small animals.9. Vhai' s Shawn Martini' s opinion about (he return of the gray wolves?A. 1(* s unfair to make it happen by vexing.B. h- s welcomed by urban and rural people.C. State biologists shouldn' t have opposed it.D. The wolves should be put somewhere else.10. What will (he program biologists probably do first?A. Buy more cattle.B. Reach out io the locals.C. Relocate the wolves.I). Clear the site for wolves.11. What can be a suitable (ide for (he text?A. Wolves Are Corning HomeB. No Worries About WolvesC- Always Vote fbr What Is RightD. Wolves Help Local EcosystemI)Could looking through trees be the view k> a greener future? Trees replacing the clear glass in your windows is no< a work of science hction.lt , s happening now.Forest Products laboratory researcher Junyong Zhu together with colleagues from the University of Maryland and University of Colorado has developed a transparent w(xxi nwtcrial that may be the window of tomorrow.Researchers found that transparent wood has the potential to outperform glass currently used in construction in nearly every way.While glass is the most common material used in window construction, it comes with quite a few bad consequences.Heat easily transfers through glass and amounts to higher energy bills when it escapes during cold weather arui pours in when il' s wami.Glass production used for construction also comes with a heavy carbon footprint.Manufiicturing emissions alone are approximately 25.000 metric tons per year, without considering the heavy focHprini of transporting the glass.The innovation was developed using wood from the balsa tree, which is native to South and Central Amcrica/ITic team treated balsa wood co an oxidizing bath, where the wood is kepi in a bleach soluiion at room lemperature to remove (he light-absorbing substance from the stmcture.The wood was (hen peneiraied(注 入)wilh a synthetic polymer called polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). creating a prixluci (hai is virtually transparcnt.So the transparent wood was created, which is far more durable and lighter than glass.Switching to transparent wood could prove to be cosl-cfficicnc as well.Ie is approximately five (imes more thermally efficient than glass, cutting energy costs.I( is made from a sustainable, renewable resource with low carbon emissions.With all of these potential benefits for consumers. manufacturing and the environment, the ease for transparent wood couldn' t he clearer.12. What is the main problem with glass used in window construction?A. It is inefflcieni in Idling heal out.B. It docs not reflect light and heat.C. It causes a high ecological cost. D. It is inconvenient(o transport.13. What docs the underlined pari “ a bleach solution " in Panigraph 4 refer to?A. A liquid to make objects white.B. A process io solve problems.C. A container to store liquids.D. A way to make colors fade.14. What does Paragraph 4 focus on?A. How(o make (hings iransparenl.B. How to produce the new material.C. The benefits of (he wood material.D. The great imponartce of innovation.15. What is the author' s attitude towards transparent wood?A. Skeptical.B. Ambiguous.C. Conservative.D. Appreciative.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两 项为多余选项。Resolving(解决)Conflict in FriendshipsConflict is surely a common problem in life and friendships. Thal* s because there isn* t enough depth to guarantee all the trouble it takes to smooth over the disagrccmcnt.Unfbnunatcly. even when the friendship reaches a deeper level» conflici continues io happen and can break apart a relaiionship.Here are some resolutions.Resolve it the day it happens.One rule my parents follow in their marriage is (hat they don* t go to bed angry with each oiher.They always attempt to resolve ihings the day it happens so that in the mornings it, s a fresh slarl with no past grudge (怨恨).I' vc found I need a short cool down period so that I don * t act in anger.JJ Whatever you do, don' t let things ride for(oo long.18 Sometimes if you sit down and talk things over, you begin(o see where (he other person is coming irom.Rcalizc that everyone has been created differently with various talents, abilities, and personality traits.For example you might be a leader while your friend is more of a follower. You may be frustrated with him or her tor not being very dccisivc.Yct it is imponant to understand (hat each person is unique and needs to be appreciated.Initiate rcsolution.jO Even when you think the other person is wrong it, s not a bad thing to say "I' m sorry if I offended you in that way," If you' re honest and genuine in delivering your words there, s a goixl chance your friend will respond positively.Most importantly.be loving in what you do.Try to focus >n peacefully resolving (he disigrccmcnt.lt is nol a most plcasiint task to resolve conflict in any friendship.四 A. IX)n? t expect too much.B. Try to see from (be other person' s perspeciive.C. Be ihe first person in a fight (o say sorry fbr your pari.D. Many shallow friendships end up being ruined after an argument.E. To say sorry bravely when a conflict breaks out is a better resolution.F. However, it is worth the efforts because it results in a deeper friendship.G. For some, counting (o one hundred before saying anything may be an option.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文掌握其大意,然后从21T0各题所绐的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答超卡上将该项涂黑。When I got to high school at the age of I6» I look art classes for all of my eleclives.I began looking at 21_ and I knew New York City had the bcsl design schools: the 22_ was deciding which one was the best fit for nie.I found FIT was a good fit because il could throw me into my area of 23_ iinmedialely and absorb n>e in the culture of New York City.I* ve always felt like I' II 24_ FIT because I know (he fashion design program is probably 25_ at times, but that is one of the things I love about the fashion industrj.lt* s constantly moving, changing and looking 26_.There, s no time to slow down and think about anything bu( what * s 27_ next.Noc only is fashion an ever 28_ industryt but i( is also an expensive industry.In situationswhere it, s 29to get your words out right, the way you present yourself is a form of 30_.1 like fashion and art in general because I can use ii to reveal things about myself io people who don' ( 31_ me that well and io express my opinions or 32_.Once I got set