国旗下演讲丨健康心理,阳光生活,世界精神卫生日宣讲各位友爱的老师、同学们: Dear teachers and students, 大家上午好! Good morning! 1992年的今日,世卫组织把每年的10月10号定为世界精神卫生日,旨在普及精神卫生学问,消退公众对精神疾病及患者的偏见和卑视。世卫组织表示,全球范围内精神健康已经成为一个被忽视的问题。全球有近10亿人受到不同程度的精神健康问题影响,每8个人中就有一个人精神健康存在问题。 World Health Organization designates 10th October as World Mental Health Day, which aims to raise awareness of mental health and eliminate discrimination against people with mental illness. The WHO says mental health has become a neglected issue worldwide. Around the world, nearly 1 billion people are affected by mental health problems, with 1 in 8 people experiencing these problems. 同学们,你们关注过自己的心理健康吗?你们知道心理疾病的危害吗?在疫情防控期间,不仅是成年人,青少年甚至是儿童都会产生负面心情,比如焦虑、抑郁、恐慌、无助等。面对此类状况,我们可以接受以下方法进行调整: Students, have you ever paid attention to your mental health? Do you know the harm of mental illness? During the epidemic prevention and control, not only adults, but also teenagers and even children may have negative emotions, such as anxiety, depression, panic and helplessness. Faced with these emotions, you can adopt the following methods to self-regulate. 首先,我们可以通过运动健身、谈天倾诉、消遣互动等方式缓解心情;也可以通过正念练习进行缓解,即对脑海里的想法不作任何评判,只关注自己的呼吸,一般5至10分钟就会感觉身心宁静。 First of all, you can relieve your mood by doing exercises or engaging in communication and entertainment activities. It can also be relieved by mindfulness practice, which means you dont judge whats going on in your mind and just focus on your breath only. You will feel calmer in 5 to 10 minutes. 其次,我们可以通过音乐想象法,倾听一段舒缓的音乐,想象自己躺在海边看着潮起潮落、听着海浪拍打的声音,让身体慢慢放松下来。 Secondly, you can listen to a piece of soothing music, just imagining yourself lying on the beach watching the ebb and flow and listening to the sound of the waves, which then may release your emotions and make you feel relaxed. 此外,我们还需要慎重筛选网络信息,克制自身上网的时间,切不行长时间沉迷网络世界而影响身心健康与生活作息,荒废课业,要擅长利用网络带来的便利。 In addition, you should be able to distinguish truth from fiction of online information and make full use of the network. Do remember to control your time spent online and focus on your daily schoolwork. Dont be addicted to the Internet. 最终,我们还可以让正能量充实我们的精神世界,多多阅读或者观看充分呈现中国精神、中国力气、中国担当的作品,让这些宏大的精神强大我们的内心世界,让这些宏大的精神关怀我们筑牢抵抗负面心情的防线,让这些宏大的精神成为我们前进道路的指引方向! Finally, you can enrich your spiritual life with positive energy. By reading literature or watch TV programs, which fully demonstrate the Chinese spirit and spread positive energy, you can strengthen your inner world and build a defence against negative emotions. 同学们,让我们一起保卫健康心灵,让心与健康同行,欢快与成长相伴!我们的演讲到此结束,感谢倾听! Lets guard our healthy hearts. Let the heart and health, happiness and growth go together! This is the end of our speech, thank you for listening!4