The Big Door Prize《大门奖(2023)》第一季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
(摩尔弗,探索你的人生潜力)我不能让好砸烂它I can't let you smash it.谁说我要砸烂它?Who says I was gonna smash it?你不是我肚子狸的蛔虫你不知道我要做什麽You are not in my mind. You don't know what I was gonna do.我也可以问你在店IS做什麽And I could ask you, what are you doing in the store现在是大半夜-好,我原本在工作in the middle of the night? - Okay, okay. I was working.后来我不想回家,所以我只是在这狸鬼溷And then I didn't wanna go home, so I was just hanging out.我决定再玩一次那座机台I decided to try the machine one more time,但我不小心输错社会安全码but I accidentally put in the wrong numbers for my Social而我又抽到同一张卡and I got the same thing, the same card again.于是我再输入一次错误号♥码,用不同数字So I put in the wrong numbers again, different numbers,而且没按压指纹,是用手臂、手肘和脸and I didn't put my fingerprints on it. I put on my arm and my elbow and my face.不管怎麽做,我每次都拿到同一张卡And no matter what I did, every time I got the same thing,表示机台根本不是用大家所想的那些资料which means it isn't even using the things people think it's using.也表示这整个状况更加我不想说神奇但是Which means this whole thing is more, I don't wanna say magical, but, like-你现在有嗑吗?Are you high right now?废话,我当然有Of course. Of course I am.但不表示我说假话切尔可以自己试试看But that doesn't mean it's not true. You can see for yourself.(请输入你的社会安全码)(请按压指纹)(你的人生潜力)和娇之前抽到的一样吗?Is that what you got before? - It's what I am.我就是抽到这张但我想But I did.我想要有妫,所以我17岁时选择生下娇I wanted you, which is why I chose to have you at 17 years old. 娇爸没有帮忙With no help from your dad, 把我赶出家门的父母也没帮忙or from my parents who kicked me out of the house逼得我只能一手抚养姊长大and made me raise you on my own, 我非常高兴我这麽做因为我是个超棒的妈妈which I was damn well happy to do because I was a very good mother. 我的老天爷And sweet fucking hell!你看不出来我们在聊正经事吗?Can't you see we're having a conversation here?你不把那东西关掉我就在你脸上狠狠地跳舞If you don't shut that thing up, I will dance all over your face.妈,做得真好Uh, nice, Mom.我不期待力尔站在我这一边攵尔觉得我是敌人,没关彳系I don't expect you to take my side. You think I'm the enemy. Itfs fine. 我只是不希望我们之间一直是竞争关彳系I just wish it didn't always have to be a competition between us. 我也是So do I.说是这麽说我敢说我玩跳舞机,能把女尔打得落花流水That being said though, I bet I kick your ass on that there game. 我真的很讶异I'm actually surprised.这些人竟花钱买♥♥守门员面罩.these people would spend money on a goalie mask.他们这间房♥子还有很多能改造的地方耶There's a lot they could've been doing to their property.(数学家之家)我不是要批评他们但你看,这草坪的边缘是怎样?I mean, like, not to judge, but come on. The lawn edging?如果他们这麽会算数学-嘿,乔吉欧,你觉得自己很落魄吗?If they're so good at math- - Hey, Giorgio, you think you have it bad? 你看那个Check it out.(唯一彳幸存者之家)“唯一彳幸存者是哪门子潜力?Whoa, "Sole Survivor.'1 What kind of potential is that?最糟的一种潜力搞什麽It's the worst kind of potential. - What the f-嘿,大哥,你是数学家吗?Hey there, friend. You the mathematician?不,兄弟,我是尤里,唯一彳幸存者Nah, man. I'm Urie, the sole survivor.但我不知道会从什麽情况彳幸存下来所以我一直睡在花♥园♥小屋But I don't know what I'm gonna survive, so I've been living in the garden shed 保护我的家人to protect my family.好棒的点子-真聪明What a lovely idea. - Smart.你们想一起喝杯茶吗? 尤里,你真好心You guys wanna have tea with me? - What a delightful offer, Urie.若你们进来跟我喝杯茶我就免费还你面罩PH give you the mask back for free, if you come inside and have tea with me.那真的是乔吉欧的面罩It's really Giorgio's mask,而且小屋看起来能容纳两个人一小达,我们去喝茶吧and it looks like a two-person shed. - Let's have some tea, D.真♥他♥妈♥的-小达,走吧groaning Fuck a duck. - Let's go, D.尤里,你有什麽茶? 洋甘菊茶What kinda tea you got in there, Urie? - Chamomile.洋甘菊茶,啦Chamomile. Hell, yeah.我爱洋甘菊茶-要开趴哪Chamomile, love it. - Now it's a party.对Yeah.好耶Yes!输了吧-哇In your face. - Wow.抱歉,到底谁才是职业舞者?I'm sorry, who was the professional dancer?没错,嗨,我是职业舞者Oh, that's right. Hi, I'm the professional dancer.对-好的,女士Yep, yep.- Okay, ma'am.对珈太嚣张了 是啊Yeah, you're causing a scene. - Yes.少来-娇没事吧?Oh, come on! - You good?女尔的伊琪奶奶假装受伤Your Grizzy is faking an injury.我没有假装I am not faking.而且不是因为那台蠢跳舞机是因为小佩和法利德的婚礼And it's not 'cause of that stupid thing. It's 'cause of Pat and Farid's wedding. 好/尔怎麽不早说?Okay, so why didn't you just say something?女尔为何要逞强玩跳舞Why try to play this game女孩们,我抽到的潜力不是舞者I didn*t get Dancer for my potential, girls.大家很快就会想看我的卡片And it won't be long before people wanna see my card.现在大家只关心这个Thats all people care about now.一旦他们发现我在说谎And once they realize I've been lying.就不会再投给我了they'll never vote for me again.女尔在说什麽?What are you talking about?(你的人生潜力)(鬼魂)雅各还有空白卡吗?Does Jacob have any more of those blank cards?跟妫(说,这狸不是我家和娇家之间Just so you know, this isn't exactly halfway between直线距离的中间点our houses as the crow flies.“直线距离?你真是个天杀的呆头鹅“As the crow flies"? You*re such a freaking dork.我帮女尔的忙,应该是女尔来找我I'm doing you the favor. I feel like you should be coming to me.你家不欢迎我对,这藉口真方便I'm not allowed in your house. - Yeah, how convenient.给妫(Here.谢谢你答应帮我-没什麽Thanks for doing this. - No worries.当然了又寸,交易完要握手.of course, yes, um- this concludes our transaction,那我握完就走哪so I guess I'll be on my way.我也是Me too, as well.不然我们也可以永远站在这个随意挑选的地点Or we could just stand here forever in this random spot.才不是随意挑选这狸和我们两家之间等距It's not random. It's equidistant between our houses, so.其实没有等距Mmm. It actually isn't.但我很高兴和女尔待在这狸But I am very happy to be here with you.因为败知道什麽行不通吗?Because you know what's not working?不在一起Not being together.对,完全行不通No, that's not working at all.状况完全没有因此变好That is definitely not making anything better.我还是好喜欢夕尔I just like you so much still.是啊对Yeah. - Yeah.对Yeah.我最大的梦魇就是失去我爱的人Urie My biggest nightmare is losing someone I love.我不要我老婆待在我身边,以免发生坏事I don't want my wife around me, if something bad's gonna happen. 好,尤里,但不能这样生活Okay, but this is no way to live, Urie.你的妻子只能待在家未里自己解分数算式I mean, your wife is stuck in the house doing fractions by herself.这样不合理It doesn't add up.我们以逻辑思考Think about it logically.若有一颗流星撞上你家如果你真的是唯一俸存者If a meteor was to hit your house, if you're really a sole survivor, 你在小屋会很安全,但你老婆会then you'd be fine out here in your shed, but your wife would be- 她会被太空石头砸扁She would be smashed by a space rock.我的头脑能明白,但是心狸无法接受I understand that with this, but not with this.我每次走出去都觉得要吐了Every time I step outside, I feel like I'm gonna vomit.兄弟,我懂Aw, man, I know.我还在游骑兵队的时候每场重要比赛前都吐I would throw up before big games when I was playing for the Rangers 戴着那个头盔吐in that very helmet right there.我给自己很大的压力因为我当时也活在恐惧中I put so much pressure on myself because I was living in fear too.我觉得自己非得成为曲棍球超级巨星I felt like- I felt like I had to be this hockey superstar因为我有天分,你懂吗?just because I had so much God-given talent, you know?尤里,但事实是这样的But the truth is, Urie- the truth is;我现在知道应该要跟随我的心now I know I should have just followed my heart.我应该飞去义大利这样和卡珊在一起的就是我,不是小达Flown to Italy, so it could be me with Cass, instead of D.但我要跟你说,你会是我的伴郎But I want you to know, you would have been my best man.什麽啦?好,我们What? Okay. Let-我那时候根本没和卡珊在义大利我当时在滑雪度假村工作I wasn't even in Italy with Cass. I was- I was working at a ski resort.真的吗?小达,我不知道这件事Really? I didn't know that, D. - Mm-hmm.对,当时Yeah, that was-哇,那其实是我和卡珊最后一次分隔两地Wow, that was actually the last time that Cass and I were apart. 达哥,那差不多是20年前的事了耶That was, like, 20 years ago, Big D.你20年来都没独♥立♥生活过?You haven't been on your own in 20 years?这.我可以自己做一些事I mean, Pm I can do some things alone.我自己去看电影I go to the movies on my own.为什麽?你为什麽要自己去看电影?Why? Why do you go to the movies on your own?我觉得我可能I guess, in a way, I am.也有点害怕吧a bit afraid too.害怕知道若没有卡珊,我要怎麽过Afraid of finding out what would happen if I didn*t have Cass.我花了很多时间思考她对我的期望I spend so much time thinking about what she wants from me, 而我根本不知道我对自己有何期望I don't even know what I want from myself.看来我们都试图掌控It's like we're all trying to control these things无法掌控的事,对吗?that can't be controlled, right?而非接纳不确定性Instead of embracing the uncertainty.对啊,看看我们这几个胆小鬼Yeah. I mean, look at us, a bunch of best friend scaredy-cats, 坐在这狸喝茶sitting here sipping tea.我们在干嘛啊?What are we doing?-我要开始走出去过我的生活I'm gonna start going back outside, living my life.啦-兄弟,我以你为傲Yeah! - Proud of you, bro.你们今晚想出去玩吗?You guys wanna hang out tonight?我很乐意-我也是I would love to. - Me too.但是我已经答应要去一场魔术秀.but I have.previously committed to going to a m-magic show.这理由好假That sounds fake.的确很假,但不是的,真的有魔术秀It does. But, no. The magic is real.(剧院)(伟大的摩尔弗尼魔术秀今晚盛大登场)哇对啊Wow. -1 know.I'm surprised I found a parking spot.我很讶异我居然找得到停车位太厉害了,伊琪,我想不到有这麽多人来This is incredible, Izzy. I can't believe how many people showed.就像我跟他们说的如果你真的成为魔术师Well, like I told them, if you turn out to be a real magician, 他们或许也会成为卡片上所说的那个人maybe they*ll turn out to be whatever it says on their cards.不用有压力No pressure.好,跟娇说Okay, so. - Mmm.说到卡片Speaking of cards.(舞者)别说我没替娇做什麽don't say I never do anything for you.但娇可以跟我说谢谢攵尔”But you can say, "thank you."-或是“谢了''又或是"嘿,卡珊也尔人真好”Or even "thanks." Or "Hey, Cass, you're so kind."妫;觉得自己人很好吗?看好了You think you're so kind? Watch this.玛莎,来一下Martha! Over here.真的吗?女尔真的带来了? 玛莎,我真的带来了Is it true? Do you really have it? - Mmm. I really have it, Martha.护城河的许可证-终于啊One permit for one moat. - Finally.萝丝会很开心Oh, Rose is gonna be very happy, 尤其是因为她现在正在开挖especially since she's digging as we speak.“魔术”一词首次出现在14世纪末The word Hmagicu first appeared in the late 14th century用来描述一种技艺可以影响他人或预测事件to describe the art of influencing or predicting events;以及利用不为人知的大自然力量来裂造奥妙奇事and producing marvels using hidden natural forces.今晚你们将见证奇事Tonight you will witness the marvels由伟大的摩尔弗尼一手呈现of The Great Morphini!好耶,我超爱魔术,走吧Oh, yeah, I fucking love magic. Let's go.那不是我的卡That is not my card.好吧,神父,你确定自己抽到哪张卡吗?Well, Father, are you sure you know what your card is?先生,抽一张卡Pick a card, sir. - Uh.记住自己抽到的卡,然后放回这叠卡片桂Memorize it, then replace it in the deck.我要你闭上眼睛I want you to close your eyes听着节拍器的声音,放轻髭and relax to the sound of the metronome.-好,回想自己记忆中的一个地方Now, take yourself back to a memory of a place.一个真实地点,一个平静之地A real place. A peaceful place.想到了吗?Do you have it?想到了 -你在哪桂?Yep. - Where are you?我在滑雪I'm skiing.请描述这个地方Please describe it.有很多雪It's snowy.再描述更多细节More descriptive, please.我要你彷彳弗置身该地I need you to really put yourself there.好,对,那桂我在滑雪,有很多雪Okay. Um, yeah. It's, uh- I'm skiing. Its snowy.我差不多20岁Uh, I'm maybe 20 years old.而且我自己一个人And, uh- I'm alone.我当时走错路,在这座You see, I-I've taken the wrong path on this-或者说是爬错坡之类的Or the wrong hill, or whatever you call that.我应该要去新手区,却跑到黑老手区I'm supposed to be on the Beginner, but I'm on the Black Diamond. 所以我开始滑超氏因为那个坡超陡And so I start going real fast, 'cause it's basically like this.我往下急速俯冲,眼前有一座山And I am hurtling so quickly down the face of this mountain.我不知道会发生什麽事And I don't know what's gonna happen,但那一天啊,我真的觉得but it's- God, it feels like, I'm honestly我好像会死掉like I'm gonna- like I'm gonna, like I'm gonna die.但我也觉得充满生命力But I also feel very alive.眼睛请闭好Eyes closed, please.你在哪米里?这座山在哪桂?Where are you? Where is this mountain?在加拿大的英属哥伦比亚省It's in Canada. Uh, British Columbia.确切位置究竟在哪桂? 这地方叫惠斯勒Where? Be specific. - This- This place called Whistler.那你的卡片写什麽?And what was your card?“老师、吹口哨高手” 不是"Teacher/Whistler." - No.你从这叠卡片中抽出来的那张卡Your card. That you picked from the deck.红心四.检查你的口袋Four of hearts. - Check your pocket.黑桃七The seven of spades.也许那是鲁班神父抽到的卡Maybe that was Father Reuben's card.好,现在我要表演最后一个魔术“消失的女人”And now, for my final trick! "The Disappearing Woman." 卡珊卓赫伯Cassandra Hubbard.等我再度打开这副棺材的盖子娜就会消失When I reopen the doors to this coffin, you will be gone!请欢迎我美丽的助手Please welcome my beautiful assistant.他会把棺材转一圈.who will twirl the coffin around让大家看见没有任何不寻常之处just to show you there is nothing out of the ordinary.哈嘴,亲爱的嗨Hello, darling. - Hi.憋住呼吸-好Hold your breath. - Okay.助手,请打开棺材Assistant, please open the coffin!伟大的摩尔弗尼感谢各位前来The Great Morphini thanks you all.也谢谢我们勇敢的志愿者们And thanks to our brave volunteers.其实这场秀还没结束Well, actually, we're not quite done!我要宣布一件事I have an announcement to make.我要卸下鹿原镇长的职务Ell be stepping down as mayor of Deerfield.我良心不安,破坏你们对我的信任I can*t in good conscience continue when I*ve broken your trust 因为我对摩尔弗卡片的事情说谎by lying about my MORPHO card.为什麽我要说谎?(鬼魂)I thought you got ''Dancer." You're a- You're a ghost?娇不是抽到“舞者”吗?妫(抽到“鬼魂?我宁可当鬼I might as well be.最近我在镇上根本是透明人I'm practically invisible in this town these days.而且娇挺吓人的And you are pretty scary.如果姊想交换的话,我其实很想当透明人Well, if you wanna trade, Fd actually love to be invisible.亲爱的,你在我眼中就是个透明人谢谢,好棒的美Well, you're invisible to me, dear. - Oh, thanks. High praise. 我是说我不会跟强森先生说你在这I mean I won*t tell Mr. Johnson you were here.谢谢Thanks.我也不会跟他说女尔想砸烂机台And I won't tell him you were gonna smash the machine, 尤其是因为我们现在得知指纹和社会安全码的事 especially now that we know about the fingerprints and Socials. 别管那些了Oh, forget all that.相信的人会继续相信People who believe will continue to believe, 不相信的人只会藉此证明这是一场骗局and the people who don't will just take this as proof it's a scam.一旦告诉大家机台运作的方式You start telling people that machine doesn't work 并非他们所想the way they think it does,只会裂造更多分歧你也会成为这件事的主角it's only gonna create more of a divide and put you at the center of it. 好了,要是强森先生问起碎玻璃怎麽办?Now, what if Mr. Johnson asks about that broken glass?我就跟他说是被鬼魂打碎的PH tell him a- a ghost did it.说真的,你敢7曳露口风,我就揍扁你Seriously, you say anything, and I will beat your ass.命运来敲门午安Why did I lie?因为我看见一个恶兆Because I saw the writing on the wall.因为我看见镇上居民都非常相信Because I saw the people of this town placing greater trust这座机台的预测in the prognostications of this machine更甚于我这个跛脚老镇长than in their hobbled old mayor,我不怪你们and I don't blame you.其实我很嫉妒你们In fact, I envy you.你们不问这座机台从何而来,就相信了它You believe in this machine without questioning where it came from, 也相信我们的“幻术大♥师♥”强森先生or even Mr. Johnson, our "master illusionist/1他说机台神奇地出现在店狸时自己并不在场when he claims he wasn*t there when it magically appeared in his store.你们没有抱持冷酷的怀疑态度You don't have the coldhearted skepticism要求提供安全证明或任何证据to ask about security tapes or any kind of proof.伊琪,败知道我的监视器没接线Izzy, you know my cameras weren't hooked up.为什麽没错Why- - That's right.但你说雅各当时在店桂But you did say Jacob was there.幸好雅各把这座机台摸得一清二楚And luckily Jacob knows all kinds of things about the machine.他之前跟我说指纹和社会安全码全是骗人的He was telling me that the fingerprints and the Socials are all a scam.你是不是这麽说?Is that what you said?不,等等,好,我当时不是要No, wait, okay, that's not what I was trying to而且雅各能从机台弄到空白卡And Jacob can get blank cards from the machine,所以他很好心地给了我一张since he so kindly provided me with one.好,我没有给娇,我是给翠娜Okay, I didnrt give it to you. I gave it to Trina.我是说,我知道那是要给妁的I