九年级英语教案内容七篇 本学期是整个九年制义务教育的最终一个学期,学生马上面临着中考考验。这是一次真正意义上的选拔考试。迎接好这次中考就成为本学期教学的一个重要工作。因此,在教学中应当帮忙学生理解、汲取、吃透教材,对教材中的学问进展内化,要有肯定的时间作强化训练,通过训练,锁定差距,然后提出弥补差距的可操作性对策措施,千方百计缩小差距,转变尖子生少、中连续层、底子大的现状。对学生分批分层地辅导和催促,让他们实现的成长抱负,实现取得好成绩的愿望。 一、指导思想 深入贯彻教育教学理念。仔细总结教学阅历,努力把学生的英语根本功打扎实,同时还得加强对阅读力量和综合应用力量的培育和指导,使学生在这方面的力量有所提高,力争在今年的中考取得一个抱负的成绩。 二、状况分析 1、学生状况分析 我所教九年级三四班都是35人,上学期英语分109.5,最低分14。从上学期成绩来看尖子生少、中连续层、底子大,参差不齐,给上课带来很大的难度。大局部学生根底差,想学的少,在里面混日子的有很的大一局部,男生居多。他们的学习心情不稳定,也不能坚持不懈,少数几个中间生平常根本能够协作教师的教学,但自觉性和定性缺乏,有些默不出声,课后很少复习功课,上课不留意听讲,问题出来了不动脑筋想,而是急于去想课本上找答案,半天说不出个所以然来,学习方法不敏捷,需要教师的催促才会有所作为;也有个别学生属于不思进取型,积极性和主动性极差,他们或偏科甚至对英语学习毫无兴趣。 2、教材分析 本学年英语教学内容为一册,共15个单元,从上学期完毕已经上完13个单元,剩余2个单元规划在2周内完成教学任务。详细教学内容包括: 词汇:识记、理解、把握书中的全部单词,娴熟应用重点单词和短语,复习初中前四册中的全部单词。 语法:把握8种时态,一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在进展时,过去进展时,现在完成时,过去完成时和过去将来时。了解局部构词法,把握英语的根本句子构造:五种简洁句,并列句,复合句(状语从句及定语从句)。 阅读:主要训练学生依据问题找细节的力量。然后依据不同同学的水平,再分层次阅读文章。在阅读过程中针对长句子(复合句及含有多个从句的复合句)要教给学生分析句子构造的力量。 写作:书面表达是中考中失分的题目,所以对于大多数同学,先落实平常训练,要求学生留意主、谓、宾的根本构造准时态。并多做一些连字成句、连句成篇的训练。培育学生好的书写习惯,如大小写,标点等。 三、教学进度安排 第一周到其次周完九年级全部教学内容;第三到第九周复习七九年级课本根底学问;第十周到第十三周进展详细、专项复习如名词、代词、数词、冠词、形容词副词、动词、句子构造、复合句、交际用语、写作。第九周到第十二周讲解会考指导,第十四周到十六周检测并讲解模拟试题,做到精讲多练,针对常考易错的再总结复习。最终做好考前发动。在复习中注意对学生难点进展突破,稳固重点,强化根底,迎接六月中旬的中考。 四、教学措施 依据学生的状况和班上的实际,本学期采纳以下措施: (1)首先要从思想上扭转学生以往的不良学习习惯和态度,培育学生自觉的学习习惯,动脑的优良习惯,课堂上精讲多练。 (2)依据学生各人的详细状况,要求各自提出明确的学习目标,详细的分数,每次考试后都要进展分析并制定下一次的目标只准前进不许后退,建立错题集,并催促为实现目标切实地刻苦学习。 (3)每堂课肯定留意当堂的学习效果,突出重点难点,务必要求学生把握必需把握的根本的东西,留意检查学生做笔记的状况。 (4)利用课外时间进展培优补差、抓两头,促中间。把学生分成两类,中上学生提高括充学问点,后进生有肯定潜力的,以抓好根底学问为重。缩小两极差异兼顾整体共同进步。 总之,本学期是特别关键和重要的一学期,抓住机遇、仔细实施教学规划,尽一切力气为中考做好预备,争取让学生考出更好的成绩。 九年级英语教案内容精选篇5九年级英语教案内容精选篇7 Teaching aims: 1. Students can master the key words, spring, summer, winter and summer; 2. Students can master the sentence structure ”Which season do you like best?”. 3. Students can use the words and sentence structures in their daily life. 4. Students can have more interest in learning English. Teaching key points and difficult points: Teaching key points: Words: spring summer autumn winter sentence structure: Which season do you like best? Teaching difficult points: Students can use the words and sentence structures in daily life. Teaching procedures: Step1 Warming up 1.greet with the students.2. play and enjoy the Four seasons song and ask students what they hear and then lead in our topic season. Step 2 Presentation and practice 1.the learning of the wordsDraw the picture of spring summer autumn winter” on the blackboard to help students understand the meaning of the words. 2.the learning of the sentence structureShow the videos of the four seasons and tell students my favorite season is summer and I like ice cream and then ask “which season do you like best”? to present the sentence structure. 3.the practice of the sentence structureWork in pairs to ask and answer. 4.Understanding the dialogue 1)show pictures of Mr. Jones, Mike and Wuyifan and ask students to guess what they are talking about and then listen to the tape for the first time to check the answer. 2)listen to the tape for the second time and answer the following questions:Whats the music?Which season does Mike like best and why?Which season does Wuyifan like best and why? 3) Listen to the tape for the third time and read after it and ask students to pay attention to their prounciation and innonation. 5.Practice the dialogueStep 3 Production Four students in a group and ask students to do a survey using the sentence structure about what season their group members like and why. Then ask some representatives to report their survey. Blackboard Design