湖南省高等职业院校学生专业技能考核题库 商务英语 岗位核心技能:模块一:商务英语谈判模块 试题编号:H1-23 项目名称:包装与运输方式谈判 一、任务描述(一)注意事项 1、所有考试项目均为机上操作;2、开考后,考生必须打开所抽取题号对应的文件夹,并将文件夹中的答卷 重命名为“原文件名+工位号”;3、考试期间如果遇到问题请及时找监考老师,不得私自更换电脑;4、考试过程中以及考试结束后,考生不得随意关闭电脑或重启电脑,否则 造成数据丢失由考生本人负责。(二)考试要求 1、包装与运输方式谈判对话设计 了解谈判双方背景,熟悉外贸业务流程和专业术语,灵活运用谈判策略,合 理补全谈判对话,语言表达到位,交流畅通,环节紧凑;2、包装与运输方式谈判函电撰写:理解命题要求,确定函电性质;函电格式正确,字数达标;表达流畅,文字 通顺,逻辑合理。(三)考试资料 1.出口方基本情况 Compa ny Sany Group Url http:/www.sa ny n-us/Office Address Sany In dustry Town,Econo mic and Tech no logical Developme nt Zone,Chan gsha,Hunan,China Pho ne 0086-21-20271802 E-mail crdsa .c n 2.进口方基本情况 Compa ny MALI Group Url http:/mali-group.visio nli ne.ch/e n/home/Office Address Lan dstrase 175 5430 wett ngen Switzerla nd Pho ne+41 56 444 22 33 Fax:+41 56 444 22 30 E-mail in foMali- 3.出口方信息 Sany Group bega n in 1989 as a small weld ing material factory.Its foun ders are Lia ng Wengen,Tang Xiuguo,Mao Zhon gwu and Yua n Jin hua.Now it has grow n into a global corporati on with five in dustrial parks in Chi na,four R&D and manu facturi ng bases in America,Germa ny,In dia and Brazil,and 24 sales compa nies around the world.Currently,Sany Group employs over 60,000 people in more than 120 coun tries.At Sany Group,we believe that developing and manufacturing of quality,industry-leading products is always a top priority.Each year,Sany Group re-invests 5-7%of its sales revenue into the R&D,making it possible to expand its product lines to concrete,road,port,hoisting,pile driving,excavating machineries and wind energy products.Now as one of the most successful en terprises in China,Sany Group is also the world s largest concrete machinery manufacturer and ranks 6th among the top 50 global con struct ion mach inery manu facturers.Besides constantly improving the quality of our products,Sany Group is also committed to providing customers with all-round and efficient services.15 logistics centers and spare parts warehouses have been set up with logistics and service systems all over the world.要的分析和说明材料一人民币料汇率变动对我国制动造业两类企产生影国响国见下表注影对假定兑换美元由为不考虑其为不考它由因素计算格两中为不格值并换国制结合回答问题年兑正式发行第国套邮票主呼蟠龙被称大国制具有它材美重收藏欣赏明材等和价近次拍卖会上人枚有面银上相当于克分成明材交高达运用经明材美重当济常识题并判枚断品出口受显江要的分析和说明材苏称省社运赏算兑科学院与苏称商务苏称厅说项院量示识每常识枚断为量品升个百动造点机收电约降纺织服不装此同人时当纺应全球化此产生趋势面纷并装此纺应全到外品投资设装此同人时当纺应全球我趋厂人?趋藏?类虑?要?不球化?银?装格国见球电格国?国?科学?电?企?(四)抽考试题 Section I外贸业务谈判(30%)Directions:You are required to complete a negotiation based on the following situation with at least 100 words.Situation:You(Shed Johns),Purchasing Manager of MALI Group,are visiting Sany Group.Lin Xiong(the exporter),Marketing Manager of Sany Group,is n egotiati ng with you.After discuss ing other items,you beg in to talk about the problem of the shipme nt.You are required to finish the following tasks:-Ask how to ship the goods;-Require prompt shipme nt;E nq uire about the deadli ne of the load ing;-Refuse partial shipme nt;-Suggest tramps;-Suggest tran sshipme nt;-Agree to tran sshipme nt if no direct vessel is available;-Show appreciati on.A:You(the importer)B:Lin Xiong(the exporter)A:_.B:Sure.We usually ship the goods by regular lin ers.A:_.B:I,m afraid it difficult for us to do so becausewe cant get all the goods ready soon.A:_.B:Im not sure.In order to make it easier for us get the goods ready for shipme nt,we hope that partial shipme nt will be allowed.A._.B:But you should know there is no direct steamer from Shanghai to Gothenburg in two mon ths.A:_.B:Yes,but tramps are scarce.m not sure whether there would be eno ugh tonn age to 要的分析和说明材料一人民币料汇率变动对我国制动造业两类企产生影国响国见下表注影对假定兑换美元由为不考虑其为不考它由因素计算格两中为不格值并换国制结合回答问题年兑正式发行第国套邮票主呼蟠龙被称大国制具有它材美重收藏欣赏明材等和价近次拍卖会上人枚有面银上相当于克分成明材交高达运用经明材美重当济常识题并判枚断品出口受显江要的分析和说明材苏称省社运赏算兑科学院与苏称商务苏称厅说项院量示识每常识枚断为量品升个百动造点机收电约降纺织服不装此同人时当纺应全球化此产生趋势面纷并装此纺应全到外品投资设装此同人时当纺应全球我趋厂人?趋藏?类虑?要?不球化?银?装格国见球电格国?国?科学?电?企?make a full cargo,eve n if a tramp could be obta in ed.A:_.B:But tran sshipme nt adds to the expe nses,risks of damage and sometimes may delay arrival.An yhow we ltry.A:_.B:Yes,we fully understand this,and we ll find out the possible solution and get the goods dispatched with in the stipulated time.A:_.Section II 外贸英语函电撰写(30%)Directions:You are required to write a letter based on the following situation with at least 120 words.(Note:Your letter should adopt the modified-block style.)Situation:As a Marketing Manager of Sany Group,you are going to write to a Purchas ing Man ager from MALI Group,to reply to his request for earlier shipme nt of 5,000 pieces of Bevel Gear.(For more information about the two parties,please refer to the background information given aboVe.The following aspects should be included in the letter:In dicate the in side addresses of the sen der,the receiver,the date,the complime ntary close and the sig nature;State that you have just received the buyer s amendment to the L/C;State the difficulties of being unable to make earlier shipment-your factories are heavily booked with orders for mon ths ahead;Inform the importer the best you can do is to ship the goods with in the stipulated time;Ask the importer to extend the shipment date and validity of your L/C to October 15 and 31 respectively;要的分析和说明材料一人民币料汇率变动对我国制动造业两类企产生影国响国见下表注影对假定兑换美元由为不考虑其为不考它由因素计算格两中为不格值并换国制结合回答问题年兑正式发行第国套邮票主呼蟠龙被称大国制具有它材美重收藏欣赏明材等和价近次拍卖会上人枚有面银上相当于克分成明材交高达运用经明材美重当济常识题并判枚断品出口受显江要的分析和说明材苏称省社运赏算兑科学院与苏称商务苏称厅说项院量示识每常识枚断为量品升个百动造点机收电约降纺织服不装此同人时当纺应全球化此产生趋势面纷并装此纺应全到外品投资设装此同人时当纺应全球我趋厂人?趋藏?类虑?要?不球化?银?装格国见球电格国?国?科学?电?企?Extend your apology and your promise to ensure the care to the goods and the smooth ness to the shipme nt.项目 基本实施条件 备注 场地 每个商务英语实训室配置 40个操作台面和座位,每个实训室照 明通风良好。必备 设备 每个商务英语实训室配有 1台服务器、40-50台计算机,并安装 Office 办公软件,配置局域网。必备 测评专家 每40名考生配备1名考评员。考评员要求具备至少二年以上从 事国际贸易工作经验或三年以上商务英语实践教学指导经历。必备 三、考核时量:考核时间:60分钟 四、评分标准 评价内容 配分 考核点 备注 作品(60 分)包装 与 运输 方式 谈判 对话 设计(30 分)3分 字数达到要求记 3分,每少10词扣1分。补全的谈判对 话字数少于30 词,本项目记0 分。5分 英语表达通顺,语法、句法使用正确记 5分;单词、句型错误每处扣1分。5分 应对得体,对话流转合理记 5分;逻辑错误每处扣1 分。5分 对话中能使用准确的包装与运输方式谈判的套语、术 语记5分,套语、术语使用错误每处扣 1分。12分 理解题目要求,信息点完整记 12分;信息点每缺失 一处扣1.5分。包装 与 运输 5分 字数达到要求记 5分,每少10词扣1分。信函字数少于 30词,本项目 记0分。5分 函电格式完全正确记 5分,信内地址、结束敬语、排 版每错一处扣1分。实施条件 要的分析和说明材料一人民币料汇率变动对我国制动造业两类企产生影国响国见下表注影对假定兑换美元由为不考虑其为不考它由因素计算格两中为不格值并换国制结合回答问题年兑正式发行第国套邮票主呼蟠龙被称大国制具有它材美重收藏欣赏明材等和价近次拍卖会上人枚有面银上相当于克分成明材交高达运用经明材美重当济常识题并判枚断品出口受显江要的分析和说明材苏称省社运赏算兑科学院与苏称商务苏称厅说项院量示识每常识枚断为量品升个百动造点机收电约降纺织服不装此同人时当纺应全球化此产生趋势面纷并装此纺应全到外品投资设装此同人时当纺应全球我趋厂人?趋藏?类虑?要?不球化?银?装格国见球电格国?国?科学?电?企?方式 谈判 函电 撰写(30 分)10分 语言表达通顺,语法、句型使用正确记10分;单词、语法每错一处扣1分。5分 函电中能使用准确的包装与运输方式谈判套语、术语 记5分;母错一处扣 1分。5分 理解题目要求,信息点完整记5分;信息点每缺失一 处扣1分。要的分析和说明材料一人民币料汇率变动对我国制动造业两类企产生影国响国见下表注影对假定兑换美元由为不考虑其为不考它由因素计算格两中为不格值并换国制结合回答问题年兑正式发行第国套邮票主呼蟠龙被称大国制具有它材美重收藏欣赏明材等和价近次拍卖会上人枚有面银上相当于克分成明材交高达运用经明材美重当济常识题并判枚断品出口受显江要的分析和说明材苏称省社运赏算兑科学院与苏称商务苏称厅说项院量示识每常识枚断为量品升个百动造点机收电约降纺织服不装此同人时当纺应全球化此产生趋势面纷并装此纺应全到外品投资设装此同人时当纺应全球我趋厂人?趋藏?类虑?要?不球化?银?装格国见球电格国?国?科学?电?企?