名人传记之乔布斯遗失的访谈64:找回生活的意义and a lot of people have set off to find out what that was,许多人想找回生活的意义you know whether it's the road or the Indian mystics, whatever it might be,有人去流浪,有人在印度神秘仪式里寻找答案and the hippie movement got a little bit like that, they want to find out what that was about,嬉皮土运动大概就是这样,他们想寻找生活的真相and life wasn't about what they saw their parents doing,生活不应该是父母过的那样and of course the pendulum swung too far the other way, that was too crazy.当然,后来运动变得太极端了but there was a germ of something there, and it's the same thing that causes people to want to be poets instead of bankers,但是他们的出发点是可贵的,正是因为这种精神,有人宁愿当诗人也不愿做银行家and I think that's a wonderful thing. And I think that same spirit can be put into products,我很欣赏这种精神,我想把这种精神溶入产品里and these products can be manufactured and given to people, they can sense that spirit.只要用户使用产品,就能感受到这种精神If you talk to the people who use the Macintosh, they love it,Macintosh的用户真心喜欢我们的产品you don't hear people loving products very often,在此之前,你很少听人说真心喜欢商业产品 you know, really, but you can feel it in there, there were something really wonderful there,但你可以从Macintosh感受到某种奇妙的东西So I don't think that most of those really best people that I had worked with,我觉得优秀的同事都不是为了计算机而工作had worked with computers for the sake of working with computers, they work with computers because they are the medium that is best capable of transmitting some feelings that you have.而是因为计算机是传达某种情感的最佳媒介You want to share with other people, does that make any sense to you?他们渴望分享,你理解吗?Oh yeah.当然And before they invented these things all of these people would have done other things,如果没有计算机,我们可能会从事其他行业but computers were invented and they did come along, all these people did get interested in school or before school,是计算机让我们这些从小接触它的人走到了一起and say "hey this is the medium that I think I can really say something in".计算机就是我传达情感的媒介In 1996, a year after this interview, Steve Jobs sold NeXT to Apple.采访结束一年后(1996年),Steve将NeXT出售给苹果He then took control of his old company at a time when it was 90 days from bankruptcy,在苹果即将破产之际,乔布斯重新掌管了公司 what followed was a corporate renaissance unparalleled in American business history,随后展开了美国商业史上绝无仅有的拯救行动with innovative products like iMac, iPod, iTunes, iPhone, iPad and Apple Stores,随着 iMac、iPod、iTunes、iPhone、iPad、Apple Store 等创新产品的陆续推出Jobs turned an almost bankrupt Apple into the most valuable company in America.乔布斯将一家濒临破产的企业改造成全美最有价值的公司As he said in this interview, he took the best and spread it around "so that everybody grows up with better things".正如他在采访中所言,他追求极致,分享给同类,这样人类才能共同进步.